Human Resources: Social Engineering In The 20th Century (2010)

Human Resources explores the rise of mechanistic philosophy and the exploitation of human beings under modern hierarchical systems.

Topics covered include behaviorism, scientific management, work-place democracy, schooling, frustration-aggression hypothesis and human experimentation.

Scott Noble releases all of his films online for free, but they do cost a fair bit to produce. If you're able and appreciate his work, consider supporting the production of the filmmaker's next film with a monthly donation on Patreon. 

 “A viscerally overpowering film and at the same time a thoughtful meditation on the human condition.” - Walter A. Davis, Professor Emeritus, Ohio State University

“Brilliant…Riveting…The amount of material the filmmaker covers and unifies is astounding…Human Resources diagnoses the 20th century.” - Stephen Soldz, Professor, Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis; President, Psychologists for Social Responsibility

"Powerful…Must See…It will leave you Spellbound.” - Andrew Goliszek, Author, In the Name of Science: A History of Secret Programs, Medical Research, and Human Experimentation

“An important work…terrifiying in its implications….Human Resources is a must see for those of us who still take democracy seriously.” -  Bruce E. Levine, Author Commonsense Rebellion: Taking Back Your Life from Drugs, Shrinks, Corporations, and a World Gone Crazy

“It scared the shit out of me…A powerful and methodical dissection of the dominant culture.” - Derrick Jensen, Author, Endgame
Culture   Health   Philosophy   Social Issues   War & Peace
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