1-60 of 749
What If We Ran The Economy?
Can you imagine libraries of tools, clothing, and even housing? The library economy can be the bridge to an entirely new world of human flourishing. Let's explore what the library economy is, what may or may not be included, and what it might take to bring it to life.
Human and Planetary Health: Ecosystem Regeneration | Daniel Wahl
In this perceptive and radical talk, Daniel Wahl PhD observes that we are standing at the dawn of the planetary era. 
Why People Hate Socialism—And What It Actually Is
Socialism is one of the most vilified and misunderstood ideas in modern political discourse. The number one reason for this hatred? Most people have no idea what socialism actually is. Decades of propaganda have reduced the concept to caricatures of authoritarian states and...
This Detroit Agrihood is Transforming its Community - Michigan Urban Farming Initiative Tour
A tour of MIUFI (Michigian Urban Farming Initiative) and interview with its manager - Quan Blunt.
50 Documentaries Inspiring the Transition From Empire to Earth Community
We are living in a time of profound transition, a moment when humanity must choose its path forward. The old systems—of empire, domination, and exploitation—are showing signs of weakness, and in their wake, we have the opportunity to build something far more life-affirming. A...
The Great Simplification
This 32 minute animation - in 4 Acts - describes the backdrop for The Great Simplification - an economic/cultural transition beginning in the not-too-distant future. 
The Movement We Need
This series of writings is an experiment—a new way of writing a book that invites you all to participate in.  I’ve written or co-written thirteen published books over more than four decades as an author, and a number of others (we don’t talk about those), and seen publishing...
Why I left the Democratic Party #WalkAway
video by Orf Twitter  Rumble  Patreon  Substack  Locals  Truth
Instructions for Courageous Living in a Broken World
In a world marked by division, inequality, and growing despair, navigating daily life with integrity and purpose can feel overwhelming. Yet, even amid this brokenness, profound change is possible through acts of radical compassion.
Vote Like A Radical
Voting like a radical means voting for our movements. This election and every election, #VoteLikeARadical 📣 
The Myth of Far-Left Extremism: How Common-Sense Ethics Are Framed as Radical
The real extremists are the corporate and political elites who wear $5,000 suits and calmly explain why war, profit and greed are good on the evening news.
The Tyranny of the Majority Myth: How Elites Tricked Us Into Fearing Democracy
Heard that old saying "democracy is the tyranny of the majority? It was propaganda invented by elites.
How to Defeat the Billionaire Class
Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant and the Socialist Alternative (SA) party have, for nearly a decade, waged one of the most effective battles against the city’s moneyed elites. She and the SA have adopted a series of unorthodox methods to fight the ruling oligarchs...
A New Economy | New Business Models for a Cooperative Future
Watch as several organizations move towards a more cooperative future by experimenting with open and non-traditional business models. Among them are a small craft-brew coop, a peer-to-peer open hardware lab and an urban agricultural social enterprise. 
The REAL Tragedy of the Commons
When it comes to the question of how we organise the land we inhabit and the resources therein, we’re presented with two paths: privatisation or nationalisation. The capitalist or the State. But an alternative exists in the commons, and it is no tragedy. 
The Importance of Cultural Values for Meaningful Change
This short animation tells the story of the importance of our cultural values and their role in meaningful, durable systemic change. Join us on a journey that demonstrates the need to shift our mainstream cultural values to intrinsic values such as care, equality, creativity...
Appalachian Community Meal and Mutual Aid Network
Moneyless Society's flagship boots on the ground project is Appalachian Community Meal and Mutual Aid Network, which is just like it sounds: a monthly pop up resource hub galvanizing barrier free access and cascading shared benefit bringing the community together to meet our...
Market Fundamentalism Is Incompatible with Democracy and Leading Us Towards Fascism
We need a human rights movement that challenges the orthodoxy of market capitalism, writes Peter Joseph.
The Top 250 Transition Documentaries Inspiring a Thriving Future
A better world is possible. These documentaries light the way by showing examples of people rejecting despair, fighting against the status quo, creating alternatives and living a more beautiful world into being.
Worker Democracy
An overview of the evidence surrounding worker democracy. In summary: it's good, but far from perfect. Hope you enjoy the video and the new animations. - Unlearning Economics
Honest Government Ad | AI
The Government™ has made an ad about the existential threat that AI poses to humanity, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative 
Closer to Home: Voices of Hope in a Time of Crisis
This 35-minute film is a united call for a new economy, delivered by those who have committed their lives to working for systemic change. 
The Power of Local: Community Solutions to Our Global Crisis
This 42-minute film is bursting with examples of exciting localization initiatives across the world. 
How "Big Picture Activism" Can Change the World
This short video urges people to spread the word about the need for an economic shift from global to local. This type of big picture activism can help tackle our social and environmental crises simultaneously. 
The Interrelated Structure of Reality
The work-in-progress film will be an expansive deep dive into our socioeconomic system as the interconnected root cause of all our crises. It's about the two systems that are locked in battle on planet earth: the life system, and the money system. 
It's Basic
When the Coronavirus Pandemic threw livelihoods into uncertainty and consequently spurred the creation of multiple direct government assistance programs, every American was given first-hand experience with the concept of Guaranteed Basic Income (GBI), an idea that has been...
Try Psychedelics, Access Transcendence | James Fadiman
Expert James Fadiman explains how psychedelics have the power to expand consciousness, enhance creativity, and deepen our connections to the world.   
The Sacredness of Twoness | Lyla June Johnston
From the session: ONE, NOT TWO: SACRED WHOLENESS | 2018 Festival of Faiths 
The Village of Lovers: a Blueprint for Creating Cultures of Peace
Watch Now through Feb 9  | Globalized capitalism is destroying the biosphere while political unrest and war continue to dominate the headlines. Where might we turn for guidance in order to navigate these uncertain times? Enter Tamera: a radical intentional community 40 years...
Inside an Apache Rite of Passage Into Womanhood
For the Mescalero Apache Tribe, girls are not recognized as women until they have undergone the Sunrise Ceremony- an ancient, coming-of-age ceremony that lasts for four days. 
Building a Beloved Community in a Time of War
Sermon for MLK Day from All Souls UU Kansas City
Charles Eisenstein: Life is a Gift
Underneath all of the sharpest divisions, human beings of any opinion tribe can still recognize certain fundamental truths. I like to touch those sometimes, so that I myself don’t get lost in the conflict. Conflict is loud. Fear is loud. Rage is loud. Bombs are loud, and so...
SolarPunk Cities: Our Last Hope?
In a world where the dark, dystopian visions of Cyberpunk have long dominated our sci-fi imaginations, a new genre emerges as a beacon of hope: Solarpunk Support Dami Lee on Ko-Fi
How To Build A Solarpunk City
"I believe our cities should belong to us. They should be cooperative, co-creative, ecological, and egalitarian spaces, by and for the people. We have so much untapped urban potential just waiting to be explored. Join me as we determine how to build a solarpunk...
Break the Endless Cycle of Violence
A few thoughts on a Sunday morning.
What can one person do? What can a group of people do? What do we want to leave behind? In the film "Imprint" we visit 13 projects in 13 different places where committed groups work for a vibrant future. A personal and poetic depiction of what it means to be fully human in...
Zeitgeist | Requiem by Peter Joseph
This is the official Film Trailer for “Zeitgeist | Requiem” by Peter Joseph. Fourth in the series, Peter Joseph continues to explore the incompatibility of modern capitalism with future human survival. Departing from the ideological dogmas of today, the work focuses on the...
Nordic Animism | A Conversation with Rune Hjarnø Rasmussen
Rune Hjarnø Rasmussen is a Historian of Religion, Ph.d from Uppsala University in Sweden. His research into Afro-diasporic strategies for maintaining animist reality in the modern world has led him towards reading North European cultural history from the perspective of...
Hackers for Freedom
"Hackers for Freedom", this 55-minute long documentary takes us to meet with those who, from India to the United States via Europe, are experimenting with the emancipation tools of "free software" in order to bring concrete solutions in a multitude of fields in which...
Why Your Inner Male and Inner Female Have Nothing to Do With Your Gender
Deep within you are two powerful allies: your inner masculine and inner feminine. These complementary aspects of your fundamental nature, distinct from your gender identity, are a potent source of love, healing and success in the world. Each plays a crucial role in your...
Tao Te Ching: The Book Of The Way by Lao Tzu, Translated by Stephen Mitchell (Audiobook)
One of the greatest works of classic literature. Lao Tzu shares timeless wisdom with the world. . . . Traditionally attributed to Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu, the true authorship of the Tao Te Ching, as well as the date around which it was written (usually said to be 6th c...
50 Paradigm-Shifting Documentaries for a Wise Earth
The human journey is at a crossroads. Authoritarianism is on the rise, the biosphere is destabilizing, and the capitalist global order is driving us towards the cliff with its head stuck in quarterly profit reports. From everything we've learned about climate feedback loops...
We the Power | The Future of Energy is Community-Owned
A film about the citizen-led community-energy movement in Europe and the visionaries lighting the way. 
This "I Trust You" Social Experiment Shows a More Beautiful World Is Possible
Karim Sulayman is an Arab-American tenor from Chicago. Ten days after the 2016 U.S. presidential election, Sulayman teamed up with filmmaker Meredith Kaufman Younger to perform a trust experiment. Watch this silent video (set to Sulayman singing Sinead O'Connor's "In this...
The Pluralist Commonwealth: A Vision of Economic Democracy
Historian and political economist Gar Alperovitz offers an animated view of what a next system grounded in democratized ownership of the economy and real sustainability would look like.
What Is the Next Story? | Charles Eisenstein
Inspired by a Charles Eisenstein essay, crafted by Tonika Todorova and narrated by Charles. 
It’s Not Enough To Be Anti-Racist, We Also Need To Be Pro Human | Daryl Davis
How do we solve a problem like racism? Can simply being against racism bring about its destruction? No. To end hatred, we must know what we want to put in its place. In 1990 I met Roger Kelly, a leader in the Ku Klux Klan. Since I was a child I had a question: “how can...
Cultural Relativism and the Importance of Anthropology in the Modern Age | Wade Davis
Bestselling author and anthropologist Wade Davis addresses The Royal Canadian Geographical Society's 2017 College of Fellows dinner, held November 16, 2017 at the Canadian Museum of History.
The Worldwide Web of Belief and Ritual | Wade Davis
Anthropologist Wade Davis muses on the worldwide web of belief and ritual that makes us human. He shares breathtaking photos and stories of the Elder Brothers, a group of Sierra Nevada indians whose spiritual practice holds the world in balance.
The Genderbread Person Isn't the Way | Zander Keig
I grew up in what I felt like was a progressive society.In school we had broken through the idea of strict gender roles; we were taught that men and women could have any career that they wanted. On the playground boys and girls played together. I am a trans-man, but as a...
What We Can Learn From Nature | Janine Benyus
Janine Benyus reveals the natural intelligence found in the patterns and designs of nature all around us. We live in a competent, brilliant planet and are surrounded by genius with perfect timing and coordination, all without top down laws and policies. The organisms have all...
Feminine Power Does Not Move the World Through Force
It Tethers the Masculine Powers to Life, Directs them Toward Love, and Keeps Them Grounded in Beauty.
Why Doctors Ignore Trauma | Dr. Nadine Burke Harris
Dr. Nadine Harris has been studying the effects of early childhood adversity on health outcomes later on in life. In her 30 years of studying research, the findings are clear. Childhood trauma dramatically affects health across a lifetime. These are not some new findings...
Anthropologist Debunks Darwin’s Most Abused Idea | James Suzman
James Suzman lived with a tribe of hunter-gatherers to witness how an ancient culture survives one of the most brutal climates on Earth. His learnings may surprise you. 
Magic Medicine: Can Psilocybin Cure Depression?
Over 4 years, filmmaker Monty Wates was given exclusive access to the first-ever medical trial to give psilocybin (the psychoactive ingredient in magic mushrooms) to a group of volunteers suffering from clinical depression. His remarkable film follows three of the volunteers...
Why Do Conspiracy Theories Flourish? Because Proven Conspiracies are Too Daunting
The greatest conspiracies are open and notorious — not theories, but practices expressed through law and policy, technology, and finance. Counterintuitively, these conspiracies are more often than not announced in public and with a modicum of pride. They’re dutifully reported...
Awakening from the Meaning Crisis
Do you ever feel like we're swimming in an ocean of bullshit? This ground-breaking and viral 50-part series from John Vervaeke seeks to understand why this is so, and answer the question: what can we do about it?
This Land is Our Land: The Fight to Reclaim the Commons
For more than three decades, transnational corporations have been busy buying up what used to be known as the commons -- everything from our forests and our oceans to our broadcast airwaves and our most important intellectual and cultural works. In This Land is Our Land...
The Next American Revolution: Beyond Corporate Capitalism & State Socialism
While there's been no shortage of commentary about the structural crisis plaguing the American economic and political system, from wage stagnation and chronic unemployment to unchecked corporate and state power and growing inequality, analyses that offer practical...
The Crisis of the Cultural Environment: Media & Democracy in the 21st Century
Turning to issues of media policy, George Gerbner delivers a stinging indictment of the way the so-called "information superhighway" is being constructed. By examining the logic of globalization he shows the ineffectual nature of our present responses to deal with the urgent...