121-180 of 1,046 results
Murder, Torture & the Hustle that Pretends to be a Philosophy
26 min
Laura Pidcock EXPOSES the lie.
9 min
You've probably heard the word "socialism" in the media. More often than not, it's used as a pejorative. Why is that? Is socialism really that bad, or is there something else going on? In this episode, we'll take a look at socialism at the very surface level. This video is...
25 min
Can the world's most widely accessed collection of information be trusted? And if not, is it possible to change it for the better?
2 min
What is anti-imperialism in this new era of East-West polarization?
Journalists are under attack globally for doing their jobs. Julian Assange is facing a 175 year sentence for publishing if extradited to the United States. The Trump administration has gone from denigrating journalists as 'enemies of the people' to now criminalizing common...
39 min
“War is ok, something you can sing & dance about when it happens in Muslim countries, but deadly serious when it happens in Europe”
10 min
Truth bombs incoming...
13 min
Major American media outlets oppose military aggression... unless the United States is doing it.
Jeff Cohen
We've all seen those "heartwarming" stories about kids with cancer selling lemonade to pay for their chemo, or janitors being gifted a car because they've walked ten miles to work every day for twenty years, or all the other sugar-coated dystopian failures of our capitalist...
21 min
Raised on Porn exposes the ways pornography has become the new sex education for children and unpacks the dangerous lifelong implications of this global phenomenon. Through riveting firsthand accounts, cinematic re-enactments, 3D animation, and interviews with the world’s...
37 min
Illuminati Theory is a conspiracy theory often used to explain the corruption that pervades the systems that dominate us. But is it a useful or accurate explanation? Or is there a better alternative? The truth is out there. Let's find it. - Saint Andrewism
34 min
"It's Black History Month, so it's about time we talked about the recuperation of Black radicals like Dr. King and Nelson Mandela. Everyone and their mother likes to claim MLK as their own, and use his words as a rhetorical weapon, but what did he actually believe? This one...
22 min
“Your attention has been stolen by some big and powerful forces”
16 min
A critical review of Adam McKay’s Don’t Look Up.
42 min
If you get tired of being told that climate change is all your fault because you eat meat, don't use paper straws, or drive a car, this video is for you. While there are things we can all do to reduce our personal greenhouse gas emissions, the idea of the "individual carbon...
18 min
One of the biggest problems with talking about something as vast and impactful as the pandemic is to find the right level of analysis. In this epic piece, Rebel Wisdom looks at the deeper religious and theological forces playing out below the surface of our day-to-day...
131 min
Ever notice how just about every single depiction of the US military on film and TV is positive? There's a reason for that. Come learn about just how long the military has been "adjusting" Hollywood scripts, and what that means for us as a society.
19 min
Every minute of every day, the media and most Americans yell about how the Democrats are going "too far left." For the rest of the world, this is an absurd statement, but the average American believes it...why? In this episode, we're talking about the Democrats, how left-wing...
17 min
What are we getting wrong with Covid, and what does it mean to adapt to it becoming an endemic disease? William Eden is a biotech and healthcare investor who has been paying close attention to the progress of the pandemic from many different angles. He recently posted a viral...
30 min
Three kids, ages 10, 8 and 5, spend nine months self-isolating with their family in the Yukon wilderness over a long northern winter. Small cabin, no friends, no internet, no phone, no electricity. For nine months they never once said “I’m bored”. Find out why. All The Time...
86 min
“One of the most fundamental attacks on democracy & human rights ever invented”
10 min
By definition, mimetic desire means that we're adopting another person's desire as our own, usually without even realizing that we're doing it. Social media has given us millions of mimetic models that we now have to contend with. Some people have gone from having 10 mimetic...
5 min
"News directors and editors once needed stiff nudges to repeat a president’s words verbatim, not just because it’s embarrassing to take dictation from a politician, but because it was bad business to do it for free. If politicians wanted you to buy the “Axis of Evil” or “the...
3 min
Why do some people see things that others don't? Julia Galef believes that it's because they're using what she calls Scout Mindset.
53 min
Why is Sensemaking broken? What would it mean to fix it, and how might we go about it?
7 min
The pandemic has stress tested all our institutions, especially those we have relied on for truth seeking and sensemaking. It's deepened the chasm between mainstream and alternative, consensus and contrarian.
88 min
If you've been keeping up with online news, you may have seen coverage of a Navy anti-terrorism training document that equated socialists and anarchists with neo-nazis. Even if you don't consider yourself a member of the political left, it should be obvious that this is an...
19 min
The resulting credibility vacuum has enabled unscrupulous politicians, agents of chaos, and other charlatans to position themselves as experts.
Steven Singer
Those who are enduring injustice, exploitation, and oppression—whether people, animals, or ecosystems—need us to believe that wrongs can be righted and to take action accordingly.
Zoe Weil
Today's school children are engulfed by corporate apps, software, and textbooks biased toward the corporate definitions of an economy and myths about "free markets."
Ralph Nader
Industrial seed oils are in almost all processed foods.
29 min
It’s no secret that Americans love to hear about billionaires. You’ll find them everywhere. They’re on the news [Bezos space launch], have their own TV shows, movies, and even make their way to elected office. Specifically, we consistently give massive audiences to...
13 min
As the US Empire tries to leave its 9/11 warpath on Afghanistan & Iraq in the past, Abby Martin reviews the core lessons.
13 min
“They are entirely complicit”
10 min
“They allowed this entire shitfest to happen"
10 min
There's a big problem on the internet: right-wing groups like PragerU pour lies and disinformation into the feeds of every American. H Jon Benjamin (of Bob's Burgers and Archer) explains how The Gravel Institute is fighting back.
2 min
Everybody keeps telling us to cut our carbon footprints. So how guilty should I feel about my personal emissions? And what's Big Oil got to do with it? We're destroying our environment at an alarming rate. But it doesn't need to be this way.
13 min
Climate-conscious individual choices are good – but not nearly enough to save the planet. More than personal virtue, we need collective action
Rebecca Solnit
A story about Johnny Harris, propaganda and misinformation on YouTube. We also very briefly touch upon the notions of "shareholder capitalism" and "stakeholder capitalism" which Harris discusses in his "How China Became So Powerful" before considering what Harris'...
34 min
Not all humans are equally culpable in the climate chaos outlined in the latest IPCC report. Identifying the rich and powerful as the principal culprits is key to stopping further destruction.
Chris Saltmarsh
Brandon Sonju breaks down how video games — and, in particular, first-person shooters like Call of Duty — function as propaganda for American empire, and discusses how people can enjoy entertainment while also recognizing the parts of it that reflect what's wrong with the...
27 min
Christian fundamentalist nationalists in the senior ranks of the military, see Trump as an instrument of God’s plan to create an authoritarian Christian state. The military allows active proselytizing and recruitment of soldiers, contrary to the constitutional separation of...
58 min
America produces more waste per capita than any other country in the world. And recycling, which was once considered the solution to that problem, isn’t really working anymore. Recycling works, but it’s not magic. As America continues to lead the world in per capita waste...
16 min
Over the past 15 months, the official narrative surrounding the origins of Covid-19 has completely flipped...why is that? This is a complex, controversial, and convoluted topic, but here’s my attempt at a concrete analysis of the situation. I’d love to hear your thoughts in...
17 min
The "Honest Government Ad" series by The Juice Media just celebrated its 5 year anniversary!
17 min
One of the more common arguments for capitalism asserts that there would be no innovation without it. Given how prevalent this talking point is, one would assume that it's difficult to debunk. That's not the case. In this episode, Second Thought takes a look at why capitalism...
13 min
Abby Martin gives 5 points that evaporate Israel's assertion that the civilians it kills in Gaza were "human shields."
12 min
“We’re all being tempted to be distracted by the circus that is Meghan, Harry & the Royal Family, this is classic distraction stuff” - John Ashton
10 min
This short film uses the story of Richard Nixon’s paranoia to explore how a similar outlook has been perpetuated on the larger social scale by the new media age. Skimming through the evolution of the mainstream media via television and newspapers, this short film comments on...
7 min
The term "fake news" is thrown around without much thought, but with more and more people losing faith in the media, honesty in news broadcasting is something we need to consider. In this episode, Second Thought takes a look at whose interests the corporate media serves, and...
14 min
Someone sent me a video on January 19th in which the host, claiming a secret source among the White Hat power faction, said that final plans are in motion to overthrow the criminal Deep State once and for all. The inauguration of Joe Biden will not take place. The lies and...
Charles Eisenstein
Abby Martin responds to the outcry against Michael Che's joke on the last episode of Saturday Night Live about medical apartheid in Israel.
5 min
While millions of people are spellbound by falsehoods, actual threats go unheeded and unchecked.
Jeremy Lent
Everyone's talking about the Great Reset - the economic proposal unveiled by Prince Charles and the WEF last year - but how significant is it, and how likely are the conspiracy theories that claim it will be used to bring in a New World Order?
17 min
The events of January 6th have gotten plenty of news coverage, but there's been very little actual analysis. In this episode, I do my best to explain the Capitol Hill riot, who was responsible, why it happened, and what it means for the country going forward.
32 min
This week's video is about the imperialist practice of whitewashing and revising the histories of radical figures like Martin Luther King, Jr. and Thomas Paine. Why do American history books leave out so much of King's activism? Come find out!
14 min
This week's video is about the limits of the first amendment, corporate control of the internet, and what a future non-corporate online world could look like.
11 min
"The oligarchs have discovered the formula for persuading the poor to vote for the interests of the very rich” - George Monbiot
10 min
The US Government has made an ad about QAnon and it’s surprisingly honest and informative.
4 min