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Why Working People Need a Political Movement of Their Own
There is no question that the Democratic Party, once the party of the working class, is now the party of the professional managerial class.
Democracy Doesn’t Exist in the United States | Chris Hedges
As Donald Trump returns to the White House, many are raising concerns about the possible decline of liberal democracy. What then would a second Trump term mean for the next four years for the United States? And what impact will the president's foreign policy have on the...
Revolution Now! with Peter Joseph | Ep #53 | Dec 18th 2024
In this episode, the focus is on introducing a new phase of the podcast with expanded content, including visuals, interviews, media analysis, and discussions of current events, while ensuring accessibility for audio-only listeners. 
Radical Ecological Democracy: More Reflections From the South on Degrowth
The multiple crises that humanity is facing are becoming increasingly visible: in the form of disasters related to ecological damage, the stark inequalities between a tiny minority of ultra-rich and the vast numbers of desperately poor, the health epidemics related to both...
Revenge of the Deplorables?
Think about it this way, maybe it's the Democratic Party which has become deplorable to the working class.
Trade Gone Mad
The blind pursuit of global trade is one of the most destructive forces in the world today, wreaking havoc on democracy, livelihoods and the environment worldwide. It's time to shine the spotlight on Trade Gone Mad. It doesn’t have to be this way! 
Why a Liberated Palestine Threatens Global Capitalism |  Jason Hickel
Jason Hickel: Why is Palestine at the center of the climate and colonial struggle? How are capitalism and the ecological crisis linked? Who really benefits from the exploitation of resources in the Global South? At the Transnational Institute's Ignite Festival in 2024, Jason...
Closer to Home: Voices of Hope in a Time of Crisis
This 35-minute film is a united call for a new economy, delivered by those who have committed their lives to working for systemic change. 
How the United States RIGGED the Global Economy
Globalization, in theory, means the free flow of goods, money, and ideas around the world. In practice, its rules are set to benefit powerful nations like the United States. Over the last 75 years, the United States has rigged the global economy to guarantee its dominance. 
Ecosophia: Ecological Wisdom
Ecosophia means ecological wisdom in Greek and this documentary explores the meta-crisis and interrelation between energy, the laws of thermodynamics, the economy, resources, exponential growth, climate change, population, psychology and degrowth solutions.
What Are Technics? Episode 1 - Who's in Charge?
What Are Technics? is a short series about culture and technology, and how the two emerge from each other. What sort of culture invents an iPhone, for example, and then how does that technology shape the culture in-turn? And with that cyclical interplay, which outcomes are...
Separated Interbeings | Volume 1
"One of the best things you'll (n)ever see." Separated Interbeings is a film collage of our diverse and complex world caught on camera, creatively put together to open deeper perspectives and insights on the world we live in.
50 Paradigm-Shifting Documentaries for a Wise Earth
The human journey is at a crossroads. Authoritarianism is on the rise, the biosphere is destabilizing, and the capitalist global order is driving us towards the cliff with its head stuck in quarterly profit reports. From everything we've learned about climate feedback loops...
The Race for What’s Left: The Global Scramble for the World’s Last Resources
Renowned energy expert Michael T. Klare provides an invaluable account of the new and increasingly dangerous competition for the world's dwindling natural resources. Arguing that the world is facing an unprecedented crisis of resource depletion -- one that goes beyond "peak...
The Local Planet VS the Global Empire of Corporations
If you judge that the world is dominated by the American, Russian, Chinese or European empire, you are completely wrong. The real (silent and invisible) empire is that of the corporations (giant companies and banks) that today control practically all fields of human activity...
Why the Suburbs Are Terrible for Us (and the Planet)
In this video essay, I look at why the suburbs are so terrible for people and the planet. Specifically, I look at the racist history of the suburbs in the United States in order to understand how the suburbs came about. The suburbs have a dark history of white supremacy and...
How American Workers Are Losing Billions
You've probably heard the term "wage theft" before, but do you know just how big a problem it is? In the US, wage theft dwarfs all other kinds of theft combined. Let's take a look at why this is happening and try to understand the underlying problems that enable it.
How We End Consumerism: The Degrowth Movement Shows a Way
How we end consumerism, explained.
Power, Profit and Populism: The Battle for Hard Brexit
Brexit was presented as a populist revolution against the elite. But in the years since the referendum, a group of men deep in the heart of the British establishment have been carrying out a coup of a different kind – using Brexit to try and turn Britain into a low-tax, low...
Breakpoint: A Counter History of Progress
For the last two centuries progress has been our reason for being; progress has provided us with better ways of living. But progress has also given us napalm, pesticides, nuclear waste and global warming. And progress significantly altered our planet for the long term. It can...
Vampires, They Exist?!
Vampires reveal their existence to human beings. The media reacts. In the first half, this film examines the reaction of two media outlets as well as the reaction of several college students, captured by a film student conducting man on the street interviews. In the second...
Changing the World is SIMPOL
Ever wondered why governments aren't acting fast enough on climate and other global problems? Ever wondered what you can do? Sign on to the SIMPOL campaign at:
The Great Reset - Conspiracy or Fact?
Everyone's talking about the Great Reset - the economic proposal unveiled by Prince Charles and the WEF last year - but how significant is it, and how likely are the conspiracy theories that claim it will be used to bring in a New World Order?
Originally the birthplace of the middle class, Detroit is now on the brink of complete collapse. Loosing over 25% of it’s population and 50% of its manufacturing jobs over the past decade, Detroit is now in a state of emergency. Racial tension, globalization, lack of...
Globalization's Discontents | Joe Stiglitz
The promise of globalization is built on a lie, designed to spread risk while concentrating reward. Joe Stiglitz digs into why so many economists and policymakers have twisted the facts in support of this form of globalization.
How to Fix the World
The pandemic is very quickly teaching us what’s important: health, love, food, a safe and comfortable home, creativity and learning, connectedness, and being able to get out into nature. Shouldn’t those things be the pillars around which our societies are organised? The virus...
Post-Pandemic Development: a Ladakhi Perspective
A week before the announcement of the Janata [public] Curfew slated for March 22, 2020, I spoke with a 43-year-old close relative in her village in Leh, Ladakh, by phone from Delhi. Around that time, the news of rising infections from the novel coronavirus coming in from...
Why the Neoliberals Won’t Let This Crisis Go to Waste
AN INTERVIEW WITH PHILIP MIROWSKI - Many observers expected that the 2008 financial crisis would mark the end of neoliberalism. Instead, we saw a wave of privatization and sharp cuts in public services. Today, the forces best placed to exploit the coronavirus pandemic are...
5 Ways Coronavirus Could Help Humanity Survive the Ecological Crisis
The human tragedy of the coronavirus is immense. Thousands have died, hundreds of thousands have been infected globally, and millions more have been affected. Whilst infectious disease has always been a part of the human experience, the expansion of industrial civilization...
The Highest Act of Love In a Criminally Insane Society is Disobedience
Our consumer culture is collective insanity and it's driving us to destruction, says clinical psychologist John F Schumaker.
The Untold Truth about Our Social and Ecological Collapse, with Helena Norberg-Hodge
Many talk about climate change, but rare are those who dare to speak about its systemic, deeply-ingrained root cause.
'Winners Take All' and the Charade of Elite Philanthropy
Writer Anand Giridharadas describes in his book " Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World " why the rich do not pay taxes, but with their philanthropy determine the course of the world (and thereby undermine our democracy).
An Economic Hit Man Confesses and Calls to Action | John Perkins
John Perkins describes the methods he used to bribe and threaten the heads of state of countries on four continents in order to create a global empire and he reveals how the leaders who did not “play the game" were assassinated or overthrown.
Action in the Anthropocene: The Inevitable Transition Requires We Go Beyond Activism
In the face of economic, social, and ecological breakdown, the inevitable transition is comming. And what it requires from us is beyond the realms of 'activism'.
The Deceptive Promise of Free Trade
Is free trade truly free - and fair? What roles do US President Trump, economic powerhouse China, and the EU play in global trade? When it comes to global trade, it would seem that trickery, threats and deception are the order of the day - yet all this takes place largely...
Cultures of Resistance
Does each gesture really make a difference? Can music and dance be a weapon of peace? Director Iara Lee embarked on a three-year, five-continent trek to find out. From AFRICAN countries' sounds of resistance, moving on to BRAZIL where gun-guitars transform the reality of slum...
Resist Globally, Renew Locally
A recent discussion forum among the members of The Great Transition Network focused on “The Promise and Pitfalls of Localism.” My friend and colleague Brian Tokar started the discussion by noting that even though there is a resurgence of progressive action at the local level...
Yuval Noah Harari - Global or Local?
“Humans think in stories rather than in facts, numbers, or equations, and the simpler the story, the better.”  Yuval Noah Harari
Connecting the Dots: Insane Trade and Climate Chaos
Imagine a world where food routinely gets shipped thousands of miles away to be processed, then shipped back to be sold right where it started. Imagine cows from Mexico being fed corn imported from the United States, then being exported to the United States for butchering...
White Widow (Modern Slavery, Farmer Suicide and Agriculture Crisis in India)
White Widows portrays the tough and disadvantaged life of Indian cotton farmers in their village Dhanoli located in the region of Vidarbha, well known as the epicentre of farmer suicide. 
Giants: Who Really Rules The World?
Abby Martin sits down with Peter Phillips, former director of Project Censored and professor of Political Sociology at Sonoma State University. His new book “Giants: The Global Power Elite” details the 17 transnational investment firms which control over $50 trillion in...
Insane Trade!
The way trade works in the global economy can be insane – it wastes resources, worsens climate change, and undermines the livelihoods of millions of small-scale producers worldwide. Yet it is an almost unavoidable consequence of de-regulatory ‘free trade’ agreements and the...
Growthism: Its Ecological, Economic and Ethical Limits
We have many problems – poverty, unemployment, environmental destruction, climate change, financial instability, etc. – but only one solution for everything, namely economic growth. We believe that growth is the costless, win-win solution to all problems, or at least the...
How Bad Is Global Inequality, Really?
Most everyone who’s interested in global inequality has come across the famous elephant graph, originally developed by Branko Milanovic and Christoph Lakner using World Bank data (see below). The graph charts the change in income that the world’s population have experienced...
Saving Japan's seed heritage from “free trade”
I recently had the opportunity to interview Masahiko Yamada, formerly Japan´s Minister of Agriculture and now one of the country´s foremost food sovereignty activists. We met at an international Economics of Happiness Conference in Prato, Italy, where Yamada delivered a...
The White Saviour: Imperialism's ‘Last Bitter Struggle for Life’
“I hate imperialism. I detest colonialism. And I fear the consequences of their last bitter struggle for life. We are determined, that our nation, and the world as a whole, shall not be the play thing of one small corner of the world” ― Sukarno, the first President of Indonesia
Tosepan: Resistance and Renewal in Mexico
Since the mid-1980s, Mexico has been a poster child for globalization. Through free trade treaties and structural adjustment policies imposed by international financial institutions, the country has been “liberalized” – opened up to unfettered corporate investment and...
The Point Is to Change It
All suffering begins and ends in our brains.
No Future: From Punk to Zapatismo and Connected Multitudes
Amador Fernández-Savater talks with Guiomar Rovira, author of Networked Activism and Connected Multitudes, about punk, Zapatismo, technology, communication, and activist appropriation of the internet.
Obama Admits Bipartisan Capitalist 'Washington Consensus' Fueled Far-Right & Multiplied Inequality
Former US President Barack Obama admitted that the neoliberal capitalist policies he and his predecessors supported fostered the rise of the far-right and grossly exacerbated inequality.
We Have Been Groomed to Consume
With Christmas coming up, household consumption will soon hit its yearly peak in many countries. Despite homely pictures of tranquility on mass-produced greeting cards, Christmas is more about frenzied shopping and overspending than peace on earth or quality time with family...
Degrowth Is the Radical Post-Brexit Future the UK Needs
As the Brexit negotiations wrap up and Theresa May’s deal is lambasted by Remainers and Leavers alike, it’s still far from clear what the future holds for the United Kingdom. On March 29 2019, it is due to leave the European Union.
Unlike a Globalized Food System, Local Food Won't Destroy the Environment
Our food system is linked to an economic system that is fundamentally biased against what’s good for people and the planet.
Nationalism and Its Contradictions
Allow me to begin by stating an anthropological and genetic fact. Any conversation about so called “American” nationalism must begin with the story of human migration itself, which is a story that started in Africa: the one place where all humanity can affirm a shared genesis...
Local Futures: Beyond the Monoculture
A sequel to Ancient Futures, giving examples of Local Futures' systemic approach to the problems of the global economy. The 23-minute film challenges the commonly-held belief that globalization is inevitable or "evolutionary" and argues that we need to reduce the distance...
To Leave or Remain: Dichotomy or Distraction?
Ever since the Brexit referendum was first announced, we have been bombarded by an array of starkly contradictory pronouncements – from the Leave camp’s now infamous claim that withdrawal from the EU would release £350 million a week for the NHS to the former Chancellor...
Matt Orfalea Interviews White Nationalists Attending "Unite the Right 2" in DC | August 12, 2018
I wanted to meet the people that many want to punch in the face without having met them. The conversation with 2 guys from Stormfront Action Radio was cut short when we arrived at the final destination. I left the group to get a wide shot with my camera and cops would not let...
"The Other Slavery" lecture by Andrés Reséndez
The Other Slavery examines the expansive system of bondage that targeted between 2.5 and 5 million Native Americans throughout the hemisphere in the centuries between the arrival of Columbus and the beginning of the 20th century. In contrast to African slavery, which targeted...
Localization: a Strategic Alternative to Globalized Authoritarianism
For those who care about peace, equality and the future of the planet, the global political swing to the right over the past few years is deeply worrying. It has us asking ourselves, how did this happen? How did populism turn into such a divisive and destructive force? How...