61-120 of 1,481
Frederick Douglass: “To Suppress Free Speech Is a Double Wrong."
“To suppress free speech is a double wrong. It violates the rights of the hearer as well as those of the speaker.” - Frederick Douglass
The Universal Christ | Richard Rohr
This hour-long video provides a deeper exploration into the Universal Christ. Father Richard Rohr delivers a framework for reading Scripture and understanding church history that demonstrates how these ideas have been a part of the Christian tradition since the beginning.
Cultural Relativism and the Importance of Anthropology in the Modern Age | Wade Davis
Bestselling author and anthropologist Wade Davis addresses The Royal Canadian Geographical Society's 2017 College of Fellows dinner, held November 16, 2017 at the Canadian Museum of History.
Capitalism Has Hijacked Christmas for Profit. We Need to Reclaim Its Humanitarian Origins.
In this video essay, I look at why we need a war on capitalist Christmas. Specifically, I look at the history of how capitalism stole Christmas, and how we might be able to steal it back. Christmas wasn't always a holiday of private gift-giving, it used to be based in public...
The Worldwide Web of Belief and Ritual | Wade Davis
Anthropologist Wade Davis muses on the worldwide web of belief and ritual that makes us human. He shares breathtaking photos and stories of the Elder Brothers, a group of Sierra Nevada indians whose spiritual practice holds the world in balance.
The Genderbread Person Isn't the Way | Zander Keig
I grew up in what I felt like was a progressive society.In school we had broken through the idea of strict gender roles; we were taught that men and women could have any career that they wanted. On the playground boys and girls played together. I am a trans-man, but as a...
The Force That Drives Our Civilization | Charles Eisenstein
Charles Eisenstein explains how the time has come for us to re-examine the stories that we believe about ourselves in relationship with all life. When we are able to do this well, we will understand how to make better decisions that do not cause damage and destruction to the...
To Be At Home In The World | Charles Eisenstein
A meditative, absorbing, intricately-edited short film about the crisis of belonging, the high price of progress, and the return journey home, as told by author/philosopher Charles Eisenstein.
Feminine Power Does Not Move the World Through Force
It Tethers the Masculine Powers to Life, Directs them Toward Love, and Keeps Them Grounded in Beauty.
How To Handle Our Inner Cynicism | Mr Rogers
I didn't know much about Mister Rogers nor his classic show "Mister Rogers' Neighbourhood" until I saw the Tom Hanks film, A Beautiful Day In The Neighbourhood. Here's my thoughts on what it can teach us about the inner cynicism that we all fall prey to from time to time.
Frog and Toad: The Philosophy of Simple Living
In this video, I chat about the 1970s children’s book series Frog and Toad—written and illustrated by Arnold Lobel—including its helpful/wholesome themes and why it’s so cozy and memorable. - Quality Culture
The Case for Elderhood in a Time of Trouble
In his landmark provocative style, Stephen Jenkinson makes the case that we must birth a new generation of elders, one poised and willing to be true stewards of the planet and its species. Come of Age does not offer tips on how to be a better senior citizen or how to be...
The Healthy Masculinity of Ted Lasso | A Therapist Explains
A videoessay breaking down the masculinity in the apple tv show Ted Lasso, starring Jason Sudekis as a football coach. This analysis considers the healthy masculinity of characters such as Roy Kent, the developing masculinity of Jamie Tartt, as well as touching on the toxic...
Brotherhood is the Medicine: How Men are Reclaiming a Masculinity in Service to Life
I learned something important about myself at an event last month, the annual convergence of a men’s organization called the Sacred Sons. Though I was there as a speaker, I decided to experience it from the vantage point of a participant as well. That is how I found myself in...
Why It's So Hard To Imagine Life After Capitalism
There's a common expression, "it's easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism." When the current economic model is seen more as an immutable force of nature than a system created by humans in the recent past, it becomes much harder to imagine actually...
Anthropologist Debunks Darwin’s Most Abused Idea | James Suzman
James Suzman lived with a tribe of hunter-gatherers to witness how an ancient culture survives one of the most brutal climates on Earth. His learnings may surprise you. 
Why Everyone Needs to Watch Inhabitants: Indigenous Perspectives for a Regenerative Future
Inhabitants is an inspiring documentary about the work many of our indigenous relatives are doing today to restore our world.
Jon Stewart On The Problem with Antisemitic Rhetoric and How Our Culture Talks about It
Jon Stewart gives his thoughtful take on the controversies surrounding Chappelle, Irving and West, and the impact of antisemitic rhetoric.
The Crisis of the Cultural Environment: Media & Democracy in the 21st Century
Turning to issues of media policy, George Gerbner delivers a stinging indictment of the way the so-called "information superhighway" is being constructed. By examining the logic of globalization he shows the ineffectual nature of our present responses to deal with the urgent...
Freedom of Expression: Resistance & Repression in the Age of Intellectual Property
In 1998, university professor Kembrew McLeod (Associate Professor of Communication Studies at the University of Iowa) made headlines when he successfully trademarked the phrase "freedom of expression" to call attention to the extremes of intellectual property law. But in the...
Dysfunctional Societies: How Equality Makes Societies Stronger
What distinguishing feature do the world's healthiest and happiest societies have in common? According to acclaimed author Richard Wilkinson, the answer is simple: they have far less income inequality than other societies. In this new film based on his international...
Twenty Media Education Foundation Documentaries Are Coming to Films for Action!
Hi all. I'm thrilled to announce a new partnership with the legendary nonprofit film studio, the Media Education Foundation.
What Activists Can Too Easily Forget
Activism today, call it engaged citizenship, ought to have more humility than it often does, and perhaps a bit more compassion and curiosity, too. No matter how great our understanding, we'll always have something valuable to teach and something valuable to learn.
Nonviolence Means... a Visionary Poster Series by Campaign Nonviolence & Rosie Davila
In all 50 states and around the world, Campaign Nonviolence has been building a culture of active nonviolence, free from war, poverty, racism, and environmental destruction. We share skills and tools with which people can practice nonviolence toward themselves, one another...
Advertising & The End of The World
Advertising & the End of the World features an illustrated presentation by Sut Jhally of the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Growing Pains: the Ecological Cost of an Insatiable Economy
'Growing Pains'  is the title for a short edit (47min) of the award-winning documentary 'System Error'. A look at the global and political obsession with economic growth and the ecological and humanitarian consequences.
Behind the Shield: The Power & Politics of the NFL
Acclaimed journalist Dave Zirin of The Nation magazine tackles the politics of manhood, militarism, nationalism, and race in the NFL, America's most popular and influential sports league. ________________
The Myth of Normal: Dr. Gabor Maté on Trauma, Illness and Healing in a Toxic Culture
In an extended interview, acclaimed physician and author Dr. Gabor Maté discusses his new book, just out, called "The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture."
Music, Culture & Race | Greg Thomas
Greg Thomas is a passionate cultural commentator on the topic of race, and the history of black America, particularly related to musical history. In this conversation with Rebel Wisdom's David Fuller they talk about the contribution of black American music, misconceptions...
Feminine Wisdom | Schuyler Brown & Samantha Sweetwater
Many people have observed that the conversation we have been curating on Rebel Wisdom has featured many more men than women. Of course we have regularly been asking ourselves why that is, and whether there is a more ‘feminine’ contribution to the dialogue that is not being...
Psychedelia: The History and Science of Mystical Experience
Psychedelia takes viewers on a journey through the origins and resurgence of psychedelic research, exploring the profound, life-altering effects of these compounds in both the therapeutic setting and the world at large.
Politics are Polarized, But Not for the Reason You Think | Robert Reich
In the last 50 years, Robert Reich has moved further to the left of center without changing his political views at all. How? The right has moved dangerously close to fascism. 
Our Consumer Society
This documentary explores our consumer society, looking at the history, philosophy, psychology, and sociology of what consumerism really means.
Stephen Jenkinson | Still
This piece of poetry was written by Stephen Jenkinson – and recorded and arranged by Gregory Hoskins – for the Campfire Stories film "The Art of Slowing Down Time". In the film, which you can watch here, we only ended up using an excerpt of it, but this is the full poem. The...
Humanity Is Not A Parasite
Misanthropic, borderline ecofash narratives about humanity's relationship with nature have become way too common in discourse about climate change, highlighting the urgent and critical importance of a social ecological approach. 
The Art of Life
A documentary about the art of living outside of conventions, in deep integrity with one's essence. 
Reunion Is Possible When We Put Healing above Victory
I read a story the other day about a couple in Germany. They had enjoyed a harmonious marriage for more than 20 years until the time of Covid, when each adopted beliefs directly opposed to the other. Their arguments became more and more violent, until last year they split up.
Get Back To Your True Self | Dr. Gabor Mate
Dr. Gabor Mate talks about being alienated from people, work, nature, and most importantly from our true selves. Gabor Mate tells us that we need to regain connection with ourselves to be who we truly are.
The Paradox of Busy
Sometimes, when people reach out to me with requests for interviews or writing, they preface the request with, “I know you must be very busy ...”
Don’t Chase Happiness. Become Antifragile | Tal Ben-Shahar
Antifragility is the idea of putting pressure on a system, or human, the system or human actually grows bigger and stronger. Antifragile systems are all around us. One example of this is our muscular system. We go to the gym to lift weights. By doing so we are putting...
Make Me A Man
We are Jerry HYDE, London-based therapist, and Mai HUA, Paris-based film director, and this is our heartfelt contribution to change the culture around masculinity. Please watch it with people you love. The discussions and the shared experience are as important as the movie in...
The Religious Wars of the Pandemic Endgame | Rebel Wisdom
One of the biggest problems with talking about something as vast and impactful as the pandemic is to find the right level of analysis. In this epic piece, Rebel Wisdom looks at the deeper religious and theological forces playing out below the surface of our day-to-day...
Electronic Awakening
The film ELECTRONIC AWAKENING offers insight into the inner workings of the brain and its metaphysical connection to the repetitive beats that create a sense of oneness, unity and freedom on the dance floor.
Dozer's Pet Diesel
During the production of a documentary about dogs, a secret is uncovered that puts humans back in their place, with nature.
Tribes and Trance
Filmmaker Jessica Devnani travels to Tribal Gathering, a “conscious festival” in Panama that combines indigenous knowledge with modern day electronic music. Through speaking with attendees and tribe members, she investigates the connection between ancient and modern cultures...
A Temple of This Earth: Moving Beyond Redemptive Violence
(This essay is the final installment of a series. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3,
One Body One Heart
It can come at any time - a life threatening diagnosis that suddenly makes death real. As he confronts cancer of the pancreas, Bob Gunn draws upon his experience and practice as a psychotherapist, a Christian minister and a Zen priest to illuminate a way through that perilous...
GIFT: The Imagination Creates the Future
Inspired by Lewis Hyde’s beloved classic “The Gift: Creativity and the Artist in the Modern World”, GIFT is a tribute to something that can’t be measured or counted, bought or sold. An intimate exploration of real-life gift economies, it’s a reflection on the creative...
All the Time in the World: Disconnecting to Reconnect
Three kids, ages 10, 8 and 5, spend nine months self-isolating with their family in the Yukon wilderness over a long northern winter. Small cabin, no friends, no internet, no phone, no electricity. For nine months they never once said “I’m bored”. Find out why. All The Time...
The Surprising Untold Story of Scotland's Dying Ships | A Plastic Crisis
Fishing ships in Scotland are at an all time low and so are the number of fish. This is the story of their continuing demise and how we can use this as a lesson to solve an even bigger issue: the plastic pollution crisis. It begins with each of us. WWF, Change plastic in...
Fly By Light: A Film about Discovering Your True Nature
Fly By Light is an intimate exploration of young people seeking to overcome the violence in their lives and create a new path for their future by connecting to a world outside their neighborhoods. In Washington, DC, where high school dropout rates average 40%, a group of...
What the F-ck happened to Hip-Hop?
Double Down News asked DMC from Run DMC about Hip Hop today, and he didn't hold back.
Bison Nation: Walking Sacred Sites
We are still here. This is our story, the story of the bison, who inhabit the Northern Hemisphere. You might also know us as buffalo, tatanka, zubr, wisent, basha, Inii, ethanon, tatanga, Wisent... It is a comical story, because sometimes we are caught in politics...
Powerful Christian Nationalists in Military See Trump as Vehicle for Authoritarian Religious State
Christian fundamentalist nationalists in the senior ranks of the military, see Trump as an instrument of God’s plan to create an authoritarian Christian state. The military allows active proselytizing and recruitment of soldiers, contrary to the constitutional separation of...
A Plague of Gods: Cultural Appropriation and the Resurgent Left Sacred
A little over six years ago now, I received a demand which asked me to use my influence and this publishing platform to help denounce someone. I read the demand with curiosity and a bit of worry. The message stated in rather vague language that the sender had been asked by...
Dancing With The Cannibal Giant: New Stories for the Great Transition
"When today's stories of crushing greed and endless growth have come to an end, what, then, will be the new stories?" This film was created as an educational tool that can be used to move us beyond disempowerment, in order to enact real change in a changing world. Chris...
How The World Went Mad - Animated Docuseries
How the World Went Mad is a five-part animated docuseries that combines satire and science to explore the wave of political insanity sweeping the globe.
Regenerative Cultures and Economies of Place | Daniel Christian Wahl
Daniel Christian Wahl, speaking live from Beyond The Great Reset: The Systems Change Summit, May 2021