721-780 of 1,481
If You've Ever Wondered What We're Here For... We Came to Dance!
We began with rhythm. From the beating of our mother’s heart to the first kick in our mother’s womb.  We were born to move.  ‘We Came To Dance’ combines this rhythm that we all share, with the rhythm of music, dance and an epic piece of spoken word that unravels over the...
The Super Bowl Promotes War
Super Bowl 50 is the first National Football League championship to happen since it was reported that much of the pro-military hoopla at football games, the honoring of troops and glorifying of wars that most people had assumed was voluntary or part of a marketing scheme for...
Recovering From Betrayal: 7 Steps That Will Change Your Life
I understand it hurts, and it hurts really badly. No one deserves to be treated the way you were. No one deserves to feel emotional pain tearing through their body or bringing them to their knees. You did nothing to deserve this and it is not your fault.
My (Apparently) Obligatory Response To 'Formation': In List Form
1. I have actively avoided saying anything about Beyoncé's new song and video. I don't think they are interesting, important or deserving of my commentary. That as a Black, queer person I have, in the last week, been expected--and, at moments, obligated--to respond to them is...
The Questions We Never Ask
We may have many answers...but do we ask the right questions? My name is Spencer Cathcart and this is the first short film I have released since "The Lie We Live" in 2015. In this video I question our relationship with life on this planet.
After Living in Norway, America Feels Backward. Here's Why.
A crash course in social democracy.
The Gift of Presence
“Wherever you are, be all there.” — Jim Elliot
The Numbing of the American Mind: Culture as Anesthetic
9/11. It was to have been the end of irony, remember? Superficial celebrity culture was over; a new age of seriousness was upon us. Of course, the way media celebrities focused on their own mood as the consequence of September 11 was in itself an irony so marvelous you knew...
5 Ways to Change the World From the Comfort of Your Own Self
Immersed in middle class American life, I am the mother of a teenage son and daughter, and I live in a medium sized town outside of Philadelphia. If that conjures images of navigating complex social media relationships, painful negotiating sessions around cash, google...
The Repressed Man: What He Really Needs From His Partner
We hear a lot of talk about the oppression of women, but do we really hear any talk about the oppression of men? Quite frankly, I never have. At least not in the way I'm about to explain. As a life coach and hairstylist for 25 years, I have had my share of up close and...
"Meritocracy" as Propaganda Lie and False Assumption
I witnessed this bumper sticker, decked out in bright red, white, and blue lettering, attached to the post holding my neighbors’ mailbox this week as I walked my dogs during unseasonably high temperatures. For my neighbors to display this placard proudly in their front yard...
"Me" Culture
We are what we buy at the mall, see at the multiplex, and hear on our iPods. Author Thomas De Zengotita discusses our new "Mediated" life.
Comedian Brian Dunkleman Takes On the Stigma of Socialism
There's nothing more American than Football. There's also nothing more socialist. Brian Dunkleman Takes On the Stigma of Socialism.
If You Do Not Transform Your Pain, You Will Transmit It
On Men's Pain, Healing and Transformation
Genius Lesson in Media Literacy: Footage of Queen's Birthday with Commentary from N. Korean Parade
This video, uploaded to YouTube by John Smith, overlays the commentary of the BBC's Korea correspondent Stephen Evans from a march in Pyongyang onto footage of the annual Trooping of the Colour, which coincides with the Queen's birthday, at Buckingham Palace.
Why I Work Remotely (Hint: It Has Nothing to Do With Productivity)
These are some of the things I can do because I’m fortunate to work for a company that lets me work from anywhere: Hug my kids and feed them breakfast before they leave for school in the morning. Greet and make a snack for them when they get home; hear all about their...
Honest Yoga
Defeat and frustration flow in this PSA suggesting alternate ways to higher peace and acceptance.
How We Used to Die; How We Die Now
An emergency physician’s beautifully written and agonizingly empathic account of “how we used to die” starkly contrasted with how most people die now in our death-defying, death-dealing military industrial medicopharmaceuticalized culture.
The Reductive Seduction of Other People's Problems
“If you’re young, privileged, and interested in creating a life of meaning, of course you’d be attracted to solving problems that seem urgent and readily solvable.”
Jews and Arabs Kiss to Protest Book Ban
The Israeli Ministry of Education decided to ban from the school program a book dedcribing an affair between a jewish woman and an arab man. So TimeOut Tel Aviv have decided to ask jews and arabs to meet and to kiss.
Festival Museo Libre
A short documentary about a graffiti festival organized by a group of young artists who live in the periphery of the megacity Bogotá. With an annual graffiti festival they try to change the negative image of their barrio, stigmatized as a dangerous and violent place.
If You Want to Say Thank You, Don't Say Sorry - And 6 Other Examples of Beautiful Communication
Appreciate others for what they have done. Don't apologize for simply existing.
Something Extraordinary Is Happening in the World, And Most People Haven't Noticed
Most of us haven't quite realized there is something extraordinary happening.
France Passes Law Restricting Super-Thin Models and Airbrushing
France passes a new law that bans the use of "excessively skinny" models and puts regulations on airbrushed photos to promote better self-image in women and girls. Some critics in the fashion industry have criticized the law's ambiguous language.
#Blacklivesmatter: A New Generation of US Civil Rights Activists
BlackLivesMatter: A new generation of civil rights activists emerging from racism and violence in the USA.
Chester P For Mayor - Hip Hop, Homelessness & the Housing Crisis
Full length documentary following Chester P along his journey through Hip Hop, Homelessness and the Housing Crisis. Featuring Focus E15, Love Activists, New Era Estate residents, Streets Kitchen plus many more.
Ricky & Doris: an Unconventional Friendship in New York City. With Puppets!
Ricky Syers is an off-beat 50 year old street performer who found his calling as a puppeteer after a lifetime of manual labor. While performing in New York City’s Washington Square Park, he met Doris Diether, an 86 year old community activist. They became friends and he made...
Homeland Is Not a Series
In what has become known as "The Homeland Incident," The Arabian Street Artists engineered a graffiti hack on the show Homeland by placing subversive messages written in Arabic on set. Homeland is not a Series is a message from the artists themselves. Directed by the Arabian...
Near-Extinct Amazonian Tribe so Connected With Nature They Reportedly Breastfeed Animals
A photographer has claimed he witnessed a close-to-extinction Amazonian tribe breastfeed their pets until the animals are fully grown.The Awa tribe reside in the forests of eastern Brazil, and face a possible end to their culture, due to European colonists who have enslaved...
Above All, Be Kind
The remarkable mind that brought you QI, Blackadder and Spitting Image asks one of the world’s simplest but most significant questions – what do we really need to know? What should we teach our children, and what important information should all adults have at their disposal?...
The Age of the Demagogues
  Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at FreedomFest on July 11 in Las Vegas. (John Locher / AP
600 Posters, 80 Artists - Brandalism Crew Take Over Billboards Ahead of Paris Climate Talks
Two days before the launch of the UN COP21 Climate Conference, 600 posters were installed in outdoor media spaces across Paris. 82 Artists from 19 different countries made artworks to challenge the corporate takeover of COP21 and to reveal the connections between advertising...
The Meaning of Mahu
Mahu is the Hawaiian term for people who embody both male and female spirit - or what Westerners call transgender.  This animated scene from the PBS/Independent Lens film "KUMU HINA - A Place in the Middle"- describes how early Hawaiians valued and respected māhū as healers...
Kumu Hina
Imagine a world where a little boy can grow up to be the woman of his dreams, and a young girl can rise to become a leader of men. Welcome to Kumu Hina's Hawaii. Trailer for award-winning PBS/Independent lens film about a mahu (transgender) teacher in Hawaii and her...
The True Story of Native Peoples' Plight - From Genocide to Reeducation
Each November, Americans celebrate a mythical version of U.S. history. Thanksgiving Day's portrayal of the experience of Native Americans under the boot of settler-colonialism is one of the Empire's most cherished falsehoods. To hear about the true story of native peoples'...
Native American Responses to Thanksgiving
We invited Native Americans to respond to the word "Thanksgiving." These are their responses.
Why We Should Use 'Daesh' - Not 'Islamic State' or 'ISIS'
In the wake of the Paris terrorist attacks, the world has woken up to the threat that the ‘self-proclaimed Islamic State’ poses to the Western world. Among other things, it has s
Cupcake Fascism: Gentrification, Infantilisation and Cake
Cupcake fas­cism as­serts it­self vi­ol­ently through some­thing the in­fant­il­ized sub­ject holds deeply as an ideal. This ideal is niceness.
The Oneness Is the Greatest - #SanctumBristol
A reflection on religion, spirituality, connection and destruction.
Decoding Daesh: Why Is the New Name for ISIS so Hard to Understand?
Arabic translator Alice Guthrie investigates 'Daesh', the new name for ISIS recently adopted by several world leaders because it delegitimises the group's activities. But how can a new name undermine a terrorist organisation? And why do the English-speaking media find the...
Terrorism Double Standards: After Paris, Let's Stop Blaming Muslims & Take a Hard Look at Ourselves
We must mourn all victims. But until we look honestly at the violence we export, nothing will ever change
Lakota Wisdom: Why Native American Truths Can Heal the World
The word wisdom is used frequently every day, whether it is spoken and heard or written and read. Yet it is debatable, in my opinion, if most of us know what it is. In most dictionaries it is defined as "the quality or state of being wise, sagacious, discerning and...
Marie's Dictionary - Great Grandmother's Efforts to Keep Her Native Language Alive
In the United States more than 130 Native American languages are endangered. Several are on the verge of extinction with only a handful of fluent speakers.
6 Artists Illustrate What Debt Means to Them
For our Debt Issue, we explored ways we could turn the tables on the bankers, rethink the soul-crushing nature of debt, and find routes to get out of it. Because the shame and powerlessness of debt can overwhelm our senses and perceptions, we decided to ask our favorite...
What's It Like To Be A Black Girl In Rome?
Watch the video to find out the answer to that question for some.
The Psychology of Hate: How We Deny Human Beings Their Humanity
From slavery to genocide, society has shown a terrifying ability to disregard the personhood of others. Here's why.
What Would Happen If Male Athletes Were Asked The Same Questions Female Athletes Are Subjected To?
Something's wrong with media coverage of female athletes. 
Rupert Murdoch Takes Over National Geographic, Immediately Lays off Hundreds
When news broke that Rupert Murdoch, evil overlord of Fox News, had purchased National Geographic, it sent shockwaves of panic through thinking individuals everywhere. After all, National Geographic has traditionally been one of the most well-known sources of scientific...
I Am Not Black. You Are Not White: We Are Not the Racial Labels Elites Invented to Divide Us
Racism is real but race is not. "Black" and "White" were labels invented in the 15th century - made up to divide us. Is it time to let these labels go? ​Prince Ea believes the answer is yes.
Bertrand Russell & Buckminster Fuller on Why We Should Work Less, and Live & Learn More
Why must we all work long hours to earn the right to live? Why must only the wealthy have access to leisure, aesthetic pleasure, self-actualization…?
Modulations is a feature-length documentary that captures a moment in history where humans and machines are fusing to create today's most exciting sounds.
Synthetic Pleasures
Is reality obsolete? From low-tech function like body piercing and artificially-stocked fishing pools, to the latest in bionics and VR gaming, Iara Lee's 1995 cyber-age intellectual survey - call it a *.DOCumentary - downloads a Future Shockful of data and defines the...
What Happened When This Woman Included 'Feminist' on Her Tinder Profile
No matter which way you swipe, misogyny comes from all angles on Tinder. The Instagram account Feminist_Tinder is bringing these dudes into the limelight by highlighting the sexist messages
Bird in a Cage
Tribute to an elder
Donald Trump Hosting Saturday Night LIVE?
Dear Lorne Michaels and Saturday Night Live,  
Are You Raising A Boy Or A Toxic Man?
We need to start talking to our sons, and tell them that it’s OK to feel and express emotion. That it doesn’t make them any less of a man.
The Golden Calf (Return of the Goddess)
From Nina Paley, the filmmaker behind the extraordinary This Land Is Mine, come the latest chapter in her ongoing feature film in production, "Seder-Masochism." You can donate to help finish the film here:
Copying Is Not Theft
Our free culture anthem gets a fabulous arrangement by Nik Phelps. Vocals by Connie Champagne. Animation and song by Nina Paley.
Maya Angelou: Still I Rise
In this video, Professor Angelou recites her poem, "Still I Rise," from her volume of poetry And Still I Rise, published in 1978.