What If Climate Change Was a Hoax? | Frankly 72

14.8% of Americans do not believe in climate change. Recently, a study mapping a 485-million-year history of Earth’s temperature and CO2 levels has been misinterpreted by some who downplay urgent climate concerns. Their argument suggests that, since the Earth has experienced much higher temperatures and CO2 concentrations in the past, the current rise of a few degrees won’t significantly affect us - and that climate concerns are being over exaggerated. 

What if climate change was, in fact, a “hoax”? What if all of the climate science developed in recent decades was a fraud? Could we then just generally exhale and continue humanity's current economic trajectory unimpeded? Exploring these questions in today’s Frankly, Nate Hagens emphasizes the limited, ‘narrow boundary’ perspective of downplaying the urgency of climate change. 

A more nuanced understanding of ecology reveals that the long-term stability of our planet depends on numerous environmental tipping points, with climate change being just one of them. Even if climate change was a “hoax”, we are still causing accelerating harm to the life support systems of Earth, pushing the biosphere beyond its limits in a way which will profoundly impact our future, even our near term future. 

(Recorded September 22, 2024) 

Show Notes and More: https://www.thegreatsimplification.com/frankly-original/72-what-if-climate-change-was-a-hoax  

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00:00 - Introduction 
01:39 - E.J. Judd Study 
03:35 - Biophysical Footprint 
04:27 - Plastics 
05:40 - Biodiversity 
08:14 - Oceans 
09:59 - Planetary Boundaries 
10:34 - Closing Thoughts

Climate Change   Environment   Media Literacy   Sustainability   The Big Picture
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