541-600 of 1,048 results
A new animation about consumption, climate change and wellbeing by PIRC, George Monbiot and Leo Murray. For more info, see:
3 min
Historical perspective on Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton
Tony Brasunas
To those who are supporting Hillary Clinton,
Kris Seto
In the last six months, a relatively low-profile senator from a low-profile state has become a national and even global political phenomenon. At a recent speech in the South Bronx, over 18,000 people rallied with thunderous applause when Bernie Sanders said, "We need...
Quincy Saul
[The following is an imagined 1932 New York Daily News editorial board interview with Franklin Roosevelt during his presidential campaign. The Daily News comments below derive from the editorial board’s interview with Bernie Sanders on April 1, 2016. The Roosevelt statements...
Les Leopold
Either by omission or by commission, the US media actively misinforms the public on crucial issues that matter. The reason they do this is because they legally can.
Cynthia McKinney
A bombshell dropped the other day. But if nobody heard it explode, did that make it a dud?
Marty Kaplan
The notion of the "liberal media" hides the fact that most corporate media isn't concerned about presenting a diversity of left-perspectives. That's because the media doesn't actually have a liberal agenda. It has a corporate agenda and it serves corporate profit and the...
2 min
Why is American media so biased in the way it covers attacks in Europe compared to how it covers the rest of the world?
3 min
A few years ago, Brazil enjoyed VIP treatment in news narratives: it was the rising star on the global stage, the B in BRICS, and the world's new economic powerhouse.
Fast-forward to today and it's a completely different story as a political scandal threatens to bring down...
25 min
I have been filming in the Marshall Islands, which lie north of Australia, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Whenever I tell people where I have been, they ask, "Where is that?" If I offer a clue by referring to "Bikini", they say, "You mean the swimsuit."
John Pilger
The multiple, remarkable crises subsuming Brazil are now garnering substantial Western media attention. That’s understandable given that Brazil is the world’s fifth most populous country and eighth-largest economy; its second-largest city, Rio de Janeiro, is the host of this ye
Glenn Greenwald, Andrew Fishman and David Miranda
A powerful new campaign wants advertisers to know that many consumers are fed up with how women are portrayed.
Women Not Objects, a project dedicated to calling out the objectification of women in commercials, magazine spreads and other forms of advertising, has released a...
3 min
Humans have an innate desire to place labels on everything. Labels give people a sense of order, and a way of distinguishing things.
John Haltiwanger
'The pundits might not like it,' Sanders said on Sunday night, 'but the people are making history.'
Deirdre Fulton
In what has to be some kind of record, the Washington Post ran 16 negative stories on Bernie Sanders in 16 hours, between roughly 10:20 PM EST Sund
Adam Johnson
I've voted Democrat all my life because I hold progressive positions on civil rights, health care, foreign policy, criminal justice and the environment. That gives me plenty of reasons to not vote Republican.
Russ Belville
Could Donald Trump really win in 2016?? It seems like a ridiculous question, but Donald Trump's 2016 campaign has defied all the expectations from the pundits. Initially considered a joke candidate, he now leads the Republican pack in most national polls and the polls for the...
12 min
Are Trump's 'random insults' actually random? Scott Adams makes a convincing case that Trump has been highly trained in neurolinguistic programming.
Donald Trump has a way with words—and with people. Yet despite his popularity, he has been a mystery to the media, which...
8 min
Join the conversation: #WomenNotObjects Twitter: @Not_Objects Instagram: @WomenNotObjects Facebook:
2 min
Our main story this week is about Donald Trump. We can't believe we're saying that either.
22 min
I have abandoned Black History Month and have been celebrating White History Month every February since 2013.
Diallo Kenyatta
Why does our empathy seem to have limits? Why can't we extend our compassion to the whole world?
Mark Heley
And why you should too.
Alejandra Quintero
Super Bowl 50 is the first National Football League championship to happen since it was reported that much of the pro-military hoopla at football games, the honoring of troops and glorifying of wars that most people had assumed was voluntary or part of a marketing scheme for...
David Swanson
9/11. It was to have been the end of irony, remember? Superficial celebrity culture was over; a new age of seriousness was upon us. Of course, the way media celebrities focused on their own mood as the consequence of September 11 was in itself an irony so marvelous you knew...
Thomas de Zengotita
I witnessed this bumper sticker, decked out in bright red, white, and blue lettering, attached to the post holding my neighbors’ mailbox this week as I walked my dogs during unseasonably high temperatures. For my neighbors to display this placard proudly in their front yard...
Dr. Warren J. Blumenfeld
A few days after Paris Terrorist attacks, I’m in the pub with some friends and colleagues and I’m in conversation with someone about the attacks. Her response was very much aligned to mine, a sense of: more love/ less aggression = good response to the situation. Control...
Julie Drybrough
We are what we buy at the mall, see at the multiplex, and hear on our iPods. Author Thomas De Zengotita discusses our new "Mediated" life.
James Westcott
This video, uploaded to YouTube by John Smith, overlays the commentary of the BBC's Korea correspondent Stephen Evans from a march in Pyongyang onto footage of the annual Trooping of the Colour, which coincides with the Queen's birthday, at Buckingham Palace.
2 min
"Completely mind-blowing documentary about neocon ideologues and their bipartisan destructive influence"- Max Blumenthal [Author of Goliath & The 51 Day War]
120 min
In what has become known as "The Homeland Incident," The Arabian Street Artists engineered a graffiti hack on the show Homeland by placing subversive messages written in Arabic on set. Homeland is not a Series is a message from the artists themselves. Directed by the Arabian...
7 min
Insurge Intelligence recruited Scenes of Reason to create a video teaser for an exclusive exploration of how the media is run in the UK and the USA under the title "How mainstream media became a neo-Stalinist propaganda regime for wealthy neocons. "
The Media Reform Coalition,
4 min
Cop 21 - a brief intro - filmed by REAL MEDIA.
3 min
Two days before the launch of the UN COP21 Climate Conference, 600 posters were installed in outdoor media spaces across Paris. 82 Artists from 19 different countries made artworks to challenge the corporate takeover of COP21 and to reveal the connections between advertising...
2 min
In the wake of the Paris terrorist attacks, the world has woken up to the threat that the ‘self-proclaimed Islamic State’ poses to the Western world. Among other things, it has s
The Kurdish Project
Ashraf Fayadh was sentenced to death for apostasy, joining a long list of dissidents facing capital punishment
Ben Norton
The Paris attackers weren’t Syrian, and they didn’t use encryption, but the US government is still using the carnage to justify attempts to ban them both
Trevor Timm
Arabic translator Alice Guthrie investigates 'Daesh', the new name for ISIS recently adopted by several world leaders because it delegitimises the group's activities. But how can a new name undermine a terrorist organisation? And why do the English-speaking media find the...
Alice Guthrie
The rush to fit the horrors of Paris into convenient neo-imperial narratives shows a disturbing lack of empathy
Zoe Samudzi
When billionaire presidential hopeful Donald Trump inexplicably decided this week that boycotting Starbucks over the ‘de-Christmas-ization’ of their ubiquitous red holiday coffee cup was somehow a matter of national importance, the internet exploded — and American mainstream...
Claire Bernish
A crisis in Palestine is again all over the headlines. From stabbings and molotov cocktails, to killing of protesters and anti-Arab lynch mobs--how much of the mass media coverage can we really trust?
Abby Martin takes a look at how the so-called "Israel-Palestine conflict"...
25 min
Something's wrong with media coverage of female athletes.
1 min
On Saturday 31st October 2015, at 1.30am, my 22-year-old eldest daughter Polly was killed when she lost control of the car she was driving and hit a tree. She was alone in her VW Beetle, no one else was hurt and, I am told, it was instant.
John Darvall
People are becoming increasingly irritated by the mainstream media, and here are 6 reasons why.
8 min
Bestselling author and Pulitzer Prize winner Chris Hedges sits down with Ben Makuch at the Toronto VICE office to discuss what it takes to be a rebel in modern times. Hedges discusses his new book Wages of Rebellion, an investigation of the social and psychological factors...
16 min
When news broke that Rupert Murdoch, evil overlord of Fox News, had purchased National Geographic, it sent shockwaves of panic through thinking individuals everywhere. After all, National Geographic has traditionally been one of the most well-known sources of scientific...
John Prager
In the greatest environmental disaster of the 21st Century (so far), Indonesia has been blotted out by smoke. And the media.
George Monbiot
When the world’s two great propaganda systems agree on some doctrine, it requires some intellectual effort to escape its shackles.
Noam Chomsky
Our free culture anthem gets a fabulous arrangement by Nik Phelps. Vocals by Connie Champagne. Animation and song by Nina Paley.
1 min
Positive news reporting is often conceived as serving only as light relief or as a trivial distraction from the realities of the world. But as Jodie Jackson explains, there is a growing body of research emerging to suggest that these perceptions are unfounded
Jodie Jackson
Homeland is racist (photo courtesy of Showtime)
What’s wrong with Homeland’s political message? The very first season of “Homeland” explained to the American public that Al Qaida is actually an Iranian v
Heba Amin
UK News reporter Jonathan Pie has a go at David Cameron, Alan Sugar, Nuclear Weapons, Matt Damon's treatment in the press, Jeremy Corbyn's treatment by the name it, he has a go about it!
3 min
America deserves a new kind of the same old politician.
2 min
The Straw Feminist trope is a deliberately created, exaggerated caricature of a feminist that is used to undermine and ridicule feminist movements. This was probably one of the most difficult and longest videos I’ve made so far, partly because the Straw Feminist is a very...
10 min
Schools across the country are adorned with posters of the 44 U.S. presidents and the years they serv
Clarence Lusane
Once again this year many schools will pause to commemorate Christopher Columbus. Given everything we know about who Columbus was and what he launched in the Americas, this needs to stop.
Bill Bigelow
A recent book written by veteran CIA officers describes how deception can be identified by simple observational techniques. In Spy the Lie: Former CIA Officers Teach You How
Kevin Ryan
Two years after the controversial appointment of Saudi Arabia to the UN Human Rights Council, leaked diplomatic cables have revealed the UK was a key player in the election of the Gulf State ─ despite the Saudis’ appalling human rights record.
Michaela Whitton
Toxic ideas about people of color can be hard to shake, but looking at those ideas from a different perspective reveals positive truths.
Trabian Shorters