Down To Earth (2020)

Leaving behind their cosmopolitan life, a couple and their three young children travel the ends of the earth searching for a new perspective on life. In their five-year journey across six continents, they live with some of the oldest indigenous communities on the planet. From the banks of Lake Superior in Michigan to the heart of the Amazon, from the Australian outback to the Kalahari Dessert, from the Andes to the jungles of India, they gain access to tribal sages never filmed or interviewed before.

DOWN to EARTH is a mirror to humanity, a poignant and timely reflection on our ‘civilized’ world. The film invites us to see the world through the eyes of the Earth Keepers. It takes us on an inner journey, reconnecting us with the source and the mutual path we are walking. Having lived under the radar of our modern society for centuries, the Earth Keepers see that now is the time to step forward and share their insights with those who are ready to listen. DOWN to EARTH is both a wake-up call and a resurgence of hope for our world to come.

A film by Rolf Winters & Renata Heinen. The film’s score is written by BAFTA & Oscar-winning composer Stephen Warbeck.

Thanks to the filmmakers, you can watch DOWN to EARTH for free on Films For Action! The film can also be watched in 6 other languages via the official website. If you'd like to show your thanks, consider making a donation and sharing the film with friends. The support is greatly appreciated! - Films For Action

In the Spirit of the Gift - A Message from the Filmmakers

​To support the emerging global movement of People-Powered Change, we have decided to make the film available to everyone. We are moving away from the traditional transactional model and take the unconventional route to offer the film in a ‘contribute-as-you-like’ model instead. You decide after watching the film if and how much you would like to contribute. This way we make sure that as many people as possible can watch the film, without money being a threshold. We trust we will get the support we need in our endeavor to bring the message of the Earth Keepers to a global audience. With your contribution we can continue to support initiatives around the world over and invite you to start your own initiative of People-Powered Change.
Culture   Indigenous Issues   Philosophy   Sustainability
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