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How MAGA Evangelicals Corrupted Christianity
MAGA evangelicals have abandoned the core teachings of Christianity, replacing the gospel of Christ with blind loyalty to Donald Trump. When Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde called for mercy—the most basic Christian principle—Trump and his supporters dismissed her, proving how...
From Awra Amba to Ethiopia and the World
A documentary about Awra Amba, produced by Ato Andargachew Tsige.
Wisdom Weavers Of The World
As humanity stands at a crossroads, 13 Indigenous Elders from diverse cultures around the globe gather in Hawai’i to discuss the state of the world and invited the filming of their councils and ceremonies to co-create a message for humankind.
ENOUGHNESS, The Prequel: Indigenous Economics with Tantoo Cardinal
Indigenous Economies have “values added”. Today’s economy values hoarding, greed and consumption. Using Indigenous values of sharing, cooperation and fairness with the millennial old design principles of indigenous economies see how we can transform today’s finance system to...
A Forgotten '60s Radical Movement
An in-depth look at the New Left of the 1960's. 
Ending the Pursuit of Happiness: a Zen Film
"Ending the Pursuit of Happiness: A Zen Film" featuring the groundbreaking work of Zen teacher & therapist Barry Magid.
How Jesus Turned Me Into A Marxist
While lots of politicians and hucksters would like you to believe that Christianity is antithetical to Marxism and Communism, they're absolutely wrong. I explain in this video about how my own experiences with Christianity led me to a radical politics grounded in Marxist...
Why I Left the Right, What Kind of Socialist Am I? What I Dislike About the Left (Q&A)
In this video, I discuss how I developed my left-wing political views, why I am a libertarian socialist and not a Leninist, MAGA in Canada, some books about socialism, what I dislike about the Left, and a lot more. 
The Tragic Optimist's Guide to Surviving Capitalistic Nihilism
'ello guvna. Feeling crushed under the crippling weight of capitalism's chaos? You're not alone. Let's yap about The Tragic Optimist's Guide to Surviving Capitalistic Nihilism—a journey through despair, hope, and the absurdity of it all. 
Why Every Communist Country is a One-Party Dictatorship
Why has every communist country so far been a one-party dictatorship? Richard Wolff can’t answer this question for some reason. Neither can Freddie de Boer. Yet the answer is very simple, and we can learn a lot from it. Is it something inherent to Marxism? Is human nature...
The Movement We Need
This series of writings is an experiment—a new way of writing a book that invites you all to participate in.  I’ve written or co-written thirteen published books over more than four decades as an author, and a number of others (we don’t talk about those), and seen publishing...
Instructions for Courageous Living in a Broken World
In a world marked by division, inequality, and growing despair, navigating daily life with integrity and purpose can feel overwhelming. Yet, even amid this brokenness, profound change is possible through acts of radical compassion.
"Anti-Capitalism" is Capitalist
*click-baity headline*, but read Capitalist Realism! We need to encourage ourselves to go further than we have gone before and push beyond vague, passive anti-capitalism towards the values and praxis that build towards liberation. 
Living Without: How Much is Enough?
Do you feel like life is a constant game of catch-up? No matter how much you strive to get and do, you feel like you need to do more or have more? 
In The Eye Of The Storm: The Political Odyssey Of Yanis Varoufakis
'In the Eye of the Storm' is a six-part documentary series about the dramatic journey and inspiring vision of one of the foremost political figures of our age, the maverick Greek economist Yanis Varoufakis.
The Interrelated Structure of Reality
The work-in-progress film will be an expansive deep dive into our socioeconomic system as the interconnected root cause of all our crises. It's about the two systems that are locked in battle on planet earth: the life system, and the money system. 
Aaron Bushnell’s Divine Violence
Aaron Bushnell’s self-immolation was ultimately a religious act, one that radically delineates good and evil and calls us to resist.
I Want to Fall In Love at 85 | Poet IN-Q
We celebrate St. Valentine’s Day 💕 with beloved poet IN-Q’s heartwarming visions of finding lifelong love and growing young together, even at age 85. 🕺 This powerful spoken word film features evocative animation to capture the hilarity and hardship of romance through life's...
Walk With Me: A Journey into Mindfulness
Directed by Marc J Francis & Max Pugh, ‘Walk With Me’ is a cinematic and immersive exploration into the world-famous monastery of Zen Buddhist master Thich Nhat Hanh. 
How to Change Your Mind
Academy Award-winning filmmaker Alex Gibney and New York Times best-selling author Michael Pollan present this documentary series event in four parts, each focused on a different mind-altering substance: LSD, psilocybin, MDMA, and mescaline. 
Unitarian Universalism: The Seven Principles
Unitarian Universalist congregations affirm and promote seven Principles, which we hold as strong values and moral guides. We live out these Principles within a “living tradition” of wisdom and spirituality, drawn from sources as diverse as science, poetry, scripture, and...
From Citizens of Nations to Citizens of Cities
[C]itizens today no longer even approximate the high and eminently human standard of citizenship that was established in the Hellenic world—a meaning that must be recovered, as well as the personal and social training, or paideia, for producing citizens.~Murray...
Geography of Hope: Becoming Native to a Place
Brooke Hecht, Lyla June Johnston, Nicky Finney, and Ilarion Merculieff speak at the 2017 Geography of Hope Conference. This year's theme was “Ancestors & The Land: Our Past, Present, and Future" held in Point Reyes, California. 
The Sacredness of Twoness | Lyla June Johnston
From the session: ONE, NOT TWO: SACRED WHOLENESS | 2018 Festival of Faiths 
The Village of Lovers: a Blueprint for Creating Cultures of Peace
Watch Now through Feb 9  | Globalized capitalism is destroying the biosphere while political unrest and war continue to dominate the headlines. Where might we turn for guidance in order to navigate these uncertain times? Enter Tamera: a radical intentional community 40 years...
Contemplations: On the Psychedelic Experience
Contemplations is a documentary film exploring the furthest reaches of psychedelic exploration.
Why We Need Socialism
In this video essay, I look at how and why socialism, specifically ecosocialism, is crucial to mitigating climate change and building a just and equitable world. Specifically, I look at how capitalism can not exist in harmony with the natural world by investigating the...
How Religious Beliefs are Products of Human Imagination | Neil Van Leeuwen
Get Neil Van Leeuwen's book "Religion as Make-Believe: A Theory of Belief, Imagination, and Group Identity" 
Building a Beloved Community in a Time of War
Sermon for MLK Day from All Souls UU Kansas City
The Problem with Wokeness From a Left Perspective
Identity, which is at the heart of wokeness, is often regarded as the most fundamental thing we have. But clinging too hard to your identity can lead to an emphasis on what makes us different, rather than what we all might have in common. Stylist and cultural commentator...
How to Truly Forgive
True forgiveness is a fundamental aspect of a sane world. 👉 Part 2: Listen to the full episode
Marcus Aurelius' Advice if You’re Tired of Life
Marcus Aurelius reminded himself in those very same pages of Meditations the reasons why he was here on this planet, what his nature demanded of him, what his duty was. He carried on and found relief and purpose and even joy in this. No matter who you are or what you’re going...
Charles Eisenstein: Life is a Gift
Underneath all of the sharpest divisions, human beings of any opinion tribe can still recognize certain fundamental truths. I like to touch those sometimes, so that I myself don’t get lost in the conflict. Conflict is loud. Fear is loud. Rage is loud. Bombs are loud, and so...
Gary Younge on Race, Racism & Identity
"What is it about being British that matters to you? What is it about being Black that matters to you? What is it about being working-class that matters to you? Because any one of those categories contain a lot of really awful people. Identity’s a very important place to...
Visions For A More Beautiful World: A Wake Up Call - w/ Charles Eisenstein
Charles Eisenstein shares his vision for creating a more beautiful world that our hearts know is possible. He explains why all the crises we experience today, are rooted in the single origin of separation, and how by healing this wound within ourselves, we can heal the world.
Meet The Wrong Type of Jew, The Media Doesn't Want You To Know Exists | Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi
”We are being no platformed, we are being cancelled, we are being denied the freedom to express legitimate points of view”
Zionism Is Not the Same as Judaism | Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss
Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss, activist and spokesman for Neturei Karta, talks to Al Jazeera
The White Hole in Time | Peter Russel
In this video Peter Russell proposes that we stand on the threshold of a major leap in evolution, as significant as the emergence of life itself, and the essence of this leap is inner spiritual development. Moreover, he maintains that it is only through such a shift in...
Trust Your Heart - An animated Talk by Charles Eisenstein
This video shows and speaks of the idea that trusting 'what makes you come alive' is a valid source of information on how to spend your time. I find it very helpful to remind myself of this every day and follow and trust the longings of the heart. As Charles says: we don't...
Nonviolence Is a Light of Possibility in Times Like This: on the Current Escalation in Israel and Palestine
"Amid all this insanity, we are deeply moved by and thankful for all Israelis and Palestinians who remain committed to nonviolence, even now that another violent chapter is opened. True courage lies in breaking the cycle of trauma, in refusing revenge, in loving in spite of...
Fascism in the Holy Land: A Revised Jewish Understanding of the State of Israel
"While Israel has had a right-wing government for much of the last 25 years, the government that took power in late 2022 has become a fascist government with little respect for the history and judicial processes of a democratic society."
Realists of a Larger Reality: The introduction to Here Be Monsters: How To Fight Capitalism Instead of Each Other
"Not everything that looks like liberation actually is, nor is every political idea which claims to help people actually helpful. Sometimes, we can dream up things which become nightmares. Sometimes, the left is actually out of touch with reality, with “larger reality.”...
Zeitgeist | Requiem by Peter Joseph
This is the official Film Trailer for “Zeitgeist | Requiem” by Peter Joseph. Fourth in the series, Peter Joseph continues to explore the incompatibility of modern capitalism with future human survival. Departing from the ideological dogmas of today, the work focuses on the...
Nordic Animism | A Conversation with Rune Hjarnø Rasmussen
Rune Hjarnø Rasmussen is a Historian of Religion, Ph.d from Uppsala University in Sweden. His research into Afro-diasporic strategies for maintaining animist reality in the modern world has led him towards reading North European cultural history from the perspective of...
Münecat Debunks the Entire Manosphere
"Well this time I decided to investigate the Manosphere. The cult mentality of Red Pill think, how they monetize it, the narrative they are selling to their followers, and how this can result in some young men being funneled into the alt-right pipeline. I looked into...
Connectivity Project
By exploring the ripple effects of our actions in an interconnected world, CONNECTIVITY PROJECT highlights how science and different cultures and traditions from around the world embrace the importance of interconnectedness. As we follow inspiring individuals who are making a...
How Your Sacred Lovers Within Play a Crucial Role in Your Life
Throughout history, people have described the existence of two complementary yet distinctly different principles that make up our entire universe. Some call them Yin and Yang. Some call them Mother Earth and Father Sky. Some call them left and right brain, while others refer...
Why Your Inner Male and Inner Female Have Nothing to Do With Your Gender
Deep within you are two powerful allies: your inner masculine and inner feminine. These complementary aspects of your fundamental nature, distinct from your gender identity, are a potent source of love, healing and success in the world. Each plays a crucial role in your...
Tao Te Ching: The Book Of The Way by Lao Tzu, Translated by Stephen Mitchell (Audiobook)
One of the greatest works of classic literature. Lao Tzu shares timeless wisdom with the world. . . . Traditionally attributed to Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu, the true authorship of the Tao Te Ching, as well as the date around which it was written (usually said to be 6th c...
Noam Chomsky - Values, Abortion, and Preserving Life
In an edited interview from the Tony Kaye documentary "Lake of Fire", Chomsky is asked about decisions regarding the morality of abortion, and how individuals and society must take a hard look at specifics when discussing topics that deal with contradictory social values.
How To Let Go And Stop Worrying (10 Stoic Tips)
Worry is a silent destroyer of lives. A demolishing internal wrecking ball that can leave even the best of us incapacitated. But it doesn’t have to produce such obvious devastating effects to cripple our potential and produce unhappiness. It can just simmer under the surface...
A Decolonial Critique of the Concept of White Privilege: Why Injustice Is Not a Privilege
Introduction Many progressive people use the concept of “white privilege” to analyze racism. Critique is an essential component of decolonial knowledge production. It is a way of improving our theoretical and activist work. A decolonial critique looks at the concept from the...
An Open Letter: Why I'm Leaving the Cult of Wokeness
If there's one thing I'm NOT afraid of, it's being 'cancelled'.​
The Dangerous Fallacy of 'Democracies' and the Need to Reinvigorate Real Democracy
The democracies" is just the conventional term for that bloc of states. Internally, the democrat is an enemy  ~Jacques Ranciere[1]     Language is a powerful tool. This holds true for politics as much as for any other aspect of social life, if not even more. And there is...
Crisis Fatigue and the Co-Creation of Positive Possibilities
A letter to a community organizer and networker overwhelmed by the potential impact of global crises on his community
What Red Pill Philosophy Gets Wrong
Support Then & Now on Patreon.
Gratitude Revealed
Gratitude Revealed is a remarkable cinematic documentary that has been forty years in the making.
Remembering That Life Is Good
As humans, we are always trying to control everything. We think we have the ability to change anything that crosses our path and believe we have the capability to handle it to our perfect satisfaction every time.
Reconsidering Reparations | Olufemi O. Taiwo
Reparations for slavery have become a reinvigorated topic for public debate over the last decade. Most theorizing about reparations treats it as a social justice project—either rooted in reconciliatory justice focused on making amends in the present, or they focus on the...
I Have Arrived, I Am Home: A Documentary about Thich Nhat Hanh
Made specially for the first anniversary of the passing of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, "I Have Arrived, I Am Home" is a new documentary from filmmaker Max Pugh (A Cloud Never Dies, Walk With Me).