241-300 of 1,046
Forget the Gaffes, What About Biden's Lies?
The evidence is in: Joe Biden has a habit of making things up. And it’s not just wrong — it could hurt him in a general election contest against Donald Trump. According to The Intercept's Mehdi Hasan, if you think the guy who made up getting arrested in South Africa, who...
Trump Vs. Sanders: a Concise Comparison for Voters (And Why Bernie Wins Hands Down)
When there is a conflict between big business and the public good, on labor rights, consumer rights, small taxpayer respect, and environmental protections, Bernie has stood with the people.
WORTH THE PRICE? Joe Biden and the Launch of the Iraq War (Narrated by Danny Glover)
WORTH THE PRICE? is a short documentary reviewing the role of then-Senator Joe Biden (D-DE) in leading the United States into the most devastating foreign policy blunder of the last twenty years.
The Important Word in ‘Democratic Socialism’ Is ‘Democratic’
Sen. Bernie Sanders isn’t talking about making America into Cuba or Venezuela. He’s talking about extending social guarantees like those offered in other advanced countries, such as Denmark and Sweden.
Navigating Echo Chambers
The beliefs and stories that we hold are not the result of an independent choice by the neo-liberal separate self choosing from the marketplace of ideas. Belief is a collective function. The echo chamber effect can operate both ways. - Charles Eisenstein
Conversing with Nature: The Linguistic Roots of Environmental Consciousness
A CEMETERY SEEMED AN ODD PLACE to contemplate the boundaries of being. Sandwiched between the campus and the interstate, this old burial ground is our cherished slice of nearby nature where the long dead are silent companions to college students wandering the hilly paths...
Bernie Sanders Faces a Media Rigged Against Him
CNN and CBS do it. NPR and PBS do it. They all do it.
What Do We Want? Unbiased Reporting! When Do We Want It? During Protests!
The new decade is just days old, but in one respect it is already shaping up like the last one: with mass protests around the world. Rallies for democracy overseas and
Bernie Sanders Isn't a Radical — He's a Pragmatist Who Fights to Un-Rig the System
Sanders would use both markets and government to reverse the upward redistribution of income to the already rich
The Problem of Living Inside Echo Chambers
Pick any of the big topics of the day – Brexit, climate change or
'Winners Take All' and the Charade of Elite Philanthropy
Writer Anand Giridharadas describes in his book " Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World " why the rich do not pay taxes, but with their philanthropy determine the course of the world (and thereby undermine our democracy).
America's Real Divide Isn't Left Vs. Right. It's Democracy Vs. Oligarchy
Divide-and-conquer allows the oligarchy free rein. It makes the rest of us puppets, fighting each other on a made-up stage.
Learn the Language of Power | Ha-Joon Chang
“They’ve never met a poor person. They’ve never lived in deprived areas.” Ha-Joon Chang explains why economics is too important to be left to economists.
Bernie's Damn Bill: Medicare for All | 3-Part Series Narrated by H. Jon Benjamin
From Roosevelt’s attempt to create a New Deal national health insurance program, to the Trump administration’s repeal of the Obamacare individual mandate-the three-part “Bernie’s Damn Bill” video series reveals how decades of influence by greedy special interests have led to...
Noam Chomsky: You Don't Stop with the Lesser Evil. You Begin with It, to Prevent the Worst. Then You Deal with the Root Causes
“There’s another word for lesser evilism. It’s called rationality. Lesser evilism is not an illusion, it’s a rational position. But you don’t stop with lesser evilism. You begin with it, to prevent the worst, and then you go on to deal with the fundamental roots of what’s...
Not All Politics Is Identity Politics
In the often polarizing and intense debates on identity politics you often encounter three talking points from those who oppose those who criticise identity politics. First, that all politics is identity politics. Second, critics of so called “identity politics” ignore the...
Your Mind is an Excellent Servant, but a Terrible Master | David Foster Wallace
David Foster Wallace (February 21, 1962 – September 12, 2008) was an American writer and university professor in the disciplines of English and creative writing.
Connecting to "Them"
"If I were talking to a 65-year-old man from Tennessee who watches Fox News, I would not articulate the story of interbeing. I would speak from an understanding of the story of interbeing, and I would try to speak in a way that communicates to him and will be received."...
Introduction To The Invention of the White Race, Volume 2: The Origin of Racial Oppression in Anglo-America by Theodore W. Allen
Theodore W. Allen’s The Invention of the White Race, with its focus on racial oppression and social control, is one of the twentieth-century’s major contributions to historical understanding. This two-volume classic, first published in 1994 and 1997, presents a full-scale...
Jim Acosta Destroyed Over Julian Assange At “Newseum”
 Acosta Refuses to Defend the Free Press & Julian Assange 
How to Have a Good Conversation | Celeste Headlee
When your job hinges on how well you talk to people, you learn a lot about how to have great conversations – and most of us don’t converse very well.
Free Speech and Decentralization | A Response to Contrapoints & Three Arrows
This video about free speech and decentralization is a response to Contrapoints and Three Arrows as well as an exploration of today's debate about the importance of freedom of speech on the Internet and college campuses. It also explores the possibilities of the new...
7 Pointed Questions for Corporate Media About Their Anti-Progressive Biases
Over the last year, corporate outlets have continuously portrayed progressive reforms as scarily left-wing despite poll after poll showing they are broadly popular.
Shoshana Zuboff on Surveillance Capitalism
Harvard professor Shoshana Zuboff wrote a monumental book about the new economic order that is alarming. "The Age of Surveillance Capitalism," reveals how the biggest tech companies deal with our data.
Hear the Bern Episode 40 | Joe Biden's Record (w/ Krystal Ball & Josh Fox)
Briahna Joy Gray sits down with the Hill's Krystal Ball and filmmaker Josh Fox to dissect Joe Biden's record on criminal justice, climate change, foreign policy, trade, and more.
On the Politics of 'Believing Women'
What we've seen as a result of Warren's statement is further perversion of the language of abuse and victimhood in a context it was never meant to be used.
The Truth Has Changed
THE TRUTH HAS CHANGED traces the arc of misinformation and propaganda in America from 9/11 to Trump. As a reporter and eyewitness on the frontlines of so many of the key moments that have changed this country and changed the world, Josh Fox has many stories to tell. From 9/11...
Why I Left the Far-Right | Joram van Klaveren
From extreme nationalism and far-right politics to compassion and empathy, watch the incredible transformation story of Joram van Klaveren, a former Dutch parliamentarian. Joram van Klaveren is now the president of the Anthony Janszoon Association. The English translation of...
How Palin Used Facebook to Help Usher in "Post-Truth" Politics
A new FRONTLINE documentary traces the use of online misinformation at high levels of the American political conversation back years further than the 2016 election — to Sarah Palin, a former Alaska mayor and the 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate. “She is the first...
The Importance of What Neither Side is Saying
I have a new motto that's helped me clear the fog in the political realm. In any polarized debate, the important thing is in what neither side is saying, and what both sides unconsciously agree on. - Charles Eisenstein
YouTube Admits: We're Crushing Independent Media
YouTube admits that they are successfully crushing independent news and politics shows like The David Pakman Show.
Shopping for Freedom: Escape from the Cult of Consumerism
What do suffragettes, cigarettes, Sigmund Freud, bacon and eggs with breakfast, bananas, and a coup in Guatemala all have in common? SHOPPING FOR FREEDOM explores the answer to that question and more in this documentary by United Natures Media, adapted from the podcast...
The Bernie Blackout
Bernie Sanders faced a media blackout that helped sink his 2016 run for president. Today, the trend continues: Sanders gets less media coverage and a higher rate of negative coverage than his top rivals for the Democratic nomination in 2020. But this time, says The...
Jamie Kilstein, SJWs, & Tribalism
Jamie Kilstein on SJWs & Tribalism  0:15 WTF is SJW? 3:35 SJWs Can Be Right-Wing Too! 10:00 Jamie Kilstein vs The Headlines 32:28 Speaking with the Enemy? 49:08 Problems with Tribalism 53:48 Outro Intro Music: Free Isaiah Rashad x J Cole Type Beat -Purpose
Stay Woke, Bitches!
After I made a viral video exposing disgusting & dishonest media smears about Bernie Sanders and his supporters, I started getting smeared too. Recently, my video work from up to more than 10 years ago has been taken out of context to paint me as a racist, sexist...
Internal Fossil Fuel Industry Memos Reveal Decades of Corporate Disinformation
Fossil fuel companies have spent millions of dollars to convince the public that they aren't responsible for climate breakdown. Is it a coincidence that climate skeptics believe and share the exact same talking points?
Rising Up | Bernie 2020
The corporate media covers Bernie's campaign while millions of people around the country rise up. // Matt Orfalea 
Trump the Magician: The Real Function of Racism and Xenophobia
Donald Trump is a con artist. He is practicing one of the oldest tricks in the book, borrowing a page from every magician who seeks to fool and dazzle their audience by distracting their attention at a critical moment in the act. Trump’s trick of choice has a long history in...
Why the Julian Assange Case Threatens a Free Press
6 Pulitzer prize winners explain.
Where Are the Skeptics as the Drums Roll for War with Iran?
Vijay Prashad challenges the media reality that Iran attacked the oil tankers, calling for a real investigation to uncover the truth. 
David Foster Wallace - The Dangers Of Internet & Media Addiction
Decades ago, David Foster Wallace foresaw the problems that technology, media, and entertainment would cause for this generation. We now live in the internet/information age, where technology and media are inescapable. During Wallace's later life, he pointed out the problems...
The Faux Revolution of Mindfulness
McMindfulness is the new capitalist spirituality.
Honest Government Ad | Julian Assange
The British, Australian, Ecuadorian and US Governments have made an ad about Julian Assange’s arrest and it’s surprisingly honest and informative!
Five Myths in the Fight against Climate Change
With so much misinformation about climate change about, New Internationalist co-editor Hazel Healy debunks 5 myths about the climate crisis that are doing the rounds. These myths are a dangerous distraction from the task at hand.
Socialism: The Same Old Scare Tactic
Robert Reich explains why Donald Trump and Republicans use socialism to scare the American people.
Snowflakes -- The Right's War on the Individual
Thought Slime explains the Right's war on the individual, in a kind of funny roundabout way.
Policing Identity Politics in Trump's America: Briahna Joy Gray at The Harvard Law Forum
Briahna Joy Gray is a leading Millennial writer on identity politics, racial justice and economic power. She is a contributing editor at Current Affairs and has been featured in New York Magazine, Rolling Stone and The Guardian. She is the co-host of SWOTI (Someone's Wrong on...
Debunking Jordan Peterson’s “Cultural Marxism” with Richard Wolff
Jordan Peterson is known for propagating the fear of "Cultural Marxism." After a disappointing debate on Marxism with Slavoj Žižek, Abby Martin talks to Marxist economist and professor Richard Wolff about Peterson's theories.
Russiagate Explained & Debunked w/ Aaron Maté - Award Winning Journalist
The truth about Russiagate and R. Kelly! (Mostly just Russiagate ;) 0:42 WTF is Russiagate | Trump/Russia Conspiracy Theory 2:55 Russian Hacking Pt.1 14:10 An Act of War? 17:50 "Meme Warfare" 29:05 Russian Hacking Pt.2 - Bill Binney’s Alternative Theory 39:32 Truth vs...
Against ‘Sustainability’ and Other Plastic Words
The word sustainability, were it up to me, would be extinct, wiped out, kaput.
The Relentless Factories of Hatred, Fear and Lies: on the Global Ultraconservative and Reactionary Waves
There are two undeclared wars on the vast majority of the world's population, the destitute popular classes and the impoverished middle classes. Such double war requires a vast, ideological-mental industrial complex sprawled across the planet.
The Polarization Trap
Over the past decade I’ve watched with alarm the widening polarization of the body politic across Western societies (and to some extent globally). As commonly recognized, the public is split into irreconcilable political factions who disagree not only on the interpretation of...
Honest Government Ad | War on Satire
The Australien Government just released this ad about how it doesn't like us satirically impersonating the Australian Government, and it's surprisingly honest and informative. 
'Cultural Marxism': a Uniting Theory for Rightwingers Who Love to Play the Victim
What do the Australian’s columnist Nick Cater, video game hate group #Gamergate, Norwegian mass shooter 
How to Get Your Brain to Focus | Chris Bailey
The latest research is clear: the state of our attention determines the state of our lives. So how do we harness our attention to focus deeper, get distracted less, and even become more creative? Chris Bailey, author of the recent book Hyperfocus, talks about how our ability...
Chomsky BRILLIANTLY Dissects Trump, Democrats & RussiaGate
Noam Chomsky puts RussiaGate in its proper perspective.
Peter Joseph - Critique of Jordan B. Peterson (vs Slavoj Zizek: "Happiness: Capitalism vs. Marxism")
Peter Joseph addresses the opening arguments put forward by Jordan B. Peterson, from Peterson's debate with Slavoj Zizek called "Happiness: Capitalism vs. Marxism" - April 19th 2019 (Sorry for the typos. Mostly min. 46-48)
Can "Avatar: The Last Airbender" Help Us Restore Balance to a Divided World?
"Avatar: The Last Airbender" is a masterpiece of animation. It's an incredible story with amazing characters and worthwhile themes that might just be more relevant today than ever before. As more and more people around the world seem to support the idea that group identities...
Interview with Rashida Jones on Her Porn Documentary 'Hot Girls Wanted'
"Parks and Recreation" star Rashida Jones has established a lovable reputation for herself through roles in hit comedies like "The Office" and "I Love You Man". Over the past few years, she's also ventured into writing and producing films, currently tackling projects like...