The leaked Heartland Institute documents proved what most people know to be true anyway – that mainstream climate deniers are secretly funded by industry and will stoop to any level to fight science with spin – even brainwashing children through the k-12 curriculum. As one of the world’s leading climate denial thinktanks, the expose is a serious blow to the objective credibility Heartland claims to have. The whistleblower, environmental analyst Peter Gleick, identified himself a few days ago serving both to confirm the authenticity of the documents and to shift the narrative of the controversy.
But instead of being lauded as a public hero for uncovering the coordinated plot to undermine scientific truth with ideology, he’s being publically shamed by colleagues and critics alike for the deceptive methods he used to obtain the confidential sources – a fake name. He’s been lambasted in the press, threatened with legal action and has even penned a personal apology saying “I deeply regret my own actions in this case. I offer my personal apologies to all those affected.”
Gleick also added that his actions reflected “a serious lapse of my own and professional judgment and ethics,” in case the recantation above isn’t enough for those looking to carve him up.
New York Times author Andrew C. Revkin editorialized that Gleick’s “reputation is in ruins.” The Guardian’s Bob Ward wrote: “acts of deception cannot be condoned” – not those of Heartland, but Gleick.
Is everyone so afraid of climate change deniers, so inundated with the neo-classical even-playing-field ethos between the billionaires who support climate denial and the plebes who write the science, that they’ll turn on a whistleblower to avoid their wrath?
Those who condemn Gleick have drunk too much of the mainstream paradigm. Take a deep breath. Exhale the program and call it what it is. A deceiver was deceived – Heartland was beat at their own game. We should applaud the whistleblower, not hang him out to dry. If we had a hundred more like Gleick we might not be facing the current climate catastrophe we now face.
Climate Change