Ecosophia means ecological wisdom in Greek and this documentary explores the meta-crisis and interrelation between energy, the laws of thermodynamics, the economy, resources, exponential growth, climate change, population, psychology and degrowth solutions.
While people fight over whether human-influenced climate change is a fact or conspiracy, that is a distraction from the decline of surplus energy of the finite fossil fuels we extract that make everything else that's vital for a complex civilization of exponential consumption possible.
Directed by Peter C Downey.
Music by Tiella Scampoli.
Featuring Prof Tim Barrett, Stephen Jenkinson, B. Sid Smith, Prof William Rees, Prof Ian Lowe, Morag Gamble, Helena Norberg-Hodge, Prof Stuart Hill, Prof Will Steffen, Prof John Gowdy, Prof William Ophuls, Bobbi Allan, Alnoor Ladha, Whaia Whaea, Mindahi Bastida, Rocky Dawuni, Victor Pires and Randy Hayes.