361-420 of 1,046
True History Of "Cultural Marxism"
Ron Paul’s “Cultural Marxism” tweet exposes the term’s deep history of racism. Cenk Uygur, the host of The Young Turks, breaks it down. 
Donald Trump: The Sitcom Misogynist
Why wasn't Donald Trump's blatant and unashamed misogyny a deal breaker for voters? Pop Culture Detective argues it has a lot to do with the ways pop culture, especially television sitcoms, work to normalize sexist behavior.
The Rise of the Crisis Actor Conspiracy Movement
Over the past 10 years, a growing online community of conspiracy theorists and hoaxers known as “truthers” has come to question the official narratives behind every mass shooting that is heavily covered by the media. A common thread in these theories is the government’s role...
Leftist Crushes John Oliver's Venezuela Episode
The week of Venezuela's presidential election, John Oliver dedicated an ENTIRE episode of his HBO show "Last Week Tonight" to the country—full of distortions and highly misleading to progressive-minded people.
The Creativity Delusion: There is no Genius
The Creativity Delusion is a multi-part video essay on how our misconceptions about ideas and the way brains work impact our views about creation. These also extend to intellectual property.
Reveal, Remember and Resist: the Three Rs Remixed
Passivity in the young is an obstacle to social transformation. Let’s teach kids to recognize and use their agency.
Counter Mapping
In this film, we meet Jim Enote, a traditional Zuni elder, farmer, and director of the A:shiwi A:wan Museum and Heritage Center in Zuni, New Mexico. Enote is working with Zuni artists to provide an alternative way to understand and create maps which offer an indigenous voice...
Steven Pinker's Ideas Are Fatally Flawed. These Eight Graphs Show Why.
It’s time to reclaim the mantle of “Progress” for progressives. By falsely tethering the concept of progress to free market economics and centrist values, Steven Pinker has tried to appropriate a great idea for which he has no rightful claim.
Blaming the Victims of Israel's Gaza Massacre
To characterize Israeli violence as a “response” is to wrongly imply that Palestinian actions warranted Israel unleashing its firing squads.
The Intellectual Dark Web is Afraid of Marx, Apparently
The Intellectual Dark Web brand claims to be a motley crew of ideologically opposed truth tellers but is instead a group of warriors for the status quo who are unified around scapegoating leftists and specifically Marxists for problems that capitalism itself generates. They...
Phony Right-Wing Victims
This video picks apart the right-wing Day for Freedom video, examines how the alt-lite uses the Streisand Effect to spread its message, and points out that Karl Marx was a champion of free speech.
Israel Repurposes Nakba Myths to Justify Today's Massacre in Gaza
The only legitimate struggle for Palestinians, it seems, is keeping quiet, allowing their lands to be plundered and their children to be starved.
The Excitement Wars
Discussion of overly excited Youtubers, the loudness wars and sensationalism in media.
How Marlboro Changed Advertising Forever
Sell an identity, not a product.
Corporate Jargon - Lying by Obscurity, Obscuring to Hide Corruption
It's not accidental or because they are stupid. Its often confusing and vague on purpose. Some of the greatest corruption scandals in history have happened thanks to jargon.
U.S. Intelligence Officials Who Warned About False WMD Claims Before Iraq War Are Now Warning About Baseless Syrian Chemical Weapons Claims
In this memo to the White House, the Veteran Intelligence Professions for Sanity urge President Trump to get the evidence first before deciding to strike Syria.
Major Papers Urge Trump to Kill Syrians, Risk World War III
This style of coverage—enthusiastic about the moral need for violence but oblivious to its obvious consequences—inhibits the public’s capacity to make sense of the extremely dangerous moment in which we are living.
I Don't Give a Damn About the First (Insert Identity Here) CEO or President
Do you know what literally repulses me these days? Hearing about the first so and so to get accepted into the exclusive club of the aristocracy. Frankly, I don’t give a damn about the latest first black president or first woman CEO. Who cares! I don’t know how we have arrived...
The Climate “Doomsday” Is Already Here
We have already altered the planet — and many have already been harmed by it.
Let's Talk About Socialism - Prof. R.Wolff
Prof. Richard D. Wolff talks about socialism. Whether you love the word or hate it, this presentation is very educational. 
Don't Fall for the Antifa Trap
The media's panic about antifa reflects an old bias in the way journalists cover protest movements.
The Oligarchs’ ‘Guaranteed Basic Income’ Scam
Beware the architects of our neofeudalism calling on the government to pay a guaranteed basic income
Why the Right Loves Privilege Politics
The Right deploys privilege politics to avoid class politics, obscuring where the real power lies in our society.
12 Rules for Spitting on the Poor
Collective action to right wrongs or help the suffering under neoliberal ideology is wrong, unfeasible, or some combination of the two.
What is Cultural Marxism?
Debunking the Cultural Marxism conspiracy theory once and for all.
Vicious Abstraction and Systemic Racism: The Violence of False Representation and Coded Language
Abstraction comes in countless forms, but beware the vicious variety, which corrupts our thinking. A ‘vicious abstraction’ is a misrepresentation of an abstraction. You’d be amazed how far little white lies can go. Suffice it to say empires can be built on them. But suppose...
The AbsTract: Core Philosophy, Act I
A philosophical fitness program called The Abs•Tract, based on a mystical treatise containing the core truths, inspires a student to experience massive gains in knowledge and understanding, all while getting ripped, abs. As his journey goes from the trivial pursuit of abs to...
Jordan Peterson Gets Played
About half a decade ago, Jordan Peterson was a psychology professor at the University of Toronto and clinical psychologist with little international fame and even less infamy. A talented teacher and skilled speaker, he conveyed expertise within his domain and gave prestigious...
What is Race? Social Construct or Biological Reality?
A very objective, scientific, rational inquiry, by ContraPoints.
Decrypting the Alt-Right: How to Recognize an American Fascist
This is a critical and educational video about the deceptive strategies used by the American Alt-Right to appeal to centrists. All clips of Alt-Right media are used under fair use for purposes of education, critique, and peaceful resistance. - ContraPoints
How The "Cultural Marxism" Conspiracy Theory Became the Far-Right's Scapegoat
“A specter is haunting Youtube — the specter of Cultural Marxism!"
Situational Assessment: What We Must Learn from 2016 to Win The Battle of Ideas
In 2015, I took a swing at assessing the shape and state of our global challenges. Looking back, that essay is still well worth a read, but it is high time for an update. While many things have changed in the world in
"A Glitch in the Matrix" - Jordan Peterson, the Intellectual Dark Web & the Mainstream Media
David Fuller: “A Glitch in the Matrix" is about the relationship between truth and reality, the ideological blind spots of the mainstream media and the existential threat of polarisation — all seen through the lens of Jordan Peterson’s recent viral interview with Cathy Newman...
Learning from Game of Thrones: How Power Really Works - The Frame Game
Game of Thrones is all about power games. What many people don't realize is that behind those power games are clashes of the way people see the world. There are clashes of frames. The people who can control these frames (like Tyrion Lannister and Tywin Lannister) tend to win...
How To Avoid Embarrassing Yourself In An Argument  - Jordan Peterson
Have you seen the Jordan Peterson and Cathy Newman debate? We've all found ourselves in conversation and felt attacked like we started off talking about one thing and then the other person twisted our words and before we knew it, we lost our cool, lost respect in their eyes...
Exposing Liberal Hypocrisy and Conservative Close-Mindedness - Van Jones
The amount of political disagreement in the nation is matched only by righteous indignation. But in order to disagree without disrespecting each other, we need to look hard at our own positions, and Van Jones does just that.
Elite Anxiety: The True Foreign Skullduggery Behind Election 2016
There was indeed a foreigner responsible for the election of Donald J. Trump in 2016. This is not an “allegation” or a supposition or any kind of “conspiracy theory;” it is a confirmed fact, backed up by reams and reams of documented evidence. The culpable foreigner was not...
Are Dead Children the Price of Freedom?
The most common question asked on this side of the Atlantic is: “Why can’t they see what these weapons are doing to their country?”
The Complex History of 'In God We Trust'
In his address to the National Prayer Breakfast on the morning of Feb. 8, President Donald Trump emphasized the centrality of faith in American life. After describing the country as a “nation of believers,” Trump reminded his audience that American currenc
The 12 Most Common Fallacious Gun Arguments - Refuted by a Responsible Gun Owner
It’s really hard to talk about guns and gun violence, primarily due to the fact that the NRA has spent an insane amount of money brainwashing American citizens with catchy bumper-sticker type slogans that sound logical, but fall apart upon careful examination.
Parents Need to Start Talking to Their Tweens About the Risks of Porn
Editor’s note: This article includes references to graphic sexual content that may be inappropriate for some readers.
Liberated: The New Sexual Revolution
Liberated: The New Sexual Revolution is a documentary about coming of age in today’s young adult hookup culture. Following the journey of college students on Spring Break, the film provides shocking insight into attitudes and behaviors regarding sex, the normalization of...
5 Reasons “White Pride” is Always Racist
History tells us “whiteness” has always been a construct used to exclude certain groups from equal rights
Thought Police for the 21st Century: Google, Facebook Suppress Left Media Under the Guise of Combating "Fake News"
DETROIT—The abolition of net neutrality and the use of algorithms by Facebook, Google, YouTube and Twitter to divert readers and viewers from progressive, left-wing and anti-war sites, along with demonizing as foreign agents the journ
Why Libertarians Must Deny Climate Change, in One Short Take
I must applaud Matt Bruenig's summing up of the inherent conflict between libertarianism and environmental issues
Donald Duck Meets Glenn Beck
Donald's life is turned upside-down by the current economic crisis and he finds himself unemployed and falling behind on his house payments. As his frustration turns into despair Donald discovers a seemingly sympathetic voice coming from his radio named Glenn Beck. Will...
A Taxonomy of Trump Tweets
Trump uses social media as a weapon to control the news cycle. It works like a charm. His tweets are tactical rather than substantive. They mostly fall into one of these four categories. The tweets either get his framing established first, knowing that whoever frames first...
The Truth About “Trailer Trash”
“Trailer trash” remains one of the last unquestioned relics of political incorrectness in our nation. This slur rests on fundamental cultural assumptions about people who live in trailer parks: that they are simple-minded, lawless, reckless with fertility, and indifferent to...
The Case Against The Jedi
At their core, George Lucas's six Star Wars films are coming of age stories about boys becoming men. Both Luke and Anakin Skywalker are guided and shaped by the principles of the Jedi Order, but buried within Jedi teachings we find some troubling and deeply unhealthy ideas...
Does Films for Action Have Bias? - a Statement About Neutrality and Our Values
It's hard to believe Films For Action has been around since 2006. From our early years focusing on local film screenings in Lawrence, Kansas to our more recent years, focusing on raising awareness globally via our website and social media, our mission has been to provide a...
Wall-E as Sociological Storytelling
Pixar’s Wall-E is a masterpiece of animated filmmaking about two adorable robots falling in love. It also serves as an excellent example of sociological storytelling.
Why the Documentary Must Not Be Allowed to Die
I first understood the power of the documentary during the editing of my first film, The Quiet Mutiny.
Predatory Romance in Harrison Ford Movies
Harrison Ford has played some of the most iconic male heroes ever to appear on film. Many of his most popular characters antagonize women, disregard basic ideas of consent and ultimately force themselves on their love interests. Although each movie attempts to frame these...
Born Sexy Yesterday: A Hollywood Movie Trope That Maybe Needs to Die
"This video essay is about a gendered trope that has bothered me for years but didn’t have a name, so I gave it one: Born Sexy Yesterday. It's a science fiction convention in which the mind of a naive, yet highly skilled, girl is written into the body of a mature sexualized...
The Complicity of Geek Masculinity on the Big Bang Theory
This is the 2nd of two video essays about gender on The Big Bang Theory. The 1st focuses on a popular media trope Pop Culture Detective likes to call the Adorkable Misogynist.
Rich or Poor? This Film Only Takes 1 Minute to Have You Completely Rethinking Those Words
What makes you rich or poor? A 1 min. short film from a beautiful valley.
The Adorkable Misogyny of The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory provides a perfect lens through which to deconstruct a popular media trope I like to call the Adorkable Misogynist. Adorkable Misogynists are male characters whose geeky version of masculinity is framed as comically pathetic yet still endearing. Their...
This Incredible Animated Short Film Says So Much Without Saying a Word
Embark on a visionary journey through the fragmented unconscious of the West, and with courage face the Shadow. Through Shadow into Light.
The Illusionists
The Illusionists examines how global advertising firms, mass media, and the beauty, fashion, and cosmetic-surgery industries have together colonised the way people all around the world define beauty and see themselves. Taking us from Harvard to the halls of the Louvre, from a...