481-540 of 1,481
One "Piece of the Oppressor" That I Have Discovered Within Myself
One "piece of the oppressor" that I have found in myself during my inner activist journeys is my use of shame as a method of engaging with the world's problems. Having learned that "shame" is a tool that has been used by the world's oppressors for so long, I strive not to use...
The Myth of Romantic Love May Be Ruining Your Health
Romantic love in Western societies is often portrayed in a stereotypical way: two yearning halves, who search for each other to find their complete, original state. Few find this bliss because it’s a myth, dating back to Plato. In Greek mythology, the perfect lovers were...
Are We Living in The Violent, Post-Truth 2017 Predicted in the Running Man?
Welcome to a world where fake news stories are used to manipulate public opinion. Dissent is no longer tolerated and all your communications are monitored; the economy is not functioning and reality TV is used to distract you from harsher realities. Welcome to 2017.
Positive Thinking in a Dark Age: A 12-Step Guide to Gracefully Responding to a Collapsing Dominant Culture
I recall a Buddhist parable involving a stick that appears from a distance to be a snake, causing fear to rise in the perceiver. As the perception shifts upon closer examination, the fear subsides and the relieved hiker continues down the path. Understanding and awareness...
Watch 10 Inspiring Animated Shorts Celebrating Indigenous Culture
With films like Pocahontas, Apocalypto, Peter Pan and The Green Inferno, it's safe to say that Hollywood has a deplorable track record when it comes to its portrayal of Indigenous Peoples. Perhaps it's to be expected given that films tend to be produced through a Euroc
Jonathan Pie's 2016 Epic Rant
Pie's Christmas Party drunken round up of 2016.
Why Are We so Attached to Our Things?
After witnessing the "violent rage" shown by babies whenever deprived of an item they considered their own, Jean Piaget - a founding father of child psychology - observed something profound about human nature: Our sense of ownership emerges incredibly early. But why do we...
The Feynman Technique - 3 Steps to Learning Something New
Richard Feynman was a physicist who received a nobel prize for his work in quantum electrodynamics. He was notorious for asking his mathematicians to explain concepts in simple language to test their understanding.  Here his unique technique to learn new materials: Step 1...
Celebrity Is Not Just Harmless Fun – It’s the Lieutenant of Exploitation
Our failure to understand the link between fame and big business made the rise of Trump inevitable
Is It Time to Say Goodbye to the Non-Binary in Gender?
Being defined by a negative speaks more of bureaucracy than of sex or self-expression.
7 Science-Backed Ways for a Happier and Healthier 2017
If this year was a tough one for you, then it might be time for change. These science-backed ways may lead to happier year for you.
2016: Year of the Serpent
We take almost all of the decisive steps in our lives as a result of slight inner adjustments of which we are barely conscious. – W. G. Sebald Last weekend, I was sitting in a packed room in the middle of a wild and wet Dartmoor listening to the mythologist Martin...
Unravel - The Incredible Cross-Cultural Story of Clothes Recycling
When people in the West throw their clothes away, their cast-offs often go on a journey east, across the oceans, to India’s industrial interior. From the Kutch District of western India to the northern city of Panipat, garment recyclers turn into yarn the huge bales of...
From Standing Rock to Donald Trump, Dena Takruri is a Muslim-American Journalist Speaking Truth to Power
Meet Dena Takruri, the Muslim-American journalist working to give voice to people unheard.
The Lid Is off, The Truth Is Coming Out
It is getting harder to keep a secret these days. The collective shadow of our society, once safely relegated to the dark basement of the unmentionable, is now exposed to daylight, forcing us to face our contradictions. I’ll offer three examples: Donald Trump’s leaked...
This Polish Ad Will Give You The Feels, For Reals
This is an ad for Allegro, a Polish company similar to eBay, and it's heartwarmingly lovely.
The Problem With Hating Our Enemies
He who fights too long against dragons becomes a dragon himself; and if thou gaze too long into the abyss, the abyss will gaze into thee. —Nietzsche
A New History for Humanity - the Human Era
It is time to reframe how we think about our past. We need a new year 0 for humanity. But which one should we choose and why?
10 Stunning Images from the Wildlife Photographer of the Year People's Choice Award
These incredible images are a selection from of the 25 shortlisted by The Natural History Museum for the People's Choice Award from this year's Wildlife Photographer of the Year. Which one captures your imagination?
From Gangs to Gardens
Organic gardener and vegan chef DJ CAVEM is an award-winning international recording artist and activist who uses Hip-Hop culture to inspire young people to connect to the earth by teaching them how to grow food, and cultivate healthy eating habits. Through his lyrics and...
A Tribe Called Red and Saul Williams Offer a Powerful Prayer for Standing Rock and Beyond
Music video for "The Virus" by A Tribe Called Red, featuring Saul Williams and Chippewa Travellers.
Escape! From the Cult of Materialism
Does the philosophy of materialism work to destroy our identities, experience, and environment? Join narrator Daphne Ellis on a radical romp through the evidence and decide for yourself if you're in the cult and need to escape!​
The Truth About the Alt-Right
Our comprehensive investigation into the Alt-Right movement, including its origins, its relation to the Trump campaign and broader implications for the future. Read more: What Is The “Alt-Right”? A Guide To The White Nationalist Movement Now Leading Conservative Media; 
Trump Says Go Back, We Say Fight Back
“I am not suggesting that white racism alone explains Trump’s victory. Nor am I dismissing the white working class’s very real economic grievances. It is not a matter of disaffection versus racism or sexism versus fear. Rather, racism, class anxieties, and prevailing gender...
Where Does Compassion Really Come From?
Can compassion be learned? The answer is yes! Sometimes, all it takes is truly paying attention to the people around us. Visit for guided meditations and fun activities to help you build compassion for yourself and others. 
How Mindfulness Empowers Us
Many traditions speak of the opposing forces within us, vying for our attention. Native American stories speak of two wolves, the angry wolf and the loving wolf, who both live inside of us.
The Psychology of Narcissism, Explained in This 5 Minute Animated Film
Narcissism isn't just a personality type that shows up in advice columns; it's actually a set of traits classified and studied by psychologists. But what causes it? And can narcissists improve on their negative traits? W. Keith Campbell describes the psychology behind the...
Do you ever unplug?
What You Didn't Learn in Sex Ed
It’s not just about sex. Sex education should be giving us the information we need to feel in control of our bodies and make informed decisions about them – but it’s failing. In episode four of Vagina Dispatches, we speak to our moms, friends and sex educators to find out...
We Can't Battle the Bigotry Stoked by Trump without a Strategy to Alleviate the Chronic Misery Behind It
My relatives in Maine are deplorables. I cannot write on their behalf. I can write in their defense.
The US Elections (And Their Aftermath)
Writing about the latest US elections like the US media writes about African countries.
There Is No One Right Way to Be an Activist
There is no one right way to be an activist. There is no one right way to change the world. There is no one right philosophy of leftist politics. There is no one right solution to the massive problems we're facing.
How Dystopian Stories Provide Cautionary Tales for Now and the Future
The genre of dystopia – the ‘not good place’– has captured the imaginations of artists and audiences alike for centuries. But why do we bother with all this pessimism? Alex Gendler explains how dystopias act as cautionary tales – not about some particular government or...
American Baghdad
A short documentary profiling Iraqi refugees trying to assimilate to American culture after being displaced from Iraq due to the war. El Cajon, a county in San Diego, has one of the highest concentrations of Iraqi refugees in America. A majority of these refugees are known as...
Leonard Cohen - Anthem
The birds they sang  at the break of day  Start again  I heard them say  Don't dwell on what  has passed away  or what is yet to be.  Ah the wars they will  be fought again  The holy dove  She will be caught again  bought and sold  and bought again  the dove is never...
The Other Way of Knowing
Western science and Indigenous worldviews are often seen as incompatible, with the Indigenous view usually being far less valued by society at large. But an inside look at Indigenous ways of knowing shows that they offer unique and dependable insights, in precisely the areas...
The Fuck off Account - Fiery Carpool Poetry from Agnes Török
Burning Eye Books' Carpool Poetry presents: The Fuck Off Account by Agnes Török.
I Lived in a 38-Person Co-Op in San Francisco, and so Can You
The joy and practice of learning to share
Mary Lyons Describes 'The We'
Beautiful. Listen to this. 
#Hypernormalisation - Why Heathrow Plan Is Proof We Exist in a Catastrophic Fantasyland
The British government recently gave the green light for Heathrow airport’s third runway. It was heralded by its supporters as a vital boost for jobs and growth – and proof that the UK was “open for business”. The transport secretary, Chris Grayling, referred to the decision...
'The Climate of Fear Is Unacceptable' - Ken Loach on I, Daniel Blake
Ken Loach’s Palme d’Or-winning film I, Daniel Blake tells the story of a man who is denied disability benefit after a heart attack and who is then subsequently caught in a bureaucratic nightmare – along with Katie, a young woman with two children to protect. Loach...
Grayson Perry Talks About Masculinity in the Modern World
In 2016 the meaning of masculinity is something of a minefield. But at a time of war, of financial scandal, of terrorism and violent crime - is manhood itself to blame? Grayson Perry answers the question what is it about men?
Introversion Is Not a Personality Fail
A few years ago, I got into an argument with my now mother-in-law over my supposedly “backwards” ways. My transgression? I did not attend a party of my now husband’s (then merely boyfriend’s) distant relatives, none of whom I knew, while he was out of town. Why didn’t I want...
The Four Qualities of Love
Thich Nhat Hanh explains the Four Qualities of Love that can bring deep meaning to our lives.
10 Incredible Images Chart Shapes Created by Birds in Flight
Catalonian artist Xavi Bou draws his inspiration from long childhood walks with his grandfather. In his latest work, Ornitographies, individual sequential images of birds in flight are combined and layered to produce a single chronophotograph. These incredible images show the...
Are You Lost in the World Like Me?
Animated film by Steve Cutts for 'Are You Lost In The World Like Me?', taken from These Systems Are Failing- the debut album from Moby & The Void Pacific Choir. 
We live in a time of great uncertainty and confusion. Events keep happening that seem inexplicable and out of control. Donald Trump, Brexit, the War in Syria, the endless migrant crisis, random bomb attacks. And those who are supposed to be in power are paralysed - they have...
Welcome to the Post-Hobbesian Dystopia: A War of Everyone Against Themselves
Why should plagues of mental illness surprise us, in a world being ripped apart?
When World Leaders Thought You Shouldn't Need Passports or Visas
In the age of heavily restricted migration, passport control seems a natural prerogative of the state. The idea of abolishing passports is almost unthinkable. But in the 20th century, governments considered their “total abolition” as an important goal, and even discussed the...
The Age of Loneliness
Competition and individualism are forcing us into a devastating Age of Loneliness
The first installment of Invisible Thread, an ongoing ELM passion project series, Throw tells the story of an outsider from East Baltimore, an area challenged by gang violence and poverty. Often misunderstood, Coffin Nachtmahr found acceptance among a subculture of "throwers"...
Native Liberation: the Way Forward
These were the concluding remarks to the first annual Native Liberation 2016 Conference convened at the Larry Casuse Center in Albuquerque, NM on Aug. 13, 2016. Nick Estes is a co-founder of The Red Nation and a member of the Leadership Council.
Rap News Special Edition: Hillary Clinton Vs Donald Trump
Hello world. RAP NEWS is back for a special episode on the 2016 USA Election mayhem, feat. Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump + a touch of Jill Stein & Gary Johnson. This one's dedicated to all the Rap News fans out there!
You Should Get Naked More Often. It's Good for You.
When Nelly encouraged overheated people worldwide to get naked in 2002, he was unknowingly advocating much more than just a sexy, sweaty dance party. Sunbathing, sleeping, working out, and lounging around in the buff actually provide legitimate health benefits. While you...
Beyond Framing | Thom Hartmann
"Conservatives" and corporate interests use the powerful tools of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to define arguments, win elections and persuade the public. To be effective in the public arena, progressives and bioneers must first understand these tools. Thom Hartmann...
How to Be Positive When the World Is Negative
Do you sometimes feel that the world around you is negative? Do you get easily irritated and frustrated, not knowing how to deal with this negativity, and lack the energy needed to keep going in your life? If so, here are some powerful tips that will help you to keep calm, be...
The Planet's Most Dangerous Predator Is Us
Humans are the world's top predator. The way we fulfill this role is often mired in controversy, from factory farming to trophy hunting to predator control. The latter is the process governments use to 
The Myth of Positivity: Why Your Pain Holds a Mighty Purpose
Of all the great myths of contemporary life, one of the most toxic is positivity. It says: there are negative and positive emotions, and only the positive ones are worth feeling, having, expressing. Here’s why it’s really, really bad for us. If You Don’t Feel Your Pain, It...
Decadence: The Meaninglessness of Modern Life
Decadence: The Meaninglessness of Modern Life is a six-part Australian television documentary series hosted by Pria Viswalingam. The series examines the decadence and meaninglessness of modern, western life. It is also posed the question: 'If we live in such a great and...
What Is Mutual Aid?
In a world ruled by ceaseless capitalist competition, where people are pitted to work against each other, anarchists offer a different vision: Mutual Aid. If you like videos like these consider supporting us - To download this video visit...