661-720 of 1,481
What It Really Means to Hold Space for Someone
How to be there for the people who need you most
What About Human Nature?
In the struggle for a more just society, we will be aided, not hurt, by our shared nature.
Donald Trump: Make America Hate Again
The following documentary examines the many parallels between Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler. Trump's right-wing populism, Islamophobia, racism, and nationalism has gained him support from white supremacists who say their groups are growing drastically thanks to Mr. Trump. 
Do You Get Out of Bed in the Morning to Make Money for Billionaires?
We have been told a great lie about capitalism — that everyone who works hard in life will be successful, make a lot of money, and have a good life.
The Sanity of 'Madness'
There's so much pressure on us to be always rational, calm and sensible: it's time also to say a word about the essential normality of a little madness.
5 Dangerous Things You Should Let Your Children Do
In his humorous and uplifting style, Gever Tulley debunks classic myths of childhood safety. With rampant fear mongering, is it any wonder that children are actually over-protected? Instead, Tulley believes the most effective way to keep children safe is to give them a little...
Captain America Is a Big Screen Anarchist Superhero, How Weird Is That?
Is it weird to call Captain America an anarchist? Yes, yes it is. Of course, there’s a ton of different versions of the character throughout the canon, from the hyperpatriotic and jingoistic to the I-hereby-renounce-my-US-citi...
Seeing Wetiko: on Capitalism, Mind Viruses, and Antidotes for a World in Transition
What if we told you that humanity is being driven to the brink of extinction by an illness? That all the poverty, the climate devastation, the perpetual war, and consumption fetishism we see all around us have roots in a mass psychological infection?
Last Week Tonight With John Oliver: 911
Emergency call centers are in desperate need of funding and new technology. Until we upgrade our 911 system, we should at least create more informative PSA's. 
Maya Angelou: "Be a Rainbow in Someone Else's Cloud"
After hearing a 19th-century African-American song, Dr. Maya Angelou has never forgotten one important lyric: God put a rainbow in the clouds. Watch as Dr. Angelou shares how she honors those who employed kindness to help her, and find out how, she says, we can all "be a...
Open Up - Have the Difficult But Important Conversations With Loved Ones
“The biggest casualty of humanity is the lack of communication, it’s the thing that breaks most relationships. It just feels so much better to talk and get it out.”
Jim Carrey - Dream up a Good Life
Truly Inspiring speech by Jim Carrey.
The Demoralized Mind
Western consumer culture is creating a psycho-spiritual crisis that leaves us disoriented and bereft of purpose. How can we treat our sick culture and make ourselves well? asks John F Schumaker
Making This Small Change Will Make a Profound Difference to Your Day
“Not to be able to stop thinking is a dreadful affliction, but we don't realize this because almost everyone is suffering from it, so it is considered normal. This incessant mental noise prevents you from finding that realm of inner stillness that is inseparable from...
Photo Series Depicts Women's Experience of Male Entitlement
"Boundaries" draws attention to the oppression of male entitlement that women feel on a daily basis in everyday life.
Awesome Animations & Clips from His Films Celebrate David Attenborough at 90
We are celebrating the 90th birthday of David Attenborough! Here at BBC Earth Unplugged we've teamed up with the legendary Aardman Animations, creators of Wallace & Gromit and Creature Comforts, to bring you two very special animations featuring iconic moments from Sir...
The Thousand Year Journey: Celebrating a Life of Exploration and Adventure
Jedidiah quit a job that he loved to ride his bicycle from Oregon to the southern tip of South America. Filmmaker Kenny Laubbacher joined him along the way to find out why.
A New Story for Humanity: Change the Story, Change the World
A New Story For Humanity presents a beautifully and sensitively woven tapestry of the rich diversity that is the human family. Featuring interviews on the essential topics of our time: from cosmology to ecology, from ancient wisdom to current thinking, from leadership to...
Play Makes Us Human: Hunter-Gatherers' Playful Parenting
Have you ever noticed how we, as a society, use agricultural metaphors to talk about parenting and education? We speak of raising children, just as we speak of raising tomatoes or chickens. We speak of training children, just as we speak of training horses. Our manner of...
The Mental Disease of Late-Stage Capitalism
I’ve been talking with a lot of my friends recently — in private where they felt comfortable letting their guard down — about the dirty little secret no one is supposed to talk about. The shame people feel when they can’t find a job… …or pay their bills. …or go to the...
Why Britain's Class System Will Have to Change
Britain is still a society deeply divided by class. The same schools, established church and universities dominate public life, but under the façade of immobility, changes are afoot.
Street Art to Make You Smile
Our city streets can be gloomy grey concrete-covered places; these genius pieces of street art transform everyday objects and situations into fun and playful social spaces
Save Our Libraries
Why do we need libraries, I hear you cry, when there is THE INTERNET? Well, the thing about the internet is that it'll only show you what's most popular, not what is BEST. 
The Gift
The Gift is the story of an ordinary couple, when he gives her a small sphere pulled out his chest, she can't separate herself from her new gift… even after they break up.
Mutiny of the Soul, Revisited
Over the years, I’ve probably received more mail about Mutiny of the Soul than any other essay I’ve written. The idea of the article has been hugely validating for many readers: that depression, ADHD, anxiety, etc. aren’t chemical malfunctions of the brain, nor spiritual...
Activists Set up "Rebel Exhibition" Inside BP-Sponsored British Museum
BP - one of the world's most destructive corporations - sponsors the British Museum. So we set up our own "rebel exhibition" - without permission - inside the museum, with powerful objects sent by communities affected by BP all over the world.
Why Don't We Feel as Burned by the Panama Papers as We Do by Donald Trump?
Outrage abounds these days, but the biggest story of all is hardly getting any attention
Toxic Love VS Healthy Love: 14 Core Differences
Love: Development of self first priority. Toxic love: Obsession with relationship.
Joseph Medicine Crow, Last Crow War Chief and Living Link to Battle of Little Bighorn, Dies at 102
Devoted Indigenous rights advocate and chronicler of Plains Indian history died this weekend in hospice in Billings, Montana
How a 'New World' Would Look to One of the Most Famous Pagans Alive
A new book by Starhawk explores the task of healing society.
Tim Wise: How Trump Uses Race to Divide & Conquer
Anti-racism activist Tim Wise contextualizes the Trump campaign as just the latest in a centuries-long strategy of rich whites duping poor whites into channeling anger toward people of color, rather than the elite.
Microsoft's New Twitter Bot Becomes Nazi Sympathizing Maniac Within 24 Hours
Anytime there’s a new development in robotics or artificial intelligence, popular culture almost instantly regurgitates the Skynet Terminator narrative. To wit, when Anti-Media reported on a new robot getting pushed around by its handlers, even we couldn’t resist alluding to...
This Anti-Racist Facebook Post Wins The Internet
Blogger Emlyn Pearce responds to those who feel all Muslims are responsible for the actions of a few, with an amazing Facebook post that's going viral.
We Know Nature Makes Us Happier. Now Science Says It Makes Us Kinder Too
New studies show being in nature may increase your willingness to be generous, trusting, and helpful toward others.
22 Startling Images Depict Life for Disney Characters in the Modern World
‘Unhappily Ever After’ uses beloved Disney characters to expose the unfortunate effect pollution, war, and modern society has on the world.
Celebrities Speak Out on Fame & Materialism
Everyone needs to hear this. The truth about fame from the people who went on that ride and saw where it leads. 
Missme: The Artful Vandal
Former advertising industry art director takes to the streets, recliaming space and chalenging the way women are portrayed in the media.
"Women Can't Play Music"
Self-esteem holds us back and undermines our happiness; but it can be overcome
If the World Were 100 People Would We All Fight Harder for Equality?
If the population of the world was only 100 people, what would society look like? How many people would have shelter? Clean water? Education? Watch this video and find out.
Traditional Gender Norms Are Imprisoning All of Us - Let's Be Whole Human Beings
The world needs all of us to become healers. It needs us to nurture the sacred feminine and the sacred masculine that lies dormant to various degrees
Nuestras Religiones: ¿Son Las Religiones Propias De La Humanidad?
Al contrario de lo que se suele creer, Charles Darwin no introdujo la idea de evolución. A mediados del siglo XIX, la evolución era un hecho que ya se conocía desde hacía mucho tiempo, y la mayoría de los pensadores de la época se contentaba con eso. La ausencia de una teoría...
The 10 Revolutionary Keys to Saving Humanity and Healing the Planet
The Awakening of Humanity Occasionally in the course of human events, a new worldview emerges that transforms society. It happened when Jesus’ disciples were inspired by his life to believe in radical transformation of the person and theworld through love. It occurred in the...
Kind is the New Cool
When I was in high school, I remember social banter consisting of a lot of subtle put-downs and one-upsmanship. The popular kids were generally not very nice, certainly not to us unpopular kids but not even to each other. I remember a few popular kids being nice to me on the...
Indigenous Board Game Brings Collaboration, Stewardship, Generosity, and Gratitude to the Table
If you look on a board game shelf, how many games will you see with actions based on collaboration, stewardship, generosity, and gratitude? Most likely, you’ll find mechanics like attacking, stealing, and backstabbing. Indigenous communities looking to facilitate...
How Male Circumcision Harms Women
Learn about the hidden negative psychological and sexual effects of circumcision and how these effects harm women in relationships with men. This article is based on research reports in the medical and psychological literature.
Depression Is a Disease of Civilization: Hunter-Gatherers Hold the Key to the Cure
Depression is a global epidemic. It is the main driver behind suicide, which now claims more than a million lives per year worldwide. One in four Americans will suffer from clinical depression within their lifetimes, and the rate is increasing with every generation.
We Are All Human: 10 Labels We Need to Stop Using to Describe People
Humans have an innate desire to place labels on everything. Labels give people a sense of order, and a way of distinguishing things.
What It Means To Communicate
Recently, we were doing some work with a couple who were struggling in their relationship. They had been together for twelve years and had two children. It seemed that they fought about everything – about raising their children, about sex, about finances, and about where and...
Jas Boude - Skating South Africa's Mean Streets
"To push through the streets is the ultimate freedom. But what happens when the streets do not welcome you? Or get you killed? Scorning their government-built joke of a skate park which is too dangerous to use, the heroes of Jas Boude leave the Cape Flats ghetto – where Table...
Fantasies, Sex & Betrayal: Exploring Love's Shadow
We get an energy high in our initial time with someone but the going can get rough when we settle into life together. Most of us are deeply wounded with shame, insecurities and fears, full of mistrust but at the same time desperately needy for love. We bring this woundedness...
The Comprehensive Activist Guide to Dismantling Neoliberalism
“The creation of today’s market society was not the result of a sequence of spontaneous events but rather of state interference and violence.” – Naomi Klein in The Shock Doctrine Liberty! Human Rights! Choice! Prosperity! Freedom! These seemi
The Surfer Who Wouldn't Take No for an Answer
Being the best female surfer in Brazil wasn't enough to secure Silvana Lima the sponsorship she needed for her surfing career. In an image-driven market, she wasn't considered pretty enough to get full sponsorship for the first 13 years of her career. Silvana refused to let...
Why Patriarchy Persists (And How We Can Change It)
“Patriarchy has no gender.” ― bell hooks in Teaching Critical Thinking: Practical Wisdom bell hooks’ quote is a clear reminder that patriarchy does not just describe male actions of domination, but also how some organizations and cultural narratives function. Patriarchy...
We Are Humans, Not Labels
A short documentary-style film about the flaws and consequences of labeling.
How is Hollywood Whitewashing Still a Thing?
With the academy awards coming up, Last Week Tonight asks: Hollywood is this still a thing?
What is it About Society That Disappoints You So Much?
This clip is from the series Mr Robot, in which young anti-social computer programmer Elliot works as a cybersecurity engineer during the day, but at night he is a vigilante hacker. He is recruited by the mysterious leader of an underground group of hackers to join their...
The Trouble With Equality: Feminism and the Forgotten Places of Power
"...Patriarchy is not the rule of men over women, it's the rule of the binary - the insistence that there really are sides, and that each is a pre-existing category unto itself, fixed and hallowed, one superior to another."
Why I Teach White History Month in February
I have abandoned Black History Month and have been celebrating White History Month every February since 2013.
Be a Weirdo - Don’t Hide Your Passions
Weirdness is good. It sets us apart and allows us to be wholly different from the rest of the world, while still being innately the same. Humans tend to forget that what makes us weird are the things we are passionate about, and the levels that passion can reach. We...