601-660 of 1,481
Five Signs You've Found an Evolved Man, and Why You Should Be Scared Sh**Less
For all the women looking for an evolved man and all the men trying to live up to the standard.
Celebrating Indigenous Pride With A Tribe Called Red
"Stadium Pow Wow" is A Tribe Called Red's first summer single of 2016. The energetic anthem continues to showcase Tribe's unique style of music to the world. Featuring Black Bear, "Stadium Pow Wow" is ready to take on the world.
We Could All Work 15-Hour Weeks, and Get Away With It
Despite countries such as Britain and the United States being five times richer than they were a century ago, we are working longer hours than ever before. And, argues author Rutger Bregman, overtime and overwork are deadly. Yet it doesn’t need to be like this – we can cut...
Dumbing Us Down: The 7 Hidden Lessons of Compulsory Education
While teaching means different things in different places, seven lessons are universally taught from Harlem to Hollywood Hills.
How We Understand the Crisis Is Part of the Crisis
It was something I heard one dissident professor say when I was an undergraduate studying psychology in a Nigerian university. He didn’t quite say it; he whispered it. When the white men came, they brought us schools and the bible, he intoned. And then we gave them our own...
Olympians Without Nations: First-Ever Team of Refugees Heads to Summer Games
With 20 million refugees worldwide, the International Olympic Committee announces a new team to make the games more inclusive for people without a nation to call home.
Valley of a Thousand Hills
Drive an hour northwest from Durban's golden beaches, the land begins to rise into rolling, lush, green ridges. You've arrived at the Valley of a Thousand Hills in the Zulu heartland. Here in Isithumba, Indigo Skate Camp is home to the village’s very first generation of...
It's Time to Admit That Toxic Masculinity Drives Gun Violence
Our national attachment to dominance models of manhood is a major reason why we have so much violence.
Money and the Divine Masculine
I recently attended a ceremony at the Tamera village in Portugal in which the officiant invoked “the healing of money.” Immediately a vivid image popped into my head of a man, vast and muscular, bound to the earth with stakes and tethers, straining with every atom of his...
In a Rhino, Everything
I received the following email from a young woman, a student at an elite law school. I want to quote it in full, because it cuts so deep to core issues so many change agents face.
Queer Muslims Exist - and We Are in Mourning Too
This can’t be turned into a story of us v them – because the real world is far more complicated than that
We Are Dreamers - A Guide to Lucid Dreaming
Lucid dreaming is to be aware when you are dreaming and to have a degree of control over the dream.
11 Traits of People With High Emotional Intelligence
Lately, new ways to describe human interactions, social behaviours, and many facets of psychology have emerged on the social network scene. One of those descriptions is “high emotional intelligence.”
It's 2016 and Two Men Kissing Is Still a Stunning, Terrifying Sight
Just existing as a queer person is still a radical —and very dangerous — act.
In the Absence of the Village, Mothers Struggle Most
Dear Mothers, I’m writing you today because I can no longer contain the ache in my gut and fire in my heart over an injustice that you and I are bearing the brunt of.
A Do No Harm, but Take No Sh*t Guide to Dealing With Others.
Here’s how I work: I’m extremely friendly and respectful to those who obey the laws of common decency when interacting with others.
How to Get Over Rejection
Rejection is always painful; it need not be a tragedy.
25 Brutally Honest Illustrations About Modern Life
Let’s be honest, modern life is so far away from the parody that you see in movies and TV. You can’t say 10 things that you hate about a person and fall in love in the end, and no sane man over 70 would read his entire love story to a random patient from a godforsaken...
Ten Ways We Misunderstand Children
1. We expect children to be able to do things before they are ready.
Let Fury Have the Hour
Rough, raw and unapologetically inspirational, Let Fury Have the Hour is a charged journey into the heart of the creative counter-culture in 2012.  In a time of global challenges, big questions and by-the-numbers politics, this upbeat, outspoken film tracks the story of the...
Transforming the Human Narrative: The Rise of Regenerative Development & Design
The novelist Terry Pratchett once wrote, “people think that stories are shaped by people. In fact, it’s the other way around.” However it seems these types of dichotomies are often both/and more than they are either/or. It is true that we are shaped by the stories that we...
Why Manning up Is the Worst Thing to Do
Can we cure the toxicity of male trauma and the resulting illnesses it creates?
The Three Stories of Our Time
In any great adventure, there are always obstacles in the way. The first hurdle is just to be aware that we, as a civilization and as a species, are facing a crisis point. When looking at the mainstream of our society, and the priorities expressed or goals pursued, it is hard...
Joanna Macy On Staying Sane in a Toxic Culture
"All you can know is your allegiance to life and your intention to serve it in this moment that we are given." - Joanna Macy
Husbandry: a Reclamation of Men's Responsibility to Care
To stop the economy’s advance towards greed and destruction, we need new metaphors and images that inspire a radically different alternative.
"Good" Children - At What Price? The Secret Cost of Shame
A five-month-old baby is lying in his mother's arms. He is close to sleep, then wakes and begins to cry. His mother tells him that he should stop being a naughty boy, and that she will be cross with him if he doesn't sleep.
How to Let Go of the World and Love All the Things Climate Can't Change
Oscar Nominated director Josh Fox (Gasland) continues in his deeply personal style, investigating climate change – the greatest threat our world has ever known. 
A Different Way to Die: the Story of a Natural Burial
Tristan knew the end was near when his dad turned yellow.
5 Great Ways to Expand Your World When Traveling
Take them as inspiration, accept them as challenges or follow them as rules. Just remember that the world is open to those with an open mind.
Why It's Crucial for Women to Heal the Mother Wound
The issue at the core of women’s empowerment is the mother wound
The Hidden History of Muhammad Ali
Muhammad Ali’s resistance to racism and war belongs not only to the 1960s, but the common future of humanity.
People Were Moved to Tears After Taking the DNA Journey
It's easy to think there are more things dividing us than uniting us. But we actually have much more in common with other nationalities than you'd think.
How Many of These Outlaw Legends Do You Know?
There's a lot of mythology around outlaws, with some viewed as heroes and some as villains. Here are 6 legendary outlaws who you might not have head of.
The Cosmic Mass: A Modern Ritual for a Vibrant New and Ancient Way of Living
Imagine a Sunday gathering that feels like a real celebration and inspires you in a deeply authentic way. Imagine dancing (and sweating!) your prayers, rather than sitting on benches & being preached at. Imagine experiencing your inner connection to the Divine, touching your...
The Great Lie of Living on a Dead Planet
The modern era is built on a theory of the Universe as a giant mechanical clock — dead matter with gears and springs.
Why Trump Voters Are Not "Complete Idiots"
A common trope when trying to understand voters who vote differently from you is to simply call them idiots. This is particularly true this year, when discussing Trump voters. The most aggressive (and IMO offensive example of this) is by Jo
Calling Bullshit on the Bullshitters | Harry Frankfurt
Harry Frankfurt on what bullshit is, why there's so much of it, and how it can be a greater enemy to the truth than lies.
Beyond the Zero-Empathy Matrix
To be, or not to be: that is the question.” —Hamlet “Psychopaths are capable of taking the perspective of somebody else, but only to take better advantage of you. They’re able to play the empathy game, but without the feelings involved. It’s like an empty shell. The core of...
93 Documentaries to Expand Your Consciousness
This is the crash-course in 'what the hell is going on here' that we surely all wish we got from our education growing up but probably never did.
Rewilding Human Nature
Lucy Purdy explores how the concept of ‘rewilding’ could be applied not just to the natural world, but to ourselves
Jessica Valenti: My Life as a 'Sex Object'
In her teens, strangers flashed her on the subway, teachers asked for hugs and boys joked about her breasts. Should she laugh off a lifetime of objectification – or get angry?
How Romanticism Ruined Love
The set of ideas we can call Romanticism is responsible for making our relationships extremely difficult. We shouldn’t give up on love; we should just recognize that it’s more a skill we can actively practice, and less an emotion that we have no control over.
Why I Live the Life of a Modern Hunter-Gatherer
A friend recently said to me, “Kyer, if I were in your financial situation, I’d be freaking out.”
Infographic: The Heart of the Amazon Faces a Serious Threat. Here's What You Need to Know
The Tapajós River is one of the last free-flowing rivers in the entire Brazilian Amazon. But this river in the heart of the rainforest and the people and ecosystems that depend on it face a serious threat.
The Little Man Who Lives in My Head
“It finally clicked. I have bad self esteem when it comes to men.” — Journal Entry, October 27, 2015
By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them
I’m dealing with massive cognitive dissonance right now. Multiple, contradictory beliefs and perceptions inhabit my mind, each compelling on its own terms. How do I choose?
Joanna Macy on How to Prepare Internally for WHATEVER Comes Next
“Yes, it looks bleak. But you are still alive now. You are alive with all the others, in this present moment. And because the truth is speaking in the work, it unlocks the heart. And there’s such a feeling and experience of adventure. It’s like a trumpet call to a great...
Why Spirituality Is the Key to a More Visionary Politics
Progressive renewal lies in a deep recognition that we are not choosing our current lives.
What It Was Like For These Men To Get Photoshopped With "Ideal" Male Bodies
The Try Guys recreate famous photos of male celebrities and are photoshopped with their ideal body types. 
Positive Parenting: How to Raise Your Children With Unconditional Love
Parenthood lies deep within us. We are wired to help our little ones survive and prosper. Modern life, however, has removed us from our natural environment. It can be hard to raise a child in world of fear and distractions. Science and psychology bring back a big dose of...
Solving a Problem That Has Not Been Named
Many changes happening around us remain unclear. We need better names and stories for them.
Judge a System by the Health of Its Children
On Globalization and The Costs of Exporting the American Dream
Ikigai - Finding Your Reason for Being
What gets you out of bed in the morning?
Who Is Creating the Future Nobody Wants?
Here’s an amazing fact: It’s 2016 and humanity is collectively moving toward a future that nobody wants. We are literally going somewhere that will hurt every single one of us. Mass extinctions are terrible things. Impoverished societies create the conditions for radical...
Grayson Perry: All Man
Artist Grayson Perry explores contemporary masculinity, visiting ultra-male worlds to explore the changing lives and expectations of men in Britain today, and reflecting on his own prejudices and identity.
100 Years of Hijab Fashion in 1 Minute
Today’s industry is quickly catching onto the modest fashion trend, but the hijab is much more than a fad. While more and more businesses are seeing it as a lucrative commodity, the headscarf is a religious garment just as much as a political one. For generations, it has been...
Women Get Real About Body Hair
We all have it. Now, let's talk about it. Watch on for an intimate conversation about women and body hair.
A Non-Exhaustive List of All the Things I Used to Do to Try to Become More Beautiful
I used to get made fun of for my big front teeth. Once, when I got home from school, I found my mom’s nail file and tried to file them down. The edge of the nail file caught on my lip after I sawed away for a few minutes and punctured a hole in my cheek. I sat there...
Here Are 4 Bad Messages About Masculinity We Should Stop Telling Young Boys
Masculinity is having a moment — but it's not a good one.