241-300 of 1,481
The Creativity Delusion: There is no Genius
The Creativity Delusion is a multi-part video essay on how our misconceptions about ideas and the way brains work impact our views about creation. These also extend to intellectual property.
Abby Martin Fact Checks Congressman Sabotaging Colombia Peace Deal
Colombia’s presidential election could determine the fate of the historic peace deal ending their 53-year civil war. While most in the country want to honor the agreement, Colombia’s right wing has been a fervent opponent.
The Hidden War on Trans Rights
In 2016, more than 50 bills were introduced in Congress targeting Trans people. Since Trump took office, dozens of pieces of landmark legislation have been cancelled, severely rolling back Trans rights.
Is the Trump Presidency a Religious Cult? - Reza Aslan
Are fundamentalist Christians a dangerous religious cult? Possibly. The controversial author and religious scholar Reza Aslan posits that President Donald Trump has much of his evangelical fan-base believing that he's somehow been anointed by God to become President...
The Problem with Evil
When we confront something we regard as “evil,” it poses a threat to the self-preservation of ego. We are so busy preserving our existence in the face of this threat that we cannot see the thing clearly at all. —Chögyam Trungpa Sometimes in Q&A sessions or internet...
America Hasn’t Learned a Thing: Racism, Materialism and Militarism Still Reign Supreme
As a nation, we have a tendency to sentimentalize cultural icons in death in a way that renders them non-threatening, antiseptic and easily digested by a society with an acute intolerance for anything controversial, politically incorrect or marred by imperfection.
The New Human Rights Movement - Peter Joseph
Peter Joseph speaks at The University of Santa Barbara, CA, Nov. 8th 2017, about the themes from his new book: The New Human Rights Movement. 
Moving On From #Metoo | Louise Mazanti PhD
How can we move forward as men and women in the wake of the #metoo campaign? Psychotherapist and relationship expert Louise Mazanti PhD talks to Rebel Wisdom founder and journalist David Fuller. For more details on Louise Mazanti: They also...
The Big Story: Can We Change Civilization by Changing Its Origin Story?
How did humans go from savanna-dwelling primates to moon-bouncing Tide Pod™ eaters? This is the big question that Big History has been trying to answer for millennia. Sure, other ages may have framed the question differently. Pre-Internet historian Herodotus may have asked...
Culture Shift: Redirecting Humanity's Path to a Flourishing Future
It’s time to build a new worldview around a deeper sense of connectedness.
'Strong Men?' Masculinity in the Modern World
What are the challenges facing men today? Former US Army Ranger and philosopher Michael Robillard looks at the growing sense of alienation felt by men and how to find a sense of belonging.
The Perpetual Curse of the Warrior Mindset
“We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive.” ~Albert Einstein
Identity Politiks: When Grievance Gets Weaponized
Let me admit, I grow weary of hearing gripes and grievances. I don’t say this to somehow deny atrocities that have been committed against people in the past nor am I blind to injustices that continue to be perpetuated in the present. Yet there is a big difference between...
Shootings Are the Symptoms of an American Disease
A gun problem, a shooter problem, a racism problem, a mental health problem, a human problem. A violence problem. Violence. It’s not just a bullet or a knife. It’s an infection That permeates through people, relationships and society. Imagine: You’re bullied by a boss, it...
Is Toxic Masculinity a Mask for Anxiety?
What is it that makes so many boys grow up to believe that sex is theirs for the taking?
Reflections From a Walk With a White Identitarian
In response to past essays I’ve written on identity politics, I’ve been asked to provide a deeper analysis of how identity politics function outside the liberal politics I have so far focused on. For the most part–likely owing to the divisiveness so present in this country–my...
The Left's Problem Isn't Politics—It's Metaphysics
How can liberals and progressives learn to feel differently about identity?
We Are Not Black
What you are going to read in the next couple of minutes is a disavowal of a word that has been used to literally tar and belittle people from a continent we now refer to as Africa. This word I’m alluding to is “black”, a word that was never, ever ours and a label foisted...
Daniel Quinn: a Return to Tribalism?
Daniel Quinn is an observer of the failure of modern civilization and an advocate of a return to tribal values. He explores this in his book Beyond Civilization: Humanity Next Great Adventure.
Hold Your Tongue and Offer Your Heart Instead
When my mom was dying of cancer, I occasionally got messages from well-meaning people who wanted to offer what they thought was valuable information about how mom could cure her cancer. Eat raw food, take more vitamin C, stop drinking milk – all of those suggestions and more...
Cultural Appropriation, White Purity and ‘Woke’ Nationalism
While a White Nationalist claims that doing non-white things is tainting the race, the social justice activist claims that doing non-white things is theft. The end result is the same: a pure, untainted, culturally-distinct white race. White Nationalism and Woke Nationalism...
Reading the Right - Volume 2: Cultural Marxism
Forever Jameses examines, in extraordinary detail, the origin of the term "Cultural Marxism." Sources
Trumpland: Kill All Normies
Fusion teams up with “Kill All Normies” author Angela Nagle to examine the social and political forces that have emboldened white nationalists in the age of Trump, in this follow-up to the Emmy-nominated documentary: The Naked Truth-Trumpland.
How to Build a Progressive Movement in a Polarized Country
Whether it’s assault rifles, racial justice, immigration or fossil fuels, the country is rocked by conflicting narratives and rising passions. In a recent national poll, 70 percent of Americans say the political divide is at least as big as during the Vietnam War.
Exiting the Vampire Castle
We need to learn, or re-learn, how to build comradeship and solidarity instead of doing capital’s work for it by condemning and abusing each other. This doesn’t mean, of course, that we must always agree – on the contrary, we must create conditions where disagreement can take...
How to Change the Course of Human History
(at least, the part that's already happened)
National Identity Is Made Up
Nationality feels powerful, especially today. But the idea of identifying with millions of strangers just based on borders is relatively new. The Interpreter explains why it was invented — and how it changed the world.
How The "Cultural Marxism" Conspiracy Theory Became the Far-Right's Scapegoat
“A specter is haunting Youtube — the specter of Cultural Marxism!"
Kill All Normies: The End of the Culture War?
This video takes a look at the alt-right through the lens of Angela Nagle's new book "Kill All Normies" and calls for the end of the culture war.
Zero Books: Why We Should Engage with Conservative Rebels
Too often the left fails to engage with conservative critics of modernity and this failure allows right-wing tropes and concepts to go unchallenged. For instance, if only the right will address the way social alienation creates a sense of meaninglessness and instability, then...
Prof. Robert Sapolsky - The Neuroscience Behind Behavior
Robert Sapolsky is an American neuroendocrinologist and author. He is currently a professor of biology, and professor of neurology and neurological sciences and, by courtesy, neurosurgery, at Stanford University. Recorded: May 2017
I Love Being a Woman - How to Live Our Erotic Truth
Around the world, women are searching for a feminine power they can affirm with self-confidence. This search is particularly delicate in sexuality, given the long history of violence and abuse continuing to this day. Yet, here’s exactly where the true revolution needs to take...
How Can We Stop America's Deadly Epidemic of Loneliness?
We are all so much together, but we are all dying of loneliness. —Albert Schweitzer Loneliness is a political issue—at least, it should be. Loneliness and isolation are killing us. Lest you think this is metaphoric, the statistics are chilling. In a study funded by the...
Radical Kindness Is Liberating
A few years ago, Maria Popova wrote an article on how to criticize with kindness, based on the work of philosopher Daniel Dennett. 
The Neurobiology of Love and Relationships
How does the Brain Respond to Love? Love has an intoxicating effect on us and understanding this mysterious effect from a scientific perspective may help us navigate relationships with a little more clarity. Meditation, self-awareness and good communication skills are...
It Will Take a Political Revolution to Cure the Epidemic of Depression
What causes depression and anxiety? I have been a practicing psychologist and psychoanalyst for almost 40 years and have seen hundreds of patients suffering from both. In my experience, some factors are obvious. People who suffer from depression and anxiety have experienced...
Situational Assessment: What We Must Learn from 2016 to Win The Battle of Ideas
In 2015, I took a swing at assessing the shape and state of our global challenges. Looking back, that essay is still well worth a read, but it is high time for an update. While many things have changed in the world in
"A Glitch in the Matrix" - Jordan Peterson, the Intellectual Dark Web & the Mainstream Media
David Fuller: “A Glitch in the Matrix" is about the relationship between truth and reality, the ideological blind spots of the mainstream media and the existential threat of polarisation — all seen through the lens of Jordan Peterson’s recent viral interview with Cathy Newman...
Race Traitors Wanted: Apply Within
A Review of David Gilbert's 'Looking at the U.S. White Working Class Historically'
A Surprising Strategy to Combat Hateful Ideologies: Offer Them More of What They Truly Want
Lately, I've been interested in exploring how we can apply this strategy to combatting white supremacy and other harmful, extremist and violent ideologies. Obviously, the goal would not be to show them how following us will help them create a white ethnostate; it would be to...
A New Story of Masculinity - Rafia Morgan and Alexander Bard
So I took my camera to the Nordic Men's Gathering... to capture the birth of what is being called Men's Movement 2.0. This is a brilliant discussion between two people I am proud to call friends and mentors - Rafia Morgan and Alexander Bard. - 
Exposing Liberal Hypocrisy and Conservative Close-Mindedness - Van Jones
The amount of political disagreement in the nation is matched only by righteous indignation. But in order to disagree without disrespecting each other, we need to look hard at our own positions, and Van Jones does just that.
Meet Me In Hard-to-Love Places: The Heart and Science of Relationship Success
This is the introduction to Eric Bower's book, Meet Me In Hard-to-Love Places. To build successful relationships, it is essential to address the pain and emotional wounds that you carry from past relationships, particularly from your childhood relationships with
My Son Was a Columbine Shooter. This is My Story.
Sue Klebold is the mother of Dylan Klebold, one of the two shooters who committed the Columbine High School massacre, murdering 12 students and 1 teacher. She's spent years excavating every detail of her family life, trying to understand what she could have done to prevent...
Don't Stand By: An Inspiring Film Putting An End To Harassment
This uplifting spoken word film has an important message for bystanders about how we all have the power to shape the culture around us. Let’s all do our part to put an end to harassment and stand up for each other. Written, Performed & Directed by Gary Turk.
Arkan Lushwala Shares Indigenous Wisdom: The Earth Is Our Mother
Arkan Lushwala has allowed himself to be photographed for the first time ever, so that he could make the video you see here. His message is critical for us, human creatures of the Earth. Powerful and intelligent as we are, we sometimes consider ourselves the rulers of all...
Afro.Germany: Being Black and German
Black and German: news anchor Jana Pareigis has spent her entire life being asked about her skin color. What is it like to be black in Germany? What needs to change? “Where are you from?”
Are Dead Children the Price of Freedom?
The most common question asked on this side of the Atlantic is: “Why can’t they see what these weapons are doing to their country?”
The Complex History of 'In God We Trust'
In his address to the National Prayer Breakfast on the morning of Feb. 8, President Donald Trump emphasized the centrality of faith in American life. After describing the country as a “nation of believers,” Trump reminded his audience that American currenc
The Staging Post: Courageous People Never Give Up!
The Staging Post follows two Afghan Hazara refugees, Muzafar and Khadim. Stuck in Indonesia after Australia 'stopped the boats' and facing many years in limbo, they built a community and started the school which inspired a refugee education revolution.
“F*ck You, I Like Guns.”
America, can we talk? Let’s just cut the shit for once and actually talk about what’s going on without blustering and pretending we’re actually doing a good job at adulting as a country right now. We’re not. We’re really screwing this whole society thing up, and we have to do...
How Accepting Death Makes Life Richer
By accepting death, we can enjoy life more.
Visit the Island Run by Women
On the little island of Kihnu, seven miles off the coast of Estonia, women run the show. The island still functions as one of the last matriarchal societies left in the world. Historically, Kihnu’s men spend most of the year fishing at sea in order to provide for their...
What Is Evil? – 8-Bit Philosophy
Reminder: blind allegiance to authority is responsible for some of humanity's most evil actions.
Liberated: The New Sexual Revolution
Liberated: The New Sexual Revolution is a documentary about coming of age in today’s young adult hookup culture. Following the journey of college students on Spring Break, the film provides shocking insight into attitudes and behaviors regarding sex, the normalization of...
How To Be A Man
The idea of manliness has grown indelibly associated with the idea of being cool. We’d be wiser to shift the masculine ideal towards a new idea: warmth. 
Oh Wonder - All We Do
"We believe that everyone is equal. We are all human. We all deserve the world. And we can build that equality by sharing what love, knowledge and magic we have, with others. So we reached out to filmmakers and artists around the world and asked them, “What does it mean to be...
In Focus
Dombrowski's project 'Tropic Ice' focuses on educating people about the effects of climate change on all continents through her beautiful photographs. "They understood it completely what I wanted to say"
5 Reasons “White Pride” is Always Racist
History tells us “whiteness” has always been a construct used to exclude certain groups from equal rights
How To Choose A Partner Wisely
We’re given very little guidance on how to choose our partners and tend to leave it to that mysterious force we know as ‘instinct’. However, it truly pays to be a little more rational in this area and work out how our instincts operate and why they push us towards some people...