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How Oil Propaganda Sneaks Into TV Shows | Climate Town
Not everything fictional characters say is true.
Revolution Now! with Peter Joseph | Ep 54 | Feb 9th 2025
In this (2 hour+ !) episode of Revolution Now (Episode 54), Peter Joseph examines the complexities of systemic transition and the limitations of reformist approaches to change, including a critical review of Jason Hickel’s work. 
Capitalism Is Over: What's Next Is Worse
The Silicon Valley Plan to End Capitalism 
DARK GOTHIC MAGA: How Tech Billionaires Plan to Rule America
A group of tech billionaires—including Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, and their allies—are working to reshape government to serve corporate power. Their goal is not just deregulation or lower taxes, but the replacement of democracy itself with privatized, CEO-run enclaves.
Tech CEOs Admit They Want AI Monopoly: US Plans to Block China's Competition & 'Steal' Engineers
Big Tech oligarchs in Silicon Valley fear competition from Chinese AI companies like DeepSeek, so they're working with the US government to cut off competitors. Billionaire Donald Trump backer Peter Thiel admits they want monopolies, arguing "competition is for losers". Ben...
Why Tech Won't Save Us
The promise of tech may be alluring, but we need to adopt a more intentional and critical mindset. Let's explore what it means to be tech-critical. 
How Capitalism Becomes Feudalism (Severance and Technofeudalism)
As commerce transforms around the new rent-extracting digital fiefdoms, algorithms and AI become a way to transform skilled labor into machine-learning piecework. In Severance, technology is used to "sever" people's working selves from their actual selves, creating the...
What the News Won't Tell You about Climate Change | Hannah Ritchie, PhD
"You can find examples of really big environmental problems that we've already solved.” Climate change is solvable, argues Hannah Ritchie. 
Power 2 the People
Produced by Afristar Foundation and Directed by FixerFilm, Power to the People is a documentary showcasing alternative energy and appropriate technology applications in South Africa. The film focuses both on low-tech, small-scale solutions implemented on household and...
Smartphones vs. Smart Kids: Heading Off Disaster in Teen Mental Health | Jonathan Haidt
Bestselling author and social psychologist Jonathan Haidt shares research findings from his upcoming book, The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness. He addresses the many unsettling connections between social media...
AI Riots vs "Moore's Law for Everything" by Sam Altman
Moore's Law for Everything:  
How do we get to UBI and Post-Labor Economics? Decentralized Ownership: the New Social Contract!
A fantastic brainstorming podcast on the future of automation, society and work, and how to ensure automation helps society rather than trigger an unemployment crisis.
Inspiring Couple Build the Sustainable Home of Their Dreams (From Start to Finish)
'Strawbale Dream Home' follows the building of a beautiful eco home by wonderful owner builders Adam and Sian in Victoria, Australia. 
The Amazing Community Making Beautiful Compost from City Food Waste | Ben & bEartha
'Ben & bEartha: A Community's Compost Love Story' is a free 40-minute sustainability documentary following the highs and lows of a passionate community as they attempt to tackle the issue of food waste going to landfill. Their solution? A composting machine called bEartha and...
What Are Technics? Episode 1 - Who's in Charge?
What Are Technics? is a short series about culture and technology, and how the two emerge from each other. What sort of culture invents an iPhone, for example, and then how does that technology shape the culture in-turn? And with that cyclical interplay, which outcomes are...
Hackers for Freedom
"Hackers for Freedom", this 55-minute long documentary takes us to meet with those who, from India to the United States via Europe, are experimenting with the emancipation tools of "free software" in order to bring concrete solutions in a multitude of fields in which...
Exposed: The Smear Tactics against Wind and Solar
You shouldn't believe everything you see on the internet. Particularly when it comes to renewable energy. We started debunking some of the biggest myths about wind and solar energy – and ended up in a world of shady lobby groups and secret money streams. Come follow us down...
Even Small Towns are Great Here (5 Years in the Netherlands)
We’ve lived in the Netherlands for 5 years now and we’ve been to a lot of small towns and cities in that time. The thing that surprised us the most is that there’s good urbanism pretty much everywhere. - Not Just Bikes
15-Minute Cities for Leftists
15-minute cities could be the solution to climate change and income inequality. Or they could just make everything worse. What we do know is that they probably aren't dystopian walled-cities. Let's explore what everyone is saying about 15-minute cities and start to work out...
How to Turn Your Neighborhood into a Village
Permaculture instructor Andrew Millison journeys to Portland, Oregon to talk with architect Mark Lakeman, founder of Communitecture Architecture and the City Repair Project. Mark initiated a movement in Portland to transform the homogenous neighborhoods of the city into...
The Crisis of the Cultural Environment: Media & Democracy in the 21st Century
Turning to issues of media policy, George Gerbner delivers a stinging indictment of the way the so-called "information superhighway" is being constructed. By examining the logic of globalization he shows the ineffectual nature of our present responses to deal with the urgent...
When Trees Meet Buildings
Architects, engineers and developers are creating increasingly greener structures - and doing it in a more literal way than ever before.
Biophilic Design: The Architecture of Life
Biophilic Design is an innovative way of designing the places where we live, work, and learn. We need nature in a deep and fundamental fashion, but we have often designed our cities and suburbs in ways that both degrade the environment and alienate us from nature.
The Modern Eco Village | BedZED
The BedZED eco-village is a sustainable housing development based in London, UK. Going Green went to the eco-village to see both the green building design and the sustainable community.
Cosmos: Possible Worlds
Possible Worlds translates the revelations of science into a lavishly transporting experience, taking audiences on a series of spiritual voyages of exploration. We are living in the golden age of discovery of new worlds to explore and possibly inhabit. In the vastness of time...
The Wikipedia Promise
Can the world's most widely accessed collection of information be trusted? And if not, is it possible to change it for the better?
The Film Mark Zuckerberg Does Not Want You to See | Johann Hari
“Your attention has been stolen by some big and powerful forces”
Forest Condominium is Ecosystem of 150 Trees, 60+ Apartments
With 150 trees sprouting across 5 floors of terraces, balconies, and roof gardens, apartment complex "25 Verde" in Italy rises like a giant treehouse, a forest-building ecosystem combining geothermal energy, water reuse, and natural cooling.
The Spyware on Your Phone that could End Democracy | George Monbiot
“One of the most fundamental attacks on democracy & human rights ever invented”
The Two Futures Of Automation: Capitalism VS Socialism
With jobs being automated and handed off to machines at an ever-increasing pace, it's only natural to consider what our future will look like. Will humans have more free time to spend with loved ones? More time to pursue hobbies and fulfilling activities? Or will the status...
Honest Government Ad | Carbon Capture and Storage
The Australien Government has made an ad about Carbon Capture and Storage, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative.
Planned Obsolescence Sucks. Here's Why It Still Exists.
Why (and how) Planned Obsolescence and Capitalism make terrible products.
Desert Apocalypse: How Solar Projects Affect Desert Habitats
The award-winning film series Desert Apocalypse is back for a second season. In this episode we travel to the Pahrump Valley and up to Beatty, Nevada to look at the landscapes threatened by solar. In the Pahrump Valley at the Yellow Pine Solar project site, we see a few...
The Hardest Thing I've Ever Loved: Creating a Transformative Culture
This 36-minute documentary follows the lives of 5 young explorers on their journey through the 5-week Ecovillage Design Education program in Switzerland, which navigates today's challenges as opportunities to build a regenerative future for all.
The Tiny House Fire Truck That Runs on Waste Vegetable Oil!
Today Happen Films is taking a tour of this incredible tiny house truck that runs on waste vegetable oil! BEV, the biosphere emergency vehicle, is the mobile home for artists Brenna Quinlan and Charlie Mgee when they're on the road traveling in Australia. The house features a...
Project Cybersyn tells the story of applied cybernetics in early 1970s Chile during the Allende Presidency and evaluates its legacy, value and potential. Translations of this video are welcome.
The Sculptured House
A film made by Ayet Alers, documenting the creation of a small natural house, following the process from the start until completion.
Childhood 2.0: The Living Experiment
For the first time in history, mental illness and suicide have become one of the greatest threats to school-aged children. Many parents still view dangers as primarily physical and external, but they’re missing the real danger: kids spending more time online and less time...
InterReflections: A Story about The Greatest Revolution of Our Time
InterReflections is an experimental, mixed genre narrative feature film by Peter Joseph, adapted from his book The New Human Rights Movement. The ambitious, nearly 3 hour work challenges not only contemporary thinking about society, it challenges the very art of filmmaking...
Is Universal Basic Income The Future?
Imagine a future in which every person was afforded the basics of life. How would this change our society? Is UBI the future? – Second Thought
Terra Blight
TERRA BLIGHT is a documentary exploring America’s consumption of computers and the hazardous waste we create in pursuit of the latest technology.
What's a Colloquium? An Oral History of the Natural Building Movement
A small band of natural building enthusiasts and outlaws met in a field over 20 years ago at something they called a ‘colloquium’. The movement they created has grown uncontrollably ever since; reviving and innovating ancient building techniques and training thousands in the...
Tristan Harris - Downgrade
“The real problem of humanity is the following: We have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions and godlike technology.” Edward O. Wilson
Reclaiming Work: The Cycle Couriers Subverting The Gig Economy
Cycle courier cooperatives are turning technology on the gig economy giants.
Imagine a 100% Renewable New York City | Andrew Faust
Permaculture designer Andrew Faust presents a clear outline for achieving energy independence with 100% renewable technologies in the New York bioregion.
Scaling up Permaculture in the City | Andrew Faust
Learn how to become more regionally resilient with bioregional economics and ecological city design.
Orders Of Energy: Biogas & On-site Fuels
Why Biogas and on-site fuels are inherently superior and appropriate for heating and domestic hot water and why electricity should be reserved for certain tasks that can be run by solar on-site.
Review of Planet of the Humans: What They Get Right and the Environmentalists Get Wrong
Planet of the Humans has stirred the resentment of many a climate crusader. Yesterday, the chair of the Sierra Club California Energy and Climate Committee instructed committee members (I am one) not to “watch or promote” Planet of the Humans. Today, climate scientists called...
Changing the Way We Think About Ecocities
The way we understand ecocities needs radical change in order to ensure a sustainable future, akin to our ancestors realising the earth was round.
The Challenges & Opportunities in the Transition to 100% Renewable Energy
The next few decades will see a profound energy transformation throughout the world. By the end of the century (and perhaps sooner), we will shift from fossil fuel dependence to rely primarily on renewable sources - solar, wind and geothermal power.
Could a Green New Deal Save Civilization?
To fully and systematically address the climate/energy crisis, the plan will have to be far broader in scope than what is currently being proposed. And while we need to mobilize society as a whole with a World War II-level of effort, the reality is that there’s never been...
6 Reasons Why Planet of the Humans Is a Disaster of Misinformation
Overview I. Intro II. The problems ——#1. Misrepresenting ——
Bioregional Living: A Permaculture Guide to Food and Energy Independence | Andrew Faust
In this 30 minute video, Andrew Faust shares his inspiring vision for greater food and energy independence. It's a guide to feeding and providing power for our local communities in ways that are not just "sustainable" but truly regenerative and life-nourishing for humans and...
Skepticism Is Healthy, but Planet of the Humans Is Toxic
It can be refreshing to watch a true believer taking a deeper look at their own sacred cows. But in his rush to be open-minded about his long-cherished environmental beliefs, Jeff Gibbs has thrown out the baby with the bathwater. He lumps solar and wind power, which hold...
Homesteading Family Living Off-Grid in a Spectacular Earthship
This inspiring off-grid homesteading family lives in a renovated stone earthship. They grow their own food, collect rainwater, use solar power, have composting toilets, and they have a pond that filters their grey water. On top of living an eco friendly lifestyle, they...
Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming | Paul Hawken
The visionary goal of Project Drawdown, founded by Paul Hawken, is to actually reverse global warming by drawing carbon out of the atmosphere back down to pre-industrial levels. All the practices and technologies documented in Paul’s best-selling "Drawdown" book are already...
Biomimicry Explained with Drawings & Examples
Sustainability Illustrated presents the concept of Biomimicry:
The Secret Language of Trees
Learn how trees are able to communicate with each other through a vast root system and symbiotic fungi, called mycorrhizae.
Solution-based documentary taking you on a journey of perspectives and insights on the issue of inclusivity and bias in Artificial Intellligence systems.
Andrew Yang's Powerpoint Presentation
Andrew Yang speaks to voters in a town hall at Ames, Iowa, with a powerpoint presentation to help him present his blueprint for a new way forward for America.