181-240 of 1,481
JIHAD: A Story of the Others
The world has watched aghast as thousands of young men and women abandon comfortable lives in the West to join the barbaric ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria). Girls and boys have gone rapidly from being apparently well-adjusted school kids, to enthusiastically joining...
Jamie Kilstein, SJWs, & Tribalism
Jamie Kilstein on SJWs & Tribalism  0:15 WTF is SJW? 3:35 SJWs Can Be Right-Wing Too! 10:00 Jamie Kilstein vs The Headlines 32:28 Speaking with the Enemy? 49:08 Problems with Tribalism 53:48 Outro Intro Music: Free Isaiah Rashad x J Cole Type Beat -Purpose
TAWAI: A Voice From the Forest
Tawai is a word the nomadic hunter-gatherers of Borneo use to describe the connection they feel to their forest home. In this dreamy, philosophical and sociological look at life, Bruce Parry (of the BBC's Tribe, Amazon & Arctic) embarks on an immersive odyssey to explore the...
Your Life in 1 Minute
This is the average Westerner’s life, condensed in a single minute.
Documenting Hate: Charlottesville
FRONTLINE and ProPublica investigate the resurgence of white supremacists in America. An investigation into how the violent and infamous rally in Charlottesville became a watershed moment for the white supremacist movement. Correspondent A.C. Thompson shows how some of those...
Mindful Travel in Ladakh
In the high altitude desert of the Tibetan Plateau, Ladakhi people have carved a living from the mountains for a thousand years. Tourism in Ladakh, first commencing in 1974, has developed into a robust industry with new economic opportunities, yet has also placed growing...
Are We Done Fighting?
We need ways to build healthier relationships with people who have perspectives different from our own.
The Salt of the Earth
The life and work of photographer Sebastião Salgado, who has spent forty years documenting deprived societies in hidden corners of the world.
Debunking Jordan Peterson’s “Cultural Marxism” with Richard Wolff
Jordan Peterson is known for propagating the fear of "Cultural Marxism." After a disappointing debate on Marxism with Slavoj Žižek, Abby Martin talks to Marxist economist and professor Richard Wolff about Peterson's theories.
How Culture Makes Us Feel Lost - Dr. Gabor Maté On Finding Your True Self Again
Dr. Gabor Maté gives a beautiful speech on human nature and the implications culture has on our ability to maintain it. In this segment of the speech, he discusses four different categories of self-alienation and provides a sentiment of hope to stay in touch with our true...
What If Most People Love Violence?
Despite years of effort and sacrifice by millions, there has not been a mass shift toward nonviolence. Perhaps what's needed is a better understanding of the dark side of the human species.
To Decolonize Our Minds, Start With Words
Where is the clear image of a decolonized society we are to emulate? There isn’t one. Yet if we are to free ourselves, we need practical steps.
Anatomy of a Trump Supporter
A farmer in the Midwest, a Donald Trump supporter in 2016, complained last week that his farm was in danger of going bankrupt owing to the combined effects of climate change and the tariff-wars, initiated by Trump, that have caused corn and soybean prices to collapse while...
An Unlearning: My Meeting with Charles Eisenstein
My meeting with Charles Eisenstein.
Rethinking the Normalization of Fascism in the Post-Truth Era
"We do not live in a post-truth world and never have. On the contrary, we live in a pre-truth world where the truth has yet to arrive."
This Vet Planned to Bomb a Mosque. Now He's a Muslim Leader
Relying partly on his experience as a Marine, Richard McKinney made an improvised explosive device he planned to detonate near a mosque, resulting in massive casualties.
Basic Income - Ensuring a Future for Humanity's Children
There are clever people who make algorithms for the financial services sector. Remember those crumbs that used to fall from the rich man’s table? They’re all accounted for now. Every last one, down to the tiniest minuscule crumb that you can’t even see. They get collected by...
A Psychologist Explains How People Become Anti-Authoritarians
Lyndon Johnson famously proclaimed his requirements for an appointee: “I want him to kiss my ass in Macy’s window at high noon and tell me it smells like roses.” Johnson and his ass-kissers were authoritarians.
A Korean Forest Gets its own Art Exhibition
What does it mean when we say "nature" is the artist?
Copyright is Brain Damage | Nina Paley
Ideas aren't good or bad because of what licenses people slap on them. Just relate to the ideas themselves.
Glitch in the Matrix II, The Origin of the Intellectual Dark Web
The phrase 'Intellectual Dark Web' was first coined by mathematician Eric Weinstein in early 2018, it quickly spread. Was this just a chance remark, or was there a plan? This film explains how the creation of the Intellectual Dark Web was part of a long term strategy, and...
Seder-Masochism, an animated musical, loosely follows the Passover Seder story, with events from the Book of Exodus retold by Moses, Aharon, the Angel of Death, Jesus and the director’s father. The film puts a twist on the traditional Biblical story by including a female...
God Is Male
Goddess x Patriarchy = Mary
Confronting the Culture of Death
The issue before us is death. Not only our individual death, which is more imminent for some of us this morning than others, but our collective death.
Lessons in Resistance From MLK, the 'Conservative Militant'
Just days after President Donald Trump’s inauguration, activists from Greenpeace climbed up a large construction crane near the White House and unfurled a large banner with the single word: Resist.
From Personal to Global Trauma: the Through-Line
When Kim was a tiny person, maybe three years old, just when our human sense of actually existing-as-a-separate-being-with-a-self starts to emerge, Kim lived in a family where people were frightened, and angry, and sometimes kind, and sometimes scornful. When Kim would start...
The Love We Deserve
Beyond patriarchy there is love. Real love. The kind of love that renders words inadequate and time malleable.  The kind of love that reminds us that “open hearted” is not a metaphor, but a literal description of a way to be in our bodies. The kind of love that transforms...
Are Black Men Not Supposed to be Happy? | KYLE
Rapper KYLE on race, toxic masculinity, depression and being the happiest rapper alive!
Jonathan Haidt: Radicalization, Biased Media, Polarization
Jonathan Haidt, social psychologist and professor at New York University's Stern School of Business, and author of his most recent book with Greg Lukianoff "The Coddling of the American Mind," joins David Pakman to discuss politics, tribalism, and much more.
An Anarchist Guide to Christmas
Can we reclaim Christmas for the masses?
We Are The People of the Apocalypse
As growth-driven consumer culture spurs on planetary destruction, why don’t we spring into action? Psychologist John F Schumaker says a frightening erosion of human personality lies at the heart of the problem.
Want to End Sexual Harassment? Landmark Study Finds Ousting 'Bad Men" Isn't Enough
The most potent predictor of sexual misconduct goes beyond individual perpetrators.
The Trouble With Saying 'It's Okay to Be White'
The ‘It’s okay to be white’ poster campaign, seen in the context of reacting to ‘Black Lives Matter,’ cannot be seen as benign.
Nationalism and Its Contradictions
Allow me to begin by stating an anthropological and genetic fact. Any conversation about so called “American” nationalism must begin with the story of human migration itself, which is a story that started in Africa: the one place where all humanity can affirm a shared genesis...
3 Great Untruths to Stop Telling Kids—and Ourselves | Jonathan Haidt
Jonathan Haidt explains three areas where we need to update our understanding of the world.
How Overparenting Backfired on Americans | Jonathan Haidt
Being raised indoors might the reason young Americans struggle in the adult world. - American childhood is going, going… gone, says Professor Jonathan Haidt. - In the mid-'90s there was a sharp shift to overprotective parenting. In previous generations, kids were allowed to...
Want Change? Take the Outside View
The Outside View is a new way to look at the world. To realise the cultural simulations we live with and work to change them.
Randy Credico Exclusive Tell-All with Abby Martin on Wikileaks & Roger Stone
In this exclusive extended interview, Abby Martin speaks with Randy Credico who tells his side of the story on his role in the Russia investigation, his upcoming interview with Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and true nature of his relationship with Trump campaign advisor...
Pathological Consumption Has Become So Normalised That We Scarcely Notice It
There’s nothing they need, nothing they don’t own already, nothing they even want. So you buy them a solar-powered waving queen; a belly button brush; a silver-plated ice cream tub holder; a “hilarious” inflatable zimmer frame; a confection of plastic and electronics called...
Ideological Hegemony: How Our Own Thoughts Became the Greatest Weapon of the Ruling Class
"Ideological hegemony is the process by which the exploited come to view the world through a conceptual framework provided to them by their exploiters." - Kevin A. Carson
Humano is a documentary that narrates a young man's journey to the Andes mountains, accompanied only by a camera, two hundred questions and the yearning to discover the origin of man. In Q'eros, he meets a shaman who will explain that before answering his questions, he must...
100 Short Films to Expand Your Consciousness
There are over 6,000 videos on Films For Action, hand-curated for their potential to inspire action and raise awareness on just about every topic related to making the world a better place. 
Why Patriarchy Is Not About Men
In response to my recent newsletter, which I named “Tenderness, Vulnerability, and Mourning as a Response to Patriarchy”, I received two comments from men that led me to choose to write this piece. In two very different ways they pointed me to the reality that the word...
Memory Reconsolidation and Dead Man Walking
How many men have come forward and confessed to committing rape or sexual assault in the public eye?
Periods Are Beautiful
Women go through their female cycle around 450 times in their lifetime. 450 times of bleeding. But also 450 times of ”letting go, letting a dying thing leave their own body, becoming new, regenerating and waxing and waning, not unlike the moon and tides.”* Alas, the average...
Unlearning Together: A Quest for Those Who No Longer Want to Suppress Their Experience of the Essential
Movement, perception, thinking, effortless achievement and healing are inherent to life—they happen by themselves. When we observe children learning to walk or speak, ecosystems regenerating themselves, or animals self-organizing, we notice there’s a masterful way of...
Beware Of Images
From cave paintings to virtual reality, Beware of Images embarks on a fascinating journey through the history of mediated representation. This is the history of media you will never find on TV.
Trump’s Not the Problem. He’s a Symbol of 4 Bigger Issues. - Ian Bremmer
Ian Bremmer: The problem is not Trump. Trump is a symptom. If the problem were Trump it wouldn’t be happening in other places around the world. We actually see all sorts of countries, advanced industrial democracies, where people are getting angrier and they’re voting more...
The Archetype of the Warrior – How Films Help Empower Us All
Exploring the Archetype of the Warrior in films, based on Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette’s King, Warrior, Magician, Lover and Carol S. Pearson’s The Hero Within.
Decolonizing Jewishness: On Jewish Liberation in the 21st Century
Seven decades on, Israel is geopolitically embattled and the Jewish community is increasingly polarized around the issue of occupation. The occupation – Israeli military control over the Palestinian West Bank and the borders of Gaza Strip – is five decades old. Entire...
White Right: Meeting The Enemy
In this authored Fuuse documentary, Emmy Award-winning film-maker Deeyah Khan joins the frontline of the race wars in America, sitting down face-to-face with Neo-Nazis and fascists and marching with them at the biggest and most violent Far Right rally in recent years. Khan...
A Broken Idea of Sex Is Flourishing. Blame Capitalism.
In this world, women are marketed as toys and trophies. Are we surprised when some men take things literally?
Path To Radicalization: A Mother Turns to Hate
Jacob Goodwin, a self-proclaimed white nationalist, was charged with injuring a black counterprotester in the wake of the August Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. As Goodwin awaits trial, his parents become increasingly more involved in Goodwin’s extremist...
Donald Trump: The Sitcom Misogynist
Why wasn't Donald Trump's blatant and unashamed misogyny a deal breaker for voters? Pop Culture Detective argues it has a lot to do with the ways pop culture, especially television sitcoms, work to normalize sexist behavior.
Islamophobia Inc
Incidents of violence and discrimination against Muslim Americans are on the rise. Inflamed by fears, misinformation and bald-faced prejudice, anti-Islamic organizations have tripled their membership just in the past three years. How did this disturbing trend begin, where is...
School Shootings: Who to Listen to Instead of Mainstream Shrinks
I have never spoken with a school shooter, but I’ve talked with many teenage boys and young men who—though behaviorally nonviolent themselves—emotionally connect with the anger, alienation, and hopelessness of school shooters.
Another Reason Young Americans Don’t Revolt Against Being Screwed
“8 Reasons Young Americans Don’t Fight Back: How the US Crushed Youth Resistance” was originally published in 2011, then republished on several Internet sites, and has become one of my most viewed articles. The eight reasons include: student-loan debt; various pacifying...
Eternal Forest
As part of Raizvanguarda art residency in Gois, Portugal, Evgenia Emets worked on a film interviewing people from the local villages. Inspired by their memories, stories and visions of the forest, she created a series of poems, visual works and an art documentary. This art...