421-480 of 1,046 results
"To those who have been used to privilege all their lives, equality may feel like oppression."
Sonali Kolhatkar
While teaching U.S. history at a public charter high school in the District, Julian Hipkins III noticed that students tended to assume that “race” was as old as mankind. “Almost like it was natural, a given,” as he put it.
Courtland Milloy
Those who decry the “politicization of sports” are only mad that it’s black athletes now.
Travis Waldron
Newspapers love to dish up stories of inherent differences between the sexes, because we lap them up. Gavin Evans reflects on why we are still so susceptible.
Gavin Evans
By putting the evil eye on nature, we take it off the humans who have science in their hands, but hold it behind their backs.
Cynthia Barnett
"Eventually, we need to move beyond discussions about tearing down symbols of white supremacy, and begin to strategize about how to tear down the systems that still prop it up."
Adam Sanchez
The Party for Socialism and Liberation expresses our condolences and solidarity to those who have suffered the loss of loved ones, been injured, or lost their homes and other vital possessions due to the ravages of Hurricane Harvey.
How did Dylann Roof go from being someone who was not raised in a racist home to someone so steeped in white supremacist propaganda that he murdered nine African Americans during a Bible study?
The answer lies, at least in part, in the way that fragile minds can be shaped by...
6 min
Maz Saleem’s father who killed by a neo-Nazi terrorist, who then went on a bombing campaign - but you’ve probably never heard of him. Why?
4 min
Too easy? Definitely. But understanding how Alex Jones uses his "info warrior" persona to sell products offers a great lesson in media literacy.
22 min
Now that there are thousands of films on Films For Action, we realized the very best gems have really become buried all across our library, and for people new to this information, we needed a more guided way to dive in. Spread across 15 core themes, this collection aims to be...
Thousands of people around the world have excitedly made a forceful political point with a well-honed and witty tweet. All it takes is 140 characters to make a pithy argument, and man it feels good to get a few retweets.
Olivia Goldhill
Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the UAE and Bahrain want Al Jazeera - including AJ+ - to be shut down. Here’s what Al Jazeera journalists think of that.
5 min
US military intelligence agencies have influenced over 1,800 movies and TV shows
Tom Secker and Matthew Alford
Was Britain’s EU referendum hijacked by the American alt-right using a technique known as psychographics? Gabriel Gatehouse reports on the data analytics firm Cambridge Analytica.
13 min
It’s routine for right-wing outlets like Fox to smear progressive activists under the guise of “news” coverage. But why the New York Times? And why the special venom for Bernie Sanders?
Norman Solomon
Moby says, “working on ‘In This Cold Place’ and ‘Are You Lost In the World Like Me?’ with Steve Cutts has been a creative highlight for me. He's such a great animator and activist, and I'm so happy he agreed to make these two videos.”
Last week, Moby & The Void Pacific Choir...
3 min
The full horror of the Grenfell Tower fire in west London is still to emerge. Like millions of others, I watched live as TV breakfast reports showed the blaze in its intensity and eyewitnesses told of their devastating experiences and fury at those who allowed this to happen...
John Jewell
Does your phone, the TV and advertising demand your attention everywhere you look? All this stimulation is triggering a social crisis, says writer Matthew Crawford. He talks to Ed Cumming about how to reconnect with reality
Ed Cumming
I see you, Rupert Murdoch.
I see your whispery head, your hangdog expression, the malevolent balls of obsidian that function as your eyes. I see you shaking your head as you watch the exit polls come in, your flaccid jowls dangling, flapping about like the labia on a jogging...
Sam Gore
Political journalists, especially during elections, should provide balanced news coverage of parties and scrutinise each parties’ political agendas to help properly inform the public. Sadly this is an ideal that is all-too-rarely realised. The 2015 election was reported as a...
Allaina Kilby
Communication is more than a string of words that gets across static information. The language we use to converse does more than give facts—it can actually offer understanding. Take it from Alan Alda, a career actor whose craft thrives on effective communication through...
7 min
A personal journey
Nafeez Ahmed
Between the Tomahawk strike on Syria and the MOAB in Afghanistan, cable news under Trump has been saturated by images of American firepower. But the media's obsession with American weapons sanitizes violence and makes it harder to think critically about why we use deadly force.
6 min
The Facebook election battle is in full swing, the Bureau can reveal, with at least 68 different types of political adverts tailored to individual social media users being paid for by the three main parties in the last month.
The Bureau has been given access to the first...
Maeve McClenaghan
This video provides basic guidance on livestreaming protests safely and effectively, as well as guidance on how to grow and engage your viewers. Download the Witness tip sheet on livestreaming protests here.
2 min
George Monbiot and Russell Brand analyse Theresa May’s recent appearance on BBC's The One Show, with her husband.
7 min
This... might be a problem.
5 min
After 14 police force inquiries, it has been announced that no Conservative MPs will face prosecution over election expenses. That confirms something we already knew: that from Britain’s media, to its economy and politics - the system is rigged.
4 min
Chris Hayes, the progressive journalist, commentator and host of "All in With Chris Hayes" on MSNBC, explains the power of white fear and the great divide between the "Colony" and the "Nation."
5 min
As Indonesia hosts World Press Freedom Day, accusations of hypocrisy are growing louder. The Indonesian government is notorious for restricting journalism within the occupied territory of West Papua – something that West Papuan journalist Victor Mambor and Cyril Payen of...
Victor Mambor, Cyril Payen
Netflix’s new talk show, “Bill Nye Saves the World,” debuted the night before people around the world joined together to demonstrate and March for Science. Many have lauded the timing and relevance of the show, featuring the famous “Science Guy” as its host, because it aims...
Heather Akin, Bruce W. Hardy, Dietram A. Scheufele, Dominique Brossard
Paul Mason says the Daily Mail headline, calling those who oppose the government ‘saboteurs’, is sinister. He argues that this tactic is commonplace in dictatorships and autocracies, but to see it in a democracy is alarming. He says meaningful opposition to the Tories is...
2 min
Everyone loves BBC's Planet Earth, but how much of it is real?
6 min
The news is broken and we can fix it. We’re bringing genuine community control to our news with unrestricted access for all. We’re developing a living, breathing tool that’ll present accurate information with real evidence, so that you can confidently make up your own mind...
2 min
Unilever is regarded as a champion of sustainability. According to CEO Paul Polman, what benefits the company also benefits the earth. But when US competitor Heinz Kraft tried to take over the company, Unilever changed its short-term strategy. Dutch Investigative journalism...
Daphne Dupont-Nivet, Anouk Ruhaak, Marije Schuurs, Emiel Woutersen
Clip taken from A Very Heavy Agenda Part 3: Maintaining the World Order
12 min
Tuck Buckford is back to knowledge-punch the world with his man head in the latest episode of 'Brain Fight with Tuck Buckford.'
5 min
The Democratic establishment and those in the media who support them keep making the same mistakes on Sanders and his movement.
Liam Miller
This short video is intended to provide key information important to understanding the basic conflicts of the war in Syria. The video maker has intended the video to be as neutral and informative as possible. The war is very complex and there is much more to say, but the...
9 min
Naomi Klein, the author of No Logo, on Trump's brand and how to jam it.
7 min
Swallowing the lies – or ‘alternative facts’ – of populist politicians is having profound consequences. NJ Enfield takes a fresh look at a potent old tradition – and suggests a way forward.
NJ Enfield
It’s an argument I’ve seen time and again, as a justification for American military interventionism. It appears in the news, and it is parroted in conversations. Sometimes it is followed with a proclamation that we have to do “something”. A specific and very timely example...
Daniel Martin
While major news networks have struggled to figure out the right way to cover the Trump administration, political satirists like Samantha Bee, John Oliver, Stephen Colbert, and Seth Meyers have demonstrated why comedy can be such a powerful antidote to bullshit.
7 min
James Butler examines the term Populism on this episode of Terms of Engagement.
6 min
Every day, we’re treated to another barrage of outright falsehoods from the White House: Trump won the election by a landslide, Sweden is the crime capital of Europe, corpses are piling up in Bowling Green, anarchists are on George Soros’s payroll, nobody loves women or black...
CrimethInc. Ex-Workers Collective
We are living in a time full of threats – and unprecedented possibilities, especially when it comes to the state of the media. Let’s consider five paradoxes, in no particular order.
Vanessa Baird
Or, The Curse of the iPad Stalks the Land
Rob Hopkins
We face a very serious political problem in this country, and that problem is manifested in
Bernie Sanders
Bill Nye is interviewed by Tucker Carlson on Fox News to talk about climate change and research to identify the cause of the cognitive dissonance in those who deny the evidence that the current rate of climate change is man-made. What happens is an object lesson in media...
9 min
Now more than ever, we cannot take news media at face value – we need tools to read media critically, strategies to discern how information works. This is what inspired The Listening Post’s project: Media Theorised.
We’ve taken key works of five thinkers from around the...
The Listening post
Palestinian academic Edward Said’s (1935-2003) book ‘Orientalism’ showed how the West had the power to represent the colonial ‘other’ - while at once leaving them voiceless.
2 min
In the 1960s, way before anybody had ever tweeted, Facebook Live-d or sent classified information to WikiLeaks, one man made a series of pronouncements about the changing media landscape. His name was Marshall McLuhan and you've probably heard his most quoted line: "The...
2 min
Roland Barthes The work of French philosopher Roland Barthes (1915-1980) is difficult, slippery, whimsical - it calls on us to read the world around us as a series of texts. He would have seen the TV screen as a cultural text - there to be read, interpreted, decoded.
3 min
Known as the ‘Godfather of Multiculturalism’, Stuart Hall (1932-2014) gave us tools to understand how representation is always imbued with ideology - and how to resist.
3 min
For decades, Noam Chomsky has been the agent provocateur when it comes to critiquing the US mainstream media. He co-authored ‘Manufacturing Consent’, a seminal work on mainstream journalism and its role in the mechanics of power.
5 min
Worried that the mainstream media's breakup with President Trump has reporters feeling blue, Jon Stewart stops by with relationship advice.
10 min
A look at Lindsay Lohan's recent appearance on Good Morning Britain and how she was quizzed about her faith.
9 min
Donald Trump’s administration has seen several “rogue” Twitter accounts claiming to be from staffers in the White House and other US governmental agencies. The accounts purport to provide snippets of insider information to the public; its “revelations” extend from exampled...
Helen Ringrow
Say what you like about Donald Trump but he's already done things people said were impossible, like made Twitter worse. Looking back, the Harambe situation is the closest working model we have for a Trump presidency. Last week he gave the sort of press conference that in a...
Frankie Boyle