The Theory of Enchantment by Chloé Valdary is a framework that seeks to end polarization in our society by teaching communities how to be in relationship with one another.
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The Three Principles
We are Human Beings Not Political Abstractions
We have forgotten that to be a human being means that we are complex paradoxes, contradictory, messy, and unable to be pidgeon-holed into ready-made boxes or paradigms.
It is this realization that is a critical first step for transformative change.
Criticize to Uplift and Empower, never to Tear Down or Destroy
If we want someone to change, we must believe in their capacity to change.
In other words, if we want someone to change, ultimately, we have to demonstrate that we believe in them. It is by anchoring our criticism in a desire to see another human be successful that changes the interaction for all involved.
Lead with Love and Compassion
This is ultimately the summation of the Theory of Enchantment. When we are aware of the complexity of what it means to be a human being, and the need to criticize in order to bring about flourishing, we are more likely to lead with love and compassion.
This will enrich our relationships and our sense of self in the long-run.