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Why Government is More Afraid of Debt than Depression
University of Missouri Kansas City economics professor Michael Hudson compares the behavior of Wall Street to a parasite on the U.S. economy.
The Economics of Revolution & Universal Basic Income
In tonight's "Conversations with Great Minds" Thom talks with Journalist David DeGraw, author of the upcoming book "The Economics of Revolution."
Capitalism and Other Kids' Stuff
Capitalism and Other Kids' Stuff powerfully debunks the myth that a so-called immutable 'human-nature' prevents our transition to a society of abundance and free-access for all.
Conventional Economics Is A Form Of Brain Damage | David Suzuki
An "externality" is an effect of an industry whose costs are born by society, rather than by the company. Cancer is an externality of the tobacco industry. Climate change is an externality of the fossil fuel and animal agriculture industries. Water pollution is an externality...
Share This With Your Governor: 12 Ideas for How States Can Respond to the Covid-19 Crisis
Everyone knows that the three, multi-trillion-dollar stimulus bills passed by Congress fall way short.  For most local businesses—the lifeblood of our economy—these bills offer too little relief, too late.  I’m hopeful though that the states (and maybe, in some places...
Doug Casey on Why Millennials Favor Communism
Justin’s note: Communism is better than capitalism.
What Love Is
Love is a strange and beautiful thing. But we often put provisions on love - we attach it to how others are acting, to circumstances and emotions. But what would the world be like if we stopped looking to get something in return, and just loved unconditionally, for the...
BHUTAN, the country of the THUNDER DRAGON - VisualPolitik EN
This video is sponsored by Newsvoice. Download Newsvoice for free: Let’s fix the news. Together. Bhutan is one of the least known and most isolated countries in the world, not only geographically, but more importantly, politically, and...
Resilience: What Makes the Soul Strong
Around one billion people struggle with stress-related illness globally - and that figure is rising. What protects those with good mental health? Is their resilience innate? Or is the ability to withstand chronic stress and crisis something that can be learned? In the search...
The Amazon Changers - Cook to Empower
The film team follows an extraordinary project for peace and empowerment – a ferry with a cooking school for indigenous communities on the Rio Napo in the heart of Ecuador’s Amazon forest. The goal of the film's main protagonist David Höner, founder of the Swiss NGO «Cuisine...
What the Economic Crisis Really Means, and What We Can Do About It
Doing It Ourselves aims to broaden understanding of the debt crisis and peak resources and encourage action for the sake of personal preparedness, happiness and ethical living. This animation sums up the key challenges facing our global society of credit crisis and...
Miss Representation
Miss Representation is a powerful film that exposes damaging, sexist media messages that inhibit young women’s happiness, ambition, and leadership.
Surplus - Terrorized into Being Consumers
Why is the lifestyle of consumerism a source of such rage today? How come the privilege of buying goods does not automatically lead to happiness? Why all this emptiness despite our wealth?
The 'Climate Swerve' Didn't Just happen
In last week’s Sunday Review, psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton praised the “climate swerve” — a deep and dramatic shift in public opinion on the climate crisis. The shift is, as Lifton rightly states, “a major historical change in consciousness that is neither predictable nor...
Can We Talk About Sustainability Without Talking About Religion and Spirituality?
It would seem that there are certain strands of thought within many religions that are highly unsustainable, for the health of individuals as well society and the planet as a whole. See this trailer for Holy Wars, as an illustration:
Stepping Into The Fire
'STEPPING INTO THE FIRE' is a feature length documentary that tells the story of a seemingly successful man living an unfulfilling life and his journey towards truth and happiness.What if the thoughts, values and philosophies that guided our lives were at the root of our...
Sun of the Andes of the Aymaras and the Quechuas, Rain from heaven, flight of condors, When I see you again my hair will be like the Antisana Taita Inti, Pachamama, I am your son, On my knees I implore you for my happiness.
‘World’s Happiest Man’ Has A Plea: Treat Animals With Compassion
Tibetan Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard is asking for people to be more compassionate toward animals. 
Films for Action University: a Map for Navigating the Transition From Empire to Earth Community
This collection of 122 documentaries is a map for navigating the 21st century. It is guided by the premise that we are facing a planetary emergency, and the primary role of schools today should be to prepare students to become active participants in designing the transition...
Money Can't Buy Life
The Economic Enigma of Money vs Life: [A Social Value Disorder]