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What If We Ran The Economy?
Can you imagine libraries of tools, clothing, and even housing? The library economy can be the bridge to an entirely new world of human flourishing. Let's explore what the library economy is, what may or may not be included, and what it might take to bring it to life.
Wisdom Weavers Of The World
As humanity stands at a crossroads, 13 Indigenous Elders from diverse cultures around the globe gather in Hawai’i to discuss the state of the world and invited the filming of their councils and ceremonies to co-create a message for humankind.
How Soon is Now? Daniel Pinchbeck on Social Change and Global Transformation
Daniel Pinchbeck is the author of How Soon is Now? We are on the brink of an ecological mega-crisis threatening the future of life on earth and our actions over the next few years may well determine the destiny of our descendants. Between a manifesto and a tactical plan of...
The Future Is Local: Bioregioning 101
The past century has been marked by the rise of globalization in every sense of the word - through production, culture, agriculture, consumption and more. This trend has brought great wealth and opportunities to many people - but what have we lost and forgotten through this...
Yasuní: The “Yes” Heard Around the World
“Leave the oil in the ground? Give up more than a billion dollars a year? Put nature above the economy? What madness is this?”
What the Economy of the Future Looks Like
Most of us are aware that our profit-driven, capitalist economy is driving our climate and ecological crises. But what are our alternatives? 
Great Transition Ideas
An introductory overview of the Great Transition framework and vision
The Great Simplification
This 32 minute animation - in 4 Acts - describes the backdrop for The Great Simplification - an economic/cultural transition beginning in the not-too-distant future. 
The Movement We Need
This series of writings is an experiment—a new way of writing a book that invites you all to participate in.  I’ve written or co-written thirteen published books over more than four decades as an author, and a number of others (we don’t talk about those), and seen publishing...
13 Principles for a Welcoming Movement
This series of writings is an experiment—a new way of writing a book that inviting you all to participate in.  I’ve written or co-written thirteen published books over more than four decades as an author, and a number of others (we don’t talk about those), and seen publishing...
Instructions for Courageous Living in a Broken World
In a world marked by division, inequality, and growing despair, navigating daily life with integrity and purpose can feel overwhelming. Yet, even amid this brokenness, profound change is possible through acts of radical compassion.
10 Ways to Be Prepared and Grounded Now That Trump Has Won
The key to taking effective action in a Trump world is to avoid perpetuating the autocrat’s goals of fear, isolation, exhaustion and disorientation.
Voting Like a Radical and Honoring the Complexities of Organizing for Justice
NOTE: In the days leading up to the election, NDN Collective was invited to participate and contribute to a video with other organizers and activists, calling upon the movement to “Vote Like a Radical,” inspired by the essay authored by April Rosenblum.
How America Was Destroyed By Trump & Vance | A WARNING From the Future
 A vision of the end of America. 🚨🚨🚨
A New Economy | New Business Models for a Cooperative Future
Watch as several organizations move towards a more cooperative future by experimenting with open and non-traditional business models. Among them are a small craft-brew coop, a peer-to-peer open hardware lab and an urban agricultural social enterprise. 
The Top 250 Transition Documentaries Inspiring a Thriving Future
A better world is possible. These documentaries light the way by showing examples of people rejecting despair, fighting against the status quo, creating alternatives and living a more beautiful world into being.
Closer to Home: Voices of Hope in a Time of Crisis
This 35-minute film is a united call for a new economy, delivered by those who have committed their lives to working for systemic change. 
The Power of Local: Community Solutions to Our Global Crisis
This 42-minute film is bursting with examples of exciting localization initiatives across the world. 
Alter Nativas: Building Possible Futures
“Alter Natives” is a documentary about transition initiatives and ecosocial regeneration; a collective project to make visible transformative experiences in our geographies and inspire other possible futures. “Alternatives”, from Latin Alter (other) and Nativus (born), refers...
How Humans Regenerate Earth | Dr. Lyla June
Imagine a world where deserts bloom into lush gardens at the touch of human hands. What if our presence on Earth could spark life, not diminish it? Dive into a journey of ancient wisdom where native people didn't just inhabit the land, they enriched it, turning barren grounds...
AI Prompt: Turn Lawrence, Kansas Into a Bioregional Ecocity With Indigenous Values and Wisdom
This is the unedited first response to the title prompt, using Copilot with GPT-4.
Charles Eisenstein On Community & The New Story
Global Streaming Premiere of The Village of Lovers Feb 7-18, 2024 Watch here. 
Walk With Me: A Journey into Mindfulness
Directed by Marc J Francis & Max Pugh, ‘Walk With Me’ is a cinematic and immersive exploration into the world-famous monastery of Zen Buddhist master Thich Nhat Hanh. 
Unremitting Turkish Attacks Leave Rojava in Peril — and in Need of Solidarity
The future of this experiment is on the line as much of its civilian infrastructure has been destroyed since October.
Miki Kashtan Interviewed by Martin Winiecki
What we think is special about this conversation/interview is, that it is for an audience that already shares NGL’s focus on courage, truth, love and liberation. It touches on many relevant topics like gift economy, power with/power over and capacity. - Nonviolent Global...
Geography of Hope: Becoming Native to a Place
Brooke Hecht, Lyla June Johnston, Nicky Finney, and Ilarion Merculieff speak at the 2017 Geography of Hope Conference. This year's theme was “Ancestors & The Land: Our Past, Present, and Future" held in Point Reyes, California. 
The Sacredness of Twoness | Lyla June Johnston
From the session: ONE, NOT TWO: SACRED WHOLENESS | 2018 Festival of Faiths 
The Village of Lovers: a Blueprint for Creating Cultures of Peace
Watch Now through Feb 9  | Globalized capitalism is destroying the biosphere while political unrest and war continue to dominate the headlines. Where might we turn for guidance in order to navigate these uncertain times? Enter Tamera: a radical intentional community 40 years...
The Amazon Changers - Cook to Empower
The film team follows an extraordinary project for peace and empowerment – a ferry with a cooking school for indigenous communities on the Rio Napo in the heart of Ecuador’s Amazon forest. The goal of the film's main protagonist David Höner, founder of the Swiss NGO «Cuisine...
When Only Love Remains
A conversation with Michal Halev, whose only son was murdered by Hamas on October 7. She tells the story of how she came to call for an end to vengeance.
"In My Name, I Want No Vengeance." - The Call of Michal Halev
Here is a message of peace from my friend Michal Halev, the mother of Laor Avramov who was murdered on October 7th, 2023. I share this with you and stand behind her:
Are These The Seeds of a Solarpunk Future?
From ancient civilizations to modern innovations, humanity has always relied on nature's gifts. Today we’ll be exploring the dynamic potential of kelp, bamboo, and hemp in sowing the seeds of a solarpunk future.
SolarPunk Cities: Our Last Hope?
In a world where the dark, dystopian visions of Cyberpunk have long dominated our sci-fi imaginations, a new genre emerges as a beacon of hope: Solarpunk Support Dami Lee on Ko-Fi
A cinematic and musical odyssey that explores the remarkable relationship between humans and rivers. Written by Robert Macfarlane with music by Richard Tognetti and the Australian Chamber Orchestra (ACO) and featuring music by Jonny Greenwood and Radiohead and narration by...
How To Build A Solarpunk City
"I believe our cities should belong to us. They should be cooperative, co-creative, ecological, and egalitarian spaces, by and for the people. We have so much untapped urban potential just waiting to be explored. Join me as we determine how to build a solarpunk...
Visions For A More Beautiful World: A Wake Up Call - w/ Charles Eisenstein
Charles Eisenstein shares his vision for creating a more beautiful world that our hearts know is possible. He explains why all the crises we experience today, are rooted in the single origin of separation, and how by healing this wound within ourselves, we can heal the world.
The White Hole in Time | Peter Russel
In this video Peter Russell proposes that we stand on the threshold of a major leap in evolution, as significant as the emergence of life itself, and the essence of this leap is inner spiritual development. Moreover, he maintains that it is only through such a shift in...
What can one person do? What can a group of people do? What do we want to leave behind? In the film "Imprint" we visit 13 projects in 13 different places where committed groups work for a vibrant future. A personal and poetic depiction of what it means to be fully human in...
Reimagining Humanity: The Sequel to Breaking the Cycle
When the Evolved Nest is provisioned to children and to adults, our full humanity is developed and expressed. Through the Evolved Nest we develop the Kinship Worldview.
Tao Te Ching: The Book Of The Way by Lao Tzu, Translated by Stephen Mitchell (Audiobook)
One of the greatest works of classic literature. Lao Tzu shares timeless wisdom with the world. . . . Traditionally attributed to Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu, the true authorship of the Tao Te Ching, as well as the date around which it was written (usually said to be 6th c...
50 Paradigm-Shifting Documentaries for a Wise Earth
The human journey is at a crossroads. Authoritarianism is on the rise, the biosphere is destabilizing, and the capitalist global order is driving us towards the cliff with its head stuck in quarterly profit reports. From everything we've learned about climate feedback loops...
The Dangerous Fallacy of 'Democracies' and the Need to Reinvigorate Real Democracy
The democracies" is just the conventional term for that bloc of states. Internally, the democrat is an enemy  ~Jacques Ranciere[1]     Language is a powerful tool. This holds true for politics as much as for any other aspect of social life, if not even more. And there is...
Here’s How We Escape Climate Apocalypse
A look at the importance of speculative climate fiction, sci-fi, and utopias for political movements, from Our Changing Climate.
The Pluralist Commonwealth: A Vision of Economic Democracy
Historian and political economist Gar Alperovitz offers an animated view of what a next system grounded in democratized ownership of the economy and real sustainability would look like.
What Is the Next Story? | Charles Eisenstein
Inspired by a Charles Eisenstein essay, crafted by Tonika Todorova and narrated by Charles. 
Cultural Relativism and the Importance of Anthropology in the Modern Age | Wade Davis
Bestselling author and anthropologist Wade Davis addresses The Royal Canadian Geographical Society's 2017 College of Fellows dinner, held November 16, 2017 at the Canadian Museum of History.
The Worldwide Web of Belief and Ritual | Wade Davis
Anthropologist Wade Davis muses on the worldwide web of belief and ritual that makes us human. He shares breathtaking photos and stories of the Elder Brothers, a group of Sierra Nevada indians whose spiritual practice holds the world in balance.
What We Can Learn From Nature | Janine Benyus
Janine Benyus reveals the natural intelligence found in the patterns and designs of nature all around us. We live in a competent, brilliant planet and are surrounded by genius with perfect timing and coordination, all without top down laws and policies. The organisms have all...
To Be At Home In The World | Charles Eisenstein
A meditative, absorbing, intricately-edited short film about the crisis of belonging, the high price of progress, and the return journey home, as told by author/philosopher Charles Eisenstein.
Feminine Power Does Not Move the World Through Force
It Tethers the Masculine Powers to Life, Directs them Toward Love, and Keeps Them Grounded in Beauty.
An Initiation to Game B
Follow the journey of a Game~B pioneer who—with the help of the three stewards—awakens to the realization that she must find her tribe and prevent humanity's current path toward self-termination by playing a new game.
Anthropologist Debunks Darwin’s Most Abused Idea | James Suzman
James Suzman lived with a tribe of hunter-gatherers to witness how an ancient culture survives one of the most brutal climates on Earth. His learnings may surprise you. 
Why Everyone Needs to Watch Inhabitants: Indigenous Perspectives for a Regenerative Future
Inhabitants is an inspiring documentary about the work many of our indigenous relatives are doing today to restore our world.
A Little Movie About The Future (with My 5 Year Old Luna)
What if we imagine a more hopeful future?
The Next American Revolution: Beyond Corporate Capitalism & State Socialism
While there's been no shortage of commentary about the structural crisis plaguing the American economic and political system, from wage stagnation and chronic unemployment to unchecked corporate and state power and growing inequality, analyses that offer practical...
The New Economics 101: True Wealth in the New Economy
Economist and bestselling author Juliet Schor lays out a positive vision for rethinking our relationship to consumer goods in this accessible and timely analysis of the devastating ecological, social, and personal costs of mass consumerism.
Biophilic Design: The Architecture of Life
Biophilic Design is an innovative way of designing the places where we live, work, and learn. We need nature in a deep and fundamental fashion, but we have often designed our cities and suburbs in ways that both degrade the environment and alienate us from nature.
The Modern Eco Village | BedZED
The BedZED eco-village is a sustainable housing development based in London, UK. Going Green went to the eco-village to see both the green building design and the sustainable community.
Planet Local: A Quiet Revolution
Planet Local: A Quiet Revolution, a film by the international NGO Local Futures, shows a quiet and transformative revolution emerging worldwide.
Together We Grow
“This beautiful film is the perfect antidote to the cynical narrative that says people are inherently selfish... This film will melt your heart. Guaranteed.” – Rob Hopkins, author; co-founder Transition Network