1-60 of 200 results
Economic globalization has led to a massive expansion in the scale and power of big business and banking. It has also worsened nearly every problem we face: fundamentalism and ethnic conflict; climate chaos and species extinction; financial instability and unemployment. There...
65 min · 388,481 views · 4.8 stars
This is a shortened version of the award-winning feature-length documentary film, The Economics of Happiness. Cut down from 68 minutes to less than 20, it provides an introduction to the concept of localization - a systemic alternative to corporate capitalism - and shows how...
19 min · 40,391 views · 4.9 stars
Transition Sarasota · 5,033 views · 5 stars
The Economics of Happiness Workshop and Toolkit is a do-it-yourself tool for activists and others that want to kick-start effective global-to-local action in their area or within an existing group.
Local Futures ·
632 views · 4.5 stars
This is Charles Eisenstein's plenary talk at Local Futures/ISEC's Economics of Happiness conference held in Byron Bay, Australia in March 2013. Charles is the author of The Yoga of Eating, The Ascent of Humanity and Sacred Economics.
Note: The audio improves at the 0:50...
13 min · 551 views · unrated
There’s no doubt that the U.S. culture is famous for its promises of happiness. As age-old as the idea of the “American dream” is the idea that working hard and making money to create the life you want will lead you to happiness and bliss. It’s made painfully obvious in...
Jennifer Kongs · 9,741 views · 5 stars
Good food is key to our survival and well-being. Eating local food is a powerful solution-multiplier — it reduces our carbon footprint, pollution, and waste, while creating dignified livelihood opportunities, strengthening communities and local economies, and strengthening...
Local Futures · 19,161 views · 4.5 stars
Russell Brand - The Trews Economics of Happiness
14 min · 127 views · unrated
One no, many yeses. Look to join and grow the movement for localization where you live.
7 min · 17,054 views · 4.6 stars
An edited sequence for our documentary The Economics of Happiness that ultimately did not make it into the film. It offers a critical look at modern schooling in both the global North and South. With Vandana Shjiva, Manish Jain (Coordinator of the Indian NGO Shikshantar)...
2 min · 2,608 views · unrated
This is Richard Heinberg's plenary talk at Local Futures/ISEC's Economics of Happiness conference, held in Berkeley, California in March, 2012. Richard is a Fellow with the Post Carbon Institute, and the author of numerous books, including "Peak Everything" and "The End of...
12 min · 207 views · unrated
Helena Norberg-Hodge's plenary talk at Local Futures/ISEC's Economics of Happiness Conference, Berkeley, California, March 2012. For more information about the work of Local Futures/ISEC, go to
29 min · 1,845 views · unrated
Our present moment is saturated in dystopian, apocalyptic fantasies of the future.
Films For Action ·
202,519 views · 5 stars
Bayo Akomolafe is a researcher, lecturer and author, as well as Coordinator of the International Alliance for Localization. This is his plenary talk at the Economics of Happiness conference, held in Portland, Oregon, in February 2015. The conference was organized by Local...
23 min · 526 views · 4 stars
This is a clip from The Economics of Happiness. Watch it here (skip to the 10-minute mark to pick up where this clip ends)
9 min · 86,746 views · 4.3 stars
Capitalism thrives on profiting from crisis—it sold us lies about cigarettes, sugar, and opioids, and now it's doing the same with climate change. Fake solutions and disinformation aren't accidents; they're the business model.
Tim Hjersted ·
404 views · unrated
Ever since the Brexit referendum was first announced, we have been bombarded by an array of starkly contradictory pronouncements – from the Leave camp’s now infamous claim that withdrawal from the EU would release £350 million a week for the NHS to the former Chancellor...
Helena Norberg-Hodge · 6,598 views · 4.2 stars
Helena Norberg-Hodge, speaking live from Beyond The Great Reset: The Systems Change Summit, May 2021
49 min · 2,843 views · 3 stars
After COVID-19, we can return to stressful disconnected lives and climate catastrophe or we can slow down, scale down and rebuild our connections to each other and to the Earth. On June 21, we hosted an inspiring online festival of ideas and inspiration in celebration of...
259 min · 845 views · unrated
Despite the countless grassroots projects already under way, the global economic juggernaut can seem too powerful to stop. But because more and more of us are becoming aware of how disastrous the global economy is for people and the planet, I believe that the chances for...
Helena Norberg-Hodge · 15,837 views · 5 stars
What economic system designs, out of all conceivable ones, might be among the best at helping us meet real needs?
John Boik, PhD · 575 views · 4 stars
We can do so much better than this.
Tim Hjersted ·
48,762 views · 3.8 stars
"That pollution is bad for our health will come as a surprise to no one. That pollution kills at least 9 million people every year might."
Alex Jensen · 5,897 views · 4 stars
On Globalization and The Costs of Exporting the American Dream
Helena Norberg-Hodge and Steven Gorelick · 15,306 views · 4.2 stars
2011 will likely be remembered in America as the year that the nation's youth finally started to wake up - all that bubbling knowledge of the world's problems, all the discontent and disillusion with our broken system finally burst into a flurry of creative action. Our...
Tim Hjersted ·
40,624 views · 5 stars
After COVID-19, we can return to stressful disconnected lives and climate catastrophe or we can slow down, scale down and rebuild our connections to each other and to the Earth. On June 21, we hosted an inspiring online festival of ideas and inspiration in celebration of...
115 min · 2,794 views · unrated
Separated Interbeings is a film collage of our diverse and complex world caught on camera, creatively put together to open deeper perspectives and insights on the world we live in.
900 min · 1,945 views · 5 stars
Questioning the pro-digital consensus
Steven Gorelick · 910 views · unrated
The organic food movement suffered a major setback recently, when the US National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) voted in favor of allowing hydroponically-grown products to receive the “organic” label. This decision should not have come as a surprise to those who have watched...
Francis Thicke, with an introduction by Steven Gorelick · 244 views · unrated
By redistributing economic and political power from corporate monopolies to millions of small businesses, localization has the power to revitalize the democratic process, re-rooting political power in community.
Helena Norberg-Hodge · 11,923 views · 5 stars
I live across a small stream from an ancient rainforest in Wayanad, Kerala. It has a constancy that’s baffling, appearing more or less the same to me for all the years I’ve been here. The forest sustains. As do you and I. Tangled beings brought together by strange and...
Suprabha Seshan · 904 views · 4 stars
Why infinite growth on a finite planet is impossible, and why the alternative can actually be beautiful.
Jason Hickel · 5,832 views · 4 stars
Shifting away from an emphasis on global economic growth toward local economies provides a means to increase meaningful employment, shrink the gap between rich and poor, and tackle climate change.
Helena Norberg-Hodge · 7,123 views · 4.3 stars
Most people – even many of those who support small farms and eat organic food – believe that there’s no way to feed the global population without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, fossil fuels, biotechnology, heavy equipment, and the rest of the agribusiness ars
Steven Gorelick · 8,591 views · 4 stars
The modern 'throwaway culture' was born in response to the needs of industrial capital. To move beyond it, we must rediscover the beauty of repair.
Steven Gorelick · 10,539 views · 3.8 stars
Among climate change activists, solutions usually center on a transition to renewable energy. There may be differences over whether this would be best accomplished by a carbon tax, bigger subsidies for wind and solar power, divestment from fossil fuel companies, massive...
Steven Gorelick · 14,745 views · 5 stars
Our food system is linked to an economic system that is fundamentally biased against what’s good for people and the planet.
Helena Norberg-Hodge · 5,932 views · 4 stars
A recent discussion forum among the members of The Great Transition Network focused on “The Promise and Pitfalls of Localism.” My friend and colleague Brian Tokar started the discussion by noting that even though there is a resurgence of progressive action at the local level...
Helena Norberg-Hodge · 7,819 views · 5 stars
Thirty years ago, a friend of mine published a book called 50 Simple Things You Can Do to Save The Earth. It described the huge environmental benefits that would result if everyone made some simple adjustments to their way of life. Six hundred thousand gallons of gas could be...
Steven Gorelick · 7,299 views · 4 stars
“The collapse of our civilisations and the extinction of much of the natural world is on the horizon.” – David Attenborough
Edward Fullbrook · 1,887 views · 5 stars
"Love is the felt experience of connection to another being. An economist says 'more for you is less for me.' But the lover knows that more of you is more for me too. If you love somebody their happiness is your happiness. Their pain is your pain. Your sense of self expands...
4 min · 36,246 views · 5 stars
What does it mean to be happy in a modern consumer society? John F Schumaker argues that our entire socio-economic system is designed to spew out citizens eternally in search of satisfaction.
John Schumaker · 6,062 views · 5 stars
Advertising & the End of the World features an illustrated presentation by Sut Jhally of the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
47 min · 4,301 views · unrated
"The consumer society - it's hyperindividualism - and hyperindividualism is a form of disempowerment, and they know it. So you get to express your personal identity, while you are being stripped of collective power. And the elites are not going to go without a fight. Look at...
9 min · 5,395 views · 5 stars
People often think that a certain level of inequality is normal in our societies, says the social geographer Danny Dorling. But the gap between the superrich and the rest of us has widened dramatically in the past 12 months. The author of a number of books including...
Danny Dorling · 3,458 views · 4.5 stars
In December of 2019, my best friend Kit took me and my partner to the place where she grew up, in the remote Thora Valley, in the pristine forested foothills of Eastern Australia’s Great Dividing Range. As we drove down Darkwood, the single road into the Thora, Kit told us...
Henry Coleman ·
2,301 views · 5 stars
When orthodox economists first encounter the idea of degrowth, they often jump to the conclusion that the objective is to reduce GDP. And because they see GDP as equivalent to social wealth, this makes them very upset.
Jason Hickel · 32,089 views · 4.4 stars
A taste of the upcoming feature documentary, Occupy Love. This is a community funded film. We are in the LAST WEEK of our crowd funding campaign at Please check it out! We can't do it without you... \"Love is the felt experience of... · 2,924 views · unrated
The economy is much more than a series of transactions: It’s about our relationships, who and what we think we are, and our view on the meaning of life itself. Our current global economy leaves too many of us struggling, and it is harming Earth’s ecosystems.
3 min · 2,079 views · 4.5 stars
Poverty as we know it is not and has never been the fate of humanity.
Jim Tull · 1,786 views · 4 stars
Important official legal disclaimer: This is a short work of fiction. Any resemblances to real people, people you may know, people you think you may know, etc., is entirely deliberate.
John Savage · 1,108 views · 5 stars
Here at Adbusters, we see three big tactical breakthrough ideas, three metamemes, that have the power to veer this global trainwreck of ours from its date with disaster. Make no mistake, the crash is a brutal world – a barbarian reality. It’s a happening that none of us...
Adbusters · 1,959 views · 4 stars
Instead of fixating on a fight between capitalism and socialism, imagine innovating a future economy that transcends old binaries.
Jason Hickel and Martin Kirk · 39,610 views · 5 stars
An obsession with growth has eclipsed our concern for sustainability, justice and human dignity. But people are not disposable – the value of life lies outside economic development
Vandana Shiva · 3,899 views · unrated
I ran into my friend Rick the other day in a small town near our homes in northern Vermont. He was just coming out of the bookstore, holding a pink plastic bag that, I would soon learn, contained a dozen eggs from his flock of free range hens. After a bit of small talk, Rick...
Steven Gorelick · 7,454 views · 5 stars
This series of 'Short Take' interviews offer sneak peaks of characters from the upcoming documentary film "Final Straw," a film about food, earth, and happiness. This time around, we talk with Kristyn Leach, the resident farmer for Namu Gaji restaurant in San Francisco. In...
2 min · 938 views · unrated
And why you might actually enjoy it.
Samuel Alexander · 209 views · unrated
Do you sometimes feel that the world around you is negative? Do you get easily irritated and frustrated, not knowing how to deal with this negativity, and lack the energy needed to keep going in your life? If so, here are some powerful tips that will help you to keep calm, be...
Sofo Archon · 17,111 views · 5 stars
This article was originally published on the Economics of Happiness Blog.
Iishana Artra, PhD · 1,388 views · unrated
An excerpt from a new book by Samuel Alexander and Rupert Read
Samuel Alexander · 4,189 views · unrated