781-840 of 1,481
Famous Quotes, The Way a Woman Would Have to Say Them During a Meeting.
“A few weeks ago at work,” Jennifer Lawrence wrote in an essay for Lenny (yup, I guess I’m subscribed to Lenny now! Well played, Lena Dunham). “I spoke my mind and gave my opinion in a clear and no-[BS] way; no aggression, just blunt. The man I was working with (actually, he...
Back to the Future Parody Sends Marty To The Real 2015
Back to the Future, updated for the actual future!
"Arabian Street Artists" Bomb Homeland: Why We Hacked an Award-Winning Series
Homeland is racist (photo courtesy of Showtime) What’s wrong with Homeland’s political message? The very first season of “Homeland” explained to the American public that Al Qaida is actually an Iranian v
Resenting Hipsters
The fetishization of work feeds the politics of resentment. It’s time to instead embrace the language of economic and social rights.
College Athletics Are Stealing Your Future
We are in a college debt crisis. Almost 70 percent of college students graduate with approximately $30,000 in college debt. In 1992, it was one-third of that average. Why has the cost and burden
Six Incredible Female Performance Poets Spit Rhymes of Reason
8th March is International Women's Day, to celebrate here are six incredible poems written and performed by women.
Work Myths: 9 Lies You've Been Told About Work
Lies you've been told about work.
When Oppression Is the Status Quo, Disruption Is a Moral Duty
History teaches us that legislative action rarely happens without organized protest. This is why the Black Lives Matter movement is so essential today.
Changing Tides
Changing Tides follows the organization Warm Current, a surf non-profit that works with underserved youth on the Pacific Northwest coast of the United States. By bringing kids into the frigid water to learn surfing, they also teach them a healthy lifestyle that can impact...
Women Who Ruled
The History, the Inspiration, the Mass Murder
Top 25 Protest Albums of the 2010S (So Far)
The following list is aimed at putting to rest the notion that there is an absence of protest music or a lack of protest bands or singers. Many of the bands and singers are largely unknown and mostly do independent work. It is our hope that we might be introducing you to...
A Father's Open Letter to His Son About the Power of Love
In the first of a series on what #BlackMenLove, a dad tells his son that love is one of the most powerful emotions we have because it inspires us to give our all for those we care about.
Understanding Patriarchy
Patriarchy is the single most life-threatening social disease assaulting the male body and spirit in our nation. Yet most men do not use the word “patriarchy” in everyday life. Most men never think about patriarchy—what it means, how it is created and sustained. Many men in...
Time to Reframe the Old Narratives About Race in America
Toxic ideas about people of color can be hard to shake, but looking at those ideas from a different perspective reveals positive truths.
Maximum Creativity at Minimum Wage
If we are willing to work minimum wage at a dumb job that kills our soul, why not do our art instead, charge minimum wage or $10 an hour for it, gain a following and increase the prices as the art's popularity grows. This plan worked for me, I was tired of my sewing business...
Healing Our Collective Trauma: The Key to Creating a Society Based on Trust Rather Than Fear
Behind the crisis of our time hides the core crisis of human relationships.
"I Love Being a Woman" - What Will It Take to Create a World Where Every Woman Can Say This?
“I am a woman. I am thankful for that, for I like being a woman.” Already this statement, if spoken in full truth, requires a fundamental shift in the worldview of women, reconnecting them with their true and most beautiful sources.
Imagine The Most Beautiful Future: What Do You See?
"Trust is the basis on which life heals. There is no deeper vision than the vision of a world in which trust reigns between all beings."
The Precious Opportunity of Climate Change
We are in the process of burning ourselves and many of the beings on Earth right out of existence. Overwhelming. Unbelievable. Wildly inconvenient. Weirdly difficult to take in. But true. We are.
Misogyny and the Healing of the Masculine
My new home of West Asheville is in the news. A local coffee shop, Waking Life Espresso, closed its doors after its owners Jared Rutledge and Jacob Owens were outed for hosting a misogynistic blog. In addition to repulsive and degrading comments about women and details of...
The Ending Of Sorrow
First of all I would like to remind you if I may, this is not an intellectual entertainment nor some kind of romantic ideological rubbish. We are dealing with our daily life, with our relationship with each other, and also what is happening in the world, and the turmoil, the...
What We Can Learn From Forgotten History
This unexpected alliance between slaves and natives is a great model for social change
Trevor Noah Debuts on The Daily Show - Continues the War on Bulls**t
Trevor shows his appreciation for the show’s former host and discusses Speaker of the House John Boehner’s recent resignation. Watch full episodes of The Daily Show now:
Teach Yourself Filmmaking: 3 Lessons From Self-Taught Pros
To be a great filmmaker, you don’t need to go to film school, have access to the latest gear, or have been born a creative genius. The most important ingredients for mastering the craft are time and dedication. To set yourself up for success then, the trick is to focus on the...
An Indigenous Approach to Healing Trauma
The Healing Power of Listening in Stillness
Swapping Screen Time for Getting Dirty: Why Kids Need to Spend More Time Outside
In his new book “How to Raise a Wild Child,” Dr. Scott D. Sampson argues that the current disconnect between kids and the natural world is a threat to their physical, mental, and emotional health.
The True Source Of Greed
“How much of the ugly does it take to substitute for a lack of the beautiful? How many adventure films does it take to compensate for a lack of adventure? How many superhero movies must one watch, to compensate for the atrophied expression of one’s greatness? How much...
The Rebellion Crisis
In the pursuit of the perfectly behaved child, we have created conditional environments of reward and punishment which lack empathy, connection, and unconditional love.
An Exploration of Non-Monogamous Relationships
Why should you only have sex with the person you are in a relationship with?
Saul Williams on Pop Culture: "We're All Donald Trump's F---ing Apprentice"
Saul Williams, the "poet laureate of hip-hop," is troubled by society's rising reverence for ignorance and prestige. This is a stark departure from pop culture and music from the past, which laid more focus on rooting for the underdog and questioning authority. It's this...
From Jenner to Dolezal: One Trans Good, the Other Not so Much
By far the most intellectually and politically interesting thing about the recent "exposé" of Spokane, WA, NAACP activist Rachel Dolezal’s racial status is the conundrum it has posed for racial identitarians who are also committed to defense of transgender identity. The...
The Story of How This Man Learned What Love Is - and Isn't - Is Heartbreaking
This is a clip from the beginning of the 3-part film HUMAN, which was released for free online in 2015. You can watch the series here. 
Suli Breaks - Dear Social Media, (Spoken Word Video)
Inspired by the "Dear Fat People" responses. I wrote an open letter to social media. [Subtitles Available] We often blame technology for a lot of the problems faced in society, such as cyber bullying, vanity, insecurity. However I like to argue that the fault lies in the...
How to Be Less Busy in a Busy Busy World
Most of us are pretty busy, just about every day.
Walk of No Shame With Amber Rose
Amber Rose takes pride in her stride. Don't let anyone call it a walk of shame!
The British Monarchy Explained in 5 Minutes
How much power does the monarch really wield? How much does the Royal family cost us? These and many other questions answered in this video.
11 of the Best Astronomy Photographs to Inspire Awe and Wonder
The Insight Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition is an annual celebration of the most beautiful and spectacular visions of the cosmos by astrophotographers worldwide. In 2015 the competition launched for its seventh year with new categories and more prizes up for...
5 Questions to Ask Yourself If You Think Your Partner Is Toxic
“Despite it all, I loved him – and that love was not enough.” How can you tell if your partner is healthy for you? Here's some guidance that can help.
Where To Invade Next
Where To Invade Next is the latest film from Michael Moore, who takes a humourous swipe at the United States state of "infinite war" - where they are always looking for the next place to invade. In the film the director tells the Pentagon to "stand down" – he will do the...
The Whiting of Euro-Americans: A Divide and Conquer Strategy
"With a swelling slave population, the masters faced the prospect of white freedmen with disappointed hopes joining forces with slaves of desperate hope to mount ever more virulent rebellions. The elites’ race strategy decreased the probability of such class rebellions. The...
Is David Cameron a Threat to Context?
Mashup artists Cassetteboy take on David Cameron after the Conservative party released a video attacking Jeremy Corbyn. The Tory scare movie took the new Labour leader’s words on the death of Osama bin Laden out of context. So what does David Cameron think about fairness, the...
God save the Queen as She and Her Family Lubricate Britain's Wars
Extracted from Royal Babylon: the Criminal Record of the British Monarchy. An investigative poem by Heathcote Williams.
The 30 Second Habit with a Lifelong Impact
There are no quick fixes. I know this as a social science junkie, who’s read endless books and blogs on the subject, and tried out much of the advice — mostly to no avail. So I do not entitle this post lightly. And I write it only having become convinced, after several months...
Are Progressives Obsessed With "Calling Out" People?
Does it feel like every day you're being told to "call people out" for more and more things? While acknowledging that some people do deserve to be called out for their actions, Brooke Sopelsa talks about an alternative for those who might not deserve it.
Things That Anarchists Say to Me in Private But Never Repeat Publicly
1) “Call-out culture was developed to allow activist groups to confront leaders who abused their privilege, but now it is being used to settle petty scores on the level of interpersonal politics. I now have a hard time believing some people when they make call-outs because I...
Ten Films You Need to Watch About The Reality Of The World's Indigenous Peoples
Films that show the complex reality of indigenous health and well-being.
Biocultural Rights: A New Paradigm for Protecting Natural and Cultural Resources of Indigenous Communities
This article proposes a new concept of “biocultural rights” that justly reflects a broader intellectual and policy trend to holistically address the protection of Indigenous natural and cultural resources. The concept of biocultural rights combines nature with culture; takes...
The Man Box and the Cult of Masculinity
Rule 1: There is no man box.
Noam Chomsky Has 'Never Seen Anything Like This'
Noam Chomsky is America’s greatest intellectual. His massive body of work, which includes nearly 100 books, has for decades deflated and exposed the lies of the power elite and the myths they perpetrate. Chomsky has done this despite being blacklisted by the commercial...
Rose Pere: We Believe In The Oneness of Everything That Exists
At her home just north of Tuai, a small town in the mountains of the North Island of Aotearoa New Zealand, Dr. Rangimarie Turuki Rose Pere shares some of the beliefs of her culture. Rose welcomes people from all over the world into her home to talk about ancient Maori ways...
What is it that makes us human? Is it that we love, that we fight? That we laugh? Cry? Our curiosity? The quest for discovery? 
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: LGBT Discrimination
This year's gay marriage ruling was a milestone, but LGBT discrimination is still surprisingly legal. John Oliver explains why we need a federal anti-discrimination law. 
Final Episode Of The Trews - Goodbye, Good Luck
I'm disappearing for a while. Thank you to everyone who's watched and spread the Trews. I know that real change is coming. Russell X
Dominique Christina Delivers The Fiercest Poem You'll Ever Hear
Dominique Christina performs "Karma".
Life's Pursuit: Endlessly Seeking External Rewards is Self-Defeating
Dr. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam (1931-2015) was a scientist, ae
What If Everything You Knew About Disciplining Kids Was Wrong?
Negative consequences, timeouts, and punishment just make bad behavior worse. But a new approach really works.
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Televangelists
U.S. tax law allows television preachers to get away with almost anything. We know this from personal experience. Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption will not be able to accept donations from Church supporters from the states of Mississippi, Nevada, Pennsylvania, or South...
Underrepresentation of Women in Textbooks Means People Are More Likely to Attribute Inventions to Fictional Men Than Real Women
In the spirit of back-to-school season, we thought we'd help New Yorkers brush up on their knowledge.
A Place in the Middle
A Place In The Middle is the true story of a young Hawaiian girl who dreams of leading her school's all-male hula troupe, and of an inspiring teacher who uses traditional culture to empower her. Find out more, download free guides and resources, and take the Pledge of Aloha...