301-360 of 1,046
Rethinking the Normalization of Fascism in the Post-Truth Era
"We do not live in a post-truth world and never have. On the contrary, we live in a pre-truth world where the truth has yet to arrive."
Robert Reich: What's the Real American Story?
Robert Reich examines Trump's dark vision for America, and how to create a progressive message for the future. 
Robert Reich: Socialism for the Rich, Capitalism for the Rest
Robert Reich explains how government policies protect the wealthy and corporations, but leave ordinary Americans at risk.
Why You Shouldn't Listen to Trump and the Super Rich When It Comes to Beauty
We see and judge women based on the perspective of super rich white men who also tend to own the beauty competitions and the cosmetic companies.
AOC, Sanders, and Warren Are the Real Centrists Because They Speak for Most Americans
DO YOU KNOW what really annoys me about the media’s coverage of U.S. politics, and especially the Democratic Party?
The Origins of Venezuela's Economic Crisis
Venezuela has become a popular argument against socialism amongst conservatives because of the deep economic crisis it is currently traversing. Defenders of the Bolivarian project, though, say that US sanctions and economic war are to blame for the crisis. Greg Wilpert...
This Vet Planned to Bomb a Mosque. Now He's a Muslim Leader
Relying partly on his experience as a Marine, Richard McKinney made an improvised explosive device he planned to detonate near a mosque, resulting in massive casualties.
Criticizing Israel isn’t Anti-Semitic, Here’s What Is
Weeks ago, when the first accusations of anti-semitism were being leveled against Representative Ilhan Omar, I was deeply agitated.
Stalking for Love
Stalking For Love is a popular media trope where invasive stalker-like behavior is presented as an endearing or harmless part of romantic courtship. The hero will often go to extraordinary lengths to coerce, trick or otherwise manipulate his way into a woman's life.
Things Straight Men Aren't Allowed to Do (According to Wiz Khalifa and Others)
Professional skinny person Wiz Khalifa said straight men should not eat bananas in public. Here's a running list of things straight black men "can't" do because #masculinitysofragile.
The Scourge of Self-Flagellating Politics
When politics becomes about tallying sins, it ceases to accomplish meaningful change…
It's Climate Change That's Scary - Not Transforming the Economy
It’s very clear that conservatives have one plan for dealing with the popularity of the Green New Deal: scaring the hell out of people.
What Covington Catholic Students Should Know About the Church's History With Indigenous People
Leaders at Covington diocese and Catholics in general are likely unfamiliar with the church’s brutal history in connection with Native peoples; numerous news reports on the incident have failed to acknowledge it.
Five Things You Notice When You Quit the News
I grew up believing that following the news makes you a better citizen. Eight years after having quit, that idea now seems ridiculous—that consuming a particularly unimaginative information product on a daily basis somehow makes you thoughtful and informed in a way that...
What the Left Gets Wrong About Jordan Peterson
One might think that by now progressives would figure out that vilifying Peterson almost always redounds to his advantage. One would be wrong
The Wall Is Not Beautiful
Donald Trump insists that the border wall he wants built will be nothing less than beautiful. He has assured us that the latest version, a series of steel slats topped by triangular spikes, will fulfill the non plus ultra of architectural design: it will be “totally effective...
The Truth About Political Correctness
David Pakman's long-form investigation into political correctness, including a history of the term, and whether it is too liberally or conservatively applied in modern culture.
Chase Iron Eyes: Trump’s Mocking of Native Americans Gives License to Others to Denigrate My People
Democracy Now: As we continue to look at the video that has gone viral showing a group of Catholic high school students apparently mocking an indigenous tribal elder near the Lincoln Memorial, we speak to Chase Iron Eyes, an activist and lead attorney for the Lakota People’s...
King's Vision Is Still Defiant
He stands now, as he did then, as a living force for justice, in uncompromising opposition to poverty, racism and war
Our Dangerous Impulse to Demonize the Other Side
Self-righteous, public shaming of kids is almost certain to backfire.
Lessons in Resistance From MLK, the 'Conservative Militant'
Just days after President Donald Trump’s inauguration, activists from Greenpeace climbed up a large construction crane near the White House and unfurled a large banner with the single word: Resist.
Unauthorized Washington Post Offers a Fantasy Grounded in Movement Wisdom
On Wednesday morning, as commuters in Washington D.C. made their way to work, the front page of what appeared to be the Washington Post had people stopping in their tracks. The headline read: “UNPRESIDENTED: Trump hastily departs White House, ending crisis.”
Rebel Wisdom: Where Gillette Went Wrong
Gillette's newest ad, 'The Best a Man Can Be', has created a social media firestorm in the last few days. Rebel Wisdom sat down to discuss the reaction, the cultural context behind it and their response to the ad. Drawing on their interviews with Warren Farrell, Cassie Jaye...
The Wonder of Wikileaks | 5 Times Trump & Friends Flipped on Wikileaks
The same people who praise Wikileaks now used to call them terrorists for practicing award-winning journalism. - 
The True Legacy of Christopher Columbus: 'Western Civilisation' | George Monbiot
George Monbiot on the true and bloody legacy of Christopher Columbus
Blocking Awareness and Defriending Our Way Into Group Think
I am constantly amused by people who post threats on Twitter and Facebook as they warn anyone within all-caps distance that they will block or defriend anyone who dares commit the unforgivable sin of disagreeing with them. There was a time where debates advanced...
David Pakman: The Problem with Jordan Peterson
David Pakman's long-form analysis of Jordan Peterson, and more specifically the movement that has been created around him, including its ideology, shortcomings, and more.
How to Fall Down the Anti-SJW Rabbit Hole
Three Arrows, a Youtube channel that covers the history of the far right, describes their personal journey into the rabbit hole of anti-SJW content on Youtube. 
Richard Wolff takes on Jordan B. Peterson
Prof. Wolff responds to Jordan Peterson's assertions about Marxism.
The Truth About Israel, Boycotts, and BDS
Incoming members of the US Congress, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, have both come out in favor of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement — the first House members to ever do so. Critics, however, suggest that BDS is anti-Semitic and undermines a two-state...
Robert Reich: The Truth About Privatization
Robert Reich explains why using the private sector for government services can have negative consequences.
Did Karl Marx Kill Millions? (Answering Shapiro and Peterson)
Ben Burgis, author of the upcoming book “Give Them an Argument: Logic For the Left" answers the question “Did Karl Marx Kill Millions?” During the video, Burgis calls out Peterson and Shapiro for hypocrisy as they champion free speech and the need for open debate while...
Facebook & The Atlantic Council (5 Frightening Facts)
To combat fake news, Facebook has partnered with the Atlantic Council, a think tank that represents some of the most powerful state and corporate interests in the world. Their board of directors includes people who have misinformed the public into war and toppled...
How Would Mother Jones Eulogize George H.W. Bush?
Mother Jones would have us pray for George H.W. Bush, who died at age 94, but also for his victims, many of whom, children included, were buried without pomp, or were simply disappeared
How False Testimony and a Massive U.S. Propaganda Machine Bolstered George H.W. Bush’s War on Iraq
As the media memorializes George H.W. Bush, Democracy Now! looks at the lasting impact of his 1991 invasion of Iraq and the propaganda campaign that encouraged it. Although the Gulf War technically ended in February of 1991, the U.S. war on Iraq would continue for decades...
The Trouble With Saying 'It's Okay to Be White'
The ‘It’s okay to be white’ poster campaign, seen in the context of reacting to ‘Black Lives Matter,’ cannot be seen as benign.
Military “Service” Serves the Ruling Class
One cannot serve both the one percent and the 99 percent as their interests are at odds with each other. Although many join for righteous reasons, actions speak louder than intentions. Actions of the U.S. military has always been death, destruction, anguish of the working...
The Alex Jones Deception
The following documentary examines far-right radio host Alex Jones, and the affect his fear-mongering and conspiracy theories has had on the public. Also explored is his relationship with Donald Trump, and the numerous contradictions of Alex Jones.
Where Are the Voices of Indigenous Peoples in the Thanksgiving Story?
Thanksgiving is an important time, when schools teach the story of who we are and where we come from as a nation.
Is Trump Acting Out His Childhood Trauma? Russell Brand & Dr. Gabor Maté
Is Trump Acting Out His Childhood Trauma On The People Of America? Today's video features Dr. Gabor Maté a renowned expert in addiction and trauma - here he is diagnosing Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and Obama! Check out the full Under The Skin episode here. 
Crucifying Julian Assange
What is happening to Assange should terrify the press. And yet his plight is met with indifference and sneering contempt.
PBS Frontline: The Facebook Dilemma
A major investigation of Facebook’s impact on privacy and democracy around the world.
Blaming ‘Both Sides’ for Hate Plays Into Hands of Right-Wing Media
Media coverage of tragedies like shootings and bombings is frequently politicized, particularly when jihadism is a factor in perpetrators’ motives. In its coverage of the recent outbreak of conspiracy-fueled far-right wing terrorism, however, many media outlets have rushed to...
Beyond Body Image
This thing we call female body-image - the relationship which women have to our own bodies - is, without doubt, in need of urgent attention. I know from my own deep exploration of the subject, that as a woman, I am unable to really separate my own sense of self from the...
Climate Change: What's The Whole Truth? - Russell Brand & Charles Eisenstein
A clip from the Under The Skin podcast with Charles Eisenstein - discussing what might be wrong with the current climate change narrative and why we should be wary of why the powerful are so accepting of it. What's driving this narrative over others? Listen to this entire...
Hiding in Plain Sight: Why We Cannot See the System Destroying Us
I rarely tell readers what to believe. Rather I try to indicate why it might be wise to distrust, at least without very good evidence, what those in power tell us we should believe.
Whose History Matters? Students Can Name Columbus, but Most Have Never Heard of the Taíno People
Columbus’s treatment of the Taíno people meets the UN definition of genocide. But there has also been a curricular genocide — erasing the memory of the Taíno from our nation’s classrooms
Offline Is The New Luxury
To be online all the time and everywhere. It sounds great, but it has its drawbacks. As digital networks are closing in, there are fewer places to be really on your own. Being offline is becoming a luxury. Where can you be offline?
US Government Admits It's Making Fake Social Media Accounts to Spread Propaganda in Cuba
The United States has repeatedly accused the Russian and Iranian governments of using social media to spread “disinformation” and foment chaos. Under US government pressure, Big Tech corporations have banned large numbers of accounts accused (in some cases falsely) of being...
How The Last Jedi Defies Expectations
The Last Jedi is a movie that’s designed to defy fan expectations. Nowhere is this subversion more evident than in the way the film handles its three male heroes: X-Wing pilot Poe Dameron, renegade Stormtrooper Finn, and legendary Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker. // Pop Culture...
Exposing the American Okie-Doke: Russiagate, Corporate Propaganda, and the Historical Obstruction of Class Consciousness
Peace to you; if you’re willing to fight for it” – Fred Hampton The “founding fathers” deliberately arranged a system of governance that would protect the wealthy minority from the majority. Over time, as it fused with capitalism, this arrangement transformed the US...
Beware Of Images
From cave paintings to virtual reality, Beware of Images embarks on a fascinating journey through the history of mediated representation. This is the history of media you will never find on TV.
Matt Orfalea Interviews White Nationalists Attending "Unite the Right 2" in DC | August 12, 2018
I wanted to meet the people that many want to punch in the face without having met them. The conversation with 2 guys from Stormfront Action Radio was cut short when we arrived at the final destination. I left the group to get a wide shot with my camera and cops would not let...
The Fantasy of Ultimate Purpose – How Films, Series and Video Games Reveal What Really Drives Us
Explores the anatomy of purpose in films, television series and video games, how it differs from finding meaning in our own lives, and the importance of discussing our escapes into these fictional worlds.
Busting the Myth of Immigrant Crime
Trump’s White supporters—not immigrants—are bringing lethal drugs, violence, and crime.
Noam Chomsky on Mass Media Obsession with Russia & the Stories Not Being Covered in the Trump Era
The New York Times reports special counsel Robert Mueller is scrutinizing President Trump’s tweets as part of Mueller’s expanding probe into Trump’s ties to Russia. This latest revelation in the Mueller investigation is part of a nearly 24-hour stream of headlines about...
Reminder: Women Migrants Are Fleeing Countries the U.S. Helped Decimate
The violence driving people to seek shelter in the U.S. has its roots in American foreign policy.
‘Abolish ICE’ Doesn't Mean What Conservatives Say It Does
Abolishing ICE is not about lawlessness or open borders but about upholding our constitutional principles of defending people’s freedom from big government, government overreach and racial discrimination
1980s Movies That Shaped Our Humanity
The 80s movies that left the biggest impression on Pop Culture Detective as a kid weren’t necessarily from the most popular or iconic films. And they aren't referenced in Ready Player One. In this video, PCD discusses 5 of his favorite lesser known movies from the 1980s that...