421-480 of 1,481
How to Differentiate Between Conspiracy Theories and Intelligent Scepticism
It can be easy, in certain moods, to suspect that we can trust no one and to feel the temptation of conspiracy theories. But we’d be wiser learning the art of an intelligent form of scepticism.
Descartes Was Wrong - A Person Is a Person Through Other Persons
According to Ubuntu philosophy, which has its origins in ancient Africa, a newborn baby is not a person. People are born without ‘ena’, or selfhood, and instead must acquire it through interactions and experiences over time. So the ‘self’/‘other’ distinction that’s axiomatic...
Is 'Political Correctness Gone Mad' a Lie?
The news is full of stories about how ‘the PC brigade’ is ruining British life, says Nesrine Malik. From Easter being banned to diversity drives ruining businesses, she says, politicians and the press fuel the false idea that diversity threatens all we know. But, she argues...
Cultural Evolution in the Anthropocene
Where humanity is going, there are no roadmaps. The terrain is unlike anything we’ve seen before. The changes sweeping the Earth right now are literally planetary in scale and so filled with complexity that few among us even have a semblance of knowing what is actually...
They Live, We Sleep
A video essay on the enduring propheticism of John Carpenter's cult classic film THEY LIVE (1988). It was certainly a movie for its moment, but it's also quite resonant today and probably will be for the foreseeable future.
Chris Hedges: The Pandora's Box of War
War opens a Pandora’s box of evils that once unleashed are beyond anyone’s control. The invasion of Afghanistan set out to defeat al-Qaida, and nearly 16 years later, we are embroiled in a losing fight with the Taliban. We believed we could invade Iraq and create a...
Naomi Klein on How to Jam the Trump Brand
Naomi Klein, the author of No Logo, on Trump's brand and how to jam it.
Does Male Privilege Exist?
Grayson Perry has been thinking about masculinity since he was a boy. Now, in his book, The Descent of Man, he turns round to look at men with a clear eye and ask, what sort of men would make the world a better place, for everyone? Here, Sapphire McIntosh goes out on to the...
Finding Inner Peace Through Meditation with Filmmaker David Lynch
In “Finding Inner Peace,” David Lynch describes how his personal experience with meditation helped him to deal with anxiety, fear, and depression and taught him how to tap into the root source of creativity and bliss.
This Is Why We Love Satire
While major news networks have struggled to figure out the right way to cover the Trump administration, political satirists like Samantha Bee, John Oliver, Stephen Colbert, and Seth Meyers have demonstrated why comedy can be such a powerful antidote to bullshit.
The Employment - A Surreal Short Film About the Drudgery of Work
An anonymous man performs his usual trip to work, immersed in a world where the utilisation of people as objects in an everyday thing.
Amanda Palmer: The Art of Asking
Don't make people pay for music, says Amanda Palmer: Let them. In a passionate talk that begins in her days as a street performer (drop a dollar in the hat for the Eight-Foot Bride!), she examines the new relationship between artist and fan.
Brexit Means Titanic
Brexit as Titanic, as imagined by Comedy Central. Genius.
Rosie the Riveter for the 21st Century: You Dreamed, We Drew
YES! Magazine readers submitted their ideas for updating the classic icon. See the winning poster ideas—and download your favorites.
9 Times Video Games Were Great for Mental Health
There is a common misconception that video games induce loneliness, or a symptom of disconnection. But although games are often blamed as a cause of mental illness, numerous studies have shown they are often a remedy, more than anything. Video games are therapeutic for...
Five Maps That Will Change How You See the World
Boston public schools recently announced that they will shift to using world maps based on the Peters projection, reportedly the first time a US public school district has done so. Why? Because the Peters projection accurately shows different countries’ relative sizes...
Hooded: A Multimedia Project to Challenge and Change How Young Black Men Are Portrayed
Photographer Myles Loftin created a multimedia project that humanizes and decriminalizes the societal image of black boys and black men dressed in hoodies.
Muslims This, ISIS That
This powerful spoken word by Hussam Ahmad urges people to look beyond the narratives being spun by the media and politicians.
Why Recognizing Our Own Privilege Can Be so Hard
There is a kind of lottery that very rarely is talked about in which every single human being participates.
21St Century Bastards #Faketoys May Be the Best Thing on the Internet
In a world where some of the most unimaginable shitheads keep getting elevated to positions of authority and influence, it's gratifying to see them taken down a peg or two... or in this case, shrunk to doll-size and put in a box. 21st Century Bastards are the best satirical...
Peggy Orenstein: What Young Women Believe About Their Own Sexual Pleasure
Why do girls feel empowered to engage in sexual activity but not to enjoy it? For three years, author Peggy Orenstein interviewed girls ages 15 to 20 about their attitudes toward and experiences of sex. She discusses the pleasure that's largely missing from their sexual...
America's Greatest Enemy Is Our Own Self-Defeating Division
"Capitalism is Evil!" "No, socialism is Evil!" "You must love oligarchy!" "You must love communism!" Sound familiar? That's what passes for "debate" these days- beating each other over the head with divisive labels and any extreme straw-man arguments handy. Ideas become...
Picasso Recognized That Art is Political
Pablo Picasso was feeling uninspired. The world’s most famous artistic genius had been commissioned to do a painting for the Spanish Pavilion at the Paris World’s Fair in 1937, but all he had come up with in three months were some preliminary sketches that he didn’t like...
Have We Been Denying Our Human Nature for Four Hundred Years?
Eurocentric modernism has unhinged us from our human nature, argues Rajani Kanth in his new book
8 Ways to Master the Art of Mindful Communication
Communication is essential to achieve successful human interactions. However, the type of communication we have highly determines the outcome of our relationships. It all simply boils down to how we are connecting with each other.
In Praise of Boredom
Or, The Curse of the iPad Stalks the Land
What I Wish I'd Told You on International Women's Day
"I'm trying to find a way to translate my experience, so you can relate, but I'm waiting... waiting for the moment you stopped listening."
There's Too Many of These Crows - A Short Film About Aggression and Escalation
Humans and birds are having a difficult time co-existing, as a confrontation in an open field spirals out of control.
5 Short Films, 5 Profound Lessons in Media Literacy
Now more than ever, we cannot take news media at face value – we need tools to read media critically, strategies to discern how information works. This is what inspired The Listening Post’s project: Media Theorised. We’ve taken key works of five thinkers from around the...
Framed: The Politics of Stereotypes in News
Palestinian academic Edward Said’s (1935-2003) book ‘Orientalism’ showed how the West had the power to represent the colonial ‘other’ - while at once leaving them voiceless.
Digital Prophecies: The Medium Is the Message
In the 1960s, way before anybody had ever tweeted, Facebook Live-d or sent classified information to WikiLeaks, one man made a series of pronouncements about the changing media landscape. His name was Marshall McLuhan and you've probably heard his most quoted line: "The...
How to Read the Signs in the News
Roland Barthes The work of French philosopher Roland Barthes (1915-1980) is difficult, slippery, whimsical - it calls on us to read the world around us as a series of texts. He would have seen the TV screen as a cultural text - there to be read, interpreted, decoded.
The Wizard of Oz Could Be A Subversive Critique of Capitalism
In his introduction to "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz," L. Frank Baum claims that the book is simply an innocent children's story. But some scholars have found hidden criticisms of late-nineteenth-century economic policies in the book. Is it possible that this much-loved...
Take a Tour of Banksy's Walled Off Hotel in Bethlehem
It's billed as the hotel with "the worst view in the world". The Walled Off Hotel in Bethlehem has opened its doors, packed with art works by Banksy.
'Worst view in the world': Banksy Opens Hotel Overlooking Bethlehem Wall
British street artist Banksy unveils his new Walled Off hotel on Friday. The 10-room establishment is situated next to the Israeli barrier wall at Bethlehem. Banksy hopes it will spark a dialogue and attract younger visitors from Tel Aviv while also creating jobs in the area.
Russell Brand Brilliantly Picks Apart Media Manipulation and Islamophobia
A look at Lindsay Lohan's recent appearance on Good Morning Britain and how she was quizzed about her faith.
Bill Hicks Reminds Us Life is Just a Ride
Revelations is Bill Hicks' last special ever, taped in 1992, and features him at the height of his genius. Recorded at the Dominion Theatre in London, Bill Hicks opens our eyes and minds to the hypocrisy and ludicrousness of the world around us.
How to Be a Great Listener
There’s so much talking going on in the world with everyone trying to get their opinions and stories heard, but not a whole lot of listening. Yet, when we listen, we learn and we connect.  We discover new information and fresh things about other people.  Listening is a vital...
Redneck Revolt Presents: A Message to the Patriot Movement
Over the past few weeks, Redneck Revolt has been communicating with a former member of a III% Patriot Militia based out of Ohio. Peter made contact with our organization after questioning the basis for an upcoming operation that his local militia group was asked to be...
What Happens When You Rebel Against the Herd
Are You Truly Living Your Life?You live, but are you living the way you want to live, or the way others want you to live? You choose, but are your choices based on your own decisions or on the decisions imposed on you by society? You act, but are you acting out of your...
How Comedy Can Disarm Bullies
As long as you're funny, it can get you out of almost anything - even getting mugged, as co-founder of Between Two Ferns Scott Aukerman recounts. Unfortunately, not everyone out there is funny, although some people believe they are, and this is usually when you get...
Surviving Capitalist Depression
We live in a toxic society filled with toxic people. Even the ones with the best hearts- including ourselves- have been raised in ignorance, with disinformation. Our examples of happiness are fake, sponsored, and used to sell products. Typical relationship standards...
How a Lack of Touch Is Destroying Men
Why men need more platonic touch in their lives
Ken Loach and 'I, Daniel Blake' Crew Speak Out Against Callous Elite
Director Ken Loach accepts the Bafta award for Best British Film for his portrayal of life in the British welfare system in I, Daniel Blake. He uses his speech to criticise the government for its “callous brutality” and its attitude towards “the most vulnerable and the...
These Kids Teach Us Important Lessons in Kindness
Kids give an important reminder to be kind to others, regardless of our differences, and inspire hope for the future. "In the wake of the US election, filmmaker Jessie Auritt wanted to do something to try and combat the negativity, xenophobia, racism and sexism that...
What Makes America Great? Artists Resist Trump With 100 Days of Posters
The progressive agenda over the next four years will be hard-won—and heavily illustrated—if the past few weeks are any indication.
6 Habits of Highly Empathic People
Are you a Highly Empathic Person? Discover the traits of those who are, and learn how we can use empathy to support both others and ourselves. Learn more here.
I Don’t Think I was Born White. I Think White Children are Manufactured.
This is Part One of a Series on Whiteness. (Part Two) “Politically, the Negro is the touchstone of the modern democratic idea. The presence of the Negro puts our democracy to the proof and reveals the falsity of it.” — Hub
If America's First, Who's Second? Europe Trolls Trump in Hilarious Series of Videos
After Donald Trump's inauguration declaration that "from this day forward it's going to be only America first", many in Europe were left wondering if perhaps they were second. In an attempt to win favor with the new President, many European nations have been making videos to...
Gangsters for Capitalism: Why the US Working Class Enlists
Published as part of the Transnational Institute's State of Power 2017 report.
In Utero
IN UTERO is a documentary about life in the womb and its lasting impact on human development, human behavior, and the state of the world.
How Do I Know Good Can Overcome Ignorance, Spite and Hate? Because I've Seen It.
A tweet moves Rob Hopkins to share a personal experience from his family’s life.
The Purpose of Nonviolent Communication
Nonviolent communication is a tool that we can use to resolve conflicts at both the individual and collective levels. By focusing on identifying the needs of individuals and groups instead of the assigning blame for circumstances, nonviolent communication has the potential to...
Something Better to Offer Trump Voters Tired of Waiting for Their Turn
A world free of extremes of wealth and poverty in which no one needs to stand in line for a chance at a secure and fulfilling life.
What Is a Gift Economy? - Alex Gendler
What if, this holiday season, instead of saying "thank you" to your aunt for her gift of a knitted sweater, the polite response expected from you was to show up at her house in a week with a better gift? Or to vote for her in the town election?
Deconstructing Workplace Hierarchies: On Contrived Leadership and Arbitrary Positions of Power
Bosses don't grow on trees. They don't magically appear at your job. They aren't born into their roles. They are created. They are manufactured to fulfill arbitrary positions of power within organizational hierarchies. They possess no natural or learned talents, and they are...
Looking Forward to the Day That Nationalism Is as Reviled as Racism
Nationalism is a form of geographical racism that makes some lives matter more than others, and explicitly justifies that logic without apology. While today, not even lying corrupt politicians will outright say that racism is acceptable, nationalism is promoted and accepted...
Live Before You Die
Travelling the length of the country and back again with a pair of horses and gypsy caravan, Live Before You Die is the ultimate horse-drawn road movie, following a band of Travellers with handcarts, goats, donkeys and ponies along green lanes to the fairs and festivals of...