The Wisdom To Survive (2014)

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Climate change is here. Will we have the wisdom to survive? The film features thought leaders and activists in the realms of science, economics, and spirituality. The focus: how we can live creatively and even joyfully in the face of this catastrophe, and how can we act to staunch the damage and ensure the survival of our planet for generations to come.


"The beauty of this film is that it calls me out of the closet. To shake off whatever cultural baggage there is that inhibits me from admitting to those around me that I care...Wisdom to Survive breathes life into the movement to love, defend, and lend helping hands to the one planet home we have. This film honors the wisdom of youth, scientists, clergy, activists, indigenous peoples, artists and you...If you are haunted by the stupid thought that heroics are needed to save the planet and you think, 'I'm no hero,' then this film will help you forget that nonsense." - Jim Merkel, Author, Radical Simplicity

"Brilliant, achingly poignant...Please SEE THIS FILM - bring it to your community, talk about it, share it with others. It is one of the most artfully-rendered films on the planet's crisis (and how we move through it) I have ever seen...extraordinarily moving." - Shyla Nelson, One Earth-One Voice

“This film is deeply moving and profoundly engaging. Indeed, it has the potential to transform lives because it provides visions of how we should live in the midst of massive environmental challenges. I cannot recommend it more highly!”—Mary Evelyn Tucker, Forum on Religion & Ecology at Yale

“This is a starkly prophetic film. It combines the direst of warnings with deep love of life. Better than any other film I know, it makes clear that our profit-oriented growth economy has caused the climate catastrophe and cannot itself rescue us from disaster. We need new thinking and a new way of life.”—Tom F. Driver,  Paul Tillich Professor Emeritus of Systematic Theology, Union Theological Seminary

“While demonstrating the enormous challenges of our times this film also calls for transformation. It is a powerful witness to the possibility of change as we awaken to the remarkable beauty of our planet.”—John Grim, Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology
Big Ideas   Philosophy   Sustainability   The Big Picture
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