Digital Wampum is a series of 8 short, testimonial films, on the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois.)
"We are looking ahead, as is one of the first mandates given us as chiefs, to make sure and to make every decision that we make relate to the welfare and well-being of the seventh generation to come. . .What about the seventh generation? Where are you taking them? What will they have?" - Chief Oren Lyons
The Iroquois are embarking on an historic project about the 500-year history of the Iroquois, their relationship with Europe and America and their prophesies that, if heard, can help us navigate the oncoming changes due to climate change. This series of short films is done via their testimony, and creates the space for the Iroquois to tell their story as they strive to uphold the traditions and the legacy of their people while also protecting the central tenents of their people and their relationship and care for the Earth.
This series was created by Tree Media in collaboration with Oren Lyons, Sid Hill and the Haudenosaunee.
It was created with the support of the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation and with the support of Executive Producer Oliver Stanton.
For more information: and