Material Conditions: How to Eliminate Sexism

What would happen if you could end sexism overnight by giving everyone a magic pink pill? Why changing hearts, minds and culture isn’t enough, you need to change the conditions that generate cultural attitudes in order for changing hearts and minds to have a long term effect. 

A thought experiment which gets to the heart of the class reductionism vs. race reductionism debate. 

Crucial things to understand for effective political strategy on almost any issue, with a real "pink pill" example of how post-revolutionary rural China totally failed at fighting patriarchy and male baby preference via education and propaganda campaigns.  - What Is Politics?

Note that at 15:55 I say that there are 114 female births for every 100 males - that was a screw up - the actual stat is 114 males for 100 females! 

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0:00 Intro: Class reductionism vs race reductionism - why do cultural hierarchies exist? 
2:13 Recap: where does patriarchy come from? 
5:29 Thought experiment: the pink pill erases sexism overnight 
14:00 Changing the material/practical conditions: an alternative / concurrent approach to the pink pill. 
14:00 Practical application of focusing on material conditions and practical conditions 
15:11 The real life pink pill: Patriarchy and male baby preference in rural China 
22:40 Chinese counterexamples where patriarchy is weakening or non-existent, and why. How South Korea eliminated it's male baby preference. 
26:43 Materialist proposals to counter rural Chinese male baby preference 
27:54 Practical application of materialist thinking to political problems in industrialized countries - labour and tenant protections. 29:41 Coming up next

Culture   Economics   Gender   Human Rights   Politics   Social Issues
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