Jun 8, 2016

Hillary Clinton: a True Pioneer of Historical Firsts

This landmark election cycle has been narrated seemingly ad nauseam in the corporate media world - but could there be even more monumental trends to this story than meets the mainstream eye?
By Michael Emero / filmsforaction.org
Hillary Clinton: a True Pioneer of Historical Firsts

One of Hillary's lines is that her presidency would be a first for women, so thus a good thing. That is undeniably true... in concept. But while we're conquering new ground, why stop there? Momentarily setting aside the standard public rah-rah rhetoric to focus just on factual events and policy,  there's a positively dizzying array of important notations to wow future Pol-Sci majors.

Here's just a few examples.

A Hillary presidency would be the first time someone currently under federal investigation got elected. It would be the first time that over a trillion dollars were funneled from Wall Street, private sectors, and banks to ensure that happened- while Armani-wearing Clinton claims to understand and empathize with the poor. It would be the first time a president was elected while having an (increasingly) record negative likeability / approval / trust factor. It would be the first time the country was, frankly, misinformed enough to buy that the five-home-owning lifelong poster girl for unethical, self-serving Wal-Mart-esque corporate capitalism could somehow be the solution for our Great Depression style poverty and wealth inequality. As far as I know, it would be the first time someone who had such a documented strong hand in creating our problems successfully somehow convinced people through media propaganda, opponent censoring, double-talk, superficial policy jumping, electioneering, and blatant pandering that they could and would 'get tough' with their own current sponsors and benefactors.

It will be the first time that voting locations have been so drastically cut, moved, mismanaged, and actively turned away thousands while voter turnout hit record highs. It's a first to have a superpac mass mail voter surrogate forms to elderly Democratic voters months before elections, plying votes via name recognition and sponsored media ignorance (coupled with a 'personal' letter from Bill). I'm pretty sure it's the first time that exit polls were completely cancelled after results were continually proving significant fraud by even national standards- and just before California, to boot. It will be the first time that there is an overwhelming correlation of support by the least motivated / least informed, while enthusiastic fact-checking and internet-savvy voters hold rallies for her opponent by the tens of thousands. It will be the first time that incentivized Superdelegates actively defy the voters they represent, often going against their constituency en masse to ensure an undemocratic selection of the 'Democratic' candidate- all for personal, financial, and political career reasons.

If a Hillary presidency happens, it will be the first time that the establishment has blatantly attempted to force the increasingly informed populace into actively choosing to give up on America and all it once stood for, demanding we accept undeniably unfair oligarchic rule; accept their profit and agenda based regime-change war games at our expense; accept a justice and societal system of rich privilege and contempt for the poor they create, manipulate, and view as a disposable resource; accept surrender of more and more of our rights in the name of corporate 'progress'; accept our collective ongoing / worsening economic slavery without representation; accept the legally sanctified pillage and destruction of the very planet we live on, through fracking and Big Oil... I could go on. Is that the path our country is prepared to go down? Because that's where Hillary and the Democratic "party unity" narrative gets us. More of the worsening status quo that benefits the immoral elite at the expense of the majority populace. Interestingly, millions of Americans are actually already united- as ethical patriots against a broken government and rigged system that demands allegiance and taxes while no longer in any discernible way representing, protecting or supporting us.

Some of us prefer different firsts. Like, an honest politician. A president that understands and genuinely cares about the people he represents. Accountability and transparency in government. Putting public moral imperatives before personal agendas of greed. Economic priorities that involve actually helping, not just killing, subjugating or incarcerating people. These are basic, reasonable things that represent the best of who we are as both Americans and human citizens of the world, yet are simply no longer practiced by those in power. Purposely hidden under all the orchestrated economic desperation, false scandals and consumerist distractions corporate sponsorship can buy, that disturbing incongruency is both the cause of our issues, and the warning light of our failing democracy. Even former president Jimmy Carter has publicly announced, "America has no functioning democracy." The growing populace rejection of those responsible, and unwavering support of the one civil servant brave enough to expose and challenge it all is simply rational, logical self-preservation and justice in a country starved for it.

Sometimes the most important, but often overlooked accomplishment is taking the first step in a tough but essential path. Our kids, planet and country deserve a future to believe in. We deserve integrity, respect, and actual representation in our highest office. So with respect, I conclude and submit that it is not the ‪#‎BernieOrBust‬ crowd that needs a reality check. It's everyone who isn't that needs to wake the hell up.

Media & War   Politics
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