361-420 of 1,481
'Theresa May and the Holy Grail' is Satirical Genius
Having lost her majority, and with complicated Brexit negotiations and fields of wheat on her doorstep, Theresa May is determined to "get on with the job of government" (and to seek the Holy Grail).
Following The Horsemen
There are few roads in Lesotho. There are even fewer mountain bikers. Here the horse is supreme and the myriad horse trails that have been carved through its steep and rugged mountains are its lifeblood. Horsemen ply these trails, just as they have for generations, riding...
John Waters Commencement Address is Priceless
John Waters' rollicking commencement speech at The Rhode Island School of Design offered up some good one-liners and a few pearls of wisdom, though phrased, quite naturally, in an irreverent way.
Moby and Steve Cutts Music Video: In This Cold Place
Moby says, “working on ‘In This Cold Place’ and ‘Are You Lost In the World Like Me?’ with Steve Cutts has been a creative highlight for me. He's such a great animator and activist, and I'm so happy he agreed to make these two videos.” Last week, Moby & The Void Pacific Choir...
Uluru -  The Faraway Sacred Site Brought Close By Street View
Google is attempting to bring the cultural and spiritual dimensions of Uluru to its Street View platform. To do this, they have created an interactive, audiovisual guided tour, narrated by traditional owner Sammy Wilson and with song and music by Anangu elder Reggie Uluru.
Americanism Personified: Why Fascism Has Always Been an Inevitable Outcome of the American Project
"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." This quote, which has often been misattributed to Sinclair Lewis, is wise in recognizing the authoritarian potential of both nationalism and organized religion. In slight contrast, Professor...
When Concerns of Cultural Appropriation Risk Supporting Intellectual Property
The latest entry in panics over social justice comes from my hometown, where some folks have created a list shaming restaurants and foodcarts that were owned by white people but sold “non-European international cuisine.” One of the more annoying restaurants on that list...
John Oliver's Plan for Who Should Negotiate Brexit for Britain is Genius
John Oliver's plan for Theresa May: send Lord Buckethead to negotiate Brexit.
Grime Launches a Revolution in Youth Politics
It became clear on June 9 that Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May’s decision to call a snap election was ill judged. This election has highlighted the disregard for the “many” that government should serve, and after an election in which the youth turnout was around 72%...
Trump White House Vs. “House of Cards” White House
Binge-watchers of the new season will find it’s hard to be shocked by the usual Underwood White House treachery and corruption.
Happy to Be - The Joy of Living in the Present, Being Patient and Loving Yourself
We spent an afternoon with Warren capturing how he sees the world.
There Is Life After Civilization Collapse
We are living through the collapse of the first truly global civilization in Earth’s history. This is bigger than the fall of Rome. Much more dramatic than the end for the Mayans. Greater in magnitude than the fall of the ancient Egyptians. And yet there is still hope for...
Broadcasting Rules Are Killing Political Satire – Thank Heavens for the Internet
Political journalists, especially during elections, should provide balanced news coverage of parties and scrutinise each parties’ political agendas to help properly inform the public. Sadly this is an ideal that is all-too-rarely realised. The 2015 election was reported as a...
Theresa May Has Something to Say
Classic Cassetteboy mashup. 
Prophets of Rage Unleash New Track to Unfuck the World
Supergroup Prophets of Rage, made up of members of Rage Against The Machine, Public Enemy and Cypress Hill, have just released the first track from their debut album, along with this music video directed by Michael Moore. 
Wonder Women Have Been Smashing the Patriarchy Since Classical Times
Wonder Woman is an unsettling superhero. More so than her male counterparts, she resists easy classification: she’s neither an alien or a billionaire – nor has she been exposed to some chemical to obtain her powers. The comic books cast her as a mystery to be unravelled and...
Calling in Call-Out Culture
For calling-in to work, it must be rooted deeply in kind speech
These C*cksucking Tears
The uncompromising voice behind the first gay themed country music album - 40 years after its release.
Alan Alda on the Importance of Clear Communication
Communication is more than a string of words that gets across static information. The language we use to converse does more than give facts—it can actually offer understanding. Take it from Alan Alda, a career actor whose craft thrives on effective communication through...
Films for Action University: a Map for Navigating the Transition From Empire to Earth Community
This collection of 122 documentaries is a map for navigating the 21st century. It is guided by the premise that we are facing a planetary emergency, and the primary role of schools today should be to prepare students to become active participants in designing the transition...
Poet Kate Tempest's Heartbreaking Story of the Brand New Ancients
In 2013 performance poet and rapper Kate Tempest and Battersea Arts Centre, embarked on a journey together to tour the award winning show Brand New Ancients. In collaboration with director Joe Roberts, Battersea Arts Centre produced these three short films interpreting Kate's...
Master Storyteller Stephen Jenkinson on The Making of Humans
The relentless pursuit of self-reliance and self-improvement is rooted in our lost connection to common stories, homeland and ancestors that bind and unite us. The times now demand that we recognize the world's suffering in our own.
John Cleese Founds Church of JC Capitalist
Comedian John Cleese is taking advantage of the huge tax breaks given to churches by founding a new one - The Church of JC Capitalist. Praise be the almighty $.
When Image Trumps Ideology: How JFK Created the Template for the Modern Presidency
Even at John F. Kennedy’s centennial on May 29, 2017, the 35th president remains an enigma. We still struggle to come to a clear consensus about a leader frozen in time – a man who, in our mind’s eye, is forever young and vigorous, cool and witty.
Why Social Change Is Slow
Without collective action, social change will be slow.
Does Biology Drive Our Best and Worst Selves?
How can humans be so compassionate and altruistic -- and also so brutal and violent? To understand why we do what we do, neuroscientist Robert Sapolsky looks at extreme context, examining actions on timescales from seconds to millions of years before they occurred. In this...
How Animals Can Teach Us to Be Kind, Love and Appreciate Life and Each Other
Animals have a lot to teach us about wisdom if we are ready to take their quietly-delivered lessons on board. 
Dispatches From the Ruins
In the first two decades of the new millennium, stories of the post-apocalypse have permeated pop culture, from books such as Cormac McCarthy’s The Road (2006), Paolo Bacigalupi’s The Windup Girl (2009) and Emily St John Mandel’s Station Eleven (2014) to films and TV...
Music From the Film Human
Human is one of the most extraordinary films ever made. The 6 hour epic journeys around the world and presents us with a huge range of voices the encompass what it means to be Human. This entirely wordless edit features the wonderful music from the film, intercut with the...
The Evolution of American Protest Music
Music is a critical form of expression in American politics — especially in times of political and social unrest. Dating back to the early days of colonization, American protest songs have shifted in style and form. The earliest protest songs were written in an era of oral...
The Facebook Files: Facebook's Internal Rulebook Revealed
A major leak of Facebook’s internal guidelines shows how the social network deals with hate speech, graphic violence and sexual imagery. As regulators become increasingly concerned about the content available on Facebook, is it time the company took a more active approach to...
Wake Up to Find Out That You Are the Eyes of the World!
The ‘Santiago Theory of Cognition’ proposed by the Chilean biologists and neuroscientists Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela offers a scientific way of understanding the process by which living systems engage in ‘autopoiesis’ (self-creating or self-generating) through...
The Revolution Is Acceptance
"Waiting for some distant point in the future when we're all magically agreeing with one another to begin working together, is like deciding to climb Mount Everest on the condition that we'll help each other only after we've reached the top."
Why the Handmaid’s Tale Has 100% on Rotten Tomatoes in Trump's America
Maybe it’s because we’re starting to see bits of Gilead all around us.
On the Wildness of Children: The Revolution Will Not Take Place In The Classroom
“In Wildness is the preservation of the World.” Thoreau says it in “Walking,” and Jack Turner, in his exquisite collection of essays, The Abstract Wild,  questions how many of us have any idea what it means.   P
Challenging Christian Hegemony: The Doctrine of Discovery, Manifest Destiny, and American Exceptionalism
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.[1] We live on the Earth as...
The Oddest, Most Informative, Brief History of Everything Ever
Bill Wurtz takes us from the very beginning of the universe to the present day, in 2o information-packed minutes. It's a hugely enjoyable, funny and informative ride. Buckle up!
Labour's Stuck in the 1970's, Unlike Those Modern Tories...
Several Conservatives have taken issue with Labour’s pledge to be ‘extremely cautious’ before using the nuclear deterrent. What sort of 1970s nonsense is that? If you’re going to be extremely cautious about dissolving millions of civilians in an apocalyptic firestorm, you...
Bayo Akomolafe: How I Am Unlearning My Whiteness
"What if our response to the crisis is part of the crisis?"- Bayo Akomolafe Bayo Akomolafe is globally recognized for his poetic, unconventional, counterintuitive take on global crisis, civic action and social change. He is the Coordinating Curator for The Emergence Network...
What Do You Think It Means to Be Utterly and Totally Free?
None of the agonies of suppression, nor the brutal discipline of conforming to a pattern has led to truth. To come upon truth the mind must be completely free, without a spot of distortion.
Are We All Related?
In part 3 of our special series on human ancestry, we investigate how closely related we all really are. Basic math tells us that all humans share ancestors. But you’ll be amazed at how recently those shared ancestors lived. Thanks to genetic data in the 21st century, we’re...
Kate Tempest Pleads with Us to Wake Up and Love More
Acclaimed poet Kate Tempest performs her powerful work 'Tunnel Vision' on BBC's Newsnight.
Killing the Things We Love
The increasingly unscrupulous propaganda machine of radical corporate capitalism is warping our humanity and driving us to destroy what is closest to our hearts, says clinical psychologist John F Schumaker. The last hope of defeating this evil might lie in the strategic use...
J. Col - 4 Your Eyez Only
An hourlong special that combines documentary footage of J. Cole’s travels to various cities through the Midwest and the South that have personal or political resonance for him with in situ music videos that locate Mr. Cole’s songs as part of a larger conversation about black...
Smoke That Travels - What it Means to be Native American
Smoke That Travels is a personal documentary by Kayla Briët that explores preservation and loss of culture and her own identity as Prairie Band Potawatomi.
Why Did I Name It “Dear White People?”
“I have a problem with your title, like…why do you feel the need to tell black stories for white audiences and not for your own community?” A young black man in the front row wanted to know, his arms folded, as if he’d come to ask that question and promptly leave before my...
Four Signs You Have High Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence can mean the difference between behaving in a socially acceptable way and being considered to be way out of line. While most people will have heard of emotional intelligence, not many people really know how to spot it – in themselves or in others.
Two Americas - A Colony in a Nation
Chris Hayes, the progressive journalist, commentator and host of "All in With Chris Hayes" on MSNBC, explains the power of white fear and the great divide between the "Colony" and the "Nation."
Zimbabweans Are Turning Trash Into Art
In a country dealing with cash shortages, power outages and high unemployment, artists have been striving to reveal a beauty in the environment around them.
Neil Gaiman's Powerful Poem Lays Bare the Merchants of Hate
An original poem by Neil Gaiman, narrated by Peter Kenny, directed and animated by Anna Eijsbouts. Hate for Sale Hate for sale. All the very best  Hate for sale. Vintage stuff. Do my cries excite your interest?  Lovely hate. Your life is rough. Buy my hate. You'll come...
Most Colleges Prepare Us For a Future That Feels Wrong. Wouldn't It Be Amazing If Alternatives Were Widely Flourishing?
When I graduated from high school in 1985, college was the unquestionable next step for an intelligent, middle-class or upper-middle class young person. I entered an elite school not out of any particular ambition, but because the story that surrounded me said that this is...
Can Bill Nye – or any other science show – really save the world?
Netflix’s new talk show, “Bill Nye Saves the World,” debuted the night before people around the world joined together to demonstrate and March for Science. Many have lauded the timing and relevance of the show, featuring the famous “Science Guy” as its host, because it aims...
The Reign of Idiots
Donald Trump. King of the horrifingly dumb and dangerously greedy.
Taboo - The East India Company and The True Horrors of Empire
“When you left London the East India Company was a trading company,” Tom Hardy’s troubled anti-hero James Delaney is warned in the second episode of the BBC’s prime-time drama Taboo. “Now it is God Almighty.” Discussing the show before it aired, writer Stephen Knight referred...
This Social Experiment Shows That Building Bridges is Much Better Than Building Walls
Can two strangers with opposing views prove that there’s more that unites than divides us?
Putting Racism on the Table: john a. powell on Structural Racism
Discussions about racism require an understanding of how society, institutions, and culture perpetuate inequity. john a. powell frames these forces as “structural racialization,” or, in his words, “the set of practices, cultural norms, and institutional arrangements that are...
The House of the Nobodies — Where Everyone Is Welcome
La Casa de los Ningunos is an experimental community in the Bolivian capital city of La Paz, 12,000 feet up in the Andes Mountains. In a recent piece on the Casa, Sian Cowman explained the inspiration for the name, which also elegantly describes the Casa’s mission, “…Los...
The Great Gardens of Las Pozas Are Breathtaking
Las Pozas (“The Pools”) is a subtropical garden established by twentieth-century British poet Edward James. Soaring out of the Mexican jungle near the town of Xilitla, the gardens are home to enormous concrete works of art that live alongside the tropical landscape. 
A Brown Girl's Guide to Gender
A Brown Girl's Guide to Gender written and performed by Aranya Johar.
25 Cheat Sheets for Taking Care of Yourself Like a Damn Adult
Being a well-adjusted human has never been easier.