I get a lot of emails as to why I do not bring up notions such as the “New World Order”, “Illuminati”, “Zionism”, “Secret Societies” and other popular occult/conspiracy concepts which are very topical in this day and age. While I, of course, acknowledge the “men behind the curtain” and the various levels of manipulation and corruption of the ruling class, it must be understood that I do not differentiate between the high level, elitist criminal- and the commonplace, petty criminal.
They are both different extremes of the same sickness. On one side of the spectrum, you have the wealthy elite who maintain a compulsive addiction to power, control and material wealth. This is due to a constant, endless need for more and more self-preservation, which is derived from the psychological impressions of “Scarcity”.
On the other side you have poor people, living clearly within scarcity, who are without options for survival, and are forced into corrupt behavior in order to stay alive.
Sadly, the idea of “corruption” has become highly stylized today, and Hollywood and Tv constantly reinforce the excitement of this so called ‘criminal’ behavior and this perpetuates the sickness to new levels.
Now, for many, the above distinctions are likely too general. Some would say things like “what about the columbine massacre… they were middle class kids from decent families.”
Aberrant, seemingly irrational, violent behavior comes from a low self-sufficiency. This is the result of an up bringing which does not intelligently cater to the needs of a growing mind, nor giving him or her the tools to understand the world around them. Mental Distortion comes from Social Distortion and if we ever want to see a world without the constant manipulative, violent abuses, we have to do what has never been done in any real way:
Examine the social system and the bio-social pressures it perpetuates inherently.
Now, I’m not going to go into all of the elements required to fully explain how sick our society is and how the religious systems and profit systems have twisted the general human mind into a perverse, selfish, divisive mentality.
However, what I will say is that to be “Normal” in our world, actually means “Screwed up”.
Now, coming back to my original point - I want everyone to understand that putting the blame on the “globalists” or the “new world order” crowd is a cop-out. These people are manifestations of the system and even if you imprisoned all the elite at the top, a new set of corrupt people would take their place overnight. This means that it isn’t “groups” we should be concerned with… it is the environment.
There is No “They”
It’s time we grow out of the “us against them” mentality. This isn’t to say we shouldn’t be activists against the constant social corruption. We have to do that. But, we must stop this nonsense that we are “at war” with something. This is an illusion. Martin Luther King Jr. had it right. The most powerful weapon you can have is unconditional love.
Now, we must think about what is truly important for Change.
Is researching and understanding the nuances of the Bavarian Illuminati and all its symbols going to help bring change to the world?
No, it isn’t.
While social history might be important to understand, we must get our priorities straight. The fact is, “exposing the criminal elite” along with things like 9/11 is only half the game. True change will come not from an angry group of abused people. It will come from a positive awareness of what humanity ‘could be’, if we all wake up and realize our possibilities. Once the species understands that there IS enough go around, that we are One, and that our integrity is only as good as the integrity of the rest of the planet…then a new focus will emerge, and all the “secret societies” and the like will lose all power.
All the “New World Order” is is a hard up group of damaged human beings who think world domination is a rewarding goal. They are no different that the ignorant frat-boys of Skull and Bones and any other childish group elitism. They are just sad, and it’s time we stop all the pontification about their infamous “power.”
The power elite are only as powerful as we allow them to be.
Media Literacy