This life changing inspirational film explores a 'positive' spiritual perspective regarding the extraordinary significance of 'December 21, 2012' and thereafter. Original Film Title: '2012 Crossing Over: A New Beginning FINAL EDITION.' Understand the bigger picture of all the numerous changes occurring on our earth and individual lives in this mind expanding Internet blockbuster, made in its entirety by ONE filmmaker only, Amel Tresnjic.
“Through the art of film, my aim is to inspire a world of peace, love and harmony for all Earthlings. My method is to produce films of a conscious and moral nature. Films that inform, empower and inspire audiences with untold perspectives on various topics that afflict the world at large! Your support is the key to being able to make such films a reality. If you value my documentary films, spread the word and help Crowd-Fund our many planned film projects.” - Amel Tresnjic
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Plot: Released before DEC-21-2012, this uplifting film explores a 'positive' spiritual perspective regarding the extraordinary significance of 'December 21, 2012' and thereafter. Never before has a date in history been so significant to so many cultures. Why and what does it mean for us? This feature documentary embarks on an esoteric journey that forms a greater understanding of our worlds 'current state' and the awakening of a new wave of consciousness. Furthermore, it provides an empowering message on how every individual can contribute in making our planet a more peaceful and loving place. The film investigates the 2012 phenomenon, the awakening of mankind, the study of 'As above, so below. As within so without,' the 'cycles' of evolution, the fear agenda in the media, the 'secret elite' and their sinister motives, the polarities of love vs fear, the power of choosing love, the study of consciousness and spirituality, the true power of meditation, the essence of life's purpose and much more. This thought provoking and inspirational film is loaded with marvelous revelations of the current times we live in, from exceptional astrologer and teacher Santos Bonacci, spiritual leaders Bud Barber, George Neo and Vamsi Krishna, Yoga devotee Alfred Van Den Bosh and Vedic historian Acintya Govinda Das. It also features appearances of Bill Hicks, George Carlin, Gregg Braden, Alex Jones, David Icke and many more. Understand the bigger picture of all the numerous changes occurring on our earth and individual lives in this mind expanding Internet blockbuster, made in its entirety by ONE filmmaker only, Amel Tresnjic.
"Every $ we spend in this world serves as a vote for a cause. Through the art of film, my aim is to inform, empower and inspire a world of peace, love and harmony for all earthlings! Your support is the key to being able to make that a reality. We are all co-creators in this experience and with every individual choice that we make, we collectively give birth to and shape our future!" - Amel Tresnjic
"As there is no mainstream support, how far the message will travel, depends on you! It is up to each and every one of us to inform, empower and inspire one another. This in turn I believe will inspire a better world. Please help spread the message of love by sharing the following links!" - Amel Tresnjic
Official TRAILER
Official Free FEATURE FILM
Interview with filmmaker Amel Tresnjic