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The Future Is Local: Bioregioning 101
The past century has been marked by the rise of globalization in every sense of the word - through production, culture, agriculture, consumption and more. This trend has brought great wealth and opportunities to many people - but what have we lost and forgotten through this...
Human and Planetary Health: Ecosystem Regeneration | Daniel Wahl
In this perceptive and radical talk, Daniel Wahl PhD observes that we are standing at the dawn of the planetary era. 
Closer to Home: Voices of Hope in a Time of Crisis
This 35-minute film is a united call for a new economy, delivered by those who have committed their lives to working for systemic change. 
Water is Love
Watch online by donation, June 6-9: 
The Outdoor Classroom: How to Bring a Permaculture Garden to Your School
This Afristar ( produced educational documentary offers step-by-step instructions on how to establish a permaculture garden at a school. 
Inspiring Couple Build the Sustainable Home of Their Dreams (From Start to Finish)
'Strawbale Dream Home' follows the building of a beautiful eco home by wonderful owner builders Adam and Sian in Victoria, Australia. 
Are These The Seeds of a Solarpunk Future?
From ancient civilizations to modern innovations, humanity has always relied on nature's gifts. Today we’ll be exploring the dynamic potential of kelp, bamboo, and hemp in sowing the seeds of a solarpunk future.
What can one person do? What can a group of people do? What do we want to leave behind? In the film "Imprint" we visit 13 projects in 13 different places where committed groups work for a vibrant future. A personal and poetic depiction of what it means to be fully human in...
Awakening of the Soil (Toprağın Uyanışı)
"Awakening of the Soil" is a compelling 42-minute documentary that follows the transformative journey of Barbaros, a skeptical farmer from Edirne, Turkey as he discovers the world of regenerative agriculture with the guidance of his friend, Begonia. Together, they embark on a...
50 Paradigm-Shifting Documentaries for a Wise Earth
The human journey is at a crossroads. Authoritarianism is on the rise, the biosphere is destabilizing, and the capitalist global order is driving us towards the cliff with its head stuck in quarterly profit reports. From everything we've learned about climate feedback loops...
Beautiful No Dig Permaculture Kitchen Garden
This video is of Tim and Maddy Harland's beautiful no-dig permaculture kitchen garden in Hapmshire UK. Tim and Maddy are the founders of the fantastic @PermacultureMagazine and have a tranquil vegetable garden, meadow and food forest at their home that has been maturing for...
Magical 28-Year-Old Permaculture Food Forest
In this documentary we revisit an incredible food forest growing on 2 acres of land in the very south of Aotearoa New Zealand. The forest, previously an abandoned section filled with rubbish and burnt house remains, was the subject of our 2016 film An Invitation for Wildness...
The Modern Eco Village | BedZED
The BedZED eco-village is a sustainable housing development based in London, UK. Going Green went to the eco-village to see both the green building design and the sustainable community.
Heal the Planet with PONDS
Permaculture instructor Andrew Millison visits beaver dams and talks about how beavers are the world's greatest ecosystem engineers. He journeys to different permaculture sites in Oregon to see how these sites are actually mimicking the hydrologic and ecosystem effects of the...
5 Most Epic Earth Healing Projects!
Permaculture instructor Andrew Millison reveals his picks for the 5 most epic Earth healing projects in the world.
Forest Condominium is Ecosystem of 150 Trees, 60+ Apartments
With 150 trees sprouting across 5 floors of terraces, balconies, and roof gardens, apartment complex "25 Verde" in Italy rises like a giant treehouse, a forest-building ecosystem combining geothermal energy, water reuse, and natural cooling.
How to Start a Regenerative Farm from Scratch
Have you ever wanted to start a regenerative farm from scratch? In this video, the Heifer USA team traveled to North Carolina to visit Grass Grazed Farm, a regenerative farm where founders Derrick and Paige Jackson have established and grown a successful business in just two...
Rundown Apartments Reborn as Food-Forest Coliving Agritopia
In 2007, Ole and Maitri Ersson bought the rundown Cabana apartment complex in the city and immediately began to de-pave parking spaces to make space for what today is a huge permaculture coliving space and urban food forest. Today, the Kailash Ecovillage has 55 residents who...
The Permaculture Orchard: Beyond Organic
The Permaculture Orchard : Beyond Organic is a feature-length educational film that will teach you how to set up your own permaculture orchard at any scale. Recognizing the limitations of the organic model as a substitute to conventional fruit growing, this film proposes a...
From Abandoned Farm To Permaculture Laboratory
On the grounds of the permaculture laboratory Peintnerhof in the middle of Carinthia (Austria), pigs dig through the earth and prepare the formerly compacted soil piece by piece for a new, more diverse planting. For example, classic fruit trees are allowed to flourish next to...
Permaculture Is a Way of Thinking | Andrew Faust
This is a clip from The Evolution of Ecological Consciousness (2013). Watch the full documentary here.
In Our Hands: A Documentary Series about People Regenerating Their Lives & The Earth
‘In Our Hands’ / ‘En Nuestras Manos’ is a documentary series about a movement to restore ecological farming around the world. Filmmaker Matt Anderson (‘Fall and Winter’, 2013) traveled to over 40 farms and gardens in 7 countries to document the profound impact the GROW...
Why Do We Make Life So Hard? | Jon Jondai
Jon Jondai shares his life story of trying to find success in the city only to turn around and come back home to live a life of freedom. 
Hope in a Changing Climate - by John D. Liu
Hope in a Changing Climate optimistically reframes the debate on global warming. Illustrating that large, decimated eco-systems can be restored, the BBC World documentary reveals success stories from Ethiopia, Rwanda and China which prove that bringing large areas back from...
Living Soil
Our soils support 95 percent of all food production, and by 2060, our soils will be asked to give us as much food as we have consumed in the last 500 years. They filter our water. They are one of our most cost-effective reservoirs for sequestering carbon. They are our...
The Class Divide in a Time of Pandemic: a Permaculture Perspective
The divide between the haves and the have nots has been highlighted by the impacts of the pandemic.[1] For those able to work online with a spacious and secure home base, and some financial resources to ride out the pandemic, life has mostly been tolerable. Consumption has...
Early Morning Permaculture Tour of Zaytuna Farm
After a struggle to get back home to Australia and two weeks in quarantine before reaching Zaytuna, Geoff enjoys an early morning, and he takes us on a walk to some special spots around the property. Possum (the dog) waits on the speed bump that sends water to Paradise Dam...
Imagine a 100% Renewable New York City | Andrew Faust
Permaculture designer Andrew Faust presents a clear outline for achieving energy independence with 100% renewable technologies in the New York bioregion.
How Permaculture Can Build Resilience and Meet Basic Needs During a Pandemic
As COVID-19 spreads, people are showing a growing interest in permaculture principles and techniques to heal their lives, communities and the planet.
Bioregional Living: A Permaculture Guide to Food and Energy Independence | Andrew Faust
In this 30 minute video, Andrew Faust shares his inspiring vision for greater food and energy independence. It's a guide to feeding and providing power for our local communities in ways that are not just "sustainable" but truly regenerative and life-nourishing for humans and...
23 Films to Watch After (Or Instead Of) Planet of the Humans
So you just watched Planet Of The Humans, and your spirits are feeling pretty crushed.
Incredibly Abundant 1-Acre Permaculture Homestead Tour
In Episode 3 of Permaculture Tours we revisit the amazing Limestone Permaculture Farm. in NSW, Australia. We first visited Limestone back in 2015, when Brett and Nici were five years into developing their 1-acre permaculture property, working full time off-farm and creating...
How to Turn Your Yard into a Garden | Grow Food Not Lawns
This video is a demonstration of how to turn your yard into a garden.
The Problem Is the Solution: How Permaculture-Designed Household Isolation Can Lead to Retrosuburbia
As the COVID-19 pandemic first exploded across our globalised world, I found myself unsure of priorities in this time of pivotal change, even though I had been tracking information about Wuhan since January. Not because I didn’t know that a global pandemic of this scale was...
We Are All One
Love, Peace and the Interconnection of All Life
The New Story Revolution: Over 75 Films & Articles About the Movement With Many Names
"It’s all a question of story. We are in trouble just now because we are in between stories. The Old Story—the account of how the world came to be and how we fit into it—sustained us for a long time. It shaped our emotional attitudes, provided us with life purpose, energized...
Beyond Sustainability: A Call for Regeneration | Sierra Robinson
Sierra Robinson is a seventeen-year-old farmer, homeschooler, and environmental activist from Vancouver Island, BC.
Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming | Paul Hawken
The visionary goal of Project Drawdown, founded by Paul Hawken, is to actually reverse global warming by drawing carbon out of the atmosphere back down to pre-industrial levels. All the practices and technologies documented in Paul’s best-selling "Drawdown" book are already...
The Promise of Biomimicry
The Biomimicry Institute presents a new 20-minute film produced by Tree Media that introduces biomimicry as a way of living for everyday people and as a pathway for design inspired by nature.
Beyond Sustainability? — We Are Living in the Century of Regeneration
Valuing Ecosystem Function higher than material things is the paradigm shift that determines whether we understand the meaning of our lives and survive or whether we remain ignorant and selfish and destroy our own habitat trying to gain more wealth or more power. If we reach...
The Most Brilliant Heist In History | Wendell Berry
“There is in fact no significant difference between the mass destruction of warfare and massive destruction of industrial land abuse.” ~ Wendell Berry
Planet Local: A 7-Part Film Series about the Regenerative Food Movement
Good food is key to our survival and well-being. Eating local food is a powerful solution-multiplier — it reduces our carbon footprint, pollution, and waste, while creating dignified livelihood opportunities, strengthening communities and local economies, and strengthening...
Planet Local Short Film Series - Part 1: Intro to the New Food Movement
Every person on earth needs food every day. Every day food is tended, harvested, transported, stored, and served up on our tables. In a very real sense, food cannot be separated from life itself. And so it has been said that changing the way we grow and eat food is one of the...
All About Weeds
Weeds are a symptom, not the cause, of a problem. We can observe weeds to read the landscape, deduce what reparative steps need to be taken, and speed up the natural sequence of recovery. Weeds can actually be great friends to gardeners. In any square meter of ground, there...
Growing an Abundance of Food in the City Using Permaculture
The Plummery is a suburban home where a backyard permaculture garden measuring only 100sq/m (1076 sq feet) produces over 400kg/900 pounds of food year-round. Kat Lavers describes her approach to gardening, including vertical and biointensive growing, and how important it is –...
Crisis, Hope, And Permaculture
Join Geoff Lawton as he explores some of the most pressing issues of our time, soil erosion, climate change, pollution and food security. Learn how we can apply permaculture's ethical design science, to solve these issues whilst meeting all our human needs. 
Abundant Land: Soil, Seeds and Sovereignty
Abundant Land is a one-hour documentary about a Hawaiian community on Moloka’i opposing the biotech industry’s use of the island to test genetically engineered seeds. Agrochemical biotech corporations, including Monsanto and Mycogen Seeds, are depleting Moloka’i’s topsoil and...
Sustainable City Living on 1/10th of an Acre - Degrowth in the Suburbs
This film tells the story of one small family practicing urban sufficiency. They live on 1/10th of an acre in the suburbs of Melbourne, Australia. By living more simply and utilizing alternative technologies this household draws 75-80% less electricity from the grid than the...
If You Want to Save the World, Veganism Isn’t the Only Answer
Veganism has rocketed in the UK over the past couple of years – from an estimated half a million people in 2016 to more than 3.5 million – 5% of our population – today. Influential documentaries such as 
Initiation Into a Living Planet
Most people have passed through some kind of initiation in life. By that, I mean a crisis that defies what you knew and what you were. From the rubble of the ensuing collapse, a new self is born into a new world.
Permaculture Tours - Episode 1: Abdallah House
Welcome to the first episode of our new series, Permaculture Tours. In this series we’ll be diving deep into some amazing properties designed using permaculture principals, with the aim of giving you inspiration and ideas on how to apply these solutions in your own life. In...
Family Flourishing on an Urban 1/4 acre Permaculture Plot - Creatures of Place
Creatures of Place is an insight into the wonderful world of Artist as Family: Meg Ulman, Patrick Jones, and their youngest son, Woody. Living on an urban 1/4 acre section in a small Australian town, Meg and Patrick have designed their property using permaculture principals...
Living the Change: Inspiring Stories for a Sustainable Future
Living the Change explores solutions to the global crises we face today – solutions any one of us can be part of – through the inspiring stories of people pioneering change in their own lives and in their communities in order to live in a sustainable and regenerative...
We All Live off the Land
The other day I dreamed of a catfish being hooked in one of our lines during the 180 days I lived in the boreal forest. One of the reasons why I don't like living in civilization and eating food from the supermarket is that it is extremely easy to forget where food is coming...
Let's Support Farmers, Not Supermarkets - The Future of Food
In this film, organic market gardeners Frank and Josje discuss the issues with the supermarket system and how Community Supported Agriculture fits into a new story for food growing.
Thriving 23-Year-Old Permaculture Food Forest - An Invitation for Wildness
In the small town of Riverton at the bottom of New Zealand's South Island is Robert and Robyn Guyton's amazing 23-year-old food forest. The two-acre property has been transformed from a neglected piece of land into a thriving ecosystem.
Beautiful Off-Grid Tiny House Truck Made From Reclaimed Materials
In this film we take a tour of Adam and Sian's beautiful off-grid tiny house truck that was built using mostly reclaimed building materials on the back of a 1969 Bedford truck.
Living Simply in a Tiny Off-Grid Cabin
Tom, Sarah, and their daughter Neesa all live in a tiny 20sqm off grid cabin on a property on the Coromandel Peninsula, New Zealand. Instead of paying rent, they share the work of looking after the land with the owners and both families share in the farm's abundant produce.
How Native Americans Managed "Wild" Land Long Before Settlers
When European settlers first came to North America, they assumed they were looking at "untouched" nature. Sure, there were native peoples, but history tells us they didn't value the skills or knowledge of the existing civilizations too highly. The fertile landscapes they were...
A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity
A Simpler Way follows a community in Australia who came together to explore and demonstrate a simpler way to live in response to global crises. Throughout the year the group built tiny houses, planted veggie gardens, practised simple living, and learned how to live in community.