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Revolution Now! with Peter Joseph | Ep 54 | Feb 9th 2025
In this (2 hour+ !) episode of Revolution Now (Episode 54), Peter Joseph examines the complexities of systemic transition and the limitations of reformist approaches to change, including a critical review of Jason Hickel’s work. 
Honest Government Ad | Nuclear
The Liberal Party of Australia has made an ad about its nuclear plan, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative! 
Wisdom Weavers Of The World
As humanity stands at a crossroads, 13 Indigenous Elders from diverse cultures around the globe gather in Hawai’i to discuss the state of the world and invited the filming of their councils and ceremonies to co-create a message for humankind.
How Soon is Now? Daniel Pinchbeck on Social Change and Global Transformation
Daniel Pinchbeck is the author of How Soon is Now? We are on the brink of an ecological mega-crisis threatening the future of life on earth and our actions over the next few years may well determine the destiny of our descendants. Between a manifesto and a tactical plan of...
The Future Is Local: Bioregioning 101
The past century has been marked by the rise of globalization in every sense of the word - through production, culture, agriculture, consumption and more. This trend has brought great wealth and opportunities to many people - but what have we lost and forgotten through this...
Deep Ecology
Deep Ecology delves into the profound interconnectedness of our personal and collective grief with the ecological and systemic crises engulfing our planet. At its heart lies the transformative practice of community acknowledgment and expression—rituals where participants...
Yasuní: The “Yes” Heard Around the World
“Leave the oil in the ground? Give up more than a billion dollars a year? Put nature above the economy? What madness is this?”
Fell in Love With Fire
Five years in the making, this hour-long film documents the uprising that swept Chile from October 2019 to March 2020, showing how everyday people sustained six months of rebellion by creating extensive networks of self-determination and mutual aid.
What the Economy of the Future Looks Like
Most of us are aware that our profit-driven, capitalist economy is driving our climate and ecological crises. But what are our alternatives? 
50 Documentaries Inspiring the Transition From Empire to Earth Community
We are living in a time of profound transition, a moment when humanity must choose its path forward. The old systems—of empire, domination, and exploitation—are showing signs of weakness, and in their wake, we have the opportunity to build something far more life-affirming. A...
Great Transition Ideas
An introductory overview of the Great Transition framework and vision
The Great Simplification
This 32 minute animation - in 4 Acts - describes the backdrop for The Great Simplification - an economic/cultural transition beginning in the not-too-distant future. 
The Movement We Need
This series of writings is an experiment—a new way of writing a book that invites you all to participate in.  I’ve written or co-written thirteen published books over more than four decades as an author, and a number of others (we don’t talk about those), and seen publishing...
13 Principles for a Welcoming Movement
This series of writings is an experiment—a new way of writing a book that inviting you all to participate in.  I’ve written or co-written thirteen published books over more than four decades as an author, and a number of others (we don’t talk about those), and seen publishing...
The World is Moving Far-Right: What Went Wrong?
In the aftermath of the 2024 American presidential election, we have seen a lot of finger-pointing and misplaced blame. The fact that Donald Trump's brand of far-right populism beat the liberal centrism of Kamala Harris and the Democrats is not surprising. 
What Do We Do Now?
What do we do now that the orange fascist is back? 
10 Ways to Be Prepared and Grounded Now That Trump Has Won
The key to taking effective action in a Trump world is to avoid perpetuating the autocrat’s goals of fear, isolation, exhaustion and disorientation.
Vote Like A Radical
Voting like a radical means voting for our movements. This election and every election, #VoteLikeARadical 📣 
Protest/Not Voting Is a Trap: Real Impact Requires Material Strategy, Not Symbolism
Strategic materialism + activism > symbolic protest at the ballot box.
We Need a Plan for the Transition to Renewable Energy
Radical societal transformation is inevitable; a plan could make a difference between catastrophe and progress.
A New Economy | New Business Models for a Cooperative Future
Watch as several organizations move towards a more cooperative future by experimenting with open and non-traditional business models. Among them are a small craft-brew coop, a peer-to-peer open hardware lab and an urban agricultural social enterprise. 
Appalachian Community Meal and Mutual Aid Network
Moneyless Society's flagship boots on the ground project is Appalachian Community Meal and Mutual Aid Network, which is just like it sounds: a monthly pop up resource hub galvanizing barrier free access and cascading shared benefit bringing the community together to meet our...
The Top 250 Transition Documentaries Inspiring a Thriving Future
A better world is possible. These documentaries light the way by showing examples of people rejecting despair, fighting against the status quo, creating alternatives and living a more beautiful world into being.
Closer to Home: Voices of Hope in a Time of Crisis
This 35-minute film is a united call for a new economy, delivered by those who have committed their lives to working for systemic change. 
The Power of Local: Community Solutions to Our Global Crisis
This 42-minute film is bursting with examples of exciting localization initiatives across the world. 
Alter Nativas: Building Possible Futures
“Alter Natives” is a documentary about transition initiatives and ecosocial regeneration; a collective project to make visible transformative experiences in our geographies and inspire other possible futures. “Alternatives”, from Latin Alter (other) and Nativus (born), refers...
In The Eye Of The Storm: The Political Odyssey Of Yanis Varoufakis
'In the Eye of the Storm' is a six-part documentary series about the dramatic journey and inspiring vision of one of the foremost political figures of our age, the maverick Greek economist Yanis Varoufakis.
The Interrelated Structure of Reality
The work-in-progress film will be an expansive deep dive into our socioeconomic system as the interconnected root cause of all our crises. It's about the two systems that are locked in battle on planet earth: the life system, and the money system. 
AI Riots vs "Moore's Law for Everything" by Sam Altman
Moore's Law for Everything:  
AI Prompt: Turn Lawrence, Kansas Into a Bioregional Ecocity With Indigenous Values and Wisdom
This is the unedited first response to the title prompt, using Copilot with GPT-4.
Charles Eisenstein On Community & The New Story
Global Streaming Premiere of The Village of Lovers Feb 7-18, 2024 Watch here. 
Miki Kashtan Interviewed by Martin Winiecki
What we think is special about this conversation/interview is, that it is for an audience that already shares NGL’s focus on courage, truth, love and liberation. It touches on many relevant topics like gift economy, power with/power over and capacity. - Nonviolent Global...
The Village of Lovers: a Blueprint for Creating Cultures of Peace
Watch Now through Feb 9  | Globalized capitalism is destroying the biosphere while political unrest and war continue to dominate the headlines. Where might we turn for guidance in order to navigate these uncertain times? Enter Tamera: a radical intentional community 40 years...
How do we get to UBI and Post-Labor Economics? Decentralized Ownership: the New Social Contract!
A fantastic brainstorming podcast on the future of automation, society and work, and how to ensure automation helps society rather than trigger an unemployment crisis.
Nonviolent Communication with Marshall Rosenberg: A Brief Introduction
Marshall Rosenberg, PhD effectively mediated conflicts throughout the world for more than 40 years. His method, Nonviolent Communication, has brought together warring factions as diverse as Irish Catholics and Protestants, Rwandan Hutus and Tutsis, Israelis and Palestinians...
How To Build A Solarpunk City
"I believe our cities should belong to us. They should be cooperative, co-creative, ecological, and egalitarian spaces, by and for the people. We have so much untapped urban potential just waiting to be explored. Join me as we determine how to build a solarpunk...
Revolution Now! with Peter Joseph | Ep #47 | Nov 5th 2023
In this episode, Peter expands on the importance of system change, given our collective society "is producing outcomes that no one intends" due to system functions that go unseen; hence the failure of incrementalism as a method of change, concluding with an analysis of the...
Elements of Mutual Aid: Experiments Toward Liberation
A compilation of footage from the upcoming, independent docuseries "The Elements of Mutual Aid." Spanning North America and including over 60 voices from the frontlines, this project explores the origins, structures, healing ways, and logistics of grassroots mutual aid toward...
What Happens to Rich People Under Socialism?
It's a common misconception that socialists want to...ahem...*bonk* the rich. So what do we really want to do? Come learn about how socialist societies treat those with wealth and power!
Fascism in the Holy Land: A Revised Jewish Understanding of the State of Israel
"While Israel has had a right-wing government for much of the last 25 years, the government that took power in late 2022 has become a fascist government with little respect for the history and judicial processes of a democratic society."
What can one person do? What can a group of people do? What do we want to leave behind? In the film "Imprint" we visit 13 projects in 13 different places where committed groups work for a vibrant future. A personal and poetic depiction of what it means to be fully human in...
Nordic Animism | A Conversation with Rune Hjarnø Rasmussen
Rune Hjarnø Rasmussen is a Historian of Religion, Ph.d from Uppsala University in Sweden. His research into Afro-diasporic strategies for maintaining animist reality in the modern world has led him towards reading North European cultural history from the perspective of...
The Commons: Reclaiming What Is Ours
The Commons is a documentary film about communities re-asserting sustainable futures using consensus, equity and shared resources – ancient Commons principles. 
A poem for the planet, Metamorphosis captures the true scale of the global environmental crisis. Forest fires consume communities, species vanish, and entire ecosystems collapse. But this crisis is also an opportunity for transformation. Through a tidal flow of stunning...
50 Paradigm-Shifting Documentaries for a Wise Earth
The human journey is at a crossroads. Authoritarianism is on the rise, the biosphere is destabilizing, and the capitalist global order is driving us towards the cliff with its head stuck in quarterly profit reports. From everything we've learned about climate feedback loops...
Utopia Isn't Just Idealistic Fantasy – It Inspires People to Change the World
Climate breakdown, mass extinctions, and extreme inequality threaten the earth’s rich tapestry of life and leave our own fate increasingly uncertain. At a time of such social, political and ecological upheaval, it&rs
We the Power | The Future of Energy is Community-Owned
A film about the citizen-led community-energy movement in Europe and the visionaries lighting the way. 
Gratitude Revealed
Gratitude Revealed is a remarkable cinematic documentary that has been forty years in the making.
Beautiful No Dig Permaculture Kitchen Garden
This video is of Tim and Maddy Harland's beautiful no-dig permaculture kitchen garden in Hapmshire UK. Tim and Maddy are the founders of the fantastic @PermacultureMagazine and have a tranquil vegetable garden, meadow and food forest at their home that has been maturing for...
Should We Move To A 4-Day Work Week?
Our mindset surrounding work is stuck in the 20th century. With massive improvements in technology and productivity in the last few decades, it's time to reassess what work could look like. Is it time to move to a four day workweek? - Second Thought
The Pluralist Commonwealth: A Vision of Economic Democracy
Historian and political economist Gar Alperovitz offers an animated view of what a next system grounded in democratized ownership of the economy and real sustainability would look like.
What Is the Next Story? | Charles Eisenstein
Inspired by a Charles Eisenstein essay, crafted by Tonika Todorova and narrated by Charles. 
The Shadow of Righteousness | Ayishat Akanbi & Anthea Lawson
This was a brilliant dialogue about the shadow of righteousness in progressive circles, between the cultural commentator Ayishat Akanbi and the author of the Entangled Activist, Anthea Lawson.
It’s Not Enough To Be Anti-Racist, We Also Need To Be Pro Human | Daryl Davis
How do we solve a problem like racism? Can simply being against racism bring about its destruction? No. To end hatred, we must know what we want to put in its place. In 1990 I met Roger Kelly, a leader in the Ku Klux Klan. Since I was a child I had a question: “how can...
An Initiation to Game B
Follow the journey of a Game~B pioneer who—with the help of the three stewards—awakens to the realization that she must find her tribe and prevent humanity's current path toward self-termination by playing a new game.
Why Everyone Needs to Watch Inhabitants: Indigenous Perspectives for a Regenerative Future
Inhabitants is an inspiring documentary about the work many of our indigenous relatives are doing today to restore our world.
The Next American Revolution: Beyond Corporate Capitalism & State Socialism
While there's been no shortage of commentary about the structural crisis plaguing the American economic and political system, from wage stagnation and chronic unemployment to unchecked corporate and state power and growing inequality, analyses that offer practical...
The New Economics 101: True Wealth in the New Economy
Economist and bestselling author Juliet Schor lays out a positive vision for rethinking our relationship to consumer goods in this accessible and timely analysis of the devastating ecological, social, and personal costs of mass consumerism.
Living in the Time of Dying
Living in The Time of Dying is an unflinching look at what it means to be living in the midst of climate catastrophe and finding purpose and meaning within it. Recognising the magnitude of the climate crisis we are facing, independent filmmaker Michael Shaw, sells his house...