Out Of Balance: ExxonMobil's Impact on Climate Change (2007)

Out of Balance shows the influence that the largest company in the world has on governments, the media and citizens and what can be done about global warming. While the Earth’s climate is pushed further out of balance by increasing use of fossil fuels, ExxonMobil continues to assert undue influence around the world— making record profits while ignoring climate science for which there has been overwhelming consensus for over ten years.

Out of Balance does not just critique ExxonMobil, it also offers challenging, large-scale ideas for the global social changes that must take place if there’s any chance of having a livable planet for future generations.



Cinequest is now offering Out of Balance for sale on their website. If you live in the United States you can purchase it through them. Just go to their site.

If you live outside the U.S. Out of Balance is now available through Long Tale.

You can also purchase Out of Balance at the Joe Public Films website.

Climate Change   Corporations   Environment   Media Literacy   Sustainability
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