121-180 of 1,481
A City is Part of the Universe
If we live in a city with little or no 'ecology' around us, where on earth do we start to make an 'ecological' lifestyle? This very short film brings us into the minds of natural farmers in Japan and the United States, discovering how city dwellers can begin to live with more...
How Smoked Salmon Is Destroying Our Minds | George Monbiot
Smoked Salmon... it's a metaphor. 
So You're Still Being Publicly Shamed
The Right wants you to believe that a coddled, overly sensitive left is propping up cancel culture. But punitive, hyper-surveillant ways of interacting online are built into the structure of privately owned social media companies, and they’re practiced across the political...
The Art of Letting Go (Taoism Documentary)
February, 2012, my wife, Gayoung, and I were moving back to Asia after two years in Australia. We had no plan. We just wanted to let go of our lives and return to Asia permanently. The Art of Letting Go is a full-length documentary that follows us for one year on an amazing...
How We All Became Richard Nixon | Adam Curtis
This short film uses the story of Richard Nixon’s paranoia to explore how a similar outlook has been perpetuated on the larger social scale by the new media age. Skimming through the evolution of the mainstream media via television and newspapers, this short film comments on...
To Reason With a Madman
Someone sent me a video on January 19th in which the host, claiming a secret source among the White Hat power faction, said that final plans are in motion to overthrow the criminal Deep State once and for all. The inauguration of Joe Biden will not take place. The lies and...
The Last Guardians
The Last Guardians is an award-winning documentary made with the indigenous Sàpara and Kichwa communities of Ecuador's Amazon. Now, more than ever, the global community can learn from indigenous knowledge and wisdom in its battle to conserve the planet. Becoming, once more...
All Is Self
The chaos we see in society is a reflection of the chaos within the minds of human beings. If we wish to heal society, we need to heal ourselves. Our society, and consequently us as individuals, operates on a worldview based in separation, in seeing and feeling ourselves to...
The Minimalists: Less Is Now
They've built a movement out of minimalism. Longtime friends Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus share how our lives can be better with less. Directed by Matt D'Avella.
Minimalism: A Documentary about the Important Things
How might your life be better with less? MINIMALISM takes the audience inside the lives of minimalists from all walks of life—families, entrepreneurs, architects, artists, journalists, scientists, and even a former Wall Street broker—all of whom are striving to live a...
Both And
A Direct Route to Feeling and Experience
Children of the Lie
Renowned clinical psychologist and social critic John F. Schumaker examines the growing power and influence of the lie in relation to ongoing reality erosion and various cultural trends that are fueling the war against truth and introducing dire threats to social...
Digital Wampum: Testimony of the Iroquois | 8-Part Series
 Digital Wampum is a series of 8 short, testimonial films, on the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois.)
Indigenous Thinking for Troubled Times, Tyson Yunkaporta
Can indigenous thinking save the world? Tyson Yunkaporta's new book 'Sand Talk' explores this question and is making a big impact.
The Age of Disconnection
The discipline that involves doing sports combined with the mental clarity that comes from being immersed in nature is a combination that has enabled thousands of people to abandon addiction, have a spiritual renewal, re-evaluate their lives and find their purpose in life.
Down To Earth
Leaving behind their cosmopolitan life, a couple and their three young children travel the ends of the earth searching for a new perspective on life. In their five-year journey across six continents, they live with some of the oldest indigenous communities on the planet. From...
6 Reasons so Many Spiritual People Have Been Fooled by Qanon
At a time when paramilitary units snatch nonviolent protesters from the streets of big American cities and when even Fox News has finally begun to apply scrutiny on the occupant of the White House, seeing much of the New Age scene convert into the latest constituency for...
Human Beings Are Not a Virus
'Buoyed by our present solidarity, let us look to Ireland’s own historical fights to protect the environment and each other.'
Framing Reality: A Plan for the Future
All humans on the planet are living under an illusionary paradigm that can be compared to what was presented in the 'Matrix'. A mental prison that exists within the minds of the collective. This prison exists as the societal paradigm we have chosen to accept. That is all...
How Southern Socialites Rewrote Civil War History
The United Daughters of the Confederacy was a significant leader of the “Lost Cause,” an intellectual movement that revised history to look more favorably on the South after the American Civil War. They were women from elite antebellum families that used their social and...
Five Reasons Why People Defend Police Brutality
As protests against police brutality are met with an unceasing barrage of police brutality, the obsequious bootlicking copologia in online discussion forums has been cranked up to eleven. I’ve written a 
Dr. Cornel West Finally Said What Americans Need to Hear - Here's Why
Brother Doctor Cornel West finally said what needed to be said on CNN. The one narrative a neo-fascist liberal mediasphere can’t headline. Not in Venezuela. Not in Syria. Not in Yemen. Not in Tel-Aviv, Paris, the UK, or anywhere throughout the neo-liberal world. “We are...
The Invention of Whiteness with john a. powell
This is an extra clip from the movie "Changing of the Gods," coming in 2022.
Thomas Berry: The New Story
A video excerpt of Thomas Berry discussing his 1978 monograph entitled "The New Story" at Chestnut Hill College in Philadelphia in 1984.
Post-Pandemic Development: a Ladakhi Perspective
A week before the announcement of the Janata [public] Curfew slated for March 22, 2020, I spoke with a 43-year-old close relative in her village in Leh, Ladakh, by phone from Delhi. Around that time, the news of rising infections from the novel coronavirus coming in from...
The Conspiracy Myth
The other day I was amused to read a critique of The Coronation in which the author was absolutely certain that I am a closet conspiracy theorist. He was so persuasive that I myself almost believed it.
TAWAI: a Film About Reconnection
"We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive.” - Albert Einstein Tawai is a film about reconnection. It connects us to our ancestors and the type of life they may have lived. It connects us with our bodies and senses, inviting us to...
We Each Carry a Blueprint for Making a Good Society | Nicholas Christakis
“We each carry within us an evolutionary blueprint for making a good society.” - Nicholas Christakis
An Opportunity to Reconnect With Our Origins
For generations, a variety of factors have weakened the traditional intergenerational socio-cultural structures of Indigenous people around the world.
The Triumph of Triviality
Clinical psychologist John F. Schumaker asks if modern consumer society is too shallow to deal with the deepening crises facing the planet.
An Epidemic of Control: Charles Eisenstein
Charles Eisenstein is one of the most celebrated writers and speakers about the intersection of systems change and personal growth, in his books including Sacred Economics and The More Beautiful World our Hearts Know is Possible. In the wake of the pandemic crisis he wrote a...
Wantoks: Dance of Resilience in Melanesia
In 2018, the Solomon Islands, in the South Pacific, hosted the Melanesian Arts & Cultural Festival, celebrating the country’s fortieth anniversary of independence.
Prayer for the Earth: An Indigenous Response to These Times
As the world rushes toward the brink of biospheric collapse, many people are now looking to traditional Indigenous wisdom for guidance on how to live sustainably.
Aluna: A Journey to Save the World
Aluna means "conscience." Enter the last theocratic chiefdom in America, hidden for centuries on a mountain in Colombia. The Kogi have made this amazing documentary to help us understand how to avoid the destruction of the world that they are trying to protect, and of ourselves.
Being and Becoming
Being and Becoming explores the theme of trusting children and their development, and invites us to question our learning paradigms and options.
No Return to Normal: For a Post-Pandemic Liberation
Today, new forms of solidarity, mutual aid, and common struggle are emerging in the pandemic. How will they shape tomorrow’s struggles for a post-capitalist world?
The New Story | La Nueva Historia
The old paradigm of separateness, patriarchal anthropocentrism, religious monopolies, and the dictatorship of the ego, among other guiding threads, have brought humanity and planetary living systems to the brink of collapse. To aspire to a possible future, it is essential to...
And the People Stayed Home: A Poem about Hope in Coronavirus Times
This beautiful poem by Kitty O'Meara has been shared around the world already. If you haven't heard it yet, here it is in video form.  So much love for this! May it be so!  - Films For Action
The Coronavirus Rehearsal: Can Capitalism Survive The Coronavirus?
The coronavirus shutdown as a dress rehearsal for the reformation of late-capitalism to allow climate repair.
Matriarchies Are Not Just a Reversal of Patriarchies: A Structural Analysis
Matriarchies are not just a reversal of patriarchies, with women ruling over men – as the usual misinterpretation would have it. Matriarchies are mother-centered societies. They are based on maternal values: care-taking, nurturing, mothering. This holds for everybody: for...
Black Snow
Black Snow looks at the explosion at the Oaks Colliery in Barnsley, South Yorkshire, which despite being the world's worst industrial loss of life in the 19th century, was a tragedy that remained relatively unremembered until 2015, when a group of ex-miners, trade unionists...
Inhabitants: Indigenous Perspectives On Restoring Our World
INHABITANTS follows five Native American communities as they restore their traditional land management practices in the face of a changing climate. For millennia Native Americans successfully stewarded and shaped their landscapes, but centuries of colonization have disrupted...
Language Keepers: The Struggle for Indigenous Language Survival in California
California once had more linguistic variety than all of Europe. “Language Keepers” is a 6-part series following four Indigenous communities in California who are working to revitalize their languages.
Towards a Regenerative Cosmology: Re-Inhabitation, Re-Enchantment, Re-Indigenisation
The ‘design’ brief to redesign the human impact on Earth from predominantly exploitative and destructive to by and large regenerative and health-generating invites us to ask fundamental questions that define the story we tell about the world and our role in it. Innovating...
The Invisible Ideology Trashing Our Planet
If you get into debt buying your child branded trainers, if you fear redundancy, if you suffer anxiety about the future of the planet and you blame yourself for all of these things then you are showing symptoms of drowning in the “insidious” and “sinister” ideology...
Regenerative Cultures, Regenerative Economics & Bioregional Regeneration
Some people are starting to talk about regenerative cultures as possible pathways towards a thriving future of people unfolding their unique potential within the context of the communities and regions they help to regenerate — cultures that are healthy, resilient and...
Canceling | ContraPoints
Contrapoints' 100 minute video essay on "cancel" activism.
Krystal Ball Interviews Contrapoints on Her Blockbuster Cancel Culture Video
Natalie Wynn explains why cancel culture is harmful. Watch the full video essay here.
The Problem of Living Inside Echo Chambers
Pick any of the big topics of the day – Brexit, climate change or
Your Mind is an Excellent Servant, but a Terrible Master | David Foster Wallace
David Foster Wallace (February 21, 1962 – September 12, 2008) was an American writer and university professor in the disciplines of English and creative writing.
Connecting to "Them"
"If I were talking to a 65-year-old man from Tennessee who watches Fox News, I would not articulate the story of interbeing. I would speak from an understanding of the story of interbeing, and I would try to speak in a way that communicates to him and will be received."...
BURKINABÈ RISING: The Art of Resistance in Burkina Faso
A small landlocked country in West Africa, Burkina Faso is home to a vibrant community of artists, musicians, & engaged citizens who carry on the revolutionary spirit of Thomas Sankara, killed in a coup d'état led by his best friend and advisor Blaise Compaoré, who then ruled...
An Intro to the Story of Separation
"What we take for the reality outside of ourselves can be understood as a story we're telling ourselves about who we are and how the world works." - Charles Eisenstein
Healing From Hate: Battle for the Soul of a Nation
HEALING FROM HATE examines the root causes of hate group activity through the bold work of those battling intolerance on the front lines, including Life After Hate, an organization founded by former Skinheads and neo-Nazis, now engaged in transforming attitudes of...
Overpopulation: Do We Really Need to Control Population Growth?
"Every once in a while someone comes to me and says, "Charles you've ignored the elephant in the room. It's population growth. And unless we control our population, then nothing else is going to make a difference." - Charles Eisenstein
What Kids Need Most | Dr. Gabor Mate
This video is dedicated to all the children of the world. Let us end the cycle of trauma that prevents the healing of our species and the world.
The Miracle of Kindness | Chris Hedges
Evil, even in the darkest moments, is impotent before the miracle of human kindness. This miracle defies prejudices and hatreds. It crosses cultures and religions. It lies at the core of faith. Take a brief journey through the eyes of American, Pulitzer Prize-winning...
Cultures of Resistance
Does each gesture really make a difference? Can music and dance be a weapon of peace? Director Iara Lee embarked on a three-year, five-continent trek to find out. From AFRICAN countries' sounds of resistance, moving on to BRAZIL where gun-guitars transform the reality of slum...
Santa Is a Psychedelic Mushroom - It’s Time to Embrace the Shamanistic side of Christmas
It’s the holiday season, and I’m thinking of mushrooms. The hallucinogenic Amanita muscaria to be exact — a red-and-white toadstool mushroom — most closely associated with fairy tales. At first glance, Amanita muscaria and the Christmas holiday appear to be an unlikely duo...