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The Importance of Still Showing Up for Life Even When It Feels Like the World Is Crashing Out.
“This is for the tragic optimists those who see the world burning but still plant seeds. Those who hold the weight of despair in one hand and the stubborn hope for something better in the other, and if that sounds like you , come be tragically optimistic with me.” - Dasia...
What If We Ran The Economy?
Can you imagine libraries of tools, clothing, and even housing? The library economy can be the bridge to an entirely new world of human flourishing. Let's explore what the library economy is, what may or may not be included, and what it might take to bring it to life.
Wisdom Weavers Of The World
As humanity stands at a crossroads, 13 Indigenous Elders from diverse cultures around the globe gather in Hawai’i to discuss the state of the world and invited the filming of their councils and ceremonies to co-create a message for humankind.
From A Village To The World: The Journey of Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson
Iceland has seen a dramatic transformation in recent decades, from being one of the poorest nations in the Western world, to a leader in many economic indices. What accounts for Iceland's rise? Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, the former President of Iceland 1996-2016, shares his...
Playbook for Defeating the 1% - the Swedish and Norwegian Model
This playbook is inspired by the insights of George Lakey and the transformative movements of Norway and Sweden in the early 20th century. These nations, once marked by extreme poverty and inequality, achieved remarkable economic justice and democracy through collecti
The Problem With Taxing The Rich from a Leftist Perspective
The myth of tax revenue and why taxing the rich is not the real solution to inequality.
The Future Is Local: Bioregioning 101
The past century has been marked by the rise of globalization in every sense of the word - through production, culture, agriculture, consumption and more. This trend has brought great wealth and opportunities to many people - but what have we lost and forgotten through this...
Human and Planetary Health: Ecosystem Regeneration | Daniel Wahl
In this perceptive and radical talk, Daniel Wahl PhD observes that we are standing at the dawn of the planetary era. 
The 4 Paths to Resist Trump
We worked with friends to create the Resistance Guidebook — with practical ideas about starting points for people who are feeling the need to do something but not sure about what. 
1 Million Members, 100 Million Trees: How Brazil’s Socialist Farmers Are Fighting Big Ag
The one-million strong Landless Workers Movement (MST) is a backbone of the Brazilian left, famous for its mass actions and radical land occupations all across the Brazilian countryside. While fighting agribusiness giants, the MST has become the largest producer of organic...
The Secret Reason the Dems Keep Losing
Being part of a political party used to actually mean something other than being hounded for money over text and being disappointed by your choice of candidates at the polls every few years. Here’s how the death of mass-membership organizations tanked the American political...
All-Aboard for Free Public Transport
From utopia to reality: fare-free public transport in Brazil.
Why People Hate Socialism—And What It Actually Is
Socialism is one of the most vilified and misunderstood ideas in modern political discourse. The number one reason for this hatred? Most people have no idea what socialism actually is. Decades of propaganda have reduced the concept to caricatures of authoritarian states and...
Radical Ecological Democracy: More Reflections From the South on Degrowth
The multiple crises that humanity is facing are becoming increasingly visible: in the form of disasters related to ecological damage, the stark inequalities between a tiny minority of ultra-rich and the vast numbers of desperately poor, the health epidemics related to both...
A Manifesto Against For-Profit Health Insurance Companies
I hereby give you my Oscar-nominated Documentary on the Killer Health Insurance companies like United HealthCare —SICKO — for FREE… and let’s end and replace this so-called “health care system” NOW
This Detroit Agrihood is Transforming its Community - Michigan Urban Farming Initiative Tour
A tour of MIUFI (Michigian Urban Farming Initiative) and interview with its manager - Quan Blunt.
What the Economy of the Future Looks Like
Most of us are aware that our profit-driven, capitalist economy is driving our climate and ecological crises. But what are our alternatives? 
Have We Finally Lost to Climate Change?
Recently, it feels like the world does not care about the climate or environmental crises. Between COP29 being an absolute disaster, Trump's recent election, and the continued destruction being waged by governments and corporations on our planet and its people, some might...
The Real "Climate Scam" Is Business as Usual — Here's How We Challenge It
Capitalism thrives on profiting from crisis—it sold us lies about cigarettes, sugar, and opioids, and now it's doing the same with climate change. Fake solutions and disinformation aren't accidents; they're the business model.
Honest Government Ad | 2025 Election
The Australien Government has made an ad about our next federal election, and it's surprisingly honest and informative. 
The Great Simplification
This 32 minute animation - in 4 Acts - describes the backdrop for The Great Simplification - an economic/cultural transition beginning in the not-too-distant future. 
Trade Gone Mad
The blind pursuit of global trade is one of the most destructive forces in the world today, wreaking havoc on democracy, livelihoods and the environment worldwide. It's time to shine the spotlight on Trade Gone Mad. It doesn’t have to be this way! 
Top 10 Ways to Unrig the System | Robert Reich
Now's not the time to give up. If anything, it's an opportunity to fight for the real changes we need. Take a look at these 10 ideas to fix our broken system.
The Movement We Need
This series of writings is an experiment—a new way of writing a book that invites you all to participate in.  I’ve written or co-written thirteen published books over more than four decades as an author, and a number of others (we don’t talk about those), and seen publishing...
13 Principles for a Welcoming Movement
This series of writings is an experiment—a new way of writing a book that inviting you all to participate in.  I’ve written or co-written thirteen published books over more than four decades as an author, and a number of others (we don’t talk about those), and seen publishing...
A Progressive Call to Arms: Laboratories of Democracy
The Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” Throughout the history of our nation, this amendment has...
What Do We Do Now?
What do we do now that the orange fascist is back? 
Instructions for Courageous Living in a Broken World
In a world marked by division, inequality, and growing despair, navigating daily life with integrity and purpose can feel overwhelming. Yet, even amid this brokenness, profound change is possible through acts of radical compassion.
We Need a Plan for the Transition to Renewable Energy
Radical societal transformation is inevitable; a plan could make a difference between catastrophe and progress.
The Myth of Far-Left Extremism: How Common-Sense Ethics Are Framed as Radical
The real extremists are the corporate and political elites who wear $5,000 suits and calmly explain why war, profit and greed are good on the evening news.
The Tyranny of the Majority Myth: How Elites Tricked Us Into Fearing Democracy
Heard that old saying "democracy is the tyranny of the majority? It was propaganda invented by elites.
Why a Liberated Palestine Threatens Global Capitalism |  Jason Hickel
Jason Hickel: Why is Palestine at the center of the climate and colonial struggle? How are capitalism and the ecological crisis linked? Who really benefits from the exploitation of resources in the Global South? At the Transnational Institute's Ignite Festival in 2024, Jason...
How The Elite Control Our Elections... And How We Fix It
Maine could rein in super PACs and put limits on donations for the first time. Unlimited billionaire and corporate spending on elections has been crushing our democracy. 
How to Defeat the Billionaire Class
Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant and the Socialist Alternative (SA) party have, for nearly a decade, waged one of the most effective battles against the city’s moneyed elites. She and the SA have adopted a series of unorthodox methods to fight the ruling oligarchs...
Transforming Cities, Changing the System
The system is broken—so where do we start building a new one? Faced with interlocking ecological, economic, and political crises, local innovators are organizing at the city level to develop real foundations for systemic alternatives. 
A New Economy | New Business Models for a Cooperative Future
Watch as several organizations move towards a more cooperative future by experimenting with open and non-traditional business models. Among them are a small craft-brew coop, a peer-to-peer open hardware lab and an urban agricultural social enterprise. 
A Practical Guide to Revolution
We need a social revolution to build a better future. But how is that process carried out? What tactics and strategies are needed to fundamentally transform the socioeconomic and political order? 
What is Politics, and Why Should Anyone Give a $#&%?
How can people who don't have official decision-making power exert their influence over those who do? 
The Importance of Cultural Values for Meaningful Change
This short animation tells the story of the importance of our cultural values and their role in meaningful, durable systemic change. Join us on a journey that demonstrates the need to shift our mainstream cultural values to intrinsic values such as care, equality, creativity...
Appalachian Community Meal and Mutual Aid Network
Moneyless Society's flagship boots on the ground project is Appalachian Community Meal and Mutual Aid Network, which is just like it sounds: a monthly pop up resource hub galvanizing barrier free access and cascading shared benefit bringing the community together to meet our...
The Top 250 Transition Documentaries Inspiring a Thriving Future
A better world is possible. These documentaries light the way by showing examples of people rejecting despair, fighting against the status quo, creating alternatives and living a more beautiful world into being.
Worker Democracy
An overview of the evidence surrounding worker democracy. In summary: it's good, but far from perfect. Hope you enjoy the video and the new animations. - Unlearning Economics
Closer to Home: Voices of Hope in a Time of Crisis
This 35-minute film is a united call for a new economy, delivered by those who have committed their lives to working for systemic change. 
The Power of Local: Community Solutions to Our Global Crisis
This 42-minute film is bursting with examples of exciting localization initiatives across the world. 
How Capitalism Enslaved Us All | Grace Blakeley
Grace Blakeley is a writer, commentator and economist whose new book Vulture Capitalism: Corporate Crimes, Backdoor Bailouts and the Death of Freedom is out now. She came by JOE Towers to chat to us about neoliberal capitalism, the destruction of working-class power and how...
Works for All: Cincinnati’s Co-Op Economy
Cincinnati is an historic city, just across the Ohio River from Kentucky in the heart of the American Midwest. In the years when people were fleeing slavery in the South, the city became a way station on the underground railroad. And since 2011, it has been home to Co-op...
Water is Love
Watch online by donation, June 6-9: 
Power 2 the People
Produced by Afristar Foundation and Directed by FixerFilm, Power to the People is a documentary showcasing alternative energy and appropriate technology applications in South Africa. The film focuses both on low-tech, small-scale solutions implemented on household and...
The Outdoor Classroom: How to Bring a Permaculture Garden to Your School
This Afristar ( produced educational documentary offers step-by-step instructions on how to establish a permaculture garden at a school. 
Alter Nativas: Building Possible Futures
“Alter Natives” is a documentary about transition initiatives and ecosocial regeneration; a collective project to make visible transformative experiences in our geographies and inspire other possible futures. “Alternatives”, from Latin Alter (other) and Nativus (born), refers...
How This Car-Free Neighborhood Unlocks Sustainable Cities
Culdesac, a new car-free community in Tempe, Arizona, is the most Edenic urban space I have seen. Join me on a recent visit and conversation with its CEO Ryan Johnson—who explained how to unlock sustainability in the US and design our way out of the loneliness epidemic. This...
How "Big Picture Activism" Can Change the World
This short video urges people to spread the word about the need for an economic shift from global to local. This type of big picture activism can help tackle our social and environmental crises simultaneously. 
The Rules of the Game Must Change | Yanis Varoufakis
In a world where machines talk and robots walk, what becomes of human work? Discover why 'Universal Basic Income' might just be the lifeline we need in an automated future. Are we ready to rewrite the rules and reclaim our place in a world shared with AI? 
Urban Food Forest in a Public Park! – The City Food Commons
The City Food Commons shares the story of Roimata Food Commons, an urban food forest initiative driven by Ōtautahi Christchurch local Michael Reynolds. The aim of the project is to empower the community to co-create space in a public park, reviving the notion of the Commons...
The Interrelated Structure of Reality
The work-in-progress film will be an expansive deep dive into our socioeconomic system as the interconnected root cause of all our crises. It's about the two systems that are locked in battle on planet earth: the life system, and the money system. 
It's Basic
When the Coronavirus Pandemic threw livelihoods into uncertainty and consequently spurred the creation of multiple direct government assistance programs, every American was given first-hand experience with the concept of Guaranteed Basic Income (GBI), an idea that has been...
AI Prompt: Turn Lawrence, Kansas Into a Bioregional Ecocity With Indigenous Values and Wisdom
This is the unedited first response to the title prompt, using Copilot with GPT-4.
Walk With Me: A Journey into Mindfulness
Directed by Marc J Francis & Max Pugh, ‘Walk With Me’ is a cinematic and immersive exploration into the world-famous monastery of Zen Buddhist master Thich Nhat Hanh. 
How To Resist Radical Evil | Chris Hedges
Across diverse landscapes of conflict and peace, a common thread unites them: the unwavering resolve to confront injustice. From the depths of their courage, they challenge the very essence of what it means to defy forces that seek to diminish the human spirit. 
Franklin D. Roosevelt's Second Bill of Rights
"In our day these economic truths have become accepted as self-evident: a second Bill of Rights under which a new basis of security and prosperity can be established…