George Monbiot on Neoliberalism: "A Self-Serving Racket"

An interview covering neoliberalism, migration, Brexit, Trump, community-building, climate change, democracy, power, globalization, and lots more.

Part 1 - What is Neoliberalism (2mins)

"Neoliberalism exempts billionaires and large corporations from the constraints of democracy, from paying their taxes, from not polluting, from having to pay fair wages, from not exploiting their workers"

Part 2 - Are Brexit and Trump Neoliberal? (2mins)

“When society is broken then it is much more likely that a demagogic, extremist, anti-politics will fill that gap. And of course that is another product of neoliberalism, that atomisation of society”

Part 3 - Full interview (16mins)
Economics   Politics   The Big Picture
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