Articles by Michael Emero
Michael Emero ·
Why Questioning the Rationality of Capitalist Nationalism is Essential for Humanity's Continued Evolution (and Existence)
Michael Emero ·
Just imagine living in an America that has the policies Bernie & Co. are pushing for. Poverty will be virtually eliminated. Medical and Student Debt Relief will be huge burdens lifted; Medicare for All and Tuition-Free College ensure...
Michael Emero ·
There are two ways to look at an election in America, particularly during the primary season.
One is the idea that choosing a candidate is about preference. It's about who you can identify with, who seems to have the "best chance of...
Michael Emero ·
Turn on the TV, open a social media feed, and what do you find? Scandals in the Ukraine, with arguments over whose dirty hands are more at fault. Outrage over celebrities chumming up to "rehabilitated," unprosecuted war criminals...
Michael Emero ·
This country is held together by lies. Our state religion is indoctrinated to us all as children until we can no longer use logic or rationality properly. We are schooled that we're superior to other countries for our Democracy and...
Michael Emero ·
We need to build a national anti-war campaign. The establishment's propaganda machine is working overtime filling all of our heads with this governmental soap opera drama, maintaining our own perpetually orchestrated division. No...
Michael Emero ·
Has anyone seen the new E-Trade commercials running, which sum up the problem with modern America?
They show some frustrated grunt workers, being scorned and scoffed at by rich assholes in superior positions. They end with a tag-line...
Michael Emero ·
You may have heard of the Religious Right, yet the Left is just as religious. Both faithfully do worship- not Christianity, however, but today's Cult of Profits. 'Representatives' serve that, not us. Their tiny governmental salary is a...
Michael Emero ·
We The People, in general, are a divided people. Pick any topic or issue, and there is bound to be some heated version of "Us and Them"- if not outright conflict over it. We seem to excel at creating staunch support bases for even the...
Michael Emero ·
The Democratic Party is, ironically, still certain that using insincere public relations strategies can solve growing public distrust/disgust of their political elite con-men. Their neoliberal methodology for appealing to voters with...
Michael Emero ·
What does it mean to be American? Citizenship, one may think, but the media and court of public opinion would disagree. True patriotism gets interpreted by some as angrily defending (with a religious fervor) statist symbolism and...
Michael Emero ·
Putting America's greatest threats in truthful perspective.
Michael Emero ·
Imagine a world where instead of eternally fighting each other in defense of our various cliques, cults, colors, creeds or groups, we began first defending all humans and the planet against our common threats: corruption, war, poverty...
Michael Emero ·
Doing the 'right thing' in life is super important. Miss a few car payments at eighteen, and those rates will jump. Overdraft by two dollars, a barely-working monthly budget becomes screwed by bank fees. Drive your car without affording...
Michael Emero ·
Understanding and confronting the modern norm of death by duplicitous politicking.
Michael Emero ·
It's been said that the original computers are our brains. But what if that's more than a metaphor? What if I told you we could use that analogy as insight, and escape mental slavery by fighting our ignorance? True, you don't actually...
Michael Emero ·
Civilization is really just the organization of humankind coalescing and maturing. Our contrasting ideas produce positive collaboration when peacefully harmonized- artistically, culturally, and scientifically. Unfortunately, our modern...
Michael Emero ·
While skepticism in human nature today seems absolutely warranted, the reality is most people in the world are quite peaceful. Consciously or unconsciously, the vast majority of humankind believes in some form of "live and let live"...
Michael Emero ·
Humility, acceptance of constructive criticism, always being open to the possibility of differing perspectives and superior new information- these are critical attributes when defining humanity's intellect. Without them, we'd all cease...
Michael Emero ·
What makes someone a terrorist? Someone who has an inclination toward violence to get their way. Someone who can't be reasoned with using logic or facts. They will not or cannot see any other view but their own- typically some...
Michael Emero ·
True democracy is a nation of Independent voters. Allegiance to any one political party is putting part of our identities into other people's hands. Selecting our best qualified representatives has been reduced to just another team...
Michael Emero ·
"Capitalism is Evil!"
"No, socialism is Evil!"
"You must love oligarchy!"
"You must love communism!"
Sound familiar? That's what passes for "debate" these days- beating each other over the head with divisive labels and any extreme...
Michael Emero ·
The most important truth for anyone to understand today is this: Without limits and oversight, Capitalism is Sociopathy. When used as a tool in carefully monitored ethical and humane boundaries, it can indeed be a positive driving force...
Michael Emero ·
Now that the Democrats have (s)elected their latest unrepentant Clinton lackey and protoge of Neoliberal corporatism for the spot of DNC Chair-- in a secretive unrecorded vote, no less, to avoid any inconvenient individual...
Michael Emero ·
The following piece is a work of satire*. The fact that it is nearly indistinguishable from some folk’s disturbing view of reality is, I think, an apt commentary on our citizenry’s terrifyingly vast depths of ignorance. (*No religions...
Michael Emero ·
Everything we do in life serves as an example to someone, whether anyone involved is even consciously aware of it. Whatever these people (be it ourselves, co-workers, kids, family, even strangers) perceive as our mentality and motives...
Michael Emero ·
In mid-November of 2016, I was a Water Protector at Standing Rock. At first my goal was to play investigative journalist; documenting then writing about every detail for my article readers and online followers. However, by the time I...
Michael Emero ·
Want to be able to breath throughout this coming decade? Are you against the for-profit tax-funded constant wars, drone strikes, and bloated military industrial complex? Maybe even demanding some provably fair elections, ending the...
Michael Emero ·
We live in a toxic society filled with toxic people. Even the ones with the best hearts- including ourselves- have been raised in ignorance, with disinformation. Our examples of happiness are fake, sponsored, and used to sell products...
Michael Emero ·
Humans are fascinating creatures. Our brains are wired to solve puzzles, so we see them everywhere. In the news, in our relationships, in movies and foreign policy- we take the information presented, sift it all through our own...
Michael Emero ·
There's a meme going around that says "My religion is kindness; I'm basically against anything that harms the planet or the people on it." Another one points out, "If your religion requires you to hate someone, you need a new...
Michael Emero ·
I've been seeing a lot of people convinced that the DNC and all establishment Democrats are total idiots. How could they not be, when they sabotaged an easy win (Bernie) to prop up a hated, warmongering millionaire corporitist...
Michael Emero ·
Being truly happy isn't some gift or new toy you're given (though many people confuse the two). It's not the moment all your perceived negatives are resolved, nor a state of perpetually chasing fading thrills. Like anything in life...
Michael Emero ·
If you want to explain the political landscape of this country to anyone unfamiliar- be it a foreigner or the youth- simply explain it as our national religion. Because that's what it actually is.
Michael Emero ·
Obama is a great actor and speech-giver, but his war policies reflect those of Bush, and his economic policies are straight neoliberal Clintonesque. Buying into the thrill of having the first black president, or thinking he's cool...
Michael Emero ·
A government of pure social democracy is vilified and continually cast as an evil (ie, Red scaring) simply because it would reverse the current economic inequality model- empowering and caring for the poor without making their...
Michael Emero ·
2016 showed that America's politics are a corrupt game for the rich and powerful at the expense of the poor and powerless. In my view, that proven fact takes immediate precedence over any other issue, including endless debate about...
Michael Emero ·
I recently posted this, my latest article, up on a Reddit sub. One individual, playing the role of governmental apologist, responded to my writing- "They may
Michael Emero ·
You may have heard that there is talk of a crackdown on "fake" news. Before a bankrolled bureaucrat starts filtering the media according to what they find personally acceptable, I feel it's my ethical responsibility to outline our true...
Michael Emero ·
The decision is yours today; would you like all the facts first?
Michael Emero ·
"Nip the shoots of arbitrary power in the bud, is the only maxim which can ever preserve the liberties of any people." / "Posterity: you will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make...
Michael Emero ·
This election year has been absolutely unprecidented, even for people who have no real interest in politics. The television tells us that one of the two most untrusted, disliked candidates in living memory will become our next...
Michael Emero ·
Let's all take a moment to clear our aching, overstuffed heads. Empty your mind of every piece of political rhetoric you've heard for one moment. Now please, for the sake of human lives everywhere, give serious consideration to the...
Michael Emero ·
There was once an old blind man who lived high atop a mountain. He was named a Shaman by the busy village below- as much for his great wisdom as for the uncanny way he could navigate without sight, even to and from his own home without...
Michael Emero ·
You're probably saying, "Well, no- CTR may be immoral, evil censorship, but certainly not domestic terrorism." And in a relatively balanced environment, or if one looks only at the current details without any historical context, I...
Michael Emero ·
Since you won't see it anywhere in mainstream channels... are you ready for some too-real-for-print headlines and no-bull actual reporting?
Michael Emero ·
Edward Snowden fled the country and risked his own life to expose our government's Orwellian spying and constant, widespread privacy violations. He revealed to the world that nearly every major telecom, corporation, and method of...
Michael Emero ·
Okay, apologies for the length, but bear with me on this. It's time for the masses to receive some truthful perspective instead of just the usual sponsored fear and hopelessness.
Michael Emero ·
It's time to shine the harsh light of truth on the players and policies in our farce of "politics" and this "election" year. It's time to re-evaluate what this group is really about, and what direction it takes in the future. It's...
Michael Emero ·
We deserve real representation, accountability and justice - not just taxes and wage slavery within an oligarchic for-profit warmongering police state.
Michael Emero ·
I want you all to take a deep breath with me now. Seriously. Ready? Gently breathe in... fill your lungs... now slowly fully exhale out. Then say it with me: This revolution is just beginning.
Michael Emero ·
What happened in Orlando was a tragedy. My heart breaks for the lives taken, and those left behind filled with pain and only questions. But even though it may be considered politically incorrect by some to mention, that number is an...
Michael Emero ·
The time for status quo shortsightedness, superficiality, and consumerist distraction has passed- and your permission is not required.
Michael Emero ·
This landmark election cycle has been narrated seemingly ad nauseam in the corporate media world - but could there be even more monumental trends to this story than meets the mainstream eye?
Michael Emero ·
"A society that gets rid of all its troublemakers goes downhill." - Robert A. Heinlein
Michael Emero ·
You've got the bumper sticker, you're in the Facebook groups, maybe you've even voted already. What if I told you, that's just the beginning?
Michael Emero ·
Have you seen the article going around, with the headline "Will some Democrats refuse to rally behind their nominee?"
Michael Emero ·
If you think every election, every candidate, and every campaign is the same... you might have to think again.
Michael Emero ·
In this topsy-turvy anti-establishment election year, is there really hope for old-school big-tent party revival?
Michael Emero ·
While everyone is overly focused on distractionist drama and election results, America's real victories are being won without media fanfare. The political landscape is changing- and the establishment doesn't want you to notice.
Michael Emero ·
Have you heard this thing going around, saying there's been some sort of shift in humanity? Some have even named it, calling it "The Awakening". But I never take anyone at their word. I'll accept the given information as a placeholder...
Michael Emero ·
A very personal, frank overview of my life and logic leading to dedicated political activist involvement.