Tomorrow's Children (2001)

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Do politically expedient proposals for more testing prepare children for the challenges of the 21st century? What is the role of schools in a time when the mass media are children's most frequent teachers? In Tomorrow's Children, based on her groundbreaking book of the same name, Riane Eisler offers a practical blueprint for transforming how we educate our children -- and ourselves.

Through Partnership Education we can break the cycle of global violence that imperils the world. This video will help us move toward a more equitable, sustainable, and hopeful future. For everyone who cares about young people: from politicians and school officials to teachers, parents, and students themselves.

This richly illustrated video features an in-depth interview with Riane Eisler and includes partnership educator Sarah Pirtle and teachers and students from Nova High, a 30-year-old Seattle alternative public high school that has piloted partnership education.
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