Films For Action offers a complementary alternative to TVOD services like Vimeo On Demand, VHX, iTunes, and Amazon Prime.
If your film was made to encourage positive social change, Films For Action is one of the best places to sell your film.
Here's how our service works:
- We split the revenue 90/10 (creator/FFA) after the 2.9% + 30 cent transaction fee is subtracted.
- There is no monthly or yearly fee.
- You choose the availability options (Rent and/or Buy), the rental duration and the pricing.
- Buying the film includes a digital download in mp4 format but this can be disabled upon request. The rental duration is 14 days by default if another duration isn't requested.
- We've partnered with Stripe (a major payment platform used by Google, Amazon, & Shopify) to handle transactions and payments to filmmakers, offering flexible, automated direct deposits to your bank.
- Films are non-exclusive and made available worldwide.
- Fast setup: after sending us the video files and creating a free Stripe account to receive payments, we can have your film ready in a day.
- We help promote the film on our social media networks (800,000 supporters on Facebook, 14,000 on Twitter, and 6,000 via our email newsletter). We also feature the film in various ways on the site.
- No contract necessary, but we can use one on request. Like Vimeo, we put all those details in our Terms of Service.
- You will always be in control of your video (the sale price and availability of the film are always up to you). If for any reason you wish to discontinue the service, you can email us at any time and we'll edit the web page for your film as desired.
- We hand-pick every TVOD film and only host films we are passionate about promoting.
Contact us to get started or find out more. We'd love to work with you.
Tim Hjersted
Co-founder and Director,
Films For Action
Lawrence, KS
PS. Check out Reflection to see how our TVOD films are presented.