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Wisdom Weavers Of The World
As humanity stands at a crossroads, 13 Indigenous Elders from diverse cultures around the globe gather in Hawai’i to discuss the state of the world and invited the filming of their councils and ceremonies to co-create a message for humankind.
Tea Creek
Against the backdrop of colonization and the climate crisis, Jacob Beaton, a passionate Indigenous entrepreneur, has embarked on a remarkable journey. His vision is to transform his family farm into a beacon of hope for Indigenous Food Sovereignty. In a world where the...
ENOUGHNESS, The Prequel: Indigenous Economics with Tantoo Cardinal
Indigenous Economies have “values added”. Today’s economy values hoarding, greed and consumption. Using Indigenous values of sharing, cooperation and fairness with the millennial old design principles of indigenous economies see how we can transform today’s finance system to...
Power: One River, Two Nations
When Hydro-Québec announced its intention to proceed with the enormous James Bay II hydroelectric project, the 15,000 Cree who live in the region decided to stand up to the giant utility. With unprecedented access to key figures like Cree leader Matthew Coon Come and American...
Yasuni Man
A desperate struggle between conservationists and oil interests plays out in Yasuni Man, as the indigenous peoples living in the heart of the Ecuadorian Amazon struggle to preserve their way of life against encroaching modernity. Filmmaker and biologist Ryan Patrick Killackey...
Yasuní: The “Yes” Heard Around the World
“Leave the oil in the ground? Give up more than a billion dollars a year? Put nature above the economy? What madness is this?”
Schoolhouse Rock's "Elbow Room" Interrupted
"Schoolhouse Rock" was an American series of animated "educational" short films. They were shown during Saturday morning "children's programming" on the ABC television network from1973-1985.
Tribes on the Edge
Tribes on the Edge follows Céline Cousteau as she returns to the Brazilian Amazon after a fateful email from Beto of the Marúbo tribe beckons her back to help tell his people’s story. 
The Restorative Revolution and a River of Reciprocity | Sammy Gensaw III
Sammy Gensaw III, a dynamic young Yurok leader, shares some of his experiences working for ecological and cultural revival along the Klamath River, central to his people’s identity and livelihood. 
The Interrelated Structure of Reality
The work-in-progress film will be an expansive deep dive into our socioeconomic system as the interconnected root cause of all our crises. It's about the two systems that are locked in battle on planet earth: the life system, and the money system. 
Geography of Hope: Becoming Native to a Place
Brooke Hecht, Lyla June Johnston, Nicky Finney, and Ilarion Merculieff speak at the 2017 Geography of Hope Conference. This year's theme was “Ancestors & The Land: Our Past, Present, and Future" held in Point Reyes, California. 
The Sacredness of Twoness | Lyla June Johnston
From the session: ONE, NOT TWO: SACRED WHOLENESS | 2018 Festival of Faiths 
An indigenous woman from the Peruvian Andes who cannot read or write, stands up to the largest gold producer in the world, US-based Newmont Mining Corporation.
Inside an Apache Rite of Passage Into Womanhood
For the Mescalero Apache Tribe, girls are not recognized as women until they have undergone the Sunrise Ceremony- an ancient, coming-of-age ceremony that lasts for four days. 
The Amazon Changers - Cook to Empower
The film team follows an extraordinary project for peace and empowerment – a ferry with a cooking school for indigenous communities on the Rio Napo in the heart of Ecuador’s Amazon forest. The goal of the film's main protagonist David Höner, founder of the Swiss NGO «Cuisine...
Frontier: The Story of the First Americans
Having survived centuries of genocide, Native Americans are now on the frontlines of the final struggle for planetary survival. This film tells the untold story of history's deadliest holocaust, and of an enduring resistance to colonial domination.
Nordic Animism | A Conversation with Rune Hjarnø Rasmussen
Rune Hjarnø Rasmussen is a Historian of Religion, Ph.d from Uppsala University in Sweden. His research into Afro-diasporic strategies for maintaining animist reality in the modern world has led him towards reading North European cultural history from the perspective of...
Honest Government Ad | Visit Canada!
The Canadian Government has made a new tourism ad and it’s surprisingly honest and informative!
Water Has a Memory
Matriarch and Environmental Ambassador for the Ponca Nation, Casey Camp-Horinek takes us through the occupied territory of Ponca City, Oklahoma. Through the ancestral teachings of her Ponca culture, Casey has been protecting the Water, Mother Earth and Father Sky through the...
The Worldwide Web of Belief and Ritual | Wade Davis
Anthropologist Wade Davis muses on the worldwide web of belief and ritual that makes us human. He shares breathtaking photos and stories of the Elder Brothers, a group of Sierra Nevada indians whose spiritual practice holds the world in balance.
Why Everyone Needs to Watch Inhabitants: Indigenous Perspectives for a Regenerative Future
Inhabitants is an inspiring documentary about the work many of our indigenous relatives are doing today to restore our world.
AWAKE: A Dream From Standing Rock
AWAKE tells the dramatic story of the historic #NODAPL native-led peaceful resistance at the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota, which captured the world's attention as one of the biggest stories of 2016.
The Ground Between Us
Since 2017, public lands throughout America have faced unprecedented threats. Bears Ears National Monument was shrunk by 85%, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge was opened to oil exploration, and the Elliott State Forest in Oregon was nearly privatized. 
Lakota Human Remains Stolen from US Army Massacre Hoarded by Private Museum
For over 100 years, human remains and sacred artifacts stolen from the bodies at the Wounded Knee Massacre have been locked away, held by a private library in the small town of Barre, Massachusetts.
Sal Y Cielo
Three Sisters, Women of High Degree
Three Sisters, Women of High Degree is the result of 7 years of collaboration and filmed conversations between three Yimardoowarra Marninil, Nyikina women from the Fitzroy River, Lucy Marshall, Jeannie Warbie, and Anne Poelina, and French-Australian filmmaker Magali McDuffie. 
On Australian Shores: Survivor Stories
On Australian Shores: Survivor Stories is a new documentary which will be released in 2022: watch this space for more information!
Tribes and Trance
Filmmaker Jessica Devnani travels to Tribal Gathering, a “conscious festival” in Panama that combines indigenous knowledge with modern day electronic music. Through speaking with attendees and tribe members, she investigates the connection between ancient and modern cultures...
Native Hawaiians Fight US Navy for Polluting Island’s Water
Under the cover of pre-dawn darkness, Native Hawaiians surprised the gates of the US Navy Command with a civil disobedience action over the Red Hill fuel leak. Empire Files producer Mike Prysner was on the ground. Support the efforts to Shut Down Red Hill! 
CASH-IN COP-OUT - The COP26 Glasgow Climate Summit
CASH-IN COP-OUT tells how Glasgow’s COP26 climate summit notched-up yet another year of talks that failed to find a solution to the climate emergency. Thousands converged at COP26 with polarised objectives. Businesses sought deals to cash-in from the climate crisis. Thousands...
Can Indigenous Knowledge Save the World?
Indigenous peoples are among the worst affected by rainforest deforestation. What can art do in the face of this destruction? We show solutions from Cameroon, plus how artists in Brazil are fighting to save the Amazon. The rainforest is on fire. Profiteering and greed are...
"Human Potential and the Path Back to Indigeneity" with Bill Pfeiffer
Join Bill Pfeiffer as he discusses his journey to embracing an indigenous world view and how this approach can help save our planet. This video is a production of Lake Erie Institute and is made possible by the generous support of Cuyahoga Arts & Culture.
From Columbus to Enbridge: Colonial Exploitation Continues
It's somehow fitting irony as Indigenous Day approaches on Oct. 11 — once known by another name — that a new Columbus is about to pump oil through Line 3, the last tar sands pipeline. That is the colonial-like corporation Enbridge. Maybe President Joe Biden will think about...
From Executive Producers Jason Momoa and Brian Mendoza comes this new film, which follows the stories of Native Americans on the frontlines of a growing movement to reconnect with spiritual and cultural identities that were devastated by genocide. An Indigenous chef embarks...
Bison Nation: Walking Sacred Sites
We are still here. This is our story, the story of the bison, who inhabit the Northern Hemisphere. You might also know us as buffalo, tatanka, zubr, wisent, basha, Inii, ethanon, tatanga, Wisent... It is a comical story, because sometimes we are caught in politics...
In the Land of My Ancestors
In the Land of My Ancestors celebrates the living legacy of Ann Marie Sayers, an indigenous Ohlone elder. Ohlone people are not federally recognized as indigenous nations in the San Francisco Bay Area. This documentary short reveals the resilience and tenacity of Ann Marie as...
The Last Guardians
The Last Guardians is an award-winning documentary made with the indigenous Sàpara and Kichwa communities of Ecuador's Amazon. Now, more than ever, the global community can learn from indigenous knowledge and wisdom in its battle to conserve the planet. Becoming, once more...
All Is Self
The chaos we see in society is a reflection of the chaos within the minds of human beings. If we wish to heal society, we need to heal ourselves. Our society, and consequently us as individuals, operates on a worldview based in separation, in seeing and feeling ourselves to...
Sacheen: Breaking the Silence
SACHEEN is a story of redemption and resilience, of pride and perseverance. Sacheen Littlefeather remains proud that she is the first person, the first woman of color, to utilize the Academy Awards to make a political statement. And now her own story, produced by One Bowl...
Voices of the Grandmothers
Imagine growing up with the dream seeds of a wise grandmother, whose inner knowing is distilled within her stories, myths, and songs. These messages serve as a map for you and the future generations. Find your way in the world. Bring out your gifts. Connect with your true...
The Rights of Nature: A Global Movement
Western views and the legal system tend to view nature as property, and as a resource from which wealth is extracted, a commodity whose only value is to provide for human needs. But for millennia indigenous communities have viewed themselves as part of nature.
Standing in Solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux
Mid-November, 2016, thousands of water protectors gather as a singular family on the campgrounds surrounding the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation. This is the story of the grassroots movement known as Standing Rock, calling people across the world to stand together to protect...
HUMAN: The Movie (Director's Cut Version)
What is it that makes us human? Is it that we love, that we fight? That we laugh? Cry? Our curiosity? The quest for discovery? 
Expedición Tribugá
"EXPEDICIÓN TRIBUGÁ" is a documentary film that seeks to raise awareness in the world about the importance of conserving one of the most biodiverse places on the planet. The Tribugá Gulf, currently threatened by the construction of what is projected to be Colombia's second...
Digital Wampum: Testimony of the Iroquois | 8-Part Series
 Digital Wampum is a series of 8 short, testimonial films, on the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois.)
Indigenous Thinking for Troubled Times, Tyson Yunkaporta
Can indigenous thinking save the world? Tyson Yunkaporta's new book 'Sand Talk' explores this question and is making a big impact.
Public Trust: Fight for America’s Public Lands
A feature-length documentary about America’s system of public lands and the fight to protect them.
Down To Earth
Leaving behind their cosmopolitan life, a couple and their three young children travel the ends of the earth searching for a new perspective on life. In their five-year journey across six continents, they live with some of the oldest indigenous communities on the planet. From...
Necropolitics, Social Fascism and Algorithmic Colonialism
Is the old world really dying while the new one struggles to be born? Or does it merely mutate, gorging on technology and the intensification of social fear?
The Cure of the Earth
"Love of life is the guide and motivator of ecological healing on Earth. Next comes learning how to put that love into action. How do we do that for that most alive of all places, the Amazon?"
Native Americans Are Being Killed by Police at a Higher Rate Than Any Other Group
SUQUAMISH TRIBE DESCENDANT JEANETTA RILEY, A 34-YEAR-OLD MOTHER OF FOUR, LAY FACEDOWN ON A SANDPOINT, IDAHO, STREET. One minute earlier, three police officers had arrived, summoned by staff at a nearby hospital. Her husband had sought help there because Riley—homeless...
Immuto (Change)
Immuto (Change), is a response to the climate emergency and global environmental collapse.
'The Condor and the Eagle' Takes Flight
From the tar sands of Alberta, Canada, to the oil fields of Texas, to the Ecuadorian Amazon, The Condor & the Eagle tells the story of the collective struggle of the Indigenous peoples of North and South America in their fight to preserve their communities and to protect the...
Post-Pandemic Development: a Ladakhi Perspective
A week before the announcement of the Janata [public] Curfew slated for March 22, 2020, I spoke with a 43-year-old close relative in her village in Leh, Ladakh, by phone from Delhi. Around that time, the news of rising infections from the novel coronavirus coming in from...
TAWAI: a Film About Reconnection
"We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive.” - Albert Einstein Tawai is a film about reconnection. It connects us to our ancestors and the type of life they may have lived. It connects us with our bodies and senses, inviting us to...
The Twelve: A Tale of Wisdom & Unity
“The Twelve” tells the story of twelve spiritual Elders from around the globe who gather at the United Nations in New York to create a unique ritual for Humankind and planet Earth. By interviewing each one of them in their home environments, the film is told exclusively...
This Living Salish Sea
"This sweeping documentary takes us in and under the waters of the Salish Sea, while more fully understanding the threats posed by the Trans Mountain (Ex- Kinder Morgan) pipeline expansion…
An Opportunity to Reconnect With Our Origins
For generations, a variety of factors have weakened the traditional intergenerational socio-cultural structures of Indigenous people around the world.
Prayer for the Earth: An Indigenous Response to These Times
As the world rushes toward the brink of biospheric collapse, many people are now looking to traditional Indigenous wisdom for guidance on how to live sustainably.