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FASCISM: An In-Depth Explanation
"We have created our myth. The myth is a faith, a passion. It is not necessary for it to be a reality. . . . Our myth is the nation, our myth is the greatness of the nation! And to this myth, this greatness, which we want to translate into a total reality, we subordinate...
The Police's True Function On Full Display As Amazon Workers Begin Striking Across The US
 Majority Report with Sam Seder 
Fell in Love With Fire
Five years in the making, this hour-long film documents the uprising that swept Chile from October 2019 to March 2020, showing how everyday people sustained six months of rebellion by creating extensive networks of self-determination and mutual aid.
The Myth of Far-Left Extremism: How Common-Sense Ethics Are Framed as Radical
The real extremists are the corporate and political elites who wear $5,000 suits and calmly explain why war, profit and greed are good on the evening news.
Chris Hedges: The Cost of Resistance
Drawing on his intimate knowledge of resistance and repression, Hedges detailed the methods we need to adopt to defeat the powerful interests, including the fossil fuel industry and the animal agriculture industry, which have placed their profits above the protection of our...
Walking While Black: L.O.V.E. Is the Answer
Instances of racial profiling plague minority communities on a daily basis. Director, A.J. Ali is no stranger to this phenomenon. When he and his wife were targeted for harassment by police numerous times in Howard County, Maryland, he was forced to take a stand.
The Truth About Bush's War On Crime
Bush's Texas Solution: Tough on Crime Policies and Their Impact
This is [Not] Who We Are
This Is [Not] Who We Are explores the gap between Boulder, Colorado's progressive self-image and the lived experiences of its small but resilient Black community. Boulder is emblematic of predominantly white communities that profess an inclusive ethic but live in a segregated...
Honest Government Ad | Whistleblowers (STFU)
The Australien Government has made an ad about its Whistleblower Protection Laws, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative. 
Why Julian Assange Should Be Freed | John Mearsheimer
"I was asked by the “Assange Defense” to provide a short video on his upcoming extradition hearing in London."
Reimagining Safety
Ten experts explore the false premise that more police and more prisons make us safer while providing practical and actionable solutions towards achieving systems of safety that work for everyone.
Antiwar Israelis Face Jail, Terrifying Repression for Speaking Out
Journalist Jeremy Loffredo reports from inside Israel, where the country's tiny minority of antiwar Jewish citizens face harsh repression, ugly social consequences, and even jail time for speaking out against the military campaign in Gaza. Loffredo interviews several Israeli...
The World Has Lost Its Humanity: UNRWA Warns of Unprecedented Humanitarian Catastrophe in Gaza
"The attack and the taking of hostages are a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law. But the answer to killing civilians cannot be to kill more civilians. Imposing a siege and bombarding civilian infrastructure in a densely populated area will not bring peace...
Washington and European Governments are Cheerleading Israel’s Genocidal Campaign in Gaza
The failure to intervene to halt the carnage threatens to ignite violence throughout the region.
The Israel Palestine 'Conflict' in Under 10 minutes
Lowkey delivers a short history lesson.
Why Does Mainstream Feminism Support the Prison System?
Can we achieve feminist justice through the criminal law? Carceral feminism is a branch of feminism that would answer yes, but this video challenges carceral feminist thinking and explores alternative approaches to justice. - oliSUNvia
The Bentley Effect
When the coal seam gas industry staked a claim on the Northern Rivers region of Australia, alarm bells rang out. Thousands of people from all walks of life organised themselves to rally against the unconventional gas invasion. But despite the enormous public opposition, the...
Who Is Attracted to Policing Jobs? | Brian Klaas
Brian Klaas argues that the key to police reform is changing who wants to be a cop.
Abby Martin & Immortal Technique: Civil War
Legendary rapper Immortal Technique joins Abby to discuss the escalating tensions of the post-Trump era, the duopoly playing Americans, right-wing cooptation of conspiracy theory and deep-state critique, teaching real history and much more. 
Cocaine Unwrapped
COCAINE UNWRAPPED tells the story of cocaine: coca farmers in Colombia, drugs mules in Ecuadorian prisons, cocaine factories in the Bolivian jungle, dealers on the streets of Mexico, law enforcement officials on the streets of Baltimore - and the everyday consumers around the...
Framing An Execution: The Media & Mumia Abu-Jamal
The case of Mumia Abu-Jamal, a journalist on Pennsylvania's death row in connection with the death of a police officer, had become by the late 1990s a global symbol of inequities in the U.S. judicial system. The mainstream media could no longer ignore it, but how would they...
Nonviolence Means... a Visionary Poster Series by Campaign Nonviolence & Rosie Davila
In all 50 states and around the world, Campaign Nonviolence has been building a culture of active nonviolence, free from war, poverty, racism, and environmental destruction. We share skills and tools with which people can practice nonviolence toward themselves, one another...
AWAKE: A Dream From Standing Rock
AWAKE tells the dramatic story of the historic #NODAPL native-led peaceful resistance at the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota, which captured the world's attention as one of the biggest stories of 2016.
‘I Felt Like A F*cking Nazi’: An Ex-Border Patrol Agent Speaks Out
Jenn Budd is a former senior U.S. Border Patrol agent turned migrant rights activist. She spoke to Dena Takruri about what she calls a racist, sexist and corrupt culture inside the agency.
The Murderous Police Gangs of Los Angeles
Los Angeles, America’s second largest city, has a horrible secret. The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department – the fourth largest police department in the country – harbors dozens of criminal gangs within its ranks. These LASD gangs have been involved in assaults, the...
Should We Rethink American Policing?
American police have become yet another battleground in the pointless culture war. In this episode, we'll take a look at some of the characteristics of policing in America, the problems we face, and how we might solve them to the benefit of the whole society - including the...
Why America Throws the Poor in Prison
America built mass incarceration: the wholesale imprisonment of entire populations. Why, exactly, are so many people in prison – more than the entire population of New Mexico? That’s our focus for this week’s video: how a crisis of capitalism created a surplus population of...
Open Letter to Bernie, the Squad and Progressive US Lawmakers: State Repression of the Farmers’ Movement in India
An open letter to Sen. Bernie Sanders, Sen. Jeff Merkley, Sen Ed Markey, Sen. Sherrod Brown, Sen. Patrick Leahy, Rep. AOC, Rep. Ilhan Omar, Rep. Barbara Lee, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, Rep. Cori Bush, fmr Sen. Nina Turner, Rep. Jamaal Bowman, Rep. Ro Khanna...
The Capitol Riot Explained
The events of January 6th have gotten plenty of news coverage, but there's been very little actual analysis. In this episode, I do my best to explain the Capitol Hill riot, who was responsible, why it happened, and what it means for the country going forward.
Why The US Prison System Is The Worst In The Developed World
The US incarcerates more people - both per capita and by sheer numbers - than any other nation on earth. Our prisons are inhumane hellholes, and private prisons are making a killing. Let's talk about our horrendous prison system and look at some much better justice systems in...
Honor Yard: Finding Hope & Healing in a Maximum-Security Prison
Imagine finding hope, camaraderie and healing in a maximum-security prison. “Honor Yard” explores the symptoms of trauma from the perspective of the men who live in an Honor Yard at a California Prison in Lancaster, CA.
RNC 2020 & Kenosha: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
John Oliver discusses a week that saw the Republican National Convention, a horrific series of shootings in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and a strike in professional sports -- three stories that are really one story, about race in America.
LA 92
Over twenty-five years after the verdict in the Rodney King trial sparked several days of protests and violence in Los Angeles, LA92 immerses viewers in that tumultuous period through stunning and rarely-seen footage. Produced by Oscar winner Simon Chinn and Emmy winner...
Honest Government Ad | TRUMP 2020
The White House has made an ad about how things are going, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative.
Understanding Trump's Game Plan in Portland Could Be the Key to Preventing a Coup in November
Defeating Trump’s “law and order” strategy will mean creating a plan to win based on our strengths and his weaknesses.
In The Executioner's Shadow
In the Executioner’s Shadow casts a penetrating look at the consequences of the death penalty through three powerful stories - a former state executioner who comes within days of executing an innocent person; a Boston Marathon bombing victim who struggles to decide what...
Broken On All Sides: Race, Mass Incarceration and New Visions for Criminal Justice
Today, there are more Americans in prison or jail, on probation or parole, than were enslaved in 1850, a decade before the Civil War began. The prison population has exploded by 500% since the end of the Civil Rights and Black Power movements. America locks up more of its...
Policing the Police (2016) (US Only)
How do you change a troubled police force? Get a rare look inside a police department being forced to reform, in FRONTLINE’s 2016 documentary.
The Logic Behind Defunding the Cops
Ben Burgis is the author of "Give Them an Argument: Logic for the Left" and in this video he takes a critical look at the demand to defund the cops.
The title of Ava DuVernay’s extraordinary and galvanizing documentary 13TH refers to the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, which reads “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist...
We Need Solidarity, Not White Guilt, to Fight Racism
The well-intentioned drive among white progressives to “check their privilege” or “take responsibility” for their unconscious biases won’t do much to fight racism. But forging real solidarity through concrete campaigns, protests, and movements can.
What Are We Talking About When We Talk About 'A Police-Free Future'?
Over the past two weeks, our “Building a Police-Free Future: Frequently-Asked Questions” zine has been shared tens of thousands of times. That zine is a great first step, but it’s also only 1000 words long! We know people still have questions, especially when it comes to some...
We Must Look Beyond Police for Community Safety
As community leaders calling for less funding for police and more funding for alternative community safety measures, we were glad to see the Star Tribune Editorial Board reflecting on the relationship between police and public safety a few weeks ago (“Defunding cops is not...
"Minneapolis was a Warzone" Frontline Report on Black Lives Matter Protests Rocking US | Jamal Green
“People are fighting as if they're about to lose their lives & the truth is, they could be next”
Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish the Police
Congressional Democrats want to make it easier to identify and prosecute police misconduct; Joe Biden wants to give police departments $300 million. But efforts to solve
What Happened After 8:46
George Floyd’s death at the hands of men sworn to serve and protect him was a literal and symbolic tragedy which has now reverberated around the world. As news of his death spread, sorrow, fatigue, and frustration filled the streets. Many of us have witnessed this chain...
Chris Hedges and Glen Ford: Analysis of the George Floyd Protests
On the show today, Chris Hedges discusses the George Floyd protests erupting in over 140 American cities with Glen Ford, executive editor, Black Agenda Report. 
The Blood is at the Doorstep
After Dontre Hamilton, a black, unarmed man diagnosed with schizophrenia, was shot 14 times and killed by police in Milwaukee, his family embarks on a quest for answers, justice, and reform as the investigation unfolds. Watch now at the following streaming services: •Tubi (free)
Native Americans Are Being Killed by Police at a Higher Rate Than Any Other Group
SUQUAMISH TRIBE DESCENDANT JEANETTA RILEY, A 34-YEAR-OLD MOTHER OF FOUR, LAY FACEDOWN ON A SANDPOINT, IDAHO, STREET. One minute earlier, three police officers had arrived, summoned by staff at a nearby hospital. Her husband had sought help there because Riley—homeless...
Black Lives That Still Matter: The Deaths Behind the Movement in 24 parts (ch. 2)
This compilation of videos is mostly based on research done for Michael Harriot’s  “A Timeline of Events That Led to the 2020 ‘Fed Up’- Rising” for
Black Lives That Still Matter:  The Deaths Behind the Movement in 24 Parts
This compilation of videos is mostly based on research done for Michael Harriot’s  “A Timeline of Events That Led to the 2020 ‘Fed Up’- Rising” for
Baltimore Rising
Directed by The Wire actor Sonja Sohn, this thought-provoking documentary follows activists, police officers, community leaders and gang affiliates, who struggle to hold Baltimore together, in the wake of Freddie Gray's death, even as the homicide rate hits record levels, and...
Stranger Fruit:  An Investigation into the Death of Michael Brown
On August 9th, 2014, Officer Darren Wilson stopped Michael Brown in the street. 95 seconds later Officer Wilson killed this 18-year-old recent high school graduate in cold blood. After killing Mike in the street, Ferguson police then left his body there for 4 and half hours...
Peace Officer:  The Militarized State of American Police
Peace Officer is a documentary about the increasingly militarized state of American police as told through the story of "Dub" Lawrence, a former sheriff who established and trained his rural state's first SWAT team only to see that same unit kill his son-in-law in a...
Copwatch:  An Organization Dedicated to Filming the Police
COPWATCH follows WeCopwatch, an organization dedicated to filming the police. Among its members are the individuals who captured the original videos of the deaths of Eric Garner in Staten Island and Freddie Gray in Baltimore that ignited the entire nation. Learn the stories...
Whose Streets?  An Unflinching Look at the Ferguson Uprising
Told by the activists and leaders who live and breathe this movement for justice, Whose Streets? is an unflinching look at the Ferguson uprising. When unarmed teenager Michael Brown is killed by police and left lying in the street for hours, it marks a breaking point for the...
The Talk:  Race in America
The Talk – Race in America is a two-hour documentary about the increasingly common conversation taking place in homes and communities across the country between parents of color and their children, especially sons, about how to behave if they are ever stopped by the...
Show Me Democracy:  Student Activism Amidst the Uprising in Ferguson
Amidst the uprising in Ferguson, 7 St. Louis college students evolve into advocates and activists as they demand change through policy and protest.
Dispatches From Cleveland
Dispatches from Cleveland is a feature-length documentary in five parts that closely examines the early 21st century, rust-belt city of Cleveland, Ohio, one of the most racially divided cities in America. The film follows ordinary people – long shaken by police misconduct...