661-720 of 1,048
Why Independent Journalism Is Challenging the Mass media
The battle for our votes has commenced. Political parties are turning their attention from Westminster to the people that grant them a mandate. But as the political propaganda is ramped-up we would do well to remember Thomas Carlyle's words about parliament in 1841: "In the...
Defeat the Right in Three Minutes: A Practical Guide to Understanding Conservative Politics
Have you got three minutes. Because that's all you need to learn how to defeat the Republican Right. Just read through this handy guide and you'll have everything you need to successfully debunk right-wing propaganda.
Why I Have Resigned from the Telegraph
The coverage of HSBC in Britain's Telegraph is a fraud on its readers. If major newspapers allow corporations to influence their content for fear of losing advertising revenue, democracy itself is in peril.
No Piers Morgan. This Is How to Destroy the Islamic State
The religious façade is merely another element of IS propaganda, the mobilising ideology that provides a veneer of legitimacy for its existence Recently, in the Daily Mail, Piers Morgan wrote about his “uncon
Are Islamic State’s ‘Shock and Awe’ Tactics More Awful Because of One Victim?
The Daesh (ISIL or ISIS) burning of a captured Jordanian pilot alive produced justified revulsion globally, resulting in the terrorist organization being termed “barbarous” and similar epithets. Why did it behave this way? Because it wants to terrify its opponents into...
Marine Corps Veteran Opens Eyes, Hearts, and Minds of "American Sniper" Movie-goers
How does modern propaganda work? How effective is it?  Marine Corps Veteran, Adam Kokesh interviews audience members exiting the theater after watching the new film "American Sniper".  By slowly and logically peeling back each movie-goer's line of thinking, Kokesh asks some...
Bitter Lake
Politicians used to have the confidence to tell us stories that made sense of the chaos of world events. But now there are no big stories and politicians react randomly to every new crisis - leaving us bewildered and disorientated.
Compare and Contrast: Obama's Reaction to the Deaths of King Abdullah and Hugo Chávez
Hugo Chávez was elected President of Venezuela four times from 1998 through 2012 and was admired and supported by a large majority of that country’s citizens, largely due to his 
State of the Union 2015: Lethal, Predatory, Delusional
“The economy inhabited by the vast majority of Americans grows smaller and more cutthroat, with nearly all the new wealth accruing to the rich.” Tuesday night, in his next-to-last State of the Union address, President Obama flashed the suckers a bag of tricks that has no...
#ReclaimMLK Seeks to Combat the Sanitizing of Martin Luther King Jr.'s Legacy
Martin Luther King Jr. had more than “a dream,” but you might not notice that on Monday during observances for his birthday. Somewhere between his assassination and today began an MLK-neutering campaign meant to turn the famed agitator’s holiday into a national Day of...
Noam Chomsky: 'Their' Terrorism versus 'Our' Terrorism
After the terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo, which killed 12 people including the editor and four other cartoonists, and the murder of four Jews at a kosher supermarket shortly after, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls declared "a war against terrorism, against jihadism...
Watch: Russell Brand's Brilliant Takedown of Toxic Fox News Rant in Wake of Hebdo
"Violence and killing are the consequences of this hateful programming . . . And look who profits." In the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attack, Fox News has gone on a hate-spree of invective about all Muslims being to blame for the actions of a handful of criminals. The tirade...
On Charlie Hebdo: A Letter to My British friends
Dear friends, last week, a horrid assault was perpetrated against the French weekly Charlie Hebdo, who had published caricatures of Mohamed, by men who screamed that they had “avenged the prophet”. A wave of compassion followed but apparently died shortly afterward and all...
Ethnic Notions
Ethnic Notions is Marlon Riggs' Emmy-winning documentary that takes viewers on a disturbing voyage through American history, tracing for the first time the deep-rooted stereotypes which have fueled anti-black prejudice. Through these images we can begin to understand the...
Ten Things You Should Know About Selma Before You See the Film
In this 50th anniversary year of the Selma-to-Montgomery March and the Voting Rights Act it helped inspire, national media will focus on the iconic images of “Bloody Sunday,” the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the interracial marchers, and President Lyndon Johnson...
Chris Hayes Spoofs White Power Structure, Has No Clue How To Stop Culture Of White On White Violence
Riffing off an article by Gawker columnist Cord Jefferson yesterday, Jefferson and MSNBC host Chris Hayes satirized the right's concern with "black on black violence," rolling footage of a recent "surf riot" from Huntington Beach and asking when "the white community would...
Why I Am Not Charlie
There is no “but” about what happened at Charlie Hebdo. Some people published some cartoons, and some other people killed them for it.  Words and pictures can be beautiful or vile, pleasing or enraging, inspiring or offensive; but they exist on a different plane from physical...
On Charlie Hebdo
Many journalists at the offices of Charlie Hebdo have been murdered by bampots brandishin
Charlie Hebdo: How Journalism Needs to Respond to This Unconscionable attack
The attack on Charlie Hebdo is the worst case of targeted killings of journalists ever recorded in Europe and is matched only by the massacre five years ago of 32 journalists and other media workers, by 100 armed men who attacked an election convoy in Mindanao in the...
What's behind the West's fascination with "saving" Africa? FRAMED investigates the images and myths that cast a continent as a victim.
Slam Poetry Trio Gives Powerful Performance on National TV about the Failures of Modern Education
"The greatest lessons are the ones you don't remember learning."  Belissa Escobedo, Rhiannon McGavin, and Zariya Allen, members of the Get Lit organization perform "Somewhere in America" on the The Queen Latifah Show.   
North Korea/Sony Story Shows How Eagerly U.S. Media Still Regurgitate Government Claims
The identity of the Sony hackers is still unknown. President Obama, in a December 19 press conference, announced: “We can confirm that North Korea engaged in this attack.” He then vowed: “We will respond. . . . We cannot hav
10 Natives Who Should Replace Andrew Jackson on the $20 Bill
In 2012, we spotlighted Andrew Jackson as our top pick for worst U.S. president—because he earned his “Indian Killer” nickname. He was a major proponent of Indian removal, his first effort was waging a war against the Creeks. The Creeks lost 23 million acres of land in...
Nonlinear Warfare - A New System of Political Control
A short film by Adam Curtis shows how the deliberate undermining of people's perception of the world, by manipulating the media and civil society, creates confusion and contradiction, undermining any opposition to existing power structures. This strategy has allowed...
Just Stop Talking About Race!!
Does talking about racism perpetuate racism?
If Your Gut Response to #Blacklivesmatter Is #Alllivesmatter, Read This.
There are myriad reasons why the rallying hashtag for the movement that grew out of ‪#‎Ferguson‬ is ‪#‎BlackLivesMatter‬ and not 
War by Media and the Triumph of Propaganda
Why has so much journalism succumbed to propaganda? Why are censorship and distortion standard practice? Why is the BBC so often a mouthpiece of rapacious power? Why do the New York Times and the Washington Post deceive their readers?
How Does The Biggest Newspaper In The UK Represent Men and Women? It's Worse Than You Might Think
What happens if you collect The Sun for 6 months, cut out every picture of every man and every woman, find a wall and start sticking?
Deepa Kumar On The Islamophobia Of "Homeland"
On Real News: Reality Asserts Itself, Dr. Kumar tells Paul Jay that Muslim characters on Homeland are either terrorists, sympathizers of terrorists, or "good Muslims" which means pro-US. 
The Top Censored Stories of 2014 | Interview with Mickey Huff
Abby Martin interviews, Mickey Huff, Director of Project Censored, about some of the top 25 censored stories of 2014, covering everything from the lack of police brutality statistics to the impact of ocean acidification. 
Rap News 29: The G20 Comes To Australia
The G20 Summit is happening and the leaders of the wealthiest nations on the planet are converging on Australia to come and learn directly at the feet of the master of fascist dystopian fuckwittery: Tony Abbott. Join the noble Australian Prime Minister as he lists his recent...
How to Criticize with Kindness: Philosopher Daniel Dennett on the Four Steps to Arguing Intelligently
“Just how charitable are you supposed to be when criticizing the views of an opponent?”
Eight Pseudoscientific Climate Claims Debunked by Real Scientists
Most people who deny that human activity is warming the planet just dismiss a massive body of scientific evidence as a big hoax.
Climate Change You Can Believe In
Just as Sunday’s big People’s Climate March and next week’s UN global summit on climate converge here in New York City, the nation and world are experiencing weather of an intensity that should rattle the stubborn false convictions of even the most fervent climate change...
The Strange, Twisted Logic of the ISIS War
Officials in Washington are inadvertently providing some insight into the strange logic of their nebulous war against the Islamic State, also known as ISIS and ISIL, in contradictory and puerile statements about whether the military action should be called a war, or...
#SaveTheInternet: Web Giants Rally against FCC proposal
American web companies took on the government Wednesday, displaying messages to millions of users warning about the dangers of the Federal Communications Commission’s proposed changes to net neutrality. The government agency is looking to approve a new plan that critics say...
"Fuhck the Bahnks" by the Bondi Hipsters
We applied for a bank loan but they turned us down, so we wrote this song... This track goes out to the one percent... #sorrynotsorry
Russell Brand: Who's More Dangerous, Me Or Fox News?
The Fox News Five are still angry with Ol' Russ. But who wants us to live in fear and hate - me or Fox News? You decide.
How to Spot - and Defeat - Disruption on the Internet
David Martin’s Thirteen Rules for Truth Suppression,  H. Michael Sweeney’s 25 Rules of Disinformation (and now Brandon Smith’s
The Secret Playbook of Internet Trolls
The reason that Internet trolls are effective is that people still don’t understand their game.
How America Made ISIS: Their Videos and Ours, Their “Caliphate” and Ours
Whatever your politics, you’re not likely to feel great about America right now.  After all, there’s Ferguson (the whole world was watching!), an increasingly unpopular president, a Congress whose
Against Conspiracy Theories - Why Our Activism Must Be Based in Reality
A talk given at Occupy Wellington, New Zealand, to counter the prevalence of conspiracy theories amongst the local wing of the Occupy movement.
What's So Special about Storytelling for Social Change?
A new world requires new stories, but people will only listen to them when they themselves are included in the storyline. This requires a ‘gear-shift’ in conversations about radical action.
Rap News 27: MSMBS World News Headlies
A Rap News summary of the past months' remarkable series of events. From Gaza to Syria, ISIS to Ukraine, Sinkholes to Ebola, Ferguson to Robin Williams, the world has been experiencing a seemingly endless series of events befitting of a Ronald Emmerich movie. How do we manage...
Mumia Abu Jamal: The Real "Outside Agitators"
Political prisoner Mumia Abu Jamal sets the record straight on the media and Ferguson police claiming "outside agitators" were causing trouble in the streets in response to the murder of 18 year old Mike Brown who was gunned down by Ferguson, Missouri police.
The Forms of Violence That Our Corporate Media Never Talks About
The corporate media loves to talk about violent protesters, while the biggest forms of violence in our society go unchallenged.
The Double Identity of an "Anti-Semitic" Commenter
Smearing a Progressive Website to Support Israel Like many other news websites, Common Dreams has been plagued by inflammatory anti-Semitic comments following its stories. But on Common Dreams these posts have been so frequent and intense they have driven away donors from...
The Story That's Destroying the World
Let me start by saying something that sounds controversial but actually isn't:
The Baloney Detection Kit: Carl Sagan's Rules for Bullshit-Busting and Critical Thinking
Necessary cognitive fortification against propaganda, pseudoscience, and general falsehood.
Chris Hedges: Why Israel Lies
All governments lie, as I.F. Stone pointed out, including Israel and Hamas.
The Problem With Living Your Life on Facebook
Facebook can be depressing because everyone else's lives are better than yours... But are they really? Interestingly, a scientific study recently backed up excactly what this video illustrates. Not that we really needed any proof. I think just about everyone that spends time...
Five Israeli Talking Points on Gaza - Debunked
Israel claims that it is merely exercising its right to self-defense and that Gaza is no longer occupied. Here’s what you need to know about these talking points and more. Israel has killed upwards of 1500 Palestinians in the past three weeks. The UN estimates that more than...
'Human Shield' Propaganda Used to Justify State-Sponsored Massacres for Decades
It’s been three weeks since Israel launched its bombing campaign and subsequent invasion of the Gaza strip. According to the Palestinian Health Ministry, over 1,500 Palestinians have been killed and over 6,500 have been wounded in what has become one of the bloodiest...
How TV Ruined Your Life
Comedy series in which Charlie Brooker uses a mix of sketches and jaw-dropping archive footage to explore the gulf between real life and television.
The Lottery of Birth
Do you shape the world or does it shape you? Drawing on leading thinkers from around the world, and with a torrent of mind-expanding ideas and information, THE LOTTERY OF BIRTH will make you think again about what it means to be free.
Wouldn't It Be Great If Tabloids Had Any Value to Society at All?  These Images Imagine If They Did.
Waiting in line to pay for groceries, it’s hard not to notice all the ridiculous tabloid headlines: So-and-so wore shorts yesterday! Who's cheating on who? People are on diets! As entertaining as it all may be, shouldn’t *real* stories get the kind of attention the pointless...
Israel's Military Has No "Moral Superiority." It's Time for Media to Cover Gaza Fairly
How commonly is the alleged moral superiority of the Israeli military invoked? So commonly that if you type “the most moral army in the world” into Google, you’ll immediately get a bunch of articles discussing the Israeli “Defense” Forces. Just last week, Slate’s William...
New York Times Rewrites Gaza Headline: Was It Too Accurate?
Wednesday (7/16/14)  the 
Comedy Vs. Anti-Science: 10 Videos That Show How Humor Can Make a Difference
From Colbert and Oliver to Sarah Silverman and Louis CK, comedians are torching anti-science activists with aplomb  In the latest version of America’s long-running culture wars, conservatives (and even some liberals) have zeroed in what once might have seemed like an...
If Women's Roles In Ads Were Played By Men
Watch this. Then imagine what it would be like if most of the images you saw of men in every form of media were like this too. It would be a little weird, right?