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From Awra Amba to Ethiopia and the World
A documentary about Awra Amba, produced by Ato Andargachew Tsige.
What Studies Say About Transgender, Gender Dysphoria, and Gender Affirming Care
What does medical science say about transgender / gender affirming care? America's Holistic Plastic Surgeon Dr. Anthony Youn dives deep into the studies, claims, and expert professional recommendations from an open minded point of view. 
Transgender Neurobiology with Dr. Robert Sapolsky
Robert Sapolsky is a neuroendocrinology researcher and author. He is a professor of biology, neurology, neurological sciences, and neurosurgery at Stanford University. Sapolsky has received numerous honors and awards for his work, including a MacArthur Fellowship in 1987, an...
How Junk Science is Being Used Against Trans Kids
This researcher has been studying the history of Trans kids for years. Here’s what you need to know.
Material Conditions: How to Eliminate Sexism
What would happen if you could end sexism overnight by giving everyone a magic pink pill? Why changing hearts, minds and culture isn’t enough, you need to change the conditions that generate cultural attitudes in order for changing hearts and minds to have a long term effect. 
The Red Pill Lie
There is currently a movement known as "red pill" that is handicapping young people and dooming them to a lifetime of failed relationships. They're the disease presenting themselves as the cure. I talk about why they're wrong and provide some actual guidance from my...
How The Left FAILED Young Men...
Just wanted to get my thoughts on the Trump election win off my chest - and some motivation for how the left need to move forward. 
The Answer Isn't Online Masculinity
Young men aren't okay... so why aren't more people talking about it? 
The Anti-Woke Guys Keep Gettin Weirder
Captain andypants saved the lives of me and my 19 sons. 
The Sacredness of Twoness | Lyla June Johnston
From the session: ONE, NOT TWO: SACRED WHOLENESS | 2018 Festival of Faiths 
Patriarchy and the Patriarchal Woman
Despite the popular notion that only men can be patriarchal, the truth is that women can be patriarchal as well. In our society, patriarchy is internalized. It lives inside of us, in the psyche of both men and women.
The Manosphere to Alt-Right Pipeline (We Should All Be Talking about This)
Men are not okay. The manosphere is a vast network of incels, mens rights activists, pick up artists and more, and their violent rhetoric easily translates to conspiracy theories, making them the perfect target for the Alt Right. - Leeja Miller
Let’s All Get Past This Confusion About Trans People
There has been a lot of talk about trans people lately, with controversy surrounding comedians, sports, as well as the usual back and forth between liberals and conservatives. As a liberal, the hateful and harmful rhetoric from the right upsets me, but I have also been...
The Neuroscience of Being Transgender
"In this episode, I discuss the neuroscience of being transgender by explaining the difference between gender identity and biology. I add studies from neuroscience and explain some fascinating findings." - Brief Brain Snacks
Why Does Mainstream Feminism Support the Prison System?
Can we achieve feminist justice through the criminal law? Carceral feminism is a branch of feminism that would answer yes, but this video challenges carceral feminist thinking and explores alternative approaches to justice. - oliSUNvia
Why Andrew Tate & The Red Pill Seem Irresistible to So Many Men
Male loneliness has been on the rise for the last several decades. With changing gender roles and men lost on how to live up to classical ideas of masculinities, Andrew Tate and The Red Pill Grift fill the vacuum to offer solutions to lonely young men.
Münecat Debunks the Entire Manosphere
"Well this time I decided to investigate the Manosphere. The cult mentality of Red Pill think, how they monetize it, the narrative they are selling to their followers, and how this can result in some young men being funneled into the alt-right pipeline. I looked into...
Trans Kashmir
Once entertainers and employees of the royal courts, they were believed to have mystical powers. Today they fight for dignity in life and death. Trans Kashmir is a film about the extreme hardships, resilience and beauty of Kashmir’s Hijra (transgender) community and their...
How Your Sacred Lovers Within Play a Crucial Role in Your Life
Throughout history, people have described the existence of two complementary yet distinctly different principles that make up our entire universe. Some call them Yin and Yang. Some call them Mother Earth and Father Sky. Some call them left and right brain, while others refer...
Why Your Inner Male and Inner Female Have Nothing to Do With Your Gender
Deep within you are two powerful allies: your inner masculine and inner feminine. These complementary aspects of your fundamental nature, distinct from your gender identity, are a potent source of love, healing and success in the world. Each plays a crucial role in your...
There Is a Diversity of Thought in the Trans Community | Zander Keig
"Within any community, people think differently.  To think that a group all thinks alike is called stereotyping. This is a particular issue within minority communities. Large majority groups are often assumed to have differences of opinion within them. But in smaller...
The GOP’s Attack on LGBTQ Americans, Revealed | Robert Reich
Republicans have introduced more than 500 anti-LGBTQ+ bills in 2023 alone, all over the country. They're obsessed with controlling who Americans love, how they identify, and even where they can go to the bathroom. Here's why.
Male Inequality, Explained by an Expert | Richard Reeves
Modern males are struggling. Author Richard Reeves outlines the three major issues boys and men face and shares possible solutions. 
The Genderbread Person Isn't the Way | Zander Keig
I grew up in what I felt like was a progressive society.In school we had broken through the idea of strict gender roles; we were taught that men and women could have any career that they wanted. On the playground boys and girls played together. I am a trans-man, but as a...
Feminine Power Does Not Move the World Through Force
It Tethers the Masculine Powers to Life, Directs them Toward Love, and Keeps Them Grounded in Beauty.
The Healthy Masculinity of Ted Lasso | A Therapist Explains
A videoessay breaking down the masculinity in the apple tv show Ted Lasso, starring Jason Sudekis as a football coach. This analysis considers the healthy masculinity of characters such as Roy Kent, the developing masculinity of Jamie Tartt, as well as touching on the toxic...
Brotherhood is the Medicine: How Men are Reclaiming a Masculinity in Service to Life
I learned something important about myself at an event last month, the annual convergence of a men’s organization called the Sacred Sons. Though I was there as a speaker, I decided to experience it from the vantage point of a participant as well. That is how I found myself in...
Time For Left To Admit Boys & Men Are In CRISIS and For Right to Accept We Shouldn't "Go Back" | Breaking Points
Krystal and Saagar are joined by author and policy expert Richard Reeves to better understand the crisis facing boys and men he tackles in his new book. A refreshing interview with zero culture war BS.
Feminine Wisdom | Schuyler Brown & Samantha Sweetwater
Many people have observed that the conversation we have been curating on Rebel Wisdom has featured many more men than women. Of course we have regularly been asking ourselves why that is, and whether there is a more ‘feminine’ contribution to the dialogue that is not being...
Talking Masculinity with the 'Most Dangerous Therapist in the World' | Jerry Hyde
Jerry Hyde is a shadow therapist with 25 years clinical experience, who rejects many of the conventionally held views of the mainstream psychotherapy world. He works primarily with men, and has run men's groups for decades, which have years-long waiting lists to join. He has...
Make Me A Man
We are Jerry HYDE, London-based therapist, and Mai HUA, Paris-based film director, and this is our heartfelt contribution to change the culture around masculinity. Please watch it with people you love. The discussions and the shared experience are as important as the movie in...
Hold Me Right: The Aftermath of Sexual Assault
A filmmaker tries to cope with the aftermath of her own sexual assault while filming first-hand testimonies ––ranging from a nurse that performed her own rape kit to a pedophile molested as a child. Hold Me Right follows both survivors and perpetrators through the harrowing...
Grief, Sacred Rage and Revolutionary Love | Bioneers
For too long women in general and women of color even more pointedly have been told to suppress their grief and rage in the name of love and forgiveness. No more. How do we reclaim our emotions in the labor of loving others? What might authentic reckoning, apology, and...
J.K. Rowling | ContraPoints
Contrapoints tackles the J.K. Rowling controversy. Clocking in at 90 minutes, it's essentially a feature documentary.
The Man Card: White Male Identity Politics from Nixon to Trump
For years, right-wing politicians and pundits have repeatedly criticized the left for playing “the race card” and “the woman card.” This new film turns the tables and takes dead aim at the right’s own longstanding – but rarely discussed – deployment of white-male identity...
What is Work? | Nancy Folbre
What counts as work and what doesn't? Nancy Folbre shows how nearly half of all work done in this country is ignored by economists. She argues that we need to create better measures of non-market income, consumption and investment.
Knock Down The House
Four female candidates -- each driven by personal experience and hardship -- enter the 2018 race for Congress, challenging powerful incumbents for a spot at the table and a voice in government. This emotional documentary follows their campaigns. For more information and to...
Who’s Afraid of Vulnerability?
Reframing vulnerability as a strength is what makes transformation possible.
Speaking Frankly: Non-monogamy
"“One big orgy”: That’s the stereotype about the lifestyle of consensual non-monogamy — an arrangement where committed partners agree to have relationships with other people. But people who have practiced non-monogamy for years say it’s not all wild sex — or even all that...
The Miseducation of the American Boy
Why boys crack up at rape jokes, think having a girlfriend is “gay,” and still can’t cry—and why we need to give them new and better models of masculinity
Rising for a Global Feminist Future With the Movement to Elect Bernie Sanders.
We are a coalition of feminists contending with both our differences and our commonality in age, race, class, religion, labor, and sexual orientation. We meet at the intersection of our fluid identities. Though our experiences are different, we share a vision of a feminist...
Matriarchies Are Not Just a Reversal of Patriarchies: A Structural Analysis
Matriarchies are not just a reversal of patriarchies, with women ruling over men – as the usual misinterpretation would have it. Matriarchies are mother-centered societies. They are based on maternal values: care-taking, nurturing, mothering. This holds for everybody: for...
Feminism and the Social Solidarity Economy: a Short Call to Action
The following text is a translation of Marian Díez‘s impassioned closing speech at the recent convergence meeting of the World Social Forum for Transformative Economies.
Krystal Ball Interviews Contrapoints on Her Blockbuster Cancel Culture Video
Natalie Wynn explains why cancel culture is harmful. Watch the full video essay here.
Effortless Action: The Art of Spontaneity
Effortless Action is the sequel to my documentary The Art of Effortless Living. This documentary explores the spontaneous nature of the Taoist wisdom of wu-wei as explained by the great sages Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzu.
The Candidate Who Best Represents Me Is The Only One Saying It's About Us
When Bernie says it's not about him, I see my values and fears and hopes represented in a way I never have before.
Recovering Your Sacredness | Jerry Tello
Our society is experiencing profound levels of stress and anxiety, a public health crisis that’s triggering unresolved traumas in many people, resulting in widespread uneasiness, poor public health, social dysfunction, and alienation, as well as high levels of violence...
What Society Says To Men- Helly Shah | Spoken Word Poetry
"I always felt like men were born with a sense of entitlement in this world. Until now, until this."
XY Chelsea
Produced by Pulse Films, XY Chelsea tells the historic story of whistle-blower Chelsea Manning, whose 35-year sentence in an all-male maximum security prison was commuted by President Obama in 2017.
'Masculinity is Essential to Society'
In episode two of The Guardian's series on modern masculinity, Iman Amrani met Neil Smedley, a barber shop owner in Leeds. In the interview they did together Neil spoke about a range of issues, some of them very personal, and they felt that they couldn't do his story justice...
Classifying Bodies, Denying Freedoms
I was in my early teens when I accompanied my grandmother on a Christmas errand to deliver boxes of biscuits to each of her surviving maternal cousins. Although our extended family was big we were also close, so I was surprised when the last box was for an aunty I’d never...
Things Straight Men Aren't Allowed to Do (According to Wiz Khalifa and Others)
Professional skinny person Wiz Khalifa said straight men should not eat bananas in public. Here's a running list of things straight black men "can't" do because #masculinitysofragile.
Sexual Assault of Men Played for Laughs
It’s hard to overstate just how common jokes about men being sexually assaulted are in entertainment media. Most popular comedic actors engage in this type of humor. Jokes are typically designed to demean, humiliate, control, or emasculate a male character for being the...
The Market Theocracy
The Handmaid’s Tale is less a dystopian nightmare about Trump’s America than a comforting fiction we tell ourselves.
Tenderness, Vulnerability, and Mourning in Response to the Legacy of Patriarchy
"So what can I do, as an individual?"
The Pregnancy to Prison Pipeline: Media Matters
As the President sounds off about holy babies born and unborn, we talk about the ongoing criminalization of women who happen to get pregnant. What has been the media’s role and have they done enough to make amends? We’ll talk to Lynn Paltrow, one of the lawyers representing...
Five Signs a Man Is Connected to His Heart
Many men think our power is in our brains or our balls.
How I Unlearned Dangerous Lessons about Masculinity | Eldra Jackson
In a powerful talk, educator Eldra Jackson III shares how he unlearned dangerous lessons about masculinity through Inside Circle, an organization that leads group therapy for incarcerated men. Now he's helping others heal by creating a new image of what it means to be a...
What Is a Man? A Response to Gillette
"Dedicated to all those who sacrifice everything to make the world safer and better for all of us.