841-900 of 1,481
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Sex Education
Sex education varies widely between school districts, leaving many teens without comprehensive information. We made a video that covers what some schools are too embarrassed to teach. 
The Other Great Chaplin Speech - On The Tyranny of Authority
Charlie Chaplin's speech at the end of The Great Dictator has become famous as one of the most inspirational ever recorded. 17 years later, having been forced from the United States because of his political views, Chaplin made A King In New York, satarising McCarthyism and...
Vaccine Injury, Disability and Death: Making Space for Difficult stories
The stories of families suffering serious injuries are too often ignored, discredited, used to further anti-vaccine campaigns, or quietly accepted as a type of collateral damage in our noble war to eradicate the scourge of infectious disease from the planet.
How a Land High in the Western Himalayas Can Help Us Understand The Crisis of The Modern World
This is a clip from The Economics of Happiness. Watch it here (skip to the 10-minute mark to pick up where this clip ends)
Sol Cinema- World's Smallest Solar Powered Movie Theatre
The Sol Cinema is a unique mobile cinema powered entirely by the Sun. We are based in the UK. Peek inside and see how we accommodate 8 adults comfortably for a unique cinematic experience. We can show your own videos or we have a full library of short videos, many with...
These 10 Award Winning Photos Provide a Wonderful Window to Our World
The 2015 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest judges reviewed nearly 18,000 photographs. These ten pictures won the top prizes.
This New Superman Comic Brilliantly Sums Up the Struggle Against Police Brutality
DC Entertainment has undergone some major changes as part of its summer revamp, and one of the most compelling characters to come out of the latest series is a comic book superhero we all thought we knew: Superman.
The Shocking, True History of Race Baiting, From the 17th Century to the Present Day
This powerful video by Matthew Cooke pulls together disparate stands to create the story of how the ruling class divides people in order to keep them enslaved.
Inside Her Sex: Where Shame And Sexuality Collide
While we live in a highly sexualized society, the messaging around female sexuality is distorted and rife with shame. What women should look like, who women should want, what women should fact, who women should be, is dictated to us from screens and pages and people.
Feminism Inshallah: A History Of Arab Feminism
The struggle for Muslim women’s emancipation is often portrayed stereotypically as a showdown between Western and Islamic values, but Arab feminism has existed for more than a century. And its unique history is shaped by, and inseparable from, assertions of national identity...
The Venus Project by Jacque Fresco
For more information visit the official web site: thevenusproject.comFacebook:
Kensho - Dreaming with Alan Watts
Short film dreamt by Aaron Paradox, narrated by Alan Watts. 
Jimmy Kimmel's Emotional Response to the Killing of Cecil The Lion
Late night funnyman Jimmy Kimmel got choked up Tuesday night as he summed up all the things wrong with Cecil the lion's murder in Zimbabwe earlier this month.
What Is Wilderness?
The Oxford English Dictionary defines ‘wilderness’ as; an uncultivated, uninhabited, and inhospitable region. Whilst travelling around Scotland, I encountered both city and country folk who labelled the NW coast as a wilderness. This film and question was born out of a...
Our Existence is Weird and Wonderful says Alan Watts
"Existence is relationship, and you are smack in the middle of it ."
A Simple Mind Trick Will Help You Think More Rationally
Emotions can cloud our rational decision-making. By adopting the perspective of an outside advisor, psychologist Dan Ariely says we can inject some rationality into our cognitive processes. Ariely's new book is titled Irrationally Yours.
Why Are You So Angry? An Exploration of Internet Harasment and Hate Campaigns
An exploration of internet harassment and hate campaigns, looking at mob mentality, how those who respond aggressively may feel they are being attacked and how to deal with these angry people. Produced by Ian Danskin it is divided into 6 parts as follows: 
Musician Roger Waters Takes The United States to Task
Roger Waters, formerly of Pink Floyd, discusses education in the United States and the world view that sets the US apart from "others".
This Is the Best Way to Fight Back Against London's Anti-homeless Spikes
In the past few years, central London has witnessed the rise of "anti-homeless spikes", rows of small steel protrusions placed in doorways to make them too uncomfortable for rough sleepers to bed down in for the night. This phenomenon has coincided with a 
Malian Singer's New Video Shows 4 Generations of Women Standing Up for Peace and Freedom
Malian-French soul pop singer Inna Modja shares the music video for “Tombouctou,” her latest single off the upcoming Motel Bamako album. The visuals, shot in Bamako at Malick Sidibé‘s studio, follow the aesthetic of the iconic Malian&nbs
Neil DeGrasse Tyson: a Billion-Year Journey to Stardom
An animated look at Neil deGrasse Tyson's life story. From his humble beginnings as a subatomic particle to planetarium director to rockstar astrophysicist. *Not narrated by Carl Sagan, but we think Tim did a good job paying homage to him.
Dr. Maya Angelou: Love Liberates
Words to live by from Dr. Maya Angelou. Love each other.
Coping With Hecklers: Standing Up with Andre Arruda
Standing Up with Andre Arruda features disability advocate and comedian Andre Arruda, who is living with Morquio syndrome and relies on a scooter to get around.
Every Serena Williams Win Comes with a Side of Racism and Sexism
Serena Williams is widely regarded as the best female tennis player of all time. But her career has been followed by severe racism and sexism that taps into stereotypes about black women.
Eight Ways Less Is More - The Art of Strategic Slacking
You’re busy, “crazy-busy” even, so why would taking more breaks and wandering off for walks during the working day help you become less busy and more successful? Because, when done properly, less is more says Christine Carter
Social Democracy Is 100% American
Appearing late last week on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri insisted that Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont “is too liberal to gather enough votes in this country to become president.” Indeed, responding to the fact...
Activists Illustrated - Women at the Heart of Global Struggles
Latin American Artist María María Acha-Kutscher takes photographs from social and feminist movements and turns them into stunning pop art illustrations
F*ck That: A Guided Meditation for the Realities of Today's World
Just acknowledge that all that sh*t is f*cking b*llshit — you're here now, in this place, with your inner stillness. Take in a deep breath ... now breathe out. Just feel the f*cking nonsense float away.
The True Cost: Who Pays the Real Price for Your Clothes
This is a story about clothing. It’s about the clothes we wear, the people who make them, and the impact the industry is having on our world. The price of clothing has been decreasing for decades, while the human and environmental costs have grown dramatically. The True Cost...
The Image Hollywood Created of Africa
After viewing Mama Hope's video, "Alex Presents Commando," Gabriel, Benard, Brian and Derrik (the Kenyan men in this video) told us they wanted to make one that pokes fun at the way African men are portrayed in Hollywood films. They said, "If people believed only what they...
Good News for the Anthropocene
The best news for a good Anthropocene is that the human brain is a master at learning and relearning and that “rewiring” takes place all the time. Until old age, learning processes can cancel out old habits. Addictive and behavioral pitfalls can be replaced with new ways of...
This Zen Comic Is Full of Timeless Life Lessons
Desiderata poem by Max Ehrmann beautifully illustrated by Gavin Aung Than
How The Elite Stay In Power
In this video we break down in simple terms the only way "those in power" can stay in power. It's not as complex at it may seem. They need us more than we need them.
What's in a Name? in Some Cases a Legacy of Oppression
There is an increasing global movement to change colonial place names that refelect changing attitudes toward colonialsim and imperialism and a wish to throw off the schackles of that legacy. In India, the city of Bombay has become Mumbai. In South Africa, the region of...
Intifada Street Brings You Revolutionary Resistance Art
For the last few years Bradford born and based artist Mohammed Hamza has been putting out some of the best revolutionary art around under the Intifada Street banner. As the name of the project would suggest, the struggles of the Palestinian People feature heavily in his work...
How a White Supremacist Became a Civil Rights Activist
The story of a KKK leader’s transformation shows us that we need not live forever with the kind of violence we saw in Charleston this month.
Working to Live or Living to Work?
What's Life without Moments? Vacations should be a time to go away and come together. Prince EA suggests that from now on we take our #WholeVacation
The Cost of Cowardice
In February, 2009, then Attorney General Eric Holder, in an address at the Department of Justice to commemorate Black History Month, said we in the United States were “a nation of cowards” when it comes to an honest conversation about race. He continued to speak about the...
How White People Got Made
'There’s a perception that whiteness is working for white people. It’s not. Whiteness is one of the biggest and most long-running scams ever perpetrated.'
Why I Let My Son Wear a Dress
My son Seamus wears a dress.
Rap News 33: Pope Francis Vs Climate Change
Today on Rap News, a world exclusive: Pope Francis performing his 2015 encyclical on climate change, revealing his new, revised Ten Climate Commandments for the care of our common home. Of course, Robert Foster also has a couple of pointy questions to ask the Pontiff; as does...
Daughter of a Mexican Migrant Has Something Beautiful to Say to Donald Trump
Donald Trump has made an entire career out of being an odious bile merchant. So it came as no surprise that during his presidential campaign announcement this little turd came plopping out of his mouth:
Letter to White Supremacy
Dear White Supremacy, First of all you are not really that supreme. While throughout history White Supremacy it must be admitted you have achieved some very dominant positions. These positions have been gained mostly through force or some biological agent such as disease...
When A White Woman and a Black Man Swap Places to Tell the Other's Story The Result is Powerful
Darius Simpson and Scout Bostley begin to speak into their individual microphones -- but then they stop, switch mics and start talking again.
10 Ways Truly Happy Couples Argue Differently
1. They aren’t going to just throw down. Instead, they’re committed to helping one another overcome problems and conflicts. Simply being mad at the person won’t resolve anything.   2. They focus on the problem, not its embodiment. They keep in mind that a relationship is...
Meet the Activist Who Wants Women Everywhere to 'Free the Nipple'
Most American cities are full of breasts. They are everywhere: On billboards. On storefronts. On 
14 of the Fiercest Conscious Hip Hop Videos
Every age has its protest music, from blues to rock and roll, folk to punk. Today hip hop is leading the charge, challenging the staus quo and shining a light on the injustices that dominate our social landscape. There's also an additional element to modern protest music, the...
Nas Presents the Real Hip-Hop
Rapper Nasir 'Nas' Jones and director Adam Sjoberg take us on a world tour of breakdancing in the most unexpected places, as we visit the slums, shanty towns and ghettos of the world, where hip-hop really means something. With jaw-dropping breakdancing moves, b-boys and...
Take Up Space - A Clarion Call to All Women from Poet Vanessa Kisuule
Vanessa Kisuule calls on all women, whatever their age, creed or class, to stop shrinking themselves, and instead, take up space!
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Online Harassment
Online harassment is a major problem, but it's rarely prosecuted. If only we'd been warned about this in the early days of the internet.
Eternal Fascism and the Southern Ideology
Umberto Eco's 1995 essay "Ur-Fascism" informally outlines the most striking qualities of fascistic theory and practice. It remains one of the most popular tool-kits for intellectuals in discovering where the barbarity of fascism might once again materialize, for Eco was...
Emory Douglas: The Art of The Black Panthers
Emory Douglas was the Revolutionary Artist and Minister of Culture for the Black Panther Party. Through archival footage and conversations with Emory we share his story, alongside the rise and fall of the Panthers. He used his art as a weapon in the Black Panther Party’s...
An Emotional Jon Stewart Drops the Comedy to Talk About Charleston
Jon Stewart apologized to his audience for not having any jokes for them, as he just dropped the comedy to get serious about Charleston. He said, “I honestly have nothing, other than just sadness.”
5 Of The Best Subvertising Campaigns
Subvertising: noun, the practice of making parodies of corporate and political advertisements in order to make an alternative statement.
What Is White Supremacy?
White Supremacy is an historically based, institutionally perpetuated system of exploitation and oppression of continents, nations, and peoples of color by white peoples and nations of the European continent, for the purpose of maintaining and defending a system of wealth...
Charleston and Ending White Supremacy
Dear friends, We don't need more conversations about race, we need conversations about white supremacy and how to end it.
Ewan McGregor Finds an Eclair on a Beach, What Happens Next...
Desserts is a short film produced in 1998, staring Ewan McGregor, written and directed by Jeff Stark. 
Why We Fight for the Living World: It's About Love
In defending the natural world, we should be honest about our motivations – it’s love that drives us, not money.
Pope Francis: The Encyclical
If you’re like me and eagerly anticipating Pope Francis’ encyclical on climate change—due out Thursday, June 18—stop what you’re doing and watch this. 
6 Destructive Ideas Perpetuated in Western Culture
Since the day you emerged into this bizarre, sparkling universe, you’ve been conditioned to think in certain ways.