601-660 of 1,046
The Refugee Crisis: Beware the Drums of War
While the refugee crisis is being debated, pundits have used the crisis to plead for and justify new wars, and war plans are already being announced.
Frankie Boyle on #PigGate - Not even in the top ten worst things Cameron has done
Thinking of a joke after the masses have trampled a subject is a bit like looking for your contact lenses just after the Battle of Agincourt. It seems that everyone’s a topical comedy writer when the PM puts his willy in a pig’s mouth. Where were the genera
Trevor Noah Debuts on The Daily Show - Continues the War on Bulls**t
Trevor shows his appreciation for the show’s former host and discusses Speaker of the House John Boehner’s recent resignation. Watch full episodes of The Daily Show now:
Saul Williams on Pop Culture: "We're All Donald Trump's F---ing Apprentice"
Saul Williams, the "poet laureate of hip-hop," is troubled by society's rising reverence for ignorance and prestige. This is a stark departure from pop culture and music from the past, which laid more focus on rooting for the underdog and questioning authority. It's this...
What "Taking the Country Back" Means for the Rest of Us
I’ve been really angry and depressed for the last few months. I’ve finally pieced together why.
Six Easy Ways to Tell If That Viral Story Is a Hoax
“And so it begins … ISIS flag among refugees in Germany fighting the police,” blared the headline on the Conservative Post; “with this new leaked picture, everything seems confirmed”. The image in question purported to show a group of Syrian refugees holding ISIS flags and...
A Rejoinder on "The Sanders Paradox"
When CounterPunch published my essay “The Sanders Paradox: A Brief for Bernie” two weeks ago, I was hoping that it would trigger constructive, spirited discussion and debate on the left about the Sanders candidacy. With some 1,400 Facebook shares fromCounterPunch, and some...
Ignoring the Cause of Welfare: Not Laziness but Low Wages
Numerous US media outlets recently uncritically echoed a methodologically flawed report by an anti-immigration organization with ties to white supremacist groups (, 9/4/15). Beyond this serious problem, however, lies a larger and more endemic issue in media: an...
Merchants Of Doubt
Inspired by the acclaimed book by Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway, Merchants of Doubt takes audiences on a satirically comedic, yet illuminating ride into the heart of conjuring American spin. Filmmaker Robert Kenner lifts the curtain on a secretive group of highly charismatic...
What 'The Wall Street Journal' Gets Totally Wrong About Bernie Sanders' Agenda
 The Journal wants to shock and awe voters with big numbers, but Sanders’s proposals would save America big bucks.
The Whiting of Euro-Americans: A Divide and Conquer Strategy
"With a swelling slave population, the masters faced the prospect of white freedmen with disappointed hopes joining forces with slaves of desperate hope to mount ever more virulent rebellions. The elites’ race strategy decreased the probability of such class rebellions. The...
How to Disagree
The web is turning writing into a conversation. Twenty years ago, writers wrote and readers read. The web lets readers respond, and increasingly they do—in comment threads, on forums, and in their own blog posts. Many who respond to something disagree with it. That's to be...
Occupation, Schmoccupation: And Propaganda Shall Cover For Everything (Except the Ugly Truth)
As part of Israel's ongoing and desperate PR campaign to counter opposition and prove it has justice on its side, The Yesha Council, a settlers' organization in the West Bank, has released a new booklet to teach young people "the right facts" - 
Rupert Murdoch and the Israeli Genie
Rupert Murdoch and Lord Jacob Rothschild are major shareholders in and members of the Strategic Advisory Board of Genie Energy. Israel has granted Genie oil exploration in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. Genie plans to drill 10 exploratory wells over three years there...
History Professor Denies Native Genocide: Native Student Disagreed, Then Says Professor Expelled Her From Course
A Cal State Sacramento University professor who allegedly told his United States History class he did not like the term ‘genocide’ in relation to Native Americans in history, told a Native American student who disagreed with him that she was disenrolled and expelled from his...
Notorious Climate Skeptic Rupert Murdoch Just Bought National Geographic
Publication that gives grants to scientists goes from non-profit to for-profit under Fox umbrella.
5 Facts Exposing the Media's Lies about Police Shootings
#2. Bartending is far more dangerous than being a police officer.
These Are Words Scholars Should No Longer Use to Describe Slavery and the Civil War
Let’s face it: a new generation of scholarship has changed the way we understand American history, particularly slavery, capitalism, and the Civil War. Our language should change as well.
Not Quite All Things Considered: Why the Mainstream Media Discounts Bernie Sanders
Recently, on All Things Considered—you know, that bastion of liberal media—Mara Liasson, talking about the prospect of Joe Biden running for President said: There are many Democrats who think it would be good for Hillary Clinton because she'd have a serious opponent, and...
Noam Chomsky: The Kind of Anarchism I Believe In, and What's Wrong with Libertarians
"Anarcho-syndicalism is a conception of a very organized society, but organized from below by direct participation at every level, with as little control and domination as is feasible, maybe none."
9/11, Conspiracy Theory, and Bullshit Mongers
I get trolled a lot these days by people with all sorts of ideological beef. It gets old, fast. 9/11 and 7/7 conspiracy theorists who believe that governments "did" 9/11 and 7/7 criticise me for being too "establishment". On Twitter, arch 9/11 conspiracy wing nut accounts...
Noam Chomsky Has 'Never Seen Anything Like This'
Noam Chomsky is America’s greatest intellectual. His massive body of work, which includes nearly 100 books, has for decades deflated and exposed the lies of the power elite and the myths they perpetrate. Chomsky has done this despite being blacklisted by the commercial...
Why Al Jazeera Will Not Say Mediterranean 'Migrants'
The word migrant has become a largely inaccurate umbrella term for this complex story.
Three Charts That Prove 'swarms' of Refugees Really Aren't Coming to the UK
Despite panic about the “swarms” of migrants supposedly trying to reach British shores from Calais, only four per cent of Europe’s asylum seekers are applying to stay in the UK. Statistics from the European Commission show that 185,000 people applied for asylum for the firs
"You Grow Up Wanting to Be Luke Skywalker, Then Realize You've Become a Stormtrooper for the Empire"
Read this shocking account of how U.S. Iraq War veterans had their 9/11 patriotism crushed & replaced with something far more alarming…
What Happens When You Post Nazi Propaganda about Migrants in the Daily Mail Comments Section?
Over the past couple of weeks, @DMReporter and I (@BestoftheMail) have been getting more and more aghast by the tone of some of the coverage of the migration in Europe. This is especially apparent in newspaper comment sections where it now seems that literally anything...
My Outrage Is Better Than Your Outrage
Even when a dentist kills an adored lion, and everyone is furious, there’s loftier righteousness to be had.
What Banks Don't Want You to Know about the Greek crisis
Is the crisis in Greece solely due to government overspending and irresponsibility? Are the Greek bailouts intended to help the Greek people recover from their "self-inflicted" economic crisis? Think again. Here are some things you're not being told about the Greek crisis.
Bernie Sanders Explains Why Elites Don't Want You To Vote
In an excerpt from the 2006 documentary "American Blackout" Senator Bernie Sanders Explains Why Elites Don't Want You To Vote.
Exxon Knew of Climate Change in 1981, Email Says - but It Funded Deniers for 27 More Years
Over the years, Exxon spent more than $30m on think-tanks and researchers that promoted climate denial.
Reflections on Privilege Theory: Why I'm Looking for a Better Way to Communicate This Idea
Does privilege theory offer an adequate lens to challenge oppression and help those it is intended to help?
Was The Soviet Union Really a Socialist Country? Noam Chomsky Dispels This Propaganda In 1 Minute
Both America and the Soviet Union called the Soviet Union a socialist system but for different reasons. America called it a socialist system because it wanted to defame and demonize socialism. The Soviet Union called their government socialist because that was a popular and...
10 Compelling Reasons You Can Never Trust The Mainstream Media
A poll in 2012 showed that trust in the mainstream media is increasing, which should worry all of us who value truth, integrity and press freedom.
5 Of The Best Subvertising Campaigns
Subvertising: noun, the practice of making parodies of corporate and political advertisements in order to make an alternative statement.
What Is White Supremacy?
White Supremacy is an historically based, institutionally perpetuated system of exploitation and oppression of continents, nations, and peoples of color by white peoples and nations of the European continent, for the purpose of maintaining and defending a system of wealth...
Top 10 Feel Good Stories From Positive News
For 22 years Positive News has pioneered solutions-based journalism. As they get ready to hand ownership to their readers and journalists with the launch of their community share offer, they look back at their content and reveal the most viewed online stories. Click on the...
Israeli Government Cartoon Tries to Ridicule Journalists About Gaza
The Israeli Foreign Ministry released a cartoon recently about Gaza. But it's not funny ha-ha. Instead, it ridicules journalists. Check it out. 
How to Steal from the Taxpayers While Blaming the Poor
It's a vicious circle of hypocrisy: Americans dependent on the safety net are urged to "get a job" by the same free-market system that pays them too little to avoid being dependent on the safety net.   Theft, Part 1: The Average U.S. Household Pays About $400 for Safety...
9 Quotes from John Pilger on Media and Power
"The whole essence of media is not about information. It’s about power.”   “Today the media is, as the father of propaganda, Edward Bernays described, ‘an invisible government.’ It’s in the government. It’s in the government’s vested interests. The Prime Minister is a PR...
How to Overthrow the Illuminati
This pamphlet gives an excellent analysis and debunking of conspiracy theories and proposes a practical alternative for emancipation.
176 Arguments from Global Warming Skeptics and What the Science Really Says
Here is a summary of global warming and climate change myths, sorted by recent popularity vs what science says. Click the response for a more detailed response. You can also view them sorted by taxonomy, by popularity, in a print-friendly version,
5 Ways Powerful People Trick You Into Hating Protesters
Let's say that tomorrow you are elected Secret Ruler of the USA, a position that gives you total power over the government, economy, and the culture at large -- everything that hippies refer to as "the system." Now, your first job is to not get beheaded by rioting peasants...
How To (Not) Change Minds On The Internet
On Facebook I quietly unsubscribe from friends who regularly make angry issue-related posts, even if they’re right. I don’t want to be pummeled by “truth,” no matter how true it is.
People Make Anti-Logos To Urge Sponsors To Withdraw From Qatar 2022 World Cup
FIFA's decision to hold the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar is drawing more and more criticism as more and more allegations of everything from bribery and financial mismanagement to slavery and deadly work conditions pile up. 900 workers have died during construction for the...
Comedy Sketch Shows Deep-Seated Sexism in Advertising
This is a clip from the BBC comedy series 'That Mitchell and Webb look' satirises sexism in advertising.
Dear White America: Toya Graham Is Not Your Hero
When I told my grandma that I was among a crowd of protesters pepper-sprayed while covering the demonstration-turned-riot at Baltimore’s Mondawmin Mall on Monday, her response was blunt.
Radical Film-Making and Digital Paradox: the Case of The Fourth Estate
Digital media technologies are full of paradoxes. On one hand they are said to open up new opportunities, a “democratisation” of media, but on the other they are said to consolidate not just media power, but also the ideological frameworks that constrain critical creative...
Nonviolence As Compliance in Baltimore
Officials calling for calm can offer no rational justification for Gray's death, and so they appeal for order. Rioting broke out on Monday in Baltimore—an angry response to the death of Freddie Gray, a death my native city seems powerless to explain. Gray did not die...
Can We Afford to Ignore What Katie Hopkins Says about Migrants Drowning in the Med?
The Sun columnist's violent words about the refugee crisis in the Mediterranean are indefensible. They should be condemned as hate speech.  Refugees in Lampedusa, Italy. Image: 
Overcoming the Shock Doctrine
Lately, we’ve been talking about the techniques of manipulation used by the government and mass media, regarding the privatization of public education, and all public benefits. In these first months of legislature, the better part of this manipulation has been aimed at...
The Fourth Estate
Following a 9 month long international screening run, the independent UK documentary The Fourth Estate is now online for all to view, download, and share for free.
A Rogue Reporter Takes on the Masters of the Universe
The media would have you believe that it’s simply an accident that 85 people now own more than half the world’s wealth. It’s time to blow their cover. This essay is excerpted from Matt Kennard’s new book, The Racket: A Rogue Reporter vs. t
Nature Needs a New Pronoun: To Stop the Age of Extinction, Let's Start by Ditching "It"
Calling the natural world “it” absolves us of moral responsibility and opens the door to exploitation. Here's what we can say instead. Singing whales, talking trees, dancing bees, birds who make art, fish who navigate, plants who learn and remember. We are surrounded by...
Yellow Fever
Yellow Fever is a mixed-media documentary animation by Kenyan filmmaker Ng’endo Mukii
Everyday Racism: What Should We Do?
Racism is a business. Its marketing is so successful that even Akala looks sideways at a young black man holding a lot of cash. These racial assumptions lead to 'everyday' racism - daily encounters and micro-aggressions. It's time to recognise the relationship between...
Disregarding Gaza - Why is Gaza Not an Issue in the Israeli Elections?
A short documentary that examines the absence of Gaza and the Palestinians from the Israeli mainstream media and 2015 elections. Shot during operation Protective Edge by Tamar Glezerman & Arianna LaPenne.
Why Independent Journalism Is Challenging the Mass media
The battle for our votes has commenced. Political parties are turning their attention from Westminster to the people that grant them a mandate. But as the political propaganda is ramped-up we would do well to remember Thomas Carlyle's words about parliament in 1841: "In the...
Defeat the Right in Three Minutes: A Practical Guide to Understanding Conservative Politics
Have you got three minutes. Because that's all you need to learn how to defeat the Republican Right. Just read through this handy guide and you'll have everything you need to successfully debunk right-wing propaganda.